A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 9 - Evil Fights Corruption
======== 5 hours ago ========
Seth and Cu Chulainn were on the lookout for enemies while the trio from Chaldea just rested after fighting more monsters.
"Hey." Cu said to gain his attention.
"Hm?" Seth looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
Caster scratched the back of his head. "Well, how to say it. There's something that's been on my mind ever since you told me your identity."
By the tone of nervousness on his voice, Seth could guess what he was going to say was going to be a bit...intrusive. "Go on." He said.
Receiving the green light. He finally decided to ask the question he wanted to ask. "Do you...regret killing your brother?" Cu Chulainn found it weird, even knowing who he is and what he did, he couldn't hate the guy. Call it his guts or whatever but something told him Seth was not a bad guy, even if he looked like a robot with no emotion most of the time. He was sure if he found another guy who did the same thing Seth did, he would kill him out of repulsiveness. But for some reason, he couldn't get himself to hate the person in front of him.
Seth looked at him for a second before facing forwards, he didn't respond for a while. The awkward silence was maintained for two minutes that were really agonizing for Caster before he answered, "No." A plain, simple answer that left no room for more chat.
"Is that so? I apolog-" He felt a little bad inside for asking so he was going to apologize but Seth cut him before he could.
"But..." Seth gazed at the sky, even if his face didn't show anything, his eyes were reminiscing.
Stopping for a moment, he returned his gaze to Cu Chulainn. Looking at him dead in the eyes.
"I do regret my reign. Or should I say, I regret the way I treated people when I reigned." His tone containing traces of sadness, he continued. "At that time, I was blinded by anger. Anger at the Gods that made me their scapegoat and anger at the people who despite having done anything to them, hated and feared me. In my rage, the fear and hate of the people became my amus.e.m.e.nt."
Feeling his legs shaking a little, Seth decided to sit down before continuing. At this point in time, he just needed someone to listen. He didn't know if it will help with his guilt or not, but it was worth a try.
"I created storms that destroyed the little food my people could produce on the fields, I set fire to their homes, I created demons that entered my people's houses and ate them alive, I..." "It's enough." Caster said, placing a hand on his shoulders. He shouldn't have asked, he shouldn't have. Looking at the state of Seth now, it was clear how much regret and guilt he felt towards humanity. But if there was a reason Caster wanted to stop him from speaking any more than this, was the tears that were streaming down his face.
A man who barely displayed emotions, a man who's voice was cold as ice, a man that despite everything wrong he has done, cared deeply about humanity, a man who he respected as a fellow warrior. Such a man was crying in front of him. If he didn't stop such sight, he wouldn't be able to call himself a...friend.
"Yes...you are right." Pulling himself back together, he got up. Looking at Cu Chulainn, his crying face now displayed a serene smile. "Thank you Cu Chulainn, I really needed that."
Caster just smiled. "Don't worry, will ya? That's what friends do."
'Friends, huh?' That word didn't taste that bad anymore.
Inside Seth's soul, there was a red metal door. The door looked old and rusty and was surrounded by chains, preventing something from going out. At Caster's words, the door shook. One of the chains closing the door broke. But that was something Seth was going to realize later.
======== Present time ========
Seth was angered at Saber's words. The meaning of them clear as water to him, "From one ruthless tyrant to another, you have my respect and admiration." While Saber's words were sarcastic in nature, and she didn't have an ounce of respect from him. The fact she made him remember those painful memories was enough to make him angry. He didn't know how she uncovered his identity. But that could wait until she was on the ground with his spear piercing her heart.
"Calm down, Apophis. Don't let her get your head." Cu decided to use Seth's fake name to refer to him, advising him to keep his head cool.
Seth, hearing Cu Chulainn, calmed down. He was right, he shouldn't let his dark emotions take over him like that less he wanted to become his former self.
Looking at the side, he saw the shivering form of Olga and Fujimaru, they weren't shivering because of fear but because the temperature literally dropped to freezing levels. Mash was fine as she was a Servant so she wasn't affected that much.
Feeling apologetic he conjured a small fireball, it didn't have any attacking power but it could keep them warm. "Sorry for that, here, let me make it up to you." He said as he commanded the fireball to go towards them. Once it was near them, their shivering significantly stopped.
"You know I could have done it myself, you didn't have to do anything." Caster remarked from the side, Seth shook his head.
"No, you are more magic oriented than I'm. You are gonna need every bit of your mana." Caster didn't have anything to say to that.
After that, each one of them took their positions. Mash in front, Caster in the middle and Seth in the back. If you are wondering why a melee fighter is not fighting face to face with Saber, the reason was simple. Seth's new ability, Kingslayer. It only worked on the presence of a King, that's why he couldn't practice the instant activation of the skill. As he was fairly new to how abilities in this world worked, he needed some time to know how to activate them.
"Five minutes will do, Cu Chulainn, Mash. Do the best you can till then!" Seth spoke while closing his eyes to prepare the activation of Kingslayer EX, wasting no time.
"Yes! Leave it to me!" "You got it!" Both replied.
"Hmph...I care not about what you are planning." Saber said coldly as ever. Her gaze shifting to Mash before speaking again, "Be ready, strange girl. This sword shall test the truth of your shield".
Speaking till there, Saber dashed forward. Her sword clad in dark purple light. She hit her shield time and time again. Each hit heavier than the last.
"Now, little girl!" At Caster's shout, Mash used the force of the hit from Saber's sword to move to the side. As Mash was blocking her vision with her big shield, Saber couldn't see the fireballs behind the little girl until it was too late. However, putting more energy into her sword he blocked the incoming attack.
Unfortunately, the only thing they managed to do was making Saber slide backward a little. Beyond that, no damage was done.
"I admit, you improved since your fight against Archer. However, no matter what you do, it's pointless." Saber stated while slowly walking forward.
"Hoh? You were watching our fight with Archer and you didn't help him? He will be sad if he finds out." Caster asked in a fake voice of surprise.
"He was just doing his duty, if he serves no purpose then I don't need him." Saber said, completely unaffected by Caster words.
Cu Chulainn smiled, Saber halted in her tracks. "Now, kid!" He shouted, Fujimaru, who was waiting for his signal, raised his right hand. Showing his Command Spells, he did a mental image and then, with his gaze set on Mash, called out to her. "Mash, return to me!"
Shielder, who was getting up after being thrown by Saber, turned into light and reappeared next to Olga, Fujimaru and Seth.
Saber's instincts screamed at her to get out of there, something he tried but couldn't do.
With everything ready, Caster slammed his right hand in the ground.
« I'll use my ace up my sleeve. Burn them completely, giant of all trees. "Wicker Man"! »
First, a giant hand made out of wood shot from the ground, clutching Saber in its hand. It didn't end there, however. More parts of the giant kept appearing, eventually revealing its whole form. A fifteen meters wooden giant covered in flames with a cage for a stomach. Squeezing Saber in its hand as much as he could for a moment, the giant proceeded to throw her towards the cage in its stomach.
After that was done, the flaming giant burned himself even more. Damaging Saber in the process. However, She never once screamed, gritting her teeth, she endured all the pain. A Ruler couldn't show weakness in front of the enemy.
After Wicker Man, the giant made to burn the offerings presented to the ancient Gods in Celtic mythology, burned itself out, Caster fell to his knees.
Panting, he looked at where Saber was at. Burnings of varied degrees covered her pale skin but even so, she was standing.
Her cold face was now reflecting fury. "I will give it to you all. That was a well-thought strategy." Though her words said prises, the tone of her voice meant another thing.
"What kind of monster are you, bastard? Can you even be killed?" Caster was as frustrated as he could be.
Mash quickly approached Caster. Now that he exhausted his mana, defending against Saber attacks was going to be difficult.
Raising her shield, she stubbornly met Saber's gaze. She was going to protect everyone, she was going to protect Caster who was behind her, she was going to protect the Director, she was going to protect Apophis -Even though he was a bit cold- but above all else, she was going to protect her Master!
Seeing this, Saber squeezed her sword tighter. Raising it into a slashing motion she spoke. "I will answer your gaze, your d.e.s.i.r.e to protect your Master..." Saber's aura rose with each passing second, ready to attack she chanted.
« Cry out. It is time to fall to the ground. Hammer of the Vile King. Overturn the aurora. Swallow the light! "Excalibur Morgan"! »
With that, she slammed her sword to the ground, sending an energy beam to Shielder and Caster place. Mash prepared her shield to meet the incoming attack.
Once the attack and the shield collided, Mash found herself hard-pressed to keep up. Seeing this Caster spoke, "Hang in there, young lady! If that attack hits us, the best scenario is us burning to a crisp. Otherwise, our top halves will get blown off!" She had to admit those words weren't very encouraging but she would have to do with them.
As the attack from Saber was fading, so was Mash's resistance. She needed to keep blocking for a little longer and they would have successfully repelled the attack.
Sadly, before Excalibur Morgan faded completely, the girl's shield gave in. With no protection, they were sent flying backward.
The only good thing about this was that Shielder blocked most of Saber's blow so they didn't receive much damage but they wouldn't be able to fight for a while.
"Mash!" Fujimaru shouted worriedly, he wanted to go to her but was stopped by Olga. "Stop it, you are her Master, have trust in her." To tell the truth, even she didn't believe in her own words but she had to keep him alive at all costs. Fujimaru just clenched his fist, feeling powerless in this situation.
Saber looked at the Master for a second before resuming his walk towards Shielder and Caster.
"I commend you, you fought well. I shall give you an honorable death." When she was in front of Mash and Cu, she raised her sword, ready to end their lives.
"What do you think you are doing?" Just then, a cold voice sounded behind her. The voice sent shivers down her spine, it was the same voice, the same tone. But...something was different, something that produced an innate fear in her.
Next chapter is the end of Fuyuki, yay!
Review so we can share this tumor-inducing story with other people.
Seth and Cu Chulainn were on the lookout for enemies while the trio from Chaldea just rested after fighting more monsters.
"Hey." Cu said to gain his attention.
"Hm?" Seth looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
Caster scratched the back of his head. "Well, how to say it. There's something that's been on my mind ever since you told me your identity."
By the tone of nervousness on his voice, Seth could guess what he was going to say was going to be a bit...intrusive. "Go on." He said.
Receiving the green light. He finally decided to ask the question he wanted to ask. "Do you...regret killing your brother?" Cu Chulainn found it weird, even knowing who he is and what he did, he couldn't hate the guy. Call it his guts or whatever but something told him Seth was not a bad guy, even if he looked like a robot with no emotion most of the time. He was sure if he found another guy who did the same thing Seth did, he would kill him out of repulsiveness. But for some reason, he couldn't get himself to hate the person in front of him.
Seth looked at him for a second before facing forwards, he didn't respond for a while. The awkward silence was maintained for two minutes that were really agonizing for Caster before he answered, "No." A plain, simple answer that left no room for more chat.
"Is that so? I apolog-" He felt a little bad inside for asking so he was going to apologize but Seth cut him before he could.
"But..." Seth gazed at the sky, even if his face didn't show anything, his eyes were reminiscing.
Stopping for a moment, he returned his gaze to Cu Chulainn. Looking at him dead in the eyes.
"I do regret my reign. Or should I say, I regret the way I treated people when I reigned." His tone containing traces of sadness, he continued. "At that time, I was blinded by anger. Anger at the Gods that made me their scapegoat and anger at the people who despite having done anything to them, hated and feared me. In my rage, the fear and hate of the people became my amus.e.m.e.nt."
Feeling his legs shaking a little, Seth decided to sit down before continuing. At this point in time, he just needed someone to listen. He didn't know if it will help with his guilt or not, but it was worth a try.
"I created storms that destroyed the little food my people could produce on the fields, I set fire to their homes, I created demons that entered my people's houses and ate them alive, I..." "It's enough." Caster said, placing a hand on his shoulders. He shouldn't have asked, he shouldn't have. Looking at the state of Seth now, it was clear how much regret and guilt he felt towards humanity. But if there was a reason Caster wanted to stop him from speaking any more than this, was the tears that were streaming down his face.
A man who barely displayed emotions, a man who's voice was cold as ice, a man that despite everything wrong he has done, cared deeply about humanity, a man who he respected as a fellow warrior. Such a man was crying in front of him. If he didn't stop such sight, he wouldn't be able to call himself a...friend.
"Yes...you are right." Pulling himself back together, he got up. Looking at Cu Chulainn, his crying face now displayed a serene smile. "Thank you Cu Chulainn, I really needed that."
Caster just smiled. "Don't worry, will ya? That's what friends do."
'Friends, huh?' That word didn't taste that bad anymore.
Inside Seth's soul, there was a red metal door. The door looked old and rusty and was surrounded by chains, preventing something from going out. At Caster's words, the door shook. One of the chains closing the door broke. But that was something Seth was going to realize later.
======== Present time ========
Seth was angered at Saber's words. The meaning of them clear as water to him, "From one ruthless tyrant to another, you have my respect and admiration." While Saber's words were sarcastic in nature, and she didn't have an ounce of respect from him. The fact she made him remember those painful memories was enough to make him angry. He didn't know how she uncovered his identity. But that could wait until she was on the ground with his spear piercing her heart.
"Calm down, Apophis. Don't let her get your head." Cu decided to use Seth's fake name to refer to him, advising him to keep his head cool.
Seth, hearing Cu Chulainn, calmed down. He was right, he shouldn't let his dark emotions take over him like that less he wanted to become his former self.
Looking at the side, he saw the shivering form of Olga and Fujimaru, they weren't shivering because of fear but because the temperature literally dropped to freezing levels. Mash was fine as she was a Servant so she wasn't affected that much.
Feeling apologetic he conjured a small fireball, it didn't have any attacking power but it could keep them warm. "Sorry for that, here, let me make it up to you." He said as he commanded the fireball to go towards them. Once it was near them, their shivering significantly stopped.
"You know I could have done it myself, you didn't have to do anything." Caster remarked from the side, Seth shook his head.
"No, you are more magic oriented than I'm. You are gonna need every bit of your mana." Caster didn't have anything to say to that.
After that, each one of them took their positions. Mash in front, Caster in the middle and Seth in the back. If you are wondering why a melee fighter is not fighting face to face with Saber, the reason was simple. Seth's new ability, Kingslayer. It only worked on the presence of a King, that's why he couldn't practice the instant activation of the skill. As he was fairly new to how abilities in this world worked, he needed some time to know how to activate them.
"Five minutes will do, Cu Chulainn, Mash. Do the best you can till then!" Seth spoke while closing his eyes to prepare the activation of Kingslayer EX, wasting no time.
"Yes! Leave it to me!" "You got it!" Both replied.
"Hmph...I care not about what you are planning." Saber said coldly as ever. Her gaze shifting to Mash before speaking again, "Be ready, strange girl. This sword shall test the truth of your shield".
Speaking till there, Saber dashed forward. Her sword clad in dark purple light. She hit her shield time and time again. Each hit heavier than the last.
"Now, little girl!" At Caster's shout, Mash used the force of the hit from Saber's sword to move to the side. As Mash was blocking her vision with her big shield, Saber couldn't see the fireballs behind the little girl until it was too late. However, putting more energy into her sword he blocked the incoming attack.
Unfortunately, the only thing they managed to do was making Saber slide backward a little. Beyond that, no damage was done.
"I admit, you improved since your fight against Archer. However, no matter what you do, it's pointless." Saber stated while slowly walking forward.
"Hoh? You were watching our fight with Archer and you didn't help him? He will be sad if he finds out." Caster asked in a fake voice of surprise.
"He was just doing his duty, if he serves no purpose then I don't need him." Saber said, completely unaffected by Caster words.
Cu Chulainn smiled, Saber halted in her tracks. "Now, kid!" He shouted, Fujimaru, who was waiting for his signal, raised his right hand. Showing his Command Spells, he did a mental image and then, with his gaze set on Mash, called out to her. "Mash, return to me!"
Shielder, who was getting up after being thrown by Saber, turned into light and reappeared next to Olga, Fujimaru and Seth.
Saber's instincts screamed at her to get out of there, something he tried but couldn't do.
With everything ready, Caster slammed his right hand in the ground.
« I'll use my ace up my sleeve. Burn them completely, giant of all trees. "Wicker Man"! »
First, a giant hand made out of wood shot from the ground, clutching Saber in its hand. It didn't end there, however. More parts of the giant kept appearing, eventually revealing its whole form. A fifteen meters wooden giant covered in flames with a cage for a stomach. Squeezing Saber in its hand as much as he could for a moment, the giant proceeded to throw her towards the cage in its stomach.
After that was done, the flaming giant burned himself even more. Damaging Saber in the process. However, She never once screamed, gritting her teeth, she endured all the pain. A Ruler couldn't show weakness in front of the enemy.
After Wicker Man, the giant made to burn the offerings presented to the ancient Gods in Celtic mythology, burned itself out, Caster fell to his knees.
Panting, he looked at where Saber was at. Burnings of varied degrees covered her pale skin but even so, she was standing.
Her cold face was now reflecting fury. "I will give it to you all. That was a well-thought strategy." Though her words said prises, the tone of her voice meant another thing.
"What kind of monster are you, bastard? Can you even be killed?" Caster was as frustrated as he could be.
Mash quickly approached Caster. Now that he exhausted his mana, defending against Saber attacks was going to be difficult.
Raising her shield, she stubbornly met Saber's gaze. She was going to protect everyone, she was going to protect Caster who was behind her, she was going to protect the Director, she was going to protect Apophis -Even though he was a bit cold- but above all else, she was going to protect her Master!
Seeing this, Saber squeezed her sword tighter. Raising it into a slashing motion she spoke. "I will answer your gaze, your d.e.s.i.r.e to protect your Master..." Saber's aura rose with each passing second, ready to attack she chanted.
« Cry out. It is time to fall to the ground. Hammer of the Vile King. Overturn the aurora. Swallow the light! "Excalibur Morgan"! »
With that, she slammed her sword to the ground, sending an energy beam to Shielder and Caster place. Mash prepared her shield to meet the incoming attack.
Once the attack and the shield collided, Mash found herself hard-pressed to keep up. Seeing this Caster spoke, "Hang in there, young lady! If that attack hits us, the best scenario is us burning to a crisp. Otherwise, our top halves will get blown off!" She had to admit those words weren't very encouraging but she would have to do with them.
As the attack from Saber was fading, so was Mash's resistance. She needed to keep blocking for a little longer and they would have successfully repelled the attack.
Sadly, before Excalibur Morgan faded completely, the girl's shield gave in. With no protection, they were sent flying backward.
The only good thing about this was that Shielder blocked most of Saber's blow so they didn't receive much damage but they wouldn't be able to fight for a while.
"Mash!" Fujimaru shouted worriedly, he wanted to go to her but was stopped by Olga. "Stop it, you are her Master, have trust in her." To tell the truth, even she didn't believe in her own words but she had to keep him alive at all costs. Fujimaru just clenched his fist, feeling powerless in this situation.
Saber looked at the Master for a second before resuming his walk towards Shielder and Caster.
"I commend you, you fought well. I shall give you an honorable death." When she was in front of Mash and Cu, she raised her sword, ready to end their lives.
"What do you think you are doing?" Just then, a cold voice sounded behind her. The voice sent shivers down her spine, it was the same voice, the same tone. But...something was different, something that produced an innate fear in her.
Next chapter is the end of Fuyuki, yay!
Review so we can share this tumor-inducing story with other people.
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