A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 5 - The Mad Warrior's death
Social Life: YAMETE!
While Cu Chulainn was helping the trio from the future. Seth was slowly approaching the mad Berserker. He was going to give his all in this battle, not as someone who needed to stop all this chaos. But as a warrior who was fighting another warrior.
Berserker roared and dashed forward, in a mere second, he was in front of Seth. He raised his weapon in the air with both hands. Even if he could do it fine with just one, and slashed diagonally at Seth. Said man inclined his body to the side to avoid the hit.
Despite doing his best to evade Berserker's swing, his right shoulder was slashed ever so slightly. Bearing with the pain he went for a stab in the head. But then, Berserker's sword hit the ground making it unstable. Seth lost his footing and instead of impaling the mad warrior's head, he impaled his shoulder.
"My luck sucks as always" Seth couldn't but smile wrily as he retreated just in time to avoid an angry swing from Berserker.
'I can't keep losing time like this. I need to step up the game' He thought as he looked around noticing all the acc.u.mulated dust after Berserker's rampage. Although dust was not sand, they shared the same principle. It was not as easy as controlling sand but he could do something with this.
'He is just fighting on instinct. I don't know if I can trick him but it's worth a try' Thinking till there. Seth raised his spear and hit the ground with as much force as he could, creating a layer of smoke and dust that covered him from Berserker's vision.
The mad warrior roared, ready to charge into the smoke. Just then, "Seth" appeared from the cloud of dust and smoke and run towards Berserker. Said man, angrier than his normal self due to the injuries he sustained, raised his weapon with all the strength he had ready to chop the man in front of him in two.
"Seth" didn't evade, he just kept moving forward, like he had a death wish. When the fast approaching axe-sword collided with his head, he just turned to dust.
After Berserker's weapon struck the ground, another Seth appeared behind the previous one. He climbed the fallen weapon and jumped closer to Berserker's head ready to decapitate him with the blade on the top part of his spear.
What he didn't expect, however. was Berserker letting go of his weapon and doing a movement that modern people would recognize as the classic evade from Matrix. Seth's eyes widened seeing this. Not letting him any time to think, Berserker put his hands on the ground and started a mad spiral of kicks which Seth barely managed to avoid just for him to be sent flying after Berseker's got up and did a spinning kick followed by another one at him.
Fortunately for him, this time he didn't hit a building. It was just his back kissing the ground for a few meters.
Getting up clutching his stomach (He really needed to find a way to equip his armor on) he looked at Berserker incredulously. It would be a lie if he said he was expecting those moves from a mad man that was further tainted with whatever that shadow-like thing was.
'I've got to admit it tho, his moves were cool' Seth praised Berserker's quick reaction inside his mind.
"This is dragging too long, Berserker. Let's end this with one last cross of weapons" Seth said spinning his spear and charging at Berserker who responded in kind.
As their clash drew near, Seth commanded the dust near Berserker's feet solidify as much as possible and making him lose his balance. He didn't try this before because Berserker would just bulldoze it like it wasn't even there. To create something which could trap the mad warrior he would need some time, something he didn't have.
The reason why this option was viable now was simple. He could feel it, Berserker was tired, as much as he was. He could guess that normally, Berserker would be able to fight for many hours, even days. But not in this state. He was just a shadow (no pun intended) of his former self. Besides, all the mad rampage he has done in their almost 2 hours battle would obviously tire him out. Even tho he was the only one attacking most of the time, so in consequence, he didn't waste much energy evading. Each of his hits was done with all his strength. That is a barbaric way of fighting. Good for short battles, bad for large ones.
When Berserker hit the solid dust on his feet, he bypassed it. As much as tired as he was, his strength was abysmal as always. But Seth got what he wanted. Even if slightly, Berserker lost his balance, his hit barely missing Seth's head.
"THIS IS THE END, BERSERKER!" Seth screamed as he slashed horizontally with his spear, creating a large wound on Berserker's neck. Not yet finished, with his back facing him, he spun his spear and stabbed his back. The spear entered the body of the now kneeling Berserker and escaped from his front.
"Rest in pace, mad warrior. If there is a chance, let's fight again" Seth said, still not looking at him.
"I normally don't like doing this, but if Cu Chulainn and I are going to fight Saber, I will need to be at top condition" After Seth finished speaking, his spear glowed with gold-brown light, the dark motes of light that were being released from Berserker's body to the sky came to a halt. With a slight pause, the specs of light started going to Seth's body.
Something strange happened, all his wounds and bruises from his fight with Berserker were being healed as Seth absorbed the motes of light, slowly restoring him to his peak condition.
Finally looking at where Berserker's body used to be, he sighed. Taking the stone Cu gave him, he started pointing it to random directions until it started to glow in a particular direction. Having confirmed his general destination. Seth set to meet Cu once again.
Meanwhile in Caster's side. He just helped the trio to defeat Lancer and Assassin. 'This certainly was a walk in the park' Cu thought, happy that he eliminated two servants, and disappointed they were so weak. 'Life is sure full of conflicted emotions' He couldn't help but sigh internally.
The little girl with the shield approached him slowly, he didn't know if she was nervous or just cautious. "Um, excuse me...thank you very much, for saving us from danger..." the pink-haired girl said with a little timidness.
"Hey, good work. You don't owe me for this, so don't worry about it." He said. After all, he could see a good spectacle. Cu then added. "You should be more worried about your body. That damn Assassin kept targeting your b.u.t.t like a pest!" The girl blushed and cowered a little. (A/N: I'm going to throw up, I hate this girl so much. The disgust is real)
Cu put his hand on his chin and ogled her body like he was contemplating the meaning of life. "Hey, you look fragile but you have a pretty nice body! Icing on the cake!" The only thing his words did was making the white-haired magus recoil in disgust.
They were interrupted by the voice of Dr.Roman who proceeded to greet the Servant only for Cu to call him a weakling, making the poor Doctor recoil in depression.
After pulling himself together (He was definitely not yelled at by the white-haired magus) Roman told Caster all about them, about Chaldea, and what they were trying to accomplish.
Caster just told them what he knew about the situation, even if it was not that much.
"Archer, Lancer. Rider. Berserker and Assassin were all defeated by Saber, later transforming them in something like a shell of themselves" Caster said.
"You mean they became that shadow-like thing like Lancer and Assassin?" Asked the white-haired girl, now introduced as Olga Marie.
"Yep" Caster plainly said.
Wanting to assess the situation as much as possible, Olga inquired further. "Without taking into account Lancer and Assassin who we just defeated. How many servants are left?"
"Well, as far as I'm aware, everyone else. But that could change or remain the same. It's up to fate" Caster cryptically said
"What do you mean by that?" This time was the turn of Dr.Roman to ask.
Caster just sighed while scratching the back of his head. "Being honest with ya'll, there is another person coming from a different place than this flaming city" Cu said making all of them surprised, but not more than Olga.
"That's impossible! The technology to Rayshift is exclusive to my Chaldea. How is there another person here?!" This was disturbing for her. If her wild theories were proven to be true. Then, someone has copied their technology to Rayshift, or worse! they have stolen it in some way!
Caster was surprised at her outburst, so he decided to clarify. "I don't know what do you mean with Ray-...something. But I assure you that his circ.u.mstances are special. I don't think he used the same way you did to come here"
This at least managed to placate Olga's worries, if ever so slightly. But she could wait, there was always the possibility of questioning the guy himself! Now that she thinks about it...
"Where is he?" Asked the magus, he needed to know his location and interrog- *cough* politely ask how he came here.
"Last time I saw him, he went to fight Berserker" Caster said, making them surprised.
"So, is he a servant?" Mash, the pink-haired girl asked. Fujimaru was just there, standing. Without a single clue of what they were talking about.
"Nop, that guy is...human" Cu decided to hold the information of his real identity, he wasn't one to tell other's secrets. Especially when he was trusted with them.
"Is he brain-damaged?! why would he go and fight a Servant, a Berserker no less, being just a human?!" Olga was about to lose her mind. How could he know about how he got here if he was dead?! This was getting from bad to worse, she missed Lev so much. If he was here, he would know what to do.
"I assure you, my brain works just fine" A cold voice resounded in the surroundings. Everyone except a certain Caster tensed at the sound of the voice.
Looking upwards towards a mountain of debris, a topless man was sitting while looking at them with no emotions.
"Kya!! Roman! Why didn't you tell us that a stripper was approaching?!" Olga shouted with a red face making Seth's eyes twitch and Cu to roll on the ground laughing his a.s.s off.
"I....rry....am...so..." The voice of Roman was coming from the distance and getting louder as he was coming closer to the command room. "I'M SORRY DIRECTOR, I JUST HAD A BATHROOM BREAK!" Dr.Roman defended himself.
'I'm surrounded by useless people' was the thought of Olga as she covered her eyes from looking at the stripping pervert.
Social Life: YAMETE!
While Cu Chulainn was helping the trio from the future. Seth was slowly approaching the mad Berserker. He was going to give his all in this battle, not as someone who needed to stop all this chaos. But as a warrior who was fighting another warrior.
Berserker roared and dashed forward, in a mere second, he was in front of Seth. He raised his weapon in the air with both hands. Even if he could do it fine with just one, and slashed diagonally at Seth. Said man inclined his body to the side to avoid the hit.
Despite doing his best to evade Berserker's swing, his right shoulder was slashed ever so slightly. Bearing with the pain he went for a stab in the head. But then, Berserker's sword hit the ground making it unstable. Seth lost his footing and instead of impaling the mad warrior's head, he impaled his shoulder.
"My luck sucks as always" Seth couldn't but smile wrily as he retreated just in time to avoid an angry swing from Berserker.
'I can't keep losing time like this. I need to step up the game' He thought as he looked around noticing all the acc.u.mulated dust after Berserker's rampage. Although dust was not sand, they shared the same principle. It was not as easy as controlling sand but he could do something with this.
'He is just fighting on instinct. I don't know if I can trick him but it's worth a try' Thinking till there. Seth raised his spear and hit the ground with as much force as he could, creating a layer of smoke and dust that covered him from Berserker's vision.
The mad warrior roared, ready to charge into the smoke. Just then, "Seth" appeared from the cloud of dust and smoke and run towards Berserker. Said man, angrier than his normal self due to the injuries he sustained, raised his weapon with all the strength he had ready to chop the man in front of him in two.
"Seth" didn't evade, he just kept moving forward, like he had a death wish. When the fast approaching axe-sword collided with his head, he just turned to dust.
After Berserker's weapon struck the ground, another Seth appeared behind the previous one. He climbed the fallen weapon and jumped closer to Berserker's head ready to decapitate him with the blade on the top part of his spear.
What he didn't expect, however. was Berserker letting go of his weapon and doing a movement that modern people would recognize as the classic evade from Matrix. Seth's eyes widened seeing this. Not letting him any time to think, Berserker put his hands on the ground and started a mad spiral of kicks which Seth barely managed to avoid just for him to be sent flying after Berseker's got up and did a spinning kick followed by another one at him.
Fortunately for him, this time he didn't hit a building. It was just his back kissing the ground for a few meters.
Getting up clutching his stomach (He really needed to find a way to equip his armor on) he looked at Berserker incredulously. It would be a lie if he said he was expecting those moves from a mad man that was further tainted with whatever that shadow-like thing was.
'I've got to admit it tho, his moves were cool' Seth praised Berserker's quick reaction inside his mind.
"This is dragging too long, Berserker. Let's end this with one last cross of weapons" Seth said spinning his spear and charging at Berserker who responded in kind.
As their clash drew near, Seth commanded the dust near Berserker's feet solidify as much as possible and making him lose his balance. He didn't try this before because Berserker would just bulldoze it like it wasn't even there. To create something which could trap the mad warrior he would need some time, something he didn't have.
The reason why this option was viable now was simple. He could feel it, Berserker was tired, as much as he was. He could guess that normally, Berserker would be able to fight for many hours, even days. But not in this state. He was just a shadow (no pun intended) of his former self. Besides, all the mad rampage he has done in their almost 2 hours battle would obviously tire him out. Even tho he was the only one attacking most of the time, so in consequence, he didn't waste much energy evading. Each of his hits was done with all his strength. That is a barbaric way of fighting. Good for short battles, bad for large ones.
When Berserker hit the solid dust on his feet, he bypassed it. As much as tired as he was, his strength was abysmal as always. But Seth got what he wanted. Even if slightly, Berserker lost his balance, his hit barely missing Seth's head.
"THIS IS THE END, BERSERKER!" Seth screamed as he slashed horizontally with his spear, creating a large wound on Berserker's neck. Not yet finished, with his back facing him, he spun his spear and stabbed his back. The spear entered the body of the now kneeling Berserker and escaped from his front.
"Rest in pace, mad warrior. If there is a chance, let's fight again" Seth said, still not looking at him.
"I normally don't like doing this, but if Cu Chulainn and I are going to fight Saber, I will need to be at top condition" After Seth finished speaking, his spear glowed with gold-brown light, the dark motes of light that were being released from Berserker's body to the sky came to a halt. With a slight pause, the specs of light started going to Seth's body.
Something strange happened, all his wounds and bruises from his fight with Berserker were being healed as Seth absorbed the motes of light, slowly restoring him to his peak condition.
Finally looking at where Berserker's body used to be, he sighed. Taking the stone Cu gave him, he started pointing it to random directions until it started to glow in a particular direction. Having confirmed his general destination. Seth set to meet Cu once again.
Meanwhile in Caster's side. He just helped the trio to defeat Lancer and Assassin. 'This certainly was a walk in the park' Cu thought, happy that he eliminated two servants, and disappointed they were so weak. 'Life is sure full of conflicted emotions' He couldn't help but sigh internally.
The little girl with the shield approached him slowly, he didn't know if she was nervous or just cautious. "Um, excuse me...thank you very much, for saving us from danger..." the pink-haired girl said with a little timidness.
"Hey, good work. You don't owe me for this, so don't worry about it." He said. After all, he could see a good spectacle. Cu then added. "You should be more worried about your body. That damn Assassin kept targeting your b.u.t.t like a pest!" The girl blushed and cowered a little. (A/N: I'm going to throw up, I hate this girl so much. The disgust is real)
Cu put his hand on his chin and ogled her body like he was contemplating the meaning of life. "Hey, you look fragile but you have a pretty nice body! Icing on the cake!" The only thing his words did was making the white-haired magus recoil in disgust.
They were interrupted by the voice of Dr.Roman who proceeded to greet the Servant only for Cu to call him a weakling, making the poor Doctor recoil in depression.
After pulling himself together (He was definitely not yelled at by the white-haired magus) Roman told Caster all about them, about Chaldea, and what they were trying to accomplish.
Caster just told them what he knew about the situation, even if it was not that much.
"Archer, Lancer. Rider. Berserker and Assassin were all defeated by Saber, later transforming them in something like a shell of themselves" Caster said.
"You mean they became that shadow-like thing like Lancer and Assassin?" Asked the white-haired girl, now introduced as Olga Marie.
"Yep" Caster plainly said.
Wanting to assess the situation as much as possible, Olga inquired further. "Without taking into account Lancer and Assassin who we just defeated. How many servants are left?"
"Well, as far as I'm aware, everyone else. But that could change or remain the same. It's up to fate" Caster cryptically said
"What do you mean by that?" This time was the turn of Dr.Roman to ask.
Caster just sighed while scratching the back of his head. "Being honest with ya'll, there is another person coming from a different place than this flaming city" Cu said making all of them surprised, but not more than Olga.
"That's impossible! The technology to Rayshift is exclusive to my Chaldea. How is there another person here?!" This was disturbing for her. If her wild theories were proven to be true. Then, someone has copied their technology to Rayshift, or worse! they have stolen it in some way!
Caster was surprised at her outburst, so he decided to clarify. "I don't know what do you mean with Ray-...something. But I assure you that his circ.u.mstances are special. I don't think he used the same way you did to come here"
This at least managed to placate Olga's worries, if ever so slightly. But she could wait, there was always the possibility of questioning the guy himself! Now that she thinks about it...
"Where is he?" Asked the magus, he needed to know his location and interrog- *cough* politely ask how he came here.
"Last time I saw him, he went to fight Berserker" Caster said, making them surprised.
"So, is he a servant?" Mash, the pink-haired girl asked. Fujimaru was just there, standing. Without a single clue of what they were talking about.
"Nop, that guy is...human" Cu decided to hold the information of his real identity, he wasn't one to tell other's secrets. Especially when he was trusted with them.
"Is he brain-damaged?! why would he go and fight a Servant, a Berserker no less, being just a human?!" Olga was about to lose her mind. How could he know about how he got here if he was dead?! This was getting from bad to worse, she missed Lev so much. If he was here, he would know what to do.
"I assure you, my brain works just fine" A cold voice resounded in the surroundings. Everyone except a certain Caster tensed at the sound of the voice.
Looking upwards towards a mountain of debris, a topless man was sitting while looking at them with no emotions.
"Kya!! Roman! Why didn't you tell us that a stripper was approaching?!" Olga shouted with a red face making Seth's eyes twitch and Cu to roll on the ground laughing his a.s.s off.
"I....rry....am...so..." The voice of Roman was coming from the distance and getting louder as he was coming closer to the command room. "I'M SORRY DIRECTOR, I JUST HAD A BATHROOM BREAK!" Dr.Roman defended himself.
'I'm surrounded by useless people' was the thought of Olga as she covered her eyes from looking at the stripping pervert.
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