A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 84 - Confrontation, Promise, And New Objective
As he exited the infirmary, he tried to go to his room. It was night, and there was nothing more to do. He didn't think the others would make the festival or whatever now. But as soon as he started walking, a little white creature stood in his path.
"What do you think you are doing?" The beast spoke in its weird language, but Seth was able to understand it well. Its tone showed it wasn't exactly happy, though.
"I showed them what they would be facing in the future. Why? Do you have a problem with that?" Seth asked, with his eyes narrowed. The tone of the little squirrel didn't sit well with him.
"You didn't have to do anything. There is no point in creating negative emotions where there were none before. If you do something like this again, I won't be taking it lying down." Fou said while getting closer, always maintaining eye contact.
"Are you threatening me?" A dark aura began to emerge from his body, the same one he used on Mash and Fujimaru. He may be patient with humans, but not with 'things' like the one before him.
"I'm not threatening you, just giving you a warning. Regret one, you are not one of us yet. You would do well in heeding it." Fou responded, unaffected by his aura.
"Don't try to act funny with me. I don't need to be one of your small group to make dinner out of a ball of fur like you." Different from Fou, he wasn't giving a warning, he was outright threatening it.
"Your Authorities are degraded to the point that a common magician from ages past would laugh at them. In the end, you can only remain as a trickster of old. There is no need to seek your demise when all you intend is to help." Knowing that speaking more was unnecessary, the little animal walked past him.
"A piece of advice, Cath Palug." Feeling an unusual sense of danger, Fou jumped forward while turning back at the same time. Adopting a posture of wariness, he observed the black-haired man with attentiveness.
Slowly, hair began to grow from every part of his body, a tail and to large ears that pointed upward formed, and his face morphed to resemble that of a dog-like creature.
It was not a mere change in appearance like he did back with Artemis. If it were, Fou wouldn't be in that state of alertness. This transformation was the real deal.
"A common trickster can deceive other people. A trickster that is also a God can deceive the World." Immediately after he said this, he reverted to the way he was before.
"Although just for a few seconds...it is enough to end your existence." Seth's face was devoid of all emotions as if he was merely stating a fact, which he was.
He didn't want to waste any more time with the white creature, so he resumed his walk previously stopped by it.
"I just want to know one thing. Why now?" He never showed any signs of wanting to show them 'what they would be facing in the future,' so it didn't understand the motive behind it.
"Urgency." Without stopping, he gave a short answer, one that conveyed everything he had to say.
It wasn't long before he got to his room. He was pretty exhausted mentally due to all the annoying things he had to deal with today. However, it seemed it wasn't going to be over soon. Not even one minute after he laid on his bed, there was a knock on the door.
At this point, he didn't bother checking who it was and went directly to open it. That proved to be a mistake since Jeanne, who always tried to evangelize him, was there. She wasn't alone, though. Her counterpart was also there, with visible red around her eyes.
"Master, I hope we are not interrupt—" "I don't want to hear the word of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." Before Jeanne got the chance to speak appropriately, Seth pressed the button to close the door.
"Wha...! Wait a bit, Master!" The Saint held the door from closing with her arm. Being a Servant, this was an easy thing for her.
Releasing a sigh, he decided to ask the reason why they were here. "So, what do you want at this hour? I'm not a Servant. I need to sleep from time to time."
"I know for a fact that you don't sleep that often," Jeanne said, not buying anything he was telling her. 'Know? For a fact? What kind of stalker are you?'
"I think it is time," Jeanne added, bringing more confusion to him. Has this girl finally go insane after so much zealous belief in Yahweh?
"Time for what?" He asked, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
"Do you remember the promise you made me in Orleans? I hope you have not forgotten about it." She revealed the reason why she was here, but that didn't explain the presence of the silent Avenger.
'Oh...now that I remember, I did make a promise like that. Damn. Why do I go making promises I don't want to fulfill?' Contrary to his internal thoughts, he wouldn't go back on it.
He was fulfilling a promise he made more than one hundred thousand years ago, which showed how much he valued them. One he made a bit less than two months ago seemed trivial compared to it.
"Can it be tomorrow?" Despite all of that, he didn't want to do it today. First, it was the matter with Artemis and then with Cath Palug just recently. He wasn't in the mood to do anything right now.
"No. It has to be now." Usually, she wouldn't insist much on it, but she wasn't here solely for herself, but for her 'sister' as well. While Seth was in France together with Fujimaru and Mash, Jeanne stayed with Jalter, even when said person told her to go away.
The main reason Avenger didn't want Ruler near her was so that Jeanne wouldn't see her cry for what happened in the Training Room. She always prided herself on being the strong one, so she didn't want to show weakness in front of the Saint.
Jalter found it unfair. Unfair that a girl that appeared out of nowhere was getting all the attention. As if she was a Queen that needed to be treated by him with the utmost care.
The way her Master gave preferential treatment to the newcomer and how he was practically pushing her away for Saber...it hurt the Black Saint a lot. It didn't have anything to do with her feelings as a girl but as a person. Whether he had wanted it or not, he had become her everything. In essence, he had become her new God.
Seth was the pillar that held her whole existence together. Even until today, that feeling of peace Jalter felt when he trapped her in an illusion remained within her. She always clung to it with fervor. To have that taken away from her...you may as well ask her to die.
Although Jeanne didn't precisely know how her counterpart was feeling, she could understand a bit. That's why she decided to share the promise Seth made her together with Jalter.
Sighing again, he moved aside. "Fine, enter. Although I will only do it for thirty minutes, after that, you have to go, or I will kick you out."
Jeanne released a breath she didn't know she was holding. It would be a lie if she said she was a hundred percent sure her Master would agree to keep his promise. Without delay, she entered his room.
"You can come inside, too." Seeing Jalter was standing there unmoving, Seth gave his permission for her to enter the room. Avenger merely nodded without saying a word and did as he told her.
Once they were all inside, he let the two girls sit on his bed while he was standing in front of them. "I promised I would teach you how to read. Now, in which language will it be? And don't come asking for mine, because I will not teach you that."
"W-Well...I asked Lady Da Vinci if she could lend me a book in English since it is what most of the people here speak, and she was kind enough to give me one." It seems her Master knew her intentions. At least she thought in a plan B in case that failed.
"Let me see it." Seth motioned Jeanne to give the book to him, which she did. Not even a millisecond after he read the title, he burned that thing to ashes.
Now, Romani had a friend in the 'Must kick their asses' list. Who would have thought that the Doctor wasn't the only one that liked to rile him up?
"Why? Master, that was a borrowed book!" Because Jeanne didn't know how to read, she didn't know what the book was about, so she felt terrible now she couldn't return it after learning.
"Don't worry about that. I will properly apologize to Caster. You can be sure of it." He said in a neutral tone. 'Master, your face is scary.' However, by the looks of it, it wasn't enough to convince the Saint.
'Now, I will have to improvise. Just great.' A Caster Servant caused this problem, so it had to be resolved by another one. With all the time he had spent with Cu Chulainn, he had learned to use Runes, although everything was self-taught just by looking.
The Celtic hero used fire Runes, so he didn't bother using them. After all, he had Authority over Fire. He wouldn't use a weaker version of his power without reason. Yet, now, it was a perfect chance.
Joining his middle and index finger together, he drew a line in the air, creating some Runes in the form of a fiery red text for them to read. "Before we start, now that I'm strict when it comes to teaching. If you don't pay attention, I won't bother anymore."
In the past, he taught some Pharaoh how to use a bow. Every time that guy cried that he wanted to give up, he would beat some sense into him until he begged to keep learning. He always was and will always be a no-nonsense type of guy.
Contrary to his expectations, Jeanne and the quiet Jalter, who started speaking more as time passed, listened to him and tried to learn to the best of their abilities. He was so surprised that he decided to extend the time he would teach them to two hours.
By the end of it, they could read some basic sentences, but considering they didn't know anything before, it was significant progress. Even so, Seth eventually told them it was enough, and that they did a good job, something they appreciated.
Once they were gone, Seth could finally have some sleep. He made sure to shut down his body entirely so that no one, be it Stargazer, Alaya, or his 'admirer' from the Underworld, would call him.
After a night that seemed to last an eternity, the rays of a certain d*ck started illuminating the land again. Chaldea wasn't included in that, though. The blizzard continued to cover the sky as always.
As soon as he woke up and got out of his room, he could feel the atmosphere was less gloomy than before. He assumed the other two had woken up and were now in a better condition.
This speculation was confirmed when he was called to the Command Room by Romani. He met with the two youths, and even though they looked a bit tired and with bags under their eyes, they looked far better than how they did last night.
As soon as he entered, Da Vinci, Romani, and the two kids thanked him for helping them. He was not going to lie; it made him feel a little bit awkward, considering he, to begin with, was the cause of their problem.
After talking a little about some random things, Romani went to the most pressing matter, and that was the location and year of the next Singularity. It was going to be in 1573, in a vast ocean that kept changing positions. For now, the Doctor and the staff could only identify some islands there.
What Romani said, however, didn't bring comfort to Seth. The ocean was a place that made things difficult for his Authority over Fire, which was the one he relied on the most. On the contrary, the terrain would enhance his power over Storms.
In a sense, Gods like him and one of the seas like, for example, Poseidon, were total opposites. In a land like Egypt, he would be practically useless. The only advantage Seth had was the numerous Authorities that gave him more diversity when it came to foreign lands.
They decided to go to the Singularity in a few days. Until then, they would prepare as much as possible, so things like what happened in Rome wouldn't occur again.
With nothing more to discuss, they each went on their way. The rest of the day was uneventful, with nothing noteworthy happening. Seth helped the two Saints again in the afternoon, and after that, took EMIYA to the Simulation Room to fight a lot of Chimeras for some sweet, sweet revenge.
To his surprise, the staff members, including Romani and Da Vinci, decided to hold the Moon Festival that night, although the full moon was yesterday. Not that they were in the mood to celebrate with what happened to Fujimaru and Mash, but now they recuperated, there was no reason not to feast.
It was a much-needed change of air. Not only the staff partook in this celebration, but the Servants as well. Even the quiet Altera whose version in France wanted to destroy the Moon Festival because it was a 'bad civilization' in her eyes joined. She only quietly ate dumplings, though.
As for Seth, he was drinking alcohol alone on top of the roof of Chaldea. Even though the temperature outside ranged the -70°C, he wasn't bothered by it.
"Want me to accompany you? Man, you sure pick the weirdest of places to celebrate." Cu Chulainn's voice came from behind him. He was using a small fireball to illuminate the place.
"Sure, why not? Take a seat." He motioned for Caster to sit beside him.
"I thought parties were your thing. You threw one and then trapped your brother in a c.h.e.s.t before throwing him in a river, after all." Cu said jokingly.
"You did your homework. Congratulations." The only reply Caster got from him was a sarcastic one. Still, that was something that he didn't care about in the least. That as*hole was in the Duat now. There was no point in feeling sorry for him.
"..." There was a moment of silence before both laughed shortly. Talking about whatever came to their mind and, ironically, enjoying the bad weather, the night quietly passed.
I also wanted to make Tama Cat x Seth dialogue in this chapter for you, scrubs, but I felt like separating it from a Jeanne and Jalter moment would be the best option. You know, to give the interactions between characters their own 'space.' Anyway, I will be going back to edit some chapters for grammar, sentences that don't make sense, etc. This book is my first one, and I can safely say I progressed. When I started, I s.u.c.k.e.d (still do), so I want to fix some mistakes. If you see this book appearing as if it was updated, it will be because of that. Have a lovely day/night, depending on where you live~
"What do you think you are doing?" The beast spoke in its weird language, but Seth was able to understand it well. Its tone showed it wasn't exactly happy, though.
"I showed them what they would be facing in the future. Why? Do you have a problem with that?" Seth asked, with his eyes narrowed. The tone of the little squirrel didn't sit well with him.
"You didn't have to do anything. There is no point in creating negative emotions where there were none before. If you do something like this again, I won't be taking it lying down." Fou said while getting closer, always maintaining eye contact.
"Are you threatening me?" A dark aura began to emerge from his body, the same one he used on Mash and Fujimaru. He may be patient with humans, but not with 'things' like the one before him.
"I'm not threatening you, just giving you a warning. Regret one, you are not one of us yet. You would do well in heeding it." Fou responded, unaffected by his aura.
"Don't try to act funny with me. I don't need to be one of your small group to make dinner out of a ball of fur like you." Different from Fou, he wasn't giving a warning, he was outright threatening it.
"Your Authorities are degraded to the point that a common magician from ages past would laugh at them. In the end, you can only remain as a trickster of old. There is no need to seek your demise when all you intend is to help." Knowing that speaking more was unnecessary, the little animal walked past him.
"A piece of advice, Cath Palug." Feeling an unusual sense of danger, Fou jumped forward while turning back at the same time. Adopting a posture of wariness, he observed the black-haired man with attentiveness.
Slowly, hair began to grow from every part of his body, a tail and to large ears that pointed upward formed, and his face morphed to resemble that of a dog-like creature.
It was not a mere change in appearance like he did back with Artemis. If it were, Fou wouldn't be in that state of alertness. This transformation was the real deal.
"A common trickster can deceive other people. A trickster that is also a God can deceive the World." Immediately after he said this, he reverted to the way he was before.
"Although just for a few seconds...it is enough to end your existence." Seth's face was devoid of all emotions as if he was merely stating a fact, which he was.
He didn't want to waste any more time with the white creature, so he resumed his walk previously stopped by it.
"I just want to know one thing. Why now?" He never showed any signs of wanting to show them 'what they would be facing in the future,' so it didn't understand the motive behind it.
"Urgency." Without stopping, he gave a short answer, one that conveyed everything he had to say.
It wasn't long before he got to his room. He was pretty exhausted mentally due to all the annoying things he had to deal with today. However, it seemed it wasn't going to be over soon. Not even one minute after he laid on his bed, there was a knock on the door.
At this point, he didn't bother checking who it was and went directly to open it. That proved to be a mistake since Jeanne, who always tried to evangelize him, was there. She wasn't alone, though. Her counterpart was also there, with visible red around her eyes.
"Master, I hope we are not interrupt—" "I don't want to hear the word of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." Before Jeanne got the chance to speak appropriately, Seth pressed the button to close the door.
"Wha...! Wait a bit, Master!" The Saint held the door from closing with her arm. Being a Servant, this was an easy thing for her.
Releasing a sigh, he decided to ask the reason why they were here. "So, what do you want at this hour? I'm not a Servant. I need to sleep from time to time."
"I know for a fact that you don't sleep that often," Jeanne said, not buying anything he was telling her. 'Know? For a fact? What kind of stalker are you?'
"I think it is time," Jeanne added, bringing more confusion to him. Has this girl finally go insane after so much zealous belief in Yahweh?
"Time for what?" He asked, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
"Do you remember the promise you made me in Orleans? I hope you have not forgotten about it." She revealed the reason why she was here, but that didn't explain the presence of the silent Avenger.
'Oh...now that I remember, I did make a promise like that. Damn. Why do I go making promises I don't want to fulfill?' Contrary to his internal thoughts, he wouldn't go back on it.
He was fulfilling a promise he made more than one hundred thousand years ago, which showed how much he valued them. One he made a bit less than two months ago seemed trivial compared to it.
"Can it be tomorrow?" Despite all of that, he didn't want to do it today. First, it was the matter with Artemis and then with Cath Palug just recently. He wasn't in the mood to do anything right now.
"No. It has to be now." Usually, she wouldn't insist much on it, but she wasn't here solely for herself, but for her 'sister' as well. While Seth was in France together with Fujimaru and Mash, Jeanne stayed with Jalter, even when said person told her to go away.
The main reason Avenger didn't want Ruler near her was so that Jeanne wouldn't see her cry for what happened in the Training Room. She always prided herself on being the strong one, so she didn't want to show weakness in front of the Saint.
Jalter found it unfair. Unfair that a girl that appeared out of nowhere was getting all the attention. As if she was a Queen that needed to be treated by him with the utmost care.
The way her Master gave preferential treatment to the newcomer and how he was practically pushing her away for Saber...it hurt the Black Saint a lot. It didn't have anything to do with her feelings as a girl but as a person. Whether he had wanted it or not, he had become her everything. In essence, he had become her new God.
Seth was the pillar that held her whole existence together. Even until today, that feeling of peace Jalter felt when he trapped her in an illusion remained within her. She always clung to it with fervor. To have that taken away from her...you may as well ask her to die.
Although Jeanne didn't precisely know how her counterpart was feeling, she could understand a bit. That's why she decided to share the promise Seth made her together with Jalter.
Sighing again, he moved aside. "Fine, enter. Although I will only do it for thirty minutes, after that, you have to go, or I will kick you out."
Jeanne released a breath she didn't know she was holding. It would be a lie if she said she was a hundred percent sure her Master would agree to keep his promise. Without delay, she entered his room.
"You can come inside, too." Seeing Jalter was standing there unmoving, Seth gave his permission for her to enter the room. Avenger merely nodded without saying a word and did as he told her.
Once they were all inside, he let the two girls sit on his bed while he was standing in front of them. "I promised I would teach you how to read. Now, in which language will it be? And don't come asking for mine, because I will not teach you that."
"W-Well...I asked Lady Da Vinci if she could lend me a book in English since it is what most of the people here speak, and she was kind enough to give me one." It seems her Master knew her intentions. At least she thought in a plan B in case that failed.
"Let me see it." Seth motioned Jeanne to give the book to him, which she did. Not even a millisecond after he read the title, he burned that thing to ashes.
Now, Romani had a friend in the 'Must kick their asses' list. Who would have thought that the Doctor wasn't the only one that liked to rile him up?
"Why? Master, that was a borrowed book!" Because Jeanne didn't know how to read, she didn't know what the book was about, so she felt terrible now she couldn't return it after learning.
"Don't worry about that. I will properly apologize to Caster. You can be sure of it." He said in a neutral tone. 'Master, your face is scary.' However, by the looks of it, it wasn't enough to convince the Saint.
'Now, I will have to improvise. Just great.' A Caster Servant caused this problem, so it had to be resolved by another one. With all the time he had spent with Cu Chulainn, he had learned to use Runes, although everything was self-taught just by looking.
The Celtic hero used fire Runes, so he didn't bother using them. After all, he had Authority over Fire. He wouldn't use a weaker version of his power without reason. Yet, now, it was a perfect chance.
Joining his middle and index finger together, he drew a line in the air, creating some Runes in the form of a fiery red text for them to read. "Before we start, now that I'm strict when it comes to teaching. If you don't pay attention, I won't bother anymore."
In the past, he taught some Pharaoh how to use a bow. Every time that guy cried that he wanted to give up, he would beat some sense into him until he begged to keep learning. He always was and will always be a no-nonsense type of guy.
Contrary to his expectations, Jeanne and the quiet Jalter, who started speaking more as time passed, listened to him and tried to learn to the best of their abilities. He was so surprised that he decided to extend the time he would teach them to two hours.
By the end of it, they could read some basic sentences, but considering they didn't know anything before, it was significant progress. Even so, Seth eventually told them it was enough, and that they did a good job, something they appreciated.
Once they were gone, Seth could finally have some sleep. He made sure to shut down his body entirely so that no one, be it Stargazer, Alaya, or his 'admirer' from the Underworld, would call him.
After a night that seemed to last an eternity, the rays of a certain d*ck started illuminating the land again. Chaldea wasn't included in that, though. The blizzard continued to cover the sky as always.
As soon as he woke up and got out of his room, he could feel the atmosphere was less gloomy than before. He assumed the other two had woken up and were now in a better condition.
This speculation was confirmed when he was called to the Command Room by Romani. He met with the two youths, and even though they looked a bit tired and with bags under their eyes, they looked far better than how they did last night.
As soon as he entered, Da Vinci, Romani, and the two kids thanked him for helping them. He was not going to lie; it made him feel a little bit awkward, considering he, to begin with, was the cause of their problem.
After talking a little about some random things, Romani went to the most pressing matter, and that was the location and year of the next Singularity. It was going to be in 1573, in a vast ocean that kept changing positions. For now, the Doctor and the staff could only identify some islands there.
What Romani said, however, didn't bring comfort to Seth. The ocean was a place that made things difficult for his Authority over Fire, which was the one he relied on the most. On the contrary, the terrain would enhance his power over Storms.
In a sense, Gods like him and one of the seas like, for example, Poseidon, were total opposites. In a land like Egypt, he would be practically useless. The only advantage Seth had was the numerous Authorities that gave him more diversity when it came to foreign lands.
They decided to go to the Singularity in a few days. Until then, they would prepare as much as possible, so things like what happened in Rome wouldn't occur again.
With nothing more to discuss, they each went on their way. The rest of the day was uneventful, with nothing noteworthy happening. Seth helped the two Saints again in the afternoon, and after that, took EMIYA to the Simulation Room to fight a lot of Chimeras for some sweet, sweet revenge.
To his surprise, the staff members, including Romani and Da Vinci, decided to hold the Moon Festival that night, although the full moon was yesterday. Not that they were in the mood to celebrate with what happened to Fujimaru and Mash, but now they recuperated, there was no reason not to feast.
It was a much-needed change of air. Not only the staff partook in this celebration, but the Servants as well. Even the quiet Altera whose version in France wanted to destroy the Moon Festival because it was a 'bad civilization' in her eyes joined. She only quietly ate dumplings, though.
As for Seth, he was drinking alcohol alone on top of the roof of Chaldea. Even though the temperature outside ranged the -70°C, he wasn't bothered by it.
"Want me to accompany you? Man, you sure pick the weirdest of places to celebrate." Cu Chulainn's voice came from behind him. He was using a small fireball to illuminate the place.
"Sure, why not? Take a seat." He motioned for Caster to sit beside him.
"I thought parties were your thing. You threw one and then trapped your brother in a c.h.e.s.t before throwing him in a river, after all." Cu said jokingly.
"You did your homework. Congratulations." The only reply Caster got from him was a sarcastic one. Still, that was something that he didn't care about in the least. That as*hole was in the Duat now. There was no point in feeling sorry for him.
"..." There was a moment of silence before both laughed shortly. Talking about whatever came to their mind and, ironically, enjoying the bad weather, the night quietly passed.
I also wanted to make Tama Cat x Seth dialogue in this chapter for you, scrubs, but I felt like separating it from a Jeanne and Jalter moment would be the best option. You know, to give the interactions between characters their own 'space.' Anyway, I will be going back to edit some chapters for grammar, sentences that don't make sense, etc. This book is my first one, and I can safely say I progressed. When I started, I s.u.c.k.e.d (still do), so I want to fix some mistakes. If you see this book appearing as if it was updated, it will be because of that. Have a lovely day/night, depending on where you live~
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