A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 68 - Despair
When Seth was far enough, he transformed into lightning to get to the capital faster. He eventually got to a mountain around three thousand meters in altitude. From its top, he could see a carbon copy of Nero's Rome.
The soldiers were nearing the million in quantity, all distributed between the capital and its outskirts. Such a number in this era is a force to be reckoned with, indeed.
'They only need to face the Servant. Everyone else is irrelevant.' Seth though before taking a deep breath. 'Here goes nothing, it's my first try, but the altitude might help to make it faster.'
Seth sat down, his eyes turning golden soon after. However, that wasn't the only change. His pupils became slightly smaller, and the golden color became a gradient.
"Commencing Activation." It seemed the change didn't just happen to his eyes as his voice also changed, becoming robotic.
"...Checking the atmosphere's conditions. Succesful."
"...Checking Magical Energy reserves. Succesful."
"...Checking favorable terrain. Succesful."
"...Checking Divinity signatures. Failure."
"Area of effect. Five square kilometers."
"Proceeding expenditure of Magical Energy."
"Estimated time until Noble Phantasm deployment: Fifteen minutes and thirty-nine seconds."
"Accessing Authority of Storms. New estimated time: Five minutes and twenty-three seconds."
After saying the last part, Seth fell silent, not speaking anymore. Slowly, grey clouds began to cover the sky. Little by little, the calm surroundings changed.
Strong currents of wind moved unhindered through the area. With each passing second, they were becoming faster and faster.
It didn't take long for the soldiers below to notice the disturbance. Looking at a particular direction, they saw the clouds in the sky move in a chaotic, but at the same time orderly way.
In no more than a minute, the clouds grouped to form a spiral shape with a hole in the center. To the United Empire's citizens, it looked like the eye of Jupiter was directly looking upon the earth.
The 'eye' began to move toward them, and with it, the winds grew fiercer. Droplets of water touched their faces at first, but not long after, it transformed into a total downpour.
Their eyes widened, and their breathing became more erratic. Everything in their surroundings shook, the clothes they wore seemed to have a life of their own, wanting to get out and fly away.
Even their weapons looked as if they wanted to abandon them, no matter the weight of its materials, they shook all the same. Or was it their own hands the ones who were shaking? It was undoubtedly hard to know.
As the 'eye' grew near, the soldiers felt their bodies lighten, like gravity was losing to this much powerful force. However, they didn't move, choosing to stay in the same place, not because they wanted, but because they couldn't.
At the mountain top, Seth got up without problems, as if unaffected by the winds that, at this point, were nearing one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour and on the rise in his location.
"Beginning Chant. Noble Phantasm. Part 1." The Egyptian God's voice continued to sound robotic, but this time it was more authoritative and had a new tone of...hatred?
« "We are the bane of the Gods." Now, his voice, while still robotic, lost its mechanical touch and sounded more human-like.
"Our hatred is endless, and our rage makes them cower in fear."
"They will be brought down by our thunderous winds!"
『Orgí Chília Anémous!』.»
Those last words officially marked their death sentence. The winds' speed increased even faster than before, reaching two hundred kilometers per hour.
The soldiers finally let of their weapon as if giving up. As soon as they were out of their owners' hands, they 'escaped' to who knows where.
One by one, people began to tumble. However, that wasn't the end of it. Like fishes trying to fight a strong current, they were pushed back by the winds, rolling clumsily through the ground.
At first, it was light, just a simple push. That soon changed, though. The more it got near, the stronger was the force.
They wanted to cry, to shout, to voice out against this alien event. So, why? Why was it so difficult? Why couldn't they do it? Their voices seemed to have been silenced by some strange and mysterious power.
However, what made them lose hope, what took the light of their eyes, the thing that brought them despair was the numerous tornados that began descending from the sky.
This unnatural occurrence which they could witness the moment some object stopped their movement, be it a tree, a rock or a building, was the 'You can give up' signal they needed.
As if the minds of everyone was linked, they systematically ended all struggle. The tornados, with winds surpassing the three hundred kilometers per hour, gladly took the United Empire's citizens in their embrace.
If before they were rolling on the ground or being sent flying depending on their location. Now everyone was flying upward. All kinds of things accompanied them, whatever those natural disasters could get a hold of before taking them.
This mayhem continued for a long time. First, it was the people, and then it was the capital itself. The eyewall was what caused the most damage, aside from the tornados.
When it was all over and the small-scale typhoon dispersed, an indiscernible city remained. No, calling it that way would be wrong. Now it looked more like some ruins from an ancient civilization.
Of all the people the capital had at the beginning, only a few were alive. Nothing comparable to the original number. Still, even those people weren't in the condition to do something; you may as well call them corpses.
"Objectives neutralized."
"Confirming Survivors. Acceptable amount."
"Finishing process."
"Returning body to its natural state."
Slowly, Seth's eyes became normal again, together with his voice, although that change wasn't perceptible yet.
'What an unpleasant experience that was.' Shaking his head repeatedly to wash away the feeling of disgust, he looked upon the result of his attack.
'For something I made in a few minutes, the result is not bad.' Seth thought, a little impressed. Soon, however, his gaze became chilly.
'Let's see if opening your mouth to insult me is the only thing you can do.' He may not know the contents, but the feelings of hate were something he sensed even from Rome.
Flexing his legs, the ground beneath his feet cracked. With a sonic boom, he shot like a meteor from the mountain top to the United Empire's capital some kilometers away.
He crashed near the Palace that, even with all the destruction, only suffered minimal damage.
Escaping the crater created by his landing, a figure that towered over him by a few centimeters awaited him.
"Normally, Rome would forgive you for this transgression because I'm Rome itself. However, there is not much of Rome left." His voice was slow but filled with power. He may have seemed calm to outsiders, but the reality was far from it.
"I expected it was you, Romulus. Though, I must say that Spirit Origin doesn't do you justice." Ignoring his words, he calmly walked toward the Founder of Rome.
"I could say the same of you, but that is of inconsequence right now. Many of Rome's children lost their lives today, that is something even Rome can't forgive." With every word, his Magical Energy increased.
"Stop it; you know you can't win. Many of your children would have died at the hands of your other ones. We both know that option is worse." Romulus seemed to have calmed down after hearing this.
"Because you are Mars' son and still fight for humanity, I'm respecting your wish to test the new generation." Seth continued, gaining a sigh from Lancer.
"You are perceptive, just like my father." Romulus simply closed his eyes and moved out of the way.
"I'm not perceptive. Rome may be eternal, but that only applies if the world still exists. Am I right?" Seth didn't go to meet his final enemy yet, opting for exchanging a few more words with the Founder.
Romulus' lips faintly curved upward. "Exactly. Setting that aside, do you think she is ready?"
"No, absolutely not. Nero needs a change in her mentality, although she may get it when she sees you. Let's see if her resolve is enough by then. Rest assured, though. I told my Servants that if they came with soldiers from Rome, I would personally kill them, so you can enjoy testing her philosophy all you want." Finally, he walked away to meet Lev
"Your viciousness knows no limit, fit for a War God. Still, Rome has a last request, make sure that man doesn't live to see tomorrow. Do that, and Rome will forgive you." Saying until there, Romulus went to the outskirts of his city to wait for Nero to come.
"You don't need to tell me. That's what I plan to do." Seth also said no more. He walked with unhurriedness to the Palace, as it was identical to Nero's, he knew where to go.
Despite taking it slow, Seth got to the Throne Room reasonably quickly. There, Lev was standing with his back facing him.
Releasing a sigh, he spoke without looking at the Egyptian God. "Honestly. Incompetents truly surround me. I could have been in the Temple by now. Instead, I have to take care of filth like you."
"There are no words that can describe how much hate I have for you right now. Thanks to your little stunt in Orleans, my King got furious at me." Lev continued with his monologue, while Seth just watched.
Finally turning around, he gave Seth a creepy smile. "But that ends now! You are just a pathetic remnant of your original self. Gods should just crawl to the Reverse Side of the World like the bugs they are! There is only one person fit to be called a God, and that is our King, and no other than him!"
'Does this guy ever get tired of speaking rubbish?' Seth thought while looking at the clown performing his act.
The answer to his question came immediately. "When I dispose of you, I will personally go and kill those Chaldeans after I have killed Romulus for being of no help. I will thoroughly enjoy your face as you beg for mercy! That would certainly make up for the troubles I went through, and will please my King at the same time! HAHAHAHAHA!" His insane laugh resounded across the room, together with his creepy face, it painted a disturbing sight.
"You talk too much."
"Huh?" With his face still 'deformed,' Lev felt he lost his support to stand. In a second, he fell to the ground, his legs separated from his body.
"Are you finally ready to fight? Or do you still want to say nonsense, 'filth'?" Seth had his spear materialized as he waited for the fallen man to do something. If it weren't because he wanted to get information, he would have killed him long ago.
"HATEFUL! HATEFUL! HATEFUL! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Lev screamed in rage. This obvious contempt, this mockery. It was the same as mocking his King! He couldn't allow that, not now nor ever.
"I will show what we are capable of, you impertinent bug!" The blood scattered across the ground became a black substance. In a few seconds, it covered Lev's whole body.
Seth felt a spike of Magical Energy. The black substance then exploded, creating an equally colored smoke that didn't allow for others to see.
The black-haired man waved his arms horizontally, dispersing the smoke, only to reveal a hideous creature that even the most accurate of descriptions would fail to depict its ugliness.
A giant, black pillar of flesh with many eyes, all looking at the same direction, made its presence known.
"I'm the Demon God Flauros, one of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods! The form my King gave me, I will use it to end your miserable life!" The creature spoke, his voice was like a dozen of Levs speaking at the same time with slightly different intervals.
'I was right, after all. The enemy is him—No, it's too soon to make assumptions. I will first deal with this tentacle-looking thing. It seems that spear wants to have some action against it, good grief.'
An Evil God versus a Demon God. The showdown was about to begin.
(A/N: If there is some Greek reader out there that got cancer or a seizure, just know I'm sorry.)
The soldiers were nearing the million in quantity, all distributed between the capital and its outskirts. Such a number in this era is a force to be reckoned with, indeed.
'They only need to face the Servant. Everyone else is irrelevant.' Seth though before taking a deep breath. 'Here goes nothing, it's my first try, but the altitude might help to make it faster.'
Seth sat down, his eyes turning golden soon after. However, that wasn't the only change. His pupils became slightly smaller, and the golden color became a gradient.
"Commencing Activation." It seemed the change didn't just happen to his eyes as his voice also changed, becoming robotic.
"...Checking the atmosphere's conditions. Succesful."
"...Checking Magical Energy reserves. Succesful."
"...Checking favorable terrain. Succesful."
"...Checking Divinity signatures. Failure."
"Area of effect. Five square kilometers."
"Proceeding expenditure of Magical Energy."
"Estimated time until Noble Phantasm deployment: Fifteen minutes and thirty-nine seconds."
"Accessing Authority of Storms. New estimated time: Five minutes and twenty-three seconds."
After saying the last part, Seth fell silent, not speaking anymore. Slowly, grey clouds began to cover the sky. Little by little, the calm surroundings changed.
Strong currents of wind moved unhindered through the area. With each passing second, they were becoming faster and faster.
It didn't take long for the soldiers below to notice the disturbance. Looking at a particular direction, they saw the clouds in the sky move in a chaotic, but at the same time orderly way.
In no more than a minute, the clouds grouped to form a spiral shape with a hole in the center. To the United Empire's citizens, it looked like the eye of Jupiter was directly looking upon the earth.
The 'eye' began to move toward them, and with it, the winds grew fiercer. Droplets of water touched their faces at first, but not long after, it transformed into a total downpour.
Their eyes widened, and their breathing became more erratic. Everything in their surroundings shook, the clothes they wore seemed to have a life of their own, wanting to get out and fly away.
Even their weapons looked as if they wanted to abandon them, no matter the weight of its materials, they shook all the same. Or was it their own hands the ones who were shaking? It was undoubtedly hard to know.
As the 'eye' grew near, the soldiers felt their bodies lighten, like gravity was losing to this much powerful force. However, they didn't move, choosing to stay in the same place, not because they wanted, but because they couldn't.
At the mountain top, Seth got up without problems, as if unaffected by the winds that, at this point, were nearing one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour and on the rise in his location.
"Beginning Chant. Noble Phantasm. Part 1." The Egyptian God's voice continued to sound robotic, but this time it was more authoritative and had a new tone of...hatred?
« "We are the bane of the Gods." Now, his voice, while still robotic, lost its mechanical touch and sounded more human-like.
"Our hatred is endless, and our rage makes them cower in fear."
"They will be brought down by our thunderous winds!"
『Orgí Chília Anémous!』.»
Those last words officially marked their death sentence. The winds' speed increased even faster than before, reaching two hundred kilometers per hour.
The soldiers finally let of their weapon as if giving up. As soon as they were out of their owners' hands, they 'escaped' to who knows where.
One by one, people began to tumble. However, that wasn't the end of it. Like fishes trying to fight a strong current, they were pushed back by the winds, rolling clumsily through the ground.
At first, it was light, just a simple push. That soon changed, though. The more it got near, the stronger was the force.
They wanted to cry, to shout, to voice out against this alien event. So, why? Why was it so difficult? Why couldn't they do it? Their voices seemed to have been silenced by some strange and mysterious power.
However, what made them lose hope, what took the light of their eyes, the thing that brought them despair was the numerous tornados that began descending from the sky.
This unnatural occurrence which they could witness the moment some object stopped their movement, be it a tree, a rock or a building, was the 'You can give up' signal they needed.
As if the minds of everyone was linked, they systematically ended all struggle. The tornados, with winds surpassing the three hundred kilometers per hour, gladly took the United Empire's citizens in their embrace.
If before they were rolling on the ground or being sent flying depending on their location. Now everyone was flying upward. All kinds of things accompanied them, whatever those natural disasters could get a hold of before taking them.
This mayhem continued for a long time. First, it was the people, and then it was the capital itself. The eyewall was what caused the most damage, aside from the tornados.
When it was all over and the small-scale typhoon dispersed, an indiscernible city remained. No, calling it that way would be wrong. Now it looked more like some ruins from an ancient civilization.
Of all the people the capital had at the beginning, only a few were alive. Nothing comparable to the original number. Still, even those people weren't in the condition to do something; you may as well call them corpses.
"Objectives neutralized."
"Confirming Survivors. Acceptable amount."
"Finishing process."
"Returning body to its natural state."
Slowly, Seth's eyes became normal again, together with his voice, although that change wasn't perceptible yet.
'What an unpleasant experience that was.' Shaking his head repeatedly to wash away the feeling of disgust, he looked upon the result of his attack.
'For something I made in a few minutes, the result is not bad.' Seth thought, a little impressed. Soon, however, his gaze became chilly.
'Let's see if opening your mouth to insult me is the only thing you can do.' He may not know the contents, but the feelings of hate were something he sensed even from Rome.
Flexing his legs, the ground beneath his feet cracked. With a sonic boom, he shot like a meteor from the mountain top to the United Empire's capital some kilometers away.
He crashed near the Palace that, even with all the destruction, only suffered minimal damage.
Escaping the crater created by his landing, a figure that towered over him by a few centimeters awaited him.
"Normally, Rome would forgive you for this transgression because I'm Rome itself. However, there is not much of Rome left." His voice was slow but filled with power. He may have seemed calm to outsiders, but the reality was far from it.
"I expected it was you, Romulus. Though, I must say that Spirit Origin doesn't do you justice." Ignoring his words, he calmly walked toward the Founder of Rome.
"I could say the same of you, but that is of inconsequence right now. Many of Rome's children lost their lives today, that is something even Rome can't forgive." With every word, his Magical Energy increased.
"Stop it; you know you can't win. Many of your children would have died at the hands of your other ones. We both know that option is worse." Romulus seemed to have calmed down after hearing this.
"Because you are Mars' son and still fight for humanity, I'm respecting your wish to test the new generation." Seth continued, gaining a sigh from Lancer.
"You are perceptive, just like my father." Romulus simply closed his eyes and moved out of the way.
"I'm not perceptive. Rome may be eternal, but that only applies if the world still exists. Am I right?" Seth didn't go to meet his final enemy yet, opting for exchanging a few more words with the Founder.
Romulus' lips faintly curved upward. "Exactly. Setting that aside, do you think she is ready?"
"No, absolutely not. Nero needs a change in her mentality, although she may get it when she sees you. Let's see if her resolve is enough by then. Rest assured, though. I told my Servants that if they came with soldiers from Rome, I would personally kill them, so you can enjoy testing her philosophy all you want." Finally, he walked away to meet Lev
"Your viciousness knows no limit, fit for a War God. Still, Rome has a last request, make sure that man doesn't live to see tomorrow. Do that, and Rome will forgive you." Saying until there, Romulus went to the outskirts of his city to wait for Nero to come.
"You don't need to tell me. That's what I plan to do." Seth also said no more. He walked with unhurriedness to the Palace, as it was identical to Nero's, he knew where to go.
Despite taking it slow, Seth got to the Throne Room reasonably quickly. There, Lev was standing with his back facing him.
Releasing a sigh, he spoke without looking at the Egyptian God. "Honestly. Incompetents truly surround me. I could have been in the Temple by now. Instead, I have to take care of filth like you."
"There are no words that can describe how much hate I have for you right now. Thanks to your little stunt in Orleans, my King got furious at me." Lev continued with his monologue, while Seth just watched.
Finally turning around, he gave Seth a creepy smile. "But that ends now! You are just a pathetic remnant of your original self. Gods should just crawl to the Reverse Side of the World like the bugs they are! There is only one person fit to be called a God, and that is our King, and no other than him!"
'Does this guy ever get tired of speaking rubbish?' Seth thought while looking at the clown performing his act.
The answer to his question came immediately. "When I dispose of you, I will personally go and kill those Chaldeans after I have killed Romulus for being of no help. I will thoroughly enjoy your face as you beg for mercy! That would certainly make up for the troubles I went through, and will please my King at the same time! HAHAHAHAHA!" His insane laugh resounded across the room, together with his creepy face, it painted a disturbing sight.
"You talk too much."
"Huh?" With his face still 'deformed,' Lev felt he lost his support to stand. In a second, he fell to the ground, his legs separated from his body.
"Are you finally ready to fight? Or do you still want to say nonsense, 'filth'?" Seth had his spear materialized as he waited for the fallen man to do something. If it weren't because he wanted to get information, he would have killed him long ago.
"HATEFUL! HATEFUL! HATEFUL! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Lev screamed in rage. This obvious contempt, this mockery. It was the same as mocking his King! He couldn't allow that, not now nor ever.
"I will show what we are capable of, you impertinent bug!" The blood scattered across the ground became a black substance. In a few seconds, it covered Lev's whole body.
Seth felt a spike of Magical Energy. The black substance then exploded, creating an equally colored smoke that didn't allow for others to see.
The black-haired man waved his arms horizontally, dispersing the smoke, only to reveal a hideous creature that even the most accurate of descriptions would fail to depict its ugliness.
A giant, black pillar of flesh with many eyes, all looking at the same direction, made its presence known.
"I'm the Demon God Flauros, one of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods! The form my King gave me, I will use it to end your miserable life!" The creature spoke, his voice was like a dozen of Levs speaking at the same time with slightly different intervals.
'I was right, after all. The enemy is him—No, it's too soon to make assumptions. I will first deal with this tentacle-looking thing. It seems that spear wants to have some action against it, good grief.'
An Evil God versus a Demon God. The showdown was about to begin.
(A/N: If there is some Greek reader out there that got cancer or a seizure, just know I'm sorry.)
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