A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 80 - Moon Festival (1)
After Altera woke up, Seth accompanied her to her room, which by her request was next to his. She was still a bit weirded out by that dream, so she wanted to rest.
He then went to the cafeteria to have lunch, and to his surprise, Boudica was there helping the old lady and EMIYA. 'Well, whatever suits her.' He wouldn't force her to fight if she was more comfortable here than on the battlefield.
Cu Chulainn was also there. When Caster saw Seth, he beckoned for him to sit on his table. "Yo! How are you doing? I heard you went through quite the ordeal."
Sitting on one of the chairs, he responded. "Fine, I guess. I certainly have had better days. What about you? Romulus seems to have given you guys a hard time."
Caster expression became sour immediately. "Don't mention it. We had to use everything at our disposal, and that included the sacrifice of that little Saint. We were lucky he didn't use his Noble Phantasm, or we would have been in much more trouble."
"Of course he didn't use it. He never planned to do it in the first place. Otherwise, you would have been dead without even realizing it. His spear is nothing to scoff at, despite its funny appearance." He said, making Cu raise one of his eyebrows.
"Wait. How did you know that? And what would you do if he used it?" Caster asked, a little perplexed. If he didn't know better, he would think Seth sent Romulus to fight against them.
"Do you think I didn't meet him after I destroyed his city? I naturally talked to him. He is a Servant that wouldn't wish the world to perish under any circ.u.mstances. So he just wanted to see if he could leave his Empire in the right hands." He responded.
"His Empire ended long ago. What use is there for that?" He would never understand people like that, but then again, all heroes had their fair share of quirks.
"Beats me. You can ask Romulus if he gets summoned next time." Just then, EMIYA came with some food for him, and then sat together with them.
"Give me a rest. I am already tired of weird people appearing here one after the other." Archer was unmistakably referring to Nero, who had an extreme resemblance to Artoria, and that demanded banquets as soon as she stepped in the kitchen.
"If you complain so much, why don't you go to a Singularity? Boudica is already helping in the kitchen. It's not like you can't be useful for once." Cu Chulainn retorted, presumably wanting to start another fight between the two.
"Hmph. That's what I was planning to do from the beginning. Should I kill an ally to even things a bit?" EMIYA sarcastically replied. These two would never get along.
Seth decided to ignore them as he was already used to their constant fights. Instead, he chose to eat quietly before going to the Command Room to disclose some of the things he knew.
Quickly finishing, he looked at the two Servants who were still bickering. "I'm leaving. You guys do whatever you want. Also, make sure to be ready, Archer. You still owe me one."
The Counter Guardian felt cold all of a sudden. It didn't help that Caster was rejoicing at his misfortune. "Man, what a shame. I wish to accompany you guys, but sadly I am a bit tired from fighting that Emperor in the last Singularity. Well, nothing I can do about it, enjoy it for me!"
The Egyptian God rolled his eyes. This guy wouldn't fool even a kid with his acting. He didn't want to stay here any longer, so after a quick goodbye, he left.
When he arrived at the Command Room, Romani, Da Vinci, Mash, and Fujimaru were already waiting for him. No Servants, as well as no other staff members, were present.
"Good morning. Now that you are here, we can begin the meeting." The doctor went straight to the point, which was fine for him.
Taking a seat, he looked at the two a.d.u.l.ts. "Well, this will be a bit long." Seth then began telling them every piece of information he gathered so far. Of course, he left out some things which he was not wholly confident, like the identity of the 'King.'
When Seth got to the part where he defeated Lev, the two young kids practically jumped out of their seats. Their faces reflected the shock they felt.
Naturally, he didn't dwell too much on it, just opting for giving some details. He already said that he didn't want them to embark on a meaningless path for vengeance as that wouldn't end well. And when an older man speaks, you listen.
The black-haired man also explained with more details his confrontation against Altera and that she didn't pose a threat to Chaldea, just in case there was some awkwardness when treating her, you never know.
It was almost noon when they finished their meeting. After a small talk with Dr. Roman, Mash and Fujimaru exited the room as if they were in a hurry.
When Seth was about to go, too, Da Vinci stopped him. "Oh, right. I was wondering if you could help us with something? We are preparing some sort of festival, you see."
"Festival? What kind?" He asked. When did they start celebrating these kinds of things? More strange things keep coming one after the other, it seems.
"The Moon Festival! We don't have many things to do here, so we thought we might as well do something special. You know, eat dumplings and drink alcohol." The Universal Genius cheerfully replied.
'Are you sure it's not just because you want to get drunk...?' Despite his inner thoughts, he still replied. "Fine. Tell me what you need, and I will see what I can do."
"Don't worry. It's nothing too complicated, especially for you. We wanted to ask you if you could help Mash and Fujimaru carrying the box with the stuff for the celebration. We also took into consideration the Servants, so there is a lot of things to move." It was Romani, the one who spoke this time.
Sighing, he responded. "You could at least—" Before he could finish, an alarm was activated, resounding in the whole room.
Seth's eyes immediately narrowed. 'Is this related to what I felt yesterday?' For some reason, he had this nagging feeling in the back of his head that something troublesome was about to happen.
After a few minutes, the two kids returned with worried faces. "Doctor, someone stole everything from the storage room!" Mash practically shouted every word.
"Did you sense something, Kuro-san?" Fujimaru asked Seth. He had seen how the Egyptian God always seemed to pick things even before Dr. Roman did, so maybe he caught the presence of the intruder.
However, Seth just shook his head. "I don't actively search for people here in Chaldea, there has never been the need to, at least until now."
"As expected of a genius, I have found something that could lead us to the culprit!" Out of nowhere, Da Vinchi happily exclaimed while moving her hands on the keyboard of a computer.
"Someone Rayshifted to France three minutes ago but, Kuro and Fujimaru are here, the same as all their Servants, which means that some other person did it." Caster continued.
"The only people capable of Rayshifting are them, and the outside world doesn't exist, so the only option is a Heroic Spirit powerful enough to bend space and time," Romani concluded, unaware of how much his words affected Seth.
'Bends space and time? She wouldn't, right? Something as petty as stealing food it's not something she—She totally would...' The Egyptian God prayed to...himself? It wasn't the person he was thinking right now.
"But we don't have someone of that level here. The most powerful we have as of yet is Attila the Hun. And she is still in here." Mash said, analyzing the situation.
"You are looking at it the wrong way, Mash. Suppose he or she is a Heroic Spirit that powerful that concepts such as space and time don't affect him/her. Then they would most likely be able to arrive here taking a 'Possible contract in the future.' into account. As weird as it may sound." Da Vinci said. It surely seemed a little too nonsensical.
"No matter what Heroic Spirit they are, we must recover what they stole, or we won't be able to celebrate the Moon Festival!" After her declaration, Mash changed into her Servant form, ready to march.
"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but be sure not to overdo it. Remember, you are fighting a powerful Servant." Dr. Roman advised her, this could be more dangerous than they thought, after all.
Nodding at him, both quickly Rayshifted to France, leaving the three a.d.u.l.ts alone. "It's a Divine Spirit, right?" Da Vinci asked, looking at the place where both youths disappeared.
"Yes..." Romani confirmed.
"Indeed, it is..." Followed by Seth.
"How confident are you in taking on a Divine Spirit?" Caster asked the black-haired man.
"It depends. Against a genuine God in their prime, I have zero chance. If we talk about a weaker one or someone who is not fighting related, then I may have a chance, as little as it might be." He hadn't met a God until now, so he wasn't sure how powerful they were in this world. But if the Age of the Gods ended, then they wouldn't be that powerful, at least to his God's version standards.
"Considering they were willing to form a contract in the future, I don't think they mean harm. Also, Divine Spirits can't freely materialize, so the world must have lowered their Divinity. I don't think they are as strong as they were in the Age of the Gods." Romani's words made sense. That wouldn't make it easy, though.
"Do you want me to call your Servants here?" Da Vinci offered, but Seth just shook his head. "No need. If worse come to worse, I would have to go all out, and I may end up killing them by mistake."
"Suit yourself~" Caster then wished him good luck and sent him to France. He asked her if the coordinates could be a bit far from the place Mash and Fujimaru landed, to cover more terrain. Of course, the real reason was not that, but they didn't need to know.
After successfully Rayshifting, Seth studied the scenery. He was in some hills, and it was currently night time. In the distance, he could hear people fighting.
"Mash, Fujimaru, some beasts and...who is the other one?" He didn't recognize the presence, so maybe it wasn't the Divine Spirit but someone else.
'Anyway, better to be safe than sorry. I don't want to run the risk of someone recognizing me. I hope I didn't get rusty for these things.' Similar to when Stargazer transformed, dark Mana engulfed him before disappearing and revealing a new form.
Now, he looked like a young man with black and white hair and blue eyes. His attire consists mainly of a black and white tunic with blue accents, black pants, t.h.i.g.h-high armored boots, and a short white cape with a black edge. Aside from his shoes, his left arm has a gauntlet, and he wears a set of faulds at his waist. A sword scabbard hangs at his left side, and red marks coat his gloved right arm. Finishing with his transformation, he got closer to the place where they were fighting, enough to see their figures.
However, the moment he laid eyes on the additional person fighting together with the kids, his eyes began to twitch uncontrollably. 'At least is not Ama, but why is this crazy woman here? And why doesn't she have any trace of Divinity?'
He was relieved the Divine Spirit he thought initially was not Amaterasu, but the actual one didn't exactly thrill him that much. And what was the deal with that ugly teddy bear on her shoulders?
Nothing of this made sense. Still, Seth had to help them, even if that woman was enough to wipe the floor with the beasts.
The Egyptian God summoned six-winged blue javelins and six-winged red ones behind him. He pointed his sword at the monsters. Immediately, the weapons shot like projectiles at them.
The three people fighting were surprised at this new turn of events. That's when they heard a cheerful voice. "Don't fret, you guys. You can leave everything to me! Just stay there and witness how I take care of these mad creatures real quick!"
"U-um...how are you...sir?" Mash asked, not understanding where did he come from, at all.
"Don't need to be that formal with me. You can call me, Charles!"
He then went to the cafeteria to have lunch, and to his surprise, Boudica was there helping the old lady and EMIYA. 'Well, whatever suits her.' He wouldn't force her to fight if she was more comfortable here than on the battlefield.
Cu Chulainn was also there. When Caster saw Seth, he beckoned for him to sit on his table. "Yo! How are you doing? I heard you went through quite the ordeal."
Sitting on one of the chairs, he responded. "Fine, I guess. I certainly have had better days. What about you? Romulus seems to have given you guys a hard time."
Caster expression became sour immediately. "Don't mention it. We had to use everything at our disposal, and that included the sacrifice of that little Saint. We were lucky he didn't use his Noble Phantasm, or we would have been in much more trouble."
"Of course he didn't use it. He never planned to do it in the first place. Otherwise, you would have been dead without even realizing it. His spear is nothing to scoff at, despite its funny appearance." He said, making Cu raise one of his eyebrows.
"Wait. How did you know that? And what would you do if he used it?" Caster asked, a little perplexed. If he didn't know better, he would think Seth sent Romulus to fight against them.
"Do you think I didn't meet him after I destroyed his city? I naturally talked to him. He is a Servant that wouldn't wish the world to perish under any circ.u.mstances. So he just wanted to see if he could leave his Empire in the right hands." He responded.
"His Empire ended long ago. What use is there for that?" He would never understand people like that, but then again, all heroes had their fair share of quirks.
"Beats me. You can ask Romulus if he gets summoned next time." Just then, EMIYA came with some food for him, and then sat together with them.
"Give me a rest. I am already tired of weird people appearing here one after the other." Archer was unmistakably referring to Nero, who had an extreme resemblance to Artoria, and that demanded banquets as soon as she stepped in the kitchen.
"If you complain so much, why don't you go to a Singularity? Boudica is already helping in the kitchen. It's not like you can't be useful for once." Cu Chulainn retorted, presumably wanting to start another fight between the two.
"Hmph. That's what I was planning to do from the beginning. Should I kill an ally to even things a bit?" EMIYA sarcastically replied. These two would never get along.
Seth decided to ignore them as he was already used to their constant fights. Instead, he chose to eat quietly before going to the Command Room to disclose some of the things he knew.
Quickly finishing, he looked at the two Servants who were still bickering. "I'm leaving. You guys do whatever you want. Also, make sure to be ready, Archer. You still owe me one."
The Counter Guardian felt cold all of a sudden. It didn't help that Caster was rejoicing at his misfortune. "Man, what a shame. I wish to accompany you guys, but sadly I am a bit tired from fighting that Emperor in the last Singularity. Well, nothing I can do about it, enjoy it for me!"
The Egyptian God rolled his eyes. This guy wouldn't fool even a kid with his acting. He didn't want to stay here any longer, so after a quick goodbye, he left.
When he arrived at the Command Room, Romani, Da Vinci, Mash, and Fujimaru were already waiting for him. No Servants, as well as no other staff members, were present.
"Good morning. Now that you are here, we can begin the meeting." The doctor went straight to the point, which was fine for him.
Taking a seat, he looked at the two a.d.u.l.ts. "Well, this will be a bit long." Seth then began telling them every piece of information he gathered so far. Of course, he left out some things which he was not wholly confident, like the identity of the 'King.'
When Seth got to the part where he defeated Lev, the two young kids practically jumped out of their seats. Their faces reflected the shock they felt.
Naturally, he didn't dwell too much on it, just opting for giving some details. He already said that he didn't want them to embark on a meaningless path for vengeance as that wouldn't end well. And when an older man speaks, you listen.
The black-haired man also explained with more details his confrontation against Altera and that she didn't pose a threat to Chaldea, just in case there was some awkwardness when treating her, you never know.
It was almost noon when they finished their meeting. After a small talk with Dr. Roman, Mash and Fujimaru exited the room as if they were in a hurry.
When Seth was about to go, too, Da Vinci stopped him. "Oh, right. I was wondering if you could help us with something? We are preparing some sort of festival, you see."
"Festival? What kind?" He asked. When did they start celebrating these kinds of things? More strange things keep coming one after the other, it seems.
"The Moon Festival! We don't have many things to do here, so we thought we might as well do something special. You know, eat dumplings and drink alcohol." The Universal Genius cheerfully replied.
'Are you sure it's not just because you want to get drunk...?' Despite his inner thoughts, he still replied. "Fine. Tell me what you need, and I will see what I can do."
"Don't worry. It's nothing too complicated, especially for you. We wanted to ask you if you could help Mash and Fujimaru carrying the box with the stuff for the celebration. We also took into consideration the Servants, so there is a lot of things to move." It was Romani, the one who spoke this time.
Sighing, he responded. "You could at least—" Before he could finish, an alarm was activated, resounding in the whole room.
Seth's eyes immediately narrowed. 'Is this related to what I felt yesterday?' For some reason, he had this nagging feeling in the back of his head that something troublesome was about to happen.
After a few minutes, the two kids returned with worried faces. "Doctor, someone stole everything from the storage room!" Mash practically shouted every word.
"Did you sense something, Kuro-san?" Fujimaru asked Seth. He had seen how the Egyptian God always seemed to pick things even before Dr. Roman did, so maybe he caught the presence of the intruder.
However, Seth just shook his head. "I don't actively search for people here in Chaldea, there has never been the need to, at least until now."
"As expected of a genius, I have found something that could lead us to the culprit!" Out of nowhere, Da Vinchi happily exclaimed while moving her hands on the keyboard of a computer.
"Someone Rayshifted to France three minutes ago but, Kuro and Fujimaru are here, the same as all their Servants, which means that some other person did it." Caster continued.
"The only people capable of Rayshifting are them, and the outside world doesn't exist, so the only option is a Heroic Spirit powerful enough to bend space and time," Romani concluded, unaware of how much his words affected Seth.
'Bends space and time? She wouldn't, right? Something as petty as stealing food it's not something she—She totally would...' The Egyptian God prayed to...himself? It wasn't the person he was thinking right now.
"But we don't have someone of that level here. The most powerful we have as of yet is Attila the Hun. And she is still in here." Mash said, analyzing the situation.
"You are looking at it the wrong way, Mash. Suppose he or she is a Heroic Spirit that powerful that concepts such as space and time don't affect him/her. Then they would most likely be able to arrive here taking a 'Possible contract in the future.' into account. As weird as it may sound." Da Vinci said. It surely seemed a little too nonsensical.
"No matter what Heroic Spirit they are, we must recover what they stole, or we won't be able to celebrate the Moon Festival!" After her declaration, Mash changed into her Servant form, ready to march.
"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but be sure not to overdo it. Remember, you are fighting a powerful Servant." Dr. Roman advised her, this could be more dangerous than they thought, after all.
Nodding at him, both quickly Rayshifted to France, leaving the three a.d.u.l.ts alone. "It's a Divine Spirit, right?" Da Vinci asked, looking at the place where both youths disappeared.
"Yes..." Romani confirmed.
"Indeed, it is..." Followed by Seth.
"How confident are you in taking on a Divine Spirit?" Caster asked the black-haired man.
"It depends. Against a genuine God in their prime, I have zero chance. If we talk about a weaker one or someone who is not fighting related, then I may have a chance, as little as it might be." He hadn't met a God until now, so he wasn't sure how powerful they were in this world. But if the Age of the Gods ended, then they wouldn't be that powerful, at least to his God's version standards.
"Considering they were willing to form a contract in the future, I don't think they mean harm. Also, Divine Spirits can't freely materialize, so the world must have lowered their Divinity. I don't think they are as strong as they were in the Age of the Gods." Romani's words made sense. That wouldn't make it easy, though.
"Do you want me to call your Servants here?" Da Vinci offered, but Seth just shook his head. "No need. If worse come to worse, I would have to go all out, and I may end up killing them by mistake."
"Suit yourself~" Caster then wished him good luck and sent him to France. He asked her if the coordinates could be a bit far from the place Mash and Fujimaru landed, to cover more terrain. Of course, the real reason was not that, but they didn't need to know.
After successfully Rayshifting, Seth studied the scenery. He was in some hills, and it was currently night time. In the distance, he could hear people fighting.
"Mash, Fujimaru, some beasts and...who is the other one?" He didn't recognize the presence, so maybe it wasn't the Divine Spirit but someone else.
'Anyway, better to be safe than sorry. I don't want to run the risk of someone recognizing me. I hope I didn't get rusty for these things.' Similar to when Stargazer transformed, dark Mana engulfed him before disappearing and revealing a new form.
Now, he looked like a young man with black and white hair and blue eyes. His attire consists mainly of a black and white tunic with blue accents, black pants, t.h.i.g.h-high armored boots, and a short white cape with a black edge. Aside from his shoes, his left arm has a gauntlet, and he wears a set of faulds at his waist. A sword scabbard hangs at his left side, and red marks coat his gloved right arm. Finishing with his transformation, he got closer to the place where they were fighting, enough to see their figures.
However, the moment he laid eyes on the additional person fighting together with the kids, his eyes began to twitch uncontrollably. 'At least is not Ama, but why is this crazy woman here? And why doesn't she have any trace of Divinity?'
He was relieved the Divine Spirit he thought initially was not Amaterasu, but the actual one didn't exactly thrill him that much. And what was the deal with that ugly teddy bear on her shoulders?
Nothing of this made sense. Still, Seth had to help them, even if that woman was enough to wipe the floor with the beasts.
The Egyptian God summoned six-winged blue javelins and six-winged red ones behind him. He pointed his sword at the monsters. Immediately, the weapons shot like projectiles at them.
The three people fighting were surprised at this new turn of events. That's when they heard a cheerful voice. "Don't fret, you guys. You can leave everything to me! Just stay there and witness how I take care of these mad creatures real quick!"
"U-um...how are you...sir?" Mash asked, not understanding where did he come from, at all.
"Don't need to be that formal with me. You can call me, Charles!"
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