A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 65 - The Penultimate Goal
It seems that Lev's luck was not so bad, after all. When he used the power the Holy Grail had acc.u.mulated to summon another Servant; he managed to call a Heroic Spirit extremely suited for the job of crushing Nero Claudius' army. It would surely be of great help to the Rider boy too.
In a camp a bit far from the United Empire's capital, these two Servants were having a chat in preparation for their confrontation.
"I made a report about what we know about the opposing army. Be sure to look into it later, although I'm going to give you a piece of advice, ignore the two Berserkers. Being as mindless as they are, we can take them out without problems." A black-haired man with glasses, wearing an equally black suit and red tie, said to the red-haired boy.
"I trust your judgment. Still, those two are not what worries me the most." Rider began talking with a smile, but that soon changed to a somewhat troubled face.
"I know, him, I also think he is the wildest card of all. That mage didn't even bother telling us his identity either, he just told us to avoid creating confrontations near him, or it would work in their favor." The man sighed before lighting a cigarette.
"Do you have any idea of what could he be? The mage DID show us some footage of his power." Rider asked his advisor.
"I have some ordinary theories and some wild ones. That man's Magical Power is absurd, and he seems to control fire and summon a storm whenever he feels like without restriction. Even for someone from the Age of the Gods, that would not be easy. If I use my common sense, I would say he is a Demi-God Servant, possibly the son of someone related to weather or natural disasters." He told Rider his guess without missing a detail.
The boy smiled as if seeing through the man's thoughts. "But he doesn't strike you as a Heroic Spirit, does he?"
The man also smiled a bit. "I guess I can't hide anything from you. I may not have seen him directly, but something seems off about him. Somehow, I can tell he is not a Heroic Spirit but something else entirely."
"Whatever he is, it doesn't change the fact that we will have to face him. I just hope I can see what type of Emperor Nero Claudius is before that." Rider said while gazing at the distance, where the troops of the Roman Empire were staying.
"If that's what you want, I will grant your wish. I will hold that man off with my Noble Phantasm if it is necessary. My combat abilities may not be the best, but I'm pretty confident in it." The black-haired man smiled while puffing some smoke.
"Haha. I will be counting on you, teacher." Rider laughed a bit, hearing his words.
"I have to say, though. It feels weird being called a teacher by you. I wonder what happened with the 'me' from my timeline." It was plain to see that this new 'scenario' was making him rack his brain around it.
"Sadly, I can't help you with that, but I have to admit that I feel more confident having you by my side, Mr. Zhuge Liang." The red-haired boy showed sympathy for a moment, that changed pretty quickly, though. You could say this was a typical attitude from someone young, even if age was irrelevant to Servants.
The man, now revealed to be Zhuge Liang, simply sighed. "I would prefer if you called me Lord El-Melloi II instead of the name of this Heroic Spirit."
"That is a complicated name. I prefer to call you 'teacher.' " Rider responded in amus.e.m.e.nt.
Zhuge Liang shook his head. "Good grief. Even in this form, you are still the same. Do what you want."
Little by little, the Roman army was making its way to the United Empire's capital. At first, the battles were small in numbers. Just some groups of enemy soldiers against whole divisions. Later, though, golems began appearing in the opponent's lines.
Safe to say, they didn't last very long before they exploded into pieces. However, they still faced some problems despite that. Larger groups started to appear and attacked them from different places.
Gradually, their army began to divide into many parts. The most problematic thing was, Lu Bu and Spartacus chased them to the ends of the world. It was safe to say that thanks to that, the casualties in the Roman Army increased significantly.
Caster, Fujimaru, Mash, Martha, Boudica, and Kiyohime were sent by Nero to help them and bring them back to continue their attack to the United Empire.
Vlad was left to act as a Commander and Lancelot as a killing machine, among other things. As for the others, well, they were facing a Servant right now.
A man with skin as black as coal, sitting on a throne atop of some kind of giant, armored elephant, appeared ahead of them. He adorned some type of armor in his lower half that looked more for decoration than to protect him from harm.
Even if he was sitting, his tall stature was not something that could be hidden by that. This fact was proven when he jumped off from the elephant. The moment he landed, the ground caved in, unable to support his full weight.
The moment he straightened his back, a height of around three and a half meters revealed itself for the world to see. "Ohhh!" With some strange shout, the giant summoned a pair of unusual axes while looking at his opponent.
"Tch. I'm getting annoyed; more Servants just keep appearing with no end." Jalter complained instantly the moment she saw their opponent prepare for combat.
"You kind of did the same, though..." Jeanne said, gaining a glare from Avenger.
"Why don't you shut up and do something useful for once? Oh! I forgot you couldn't. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." The Black Saint feigned a sad expression as she sarcastically responded to her.
"I-I helped you when that monster self-exploded!" Jeanne tried to prove she could be relied on when needed. She couldn't look bad, not when her Master was watching her (them) with scorn (impatience).
"Big help, tell me when you do something about the enemy Servants instead of just being a meat shield. You are as worthless as you can get." Jalter didn't have enough and kept mocking her.
'I will have to deal with these two later.' Seth sighed and materialized his original spear. With no suspense, he dashed at the tall man who had been kindly waiting for the two girls to stop their bickering.
The moment the enemy saw that someone was attacking, he charged at him with his axes emanating an emerald flame from them. His war elephant remained stationary.
The two Saints, seeing as their Master was about to engage their foe, decided to stop their bickering. With no hesitation, they also darted at the enemy.
The firsts to clash were the tall man and Seth. The Egyptian God saw how, despite his stature, his movements were not stiff and were instead smooth; he also had a decent speed.
"Oooooohhhah!" With a deep voice, the enemy Servant brought his right ax down on Seth, creating a black and green arc wherever it passed.
'Another Berserker, eh? Not surprising, though.' Seth thought while using his spear to block the falling ax. However, his foe's attack wasn't over yet. The Servant moved his arm like a whip and struck down with his remaining weapon.
It was at that moment that Jeanne positioned herself beside her Master and blocked the remaining ax, Jalter took advantage of this and, to her amus.e.m.e.nt, jumped on top of Jeanne's head before doing the same again to cut the man's head with her black sword.
With his uncharacteristic agility, Berserker arched his head back, barely avoiding getting decapitated. Immediately, though, he returned his head to his previous position and, using the momentum, went for a headbutt against Jalter, who was still in mid-air.
Avenger put her flag in front of her to act as a shield. Before the blow happened, though, Seth grabbed her legs with his free hand and brought her down.
Seeing as his attack failed, Berserker moved his leg backward before throwing a kick at the Egyptian God. The man in question mimicked his action and threw one of his own.
The force of the impact nearly made Jeanne and the recently brought down Jalter stumble. Both men maintained their legs in the same position for a moment before jumping back to gain distance.
Ruler and Avenger followed Seth and did the same. "Master, why don't you kill him and be done with it? You are certainly stronger than him." Jalter asked her Master in puzzlement. It was the question that bugged her the most.
"Why should I? I'm not interested in him. I'm just helping you fight him, the ones who should defeat him, in the end, are you." He made up something at the moment. Although it was true he was not interested in fighting the giant man; the real reason was completely different. Still, they didn't have to know it.
Both Saints didn't seem so convinced, but they knew their Master didn't follow common sense sometimes, so they just let the matter go.
"Let's continue. That Persian King should be an easy target for you. Make sure not to get closer to that elephant. It is not his mount for nothing." Seth said, surprising both Servants.
"Master, how do you know that? Did you already figured out his identity?" Jeanne didn't have much historical knowledge, so it was understandable.
He decided to answer her question by asking Berserker one. "You are Darius III, am I right? East Asian people used war Elephants, but Mesopotamians used them, and later Persia did too. You don't strike me as the first option, so that leaves the other two. However, there was one person, a king that was famous for riding a War Elephant to battle. It was you, wasn't it?"
Surprisingly, the tall man nodded his head, confirming Seth's gaze. 'I will have to thank Romani later for that book he gave me; information is a great tool as they say.'
"Jeanne, Jalter, you are next." Saying no more, he breathed black flames from his mouth directed at Darius.
Not moving from his position, Berserker swung his axes horizontally, creating a gust of wind that dispersed the flames. However, the moment his vision of the enemy returned, the two girls were missing.
The next thing he knew, he had two girls coming from both sides, each pointing their spear tip against his waist.
Darius, without hurry, spun like a tornado with both axes covered in emerald flames. He hit the side of both their flagpole, deviating their trajectory.
The two Saint widened their eyes in surprise. They saw Darius' lips curve into a grin before he let go of his axes and grabbed their heads, and then smashed them against each other.
"Gah!" Both girls released a short but loud sound of pain. Berserker then threw them to Seth's direction.
The black-haired man impaled his spear in the ground and caught one girl with each of his arms. 'Without a strong supply of Magical Energy or the power of the grail, they struggle to face heroes from ages past. Jeanne just fought normal soldiers during her life, so it's not that strange while Jalter is a bit better since she was a product of Gilles' views of her.'
"Are you okay?" He asked with his usual indifferent tone. Both girls slowly returned to reality, only to find their Master's face close to them, causing them to have a pink hue on their cheeks.
"If you have time to be blushing in the middle of battle, I guess you are." And with that, he dropped them on the ground.
The Saints quickly got up, but they didn't dare to look at him in the eyes, opting to look at the towering figure of Darius instead. Although now that they looked at it, he seemed like a patient guy or just simply didn't have an interest in fighting them.
'I suppose I have tested them enough.' "Jeanne, Jalter." He called out his two Servants, who, out of reflex, looked back only to freeze in their place. Their eyes lost focus, and in the next second, they fainted.
Darius, who was watching the scene, just turned around and jumped to the Throne on his War Elephant's back before sitting down.
Soon enough, Ruler and Avenger woke up while holding their heads as if they had a hangover. "Ugh... What happened?" Jalter asked in confusion to no one in particular.
Jeanne had the same confusion as her counterpart. However, she noticed something quickly. "Uh? When did we have this much Magical Energy?"
The Black Saint, upon hearing her words, also noticed the strange phenomenon. She immediately turned her head toward Seth. "Did you increase the amount you were giving us, Master?"
"No. It's the same I have been giving you all this time. You just thought the amount was not much, that is all." Of course, this was a lie. He just mind-controlled them into thinking they weren't receiving a lot of Magical Energy.
He wanted to know how much could they do without his help. Although he despised using methods like this, he understood it was something necessary.
Seth chose this option instead of just simply not giving them enough sustain because he knew there were going to be moments where he was not going to be with them, like when they were on that island, where he didn't know their state.
He programmed the control to wear off if they faced life-threatening danger. At that point, they could turn the tables around any foe they were facing.
All of this, everything, he did it for a single purpose. A purpose that no matter the years, no matter the times he reincarnated, continued to live deep within him.
There were countermeasures set against him. That's why he needed someone else; he needed subordinates strong enough to face the impossible.
It was all because he needed help, as much as he didn't want to admit it, to accomplish his goal before finally departing from the lower world and returning to his origin.
His goal to...destroy the whole Egyptian Pantheon!
In a camp a bit far from the United Empire's capital, these two Servants were having a chat in preparation for their confrontation.
"I made a report about what we know about the opposing army. Be sure to look into it later, although I'm going to give you a piece of advice, ignore the two Berserkers. Being as mindless as they are, we can take them out without problems." A black-haired man with glasses, wearing an equally black suit and red tie, said to the red-haired boy.
"I trust your judgment. Still, those two are not what worries me the most." Rider began talking with a smile, but that soon changed to a somewhat troubled face.
"I know, him, I also think he is the wildest card of all. That mage didn't even bother telling us his identity either, he just told us to avoid creating confrontations near him, or it would work in their favor." The man sighed before lighting a cigarette.
"Do you have any idea of what could he be? The mage DID show us some footage of his power." Rider asked his advisor.
"I have some ordinary theories and some wild ones. That man's Magical Power is absurd, and he seems to control fire and summon a storm whenever he feels like without restriction. Even for someone from the Age of the Gods, that would not be easy. If I use my common sense, I would say he is a Demi-God Servant, possibly the son of someone related to weather or natural disasters." He told Rider his guess without missing a detail.
The boy smiled as if seeing through the man's thoughts. "But he doesn't strike you as a Heroic Spirit, does he?"
The man also smiled a bit. "I guess I can't hide anything from you. I may not have seen him directly, but something seems off about him. Somehow, I can tell he is not a Heroic Spirit but something else entirely."
"Whatever he is, it doesn't change the fact that we will have to face him. I just hope I can see what type of Emperor Nero Claudius is before that." Rider said while gazing at the distance, where the troops of the Roman Empire were staying.
"If that's what you want, I will grant your wish. I will hold that man off with my Noble Phantasm if it is necessary. My combat abilities may not be the best, but I'm pretty confident in it." The black-haired man smiled while puffing some smoke.
"Haha. I will be counting on you, teacher." Rider laughed a bit, hearing his words.
"I have to say, though. It feels weird being called a teacher by you. I wonder what happened with the 'me' from my timeline." It was plain to see that this new 'scenario' was making him rack his brain around it.
"Sadly, I can't help you with that, but I have to admit that I feel more confident having you by my side, Mr. Zhuge Liang." The red-haired boy showed sympathy for a moment, that changed pretty quickly, though. You could say this was a typical attitude from someone young, even if age was irrelevant to Servants.
The man, now revealed to be Zhuge Liang, simply sighed. "I would prefer if you called me Lord El-Melloi II instead of the name of this Heroic Spirit."
"That is a complicated name. I prefer to call you 'teacher.' " Rider responded in amus.e.m.e.nt.
Zhuge Liang shook his head. "Good grief. Even in this form, you are still the same. Do what you want."
Little by little, the Roman army was making its way to the United Empire's capital. At first, the battles were small in numbers. Just some groups of enemy soldiers against whole divisions. Later, though, golems began appearing in the opponent's lines.
Safe to say, they didn't last very long before they exploded into pieces. However, they still faced some problems despite that. Larger groups started to appear and attacked them from different places.
Gradually, their army began to divide into many parts. The most problematic thing was, Lu Bu and Spartacus chased them to the ends of the world. It was safe to say that thanks to that, the casualties in the Roman Army increased significantly.
Caster, Fujimaru, Mash, Martha, Boudica, and Kiyohime were sent by Nero to help them and bring them back to continue their attack to the United Empire.
Vlad was left to act as a Commander and Lancelot as a killing machine, among other things. As for the others, well, they were facing a Servant right now.
A man with skin as black as coal, sitting on a throne atop of some kind of giant, armored elephant, appeared ahead of them. He adorned some type of armor in his lower half that looked more for decoration than to protect him from harm.
Even if he was sitting, his tall stature was not something that could be hidden by that. This fact was proven when he jumped off from the elephant. The moment he landed, the ground caved in, unable to support his full weight.
The moment he straightened his back, a height of around three and a half meters revealed itself for the world to see. "Ohhh!" With some strange shout, the giant summoned a pair of unusual axes while looking at his opponent.
"Tch. I'm getting annoyed; more Servants just keep appearing with no end." Jalter complained instantly the moment she saw their opponent prepare for combat.
"You kind of did the same, though..." Jeanne said, gaining a glare from Avenger.
"Why don't you shut up and do something useful for once? Oh! I forgot you couldn't. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." The Black Saint feigned a sad expression as she sarcastically responded to her.
"I-I helped you when that monster self-exploded!" Jeanne tried to prove she could be relied on when needed. She couldn't look bad, not when her Master was watching her (them) with scorn (impatience).
"Big help, tell me when you do something about the enemy Servants instead of just being a meat shield. You are as worthless as you can get." Jalter didn't have enough and kept mocking her.
'I will have to deal with these two later.' Seth sighed and materialized his original spear. With no suspense, he dashed at the tall man who had been kindly waiting for the two girls to stop their bickering.
The moment the enemy saw that someone was attacking, he charged at him with his axes emanating an emerald flame from them. His war elephant remained stationary.
The two Saints, seeing as their Master was about to engage their foe, decided to stop their bickering. With no hesitation, they also darted at the enemy.
The firsts to clash were the tall man and Seth. The Egyptian God saw how, despite his stature, his movements were not stiff and were instead smooth; he also had a decent speed.
"Oooooohhhah!" With a deep voice, the enemy Servant brought his right ax down on Seth, creating a black and green arc wherever it passed.
'Another Berserker, eh? Not surprising, though.' Seth thought while using his spear to block the falling ax. However, his foe's attack wasn't over yet. The Servant moved his arm like a whip and struck down with his remaining weapon.
It was at that moment that Jeanne positioned herself beside her Master and blocked the remaining ax, Jalter took advantage of this and, to her amus.e.m.e.nt, jumped on top of Jeanne's head before doing the same again to cut the man's head with her black sword.
With his uncharacteristic agility, Berserker arched his head back, barely avoiding getting decapitated. Immediately, though, he returned his head to his previous position and, using the momentum, went for a headbutt against Jalter, who was still in mid-air.
Avenger put her flag in front of her to act as a shield. Before the blow happened, though, Seth grabbed her legs with his free hand and brought her down.
Seeing as his attack failed, Berserker moved his leg backward before throwing a kick at the Egyptian God. The man in question mimicked his action and threw one of his own.
The force of the impact nearly made Jeanne and the recently brought down Jalter stumble. Both men maintained their legs in the same position for a moment before jumping back to gain distance.
Ruler and Avenger followed Seth and did the same. "Master, why don't you kill him and be done with it? You are certainly stronger than him." Jalter asked her Master in puzzlement. It was the question that bugged her the most.
"Why should I? I'm not interested in him. I'm just helping you fight him, the ones who should defeat him, in the end, are you." He made up something at the moment. Although it was true he was not interested in fighting the giant man; the real reason was completely different. Still, they didn't have to know it.
Both Saints didn't seem so convinced, but they knew their Master didn't follow common sense sometimes, so they just let the matter go.
"Let's continue. That Persian King should be an easy target for you. Make sure not to get closer to that elephant. It is not his mount for nothing." Seth said, surprising both Servants.
"Master, how do you know that? Did you already figured out his identity?" Jeanne didn't have much historical knowledge, so it was understandable.
He decided to answer her question by asking Berserker one. "You are Darius III, am I right? East Asian people used war Elephants, but Mesopotamians used them, and later Persia did too. You don't strike me as the first option, so that leaves the other two. However, there was one person, a king that was famous for riding a War Elephant to battle. It was you, wasn't it?"
Surprisingly, the tall man nodded his head, confirming Seth's gaze. 'I will have to thank Romani later for that book he gave me; information is a great tool as they say.'
"Jeanne, Jalter, you are next." Saying no more, he breathed black flames from his mouth directed at Darius.
Not moving from his position, Berserker swung his axes horizontally, creating a gust of wind that dispersed the flames. However, the moment his vision of the enemy returned, the two girls were missing.
The next thing he knew, he had two girls coming from both sides, each pointing their spear tip against his waist.
Darius, without hurry, spun like a tornado with both axes covered in emerald flames. He hit the side of both their flagpole, deviating their trajectory.
The two Saint widened their eyes in surprise. They saw Darius' lips curve into a grin before he let go of his axes and grabbed their heads, and then smashed them against each other.
"Gah!" Both girls released a short but loud sound of pain. Berserker then threw them to Seth's direction.
The black-haired man impaled his spear in the ground and caught one girl with each of his arms. 'Without a strong supply of Magical Energy or the power of the grail, they struggle to face heroes from ages past. Jeanne just fought normal soldiers during her life, so it's not that strange while Jalter is a bit better since she was a product of Gilles' views of her.'
"Are you okay?" He asked with his usual indifferent tone. Both girls slowly returned to reality, only to find their Master's face close to them, causing them to have a pink hue on their cheeks.
"If you have time to be blushing in the middle of battle, I guess you are." And with that, he dropped them on the ground.
The Saints quickly got up, but they didn't dare to look at him in the eyes, opting to look at the towering figure of Darius instead. Although now that they looked at it, he seemed like a patient guy or just simply didn't have an interest in fighting them.
'I suppose I have tested them enough.' "Jeanne, Jalter." He called out his two Servants, who, out of reflex, looked back only to freeze in their place. Their eyes lost focus, and in the next second, they fainted.
Darius, who was watching the scene, just turned around and jumped to the Throne on his War Elephant's back before sitting down.
Soon enough, Ruler and Avenger woke up while holding their heads as if they had a hangover. "Ugh... What happened?" Jalter asked in confusion to no one in particular.
Jeanne had the same confusion as her counterpart. However, she noticed something quickly. "Uh? When did we have this much Magical Energy?"
The Black Saint, upon hearing her words, also noticed the strange phenomenon. She immediately turned her head toward Seth. "Did you increase the amount you were giving us, Master?"
"No. It's the same I have been giving you all this time. You just thought the amount was not much, that is all." Of course, this was a lie. He just mind-controlled them into thinking they weren't receiving a lot of Magical Energy.
He wanted to know how much could they do without his help. Although he despised using methods like this, he understood it was something necessary.
Seth chose this option instead of just simply not giving them enough sustain because he knew there were going to be moments where he was not going to be with them, like when they were on that island, where he didn't know their state.
He programmed the control to wear off if they faced life-threatening danger. At that point, they could turn the tables around any foe they were facing.
All of this, everything, he did it for a single purpose. A purpose that no matter the years, no matter the times he reincarnated, continued to live deep within him.
There were countermeasures set against him. That's why he needed someone else; he needed subordinates strong enough to face the impossible.
It was all because he needed help, as much as he didn't want to admit it, to accomplish his goal before finally departing from the lower world and returning to his origin.
His goal to...destroy the whole Egyptian Pantheon!
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