A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 93 - Reunion
Receiving her confirmation, Seth nodded. He then turned to the others who were disembarking the ship. "This island is too big, so we should separate. Stheno, Sanson, Altera and I will go to one side, and you will go to the other. Any problems?"
"That's a good idea. Be sure to take a communicator with you in case you find something, though." Romani was not against his plan, but he wanted to make sure the contact wasn't lost. In case either of them met a strong enemy, it was essential to get there as soon as possible.
"Good luck, we are going to try and see if we can set up the summoning circle for provisions." Mash's shield was needed to set it up, so Fujimaru knew their group was the one who had to do it. After it, they would begin exploring like Seth and company.
"Same to you." The Egyptian God said while receiving the communicator from Shielder. There weren't strong enemies beside Euryale and the other guy, but you never know when things can go awry, especially in this place.
With nothing more to add, Seth's group departed. They weren't exactly in a hurry, but it was better to end things as soon as possible. The end was near for him, and while it wasn't exactly close, it wasn't far either.
"I will give the coordinates to you guys. I am detecting some life-forms in the way to the Leyline, so make sure to be on alert." Romani spoke to the remaining group and also gave them a warning. He didn't want something like the incident with the Chimera to happen again.
"Understood. We will immediately depart. I hope you are okay with this, Captain Drake." Mash nodded before turning to the pink-haired woman.
"Yeah, sure. I don't have any problems. Exploring is also part of a pirate's life, after all." She grinned, getting excited to find something new.
After separating from Fujimaru and the others, Seth and his Servants went straight to Euryale's direction. Now that they didn't have to worry about leaving any humans behind, they could move at a relatively fast pace. Sanson was not the best when it came to speed, so they had to match theirs to his.
"Is there a reason why we separated from the others, Master?" The Executioner was a little confused about this. They didn't do so on the last island, and while he said it was to explore more basically, the white-haired man didn't think it was the exact reason.
"We are going to meet the other Servants who are here. One of them is Stheno's sister, and the other is the Minotaur of legends. I don't know what the two are doing together, but the idea is for now is hopefully make them join us." Seth's words confirmed Sanson's suspicion. Now, he was more convinced about the decision. Even so, her sister? If she were like the one they had right here, it would be another source of unnecessary trouble.
"I don't understand, Master. You are strong enough to kill that Berserker in a single hit, why do we need more allies?" It was Altera's turn to ask. She didn't want to sound arrogant, but the two of them could destroy any opposition in their way. Recruiting more Servants was something she found pointless.
A wry smile formed on his face. "I appreciate the trust you have in my abilities, but I am by no means invincible. An enemy more powerful than me might appear. In that case, getting extra help would not be bad at all." It was not something unthinkable. Besides, having more allies did not affect them negatively in any way.
'You are also forgetting I had to go all out against you, even going as far as to almost die in consequence.' Seth added in his mind. Burning World was a double-edged sword as it also affected him, downgraded as it was.
"..." Altera was silent for a moment. It was not like she didn't think about that possibility, but even so, she still believed nothing could stop them if they fought together.
"Don't overthink it. Consider this as just a side job if you will." Seth further said, noticing how the white-haired girl was still not at all convinced.
The Scourge of God finally nodded. If finding the pest's sister was just a side job as he said, then she could understand it better.
Meanwhile, Stheno was wordlessly looking ahead. She wasn't interested in what they talked about, just in finding the other her, and hopefully Medusa too.
As they kept moving, they met different enemies like Wyverns, Dragon Tooth Warriors, some "fake" pirates, and more. Safe to say, they crushed them without problems. Seth took the opportunity to control one of the winged beasts and use it as a scouting unit.
Despite going at a considerable speed, they only arrived at the place where Euryale and the Minotaur were in the afternoon, so that said a lot about how far it was.
The exact location was a mountain, under it, to be more precise. There was no entrance on sight, meaning that the four would have to brute force their way into it.
Altera offered to be the one to create a path. No one had any problem with this, so without saying much, they took some steps back and let the white-haired girl do her job.
She wasted no time and immediately powered her sword with a considerable amount of Magical Energy. Seth was okay with this since his reserves were full, and she didn't take much.
Using her Photon Ray, she obliterated the mountain into pieces, leaving nothing but destruction behind. The other three had to admit that her power was nothing to take lightly.
Once Saber finished her attack, they could see what looked to be a deep hole where the mountain used to be. It didn't take a genius to know that was the real entrance to the place the two Servants were.
"Are you two ready?" Seth asked Sanson and Altera. Stheno was still on his shoulders, so there was no point in asking her. Besides, she would be the most "excited" to go there, if anything.
Both nodded their heads in affirmation, so, with nothing more to say, they jumped in the hole.
Despite how it looked from the outside, it was not that deep. Probably around five hundred meters, going by some estimations. Nothing to make Servants or him afraid of falling damage.
The moment the four landed, they quickly began to take in their surroundings. No matter where you looked at it, they were in a labyrinth. It had white, stone walls with torches hung on the sides. There were also columns with Greek design, the same color of the wall, and multiple paths that led to who knows where.
Stheno frowned slightly. "This is that labyrinth, isn't it? It is not that unexpected considering he is here, but I never imagined someone could recreate it."
"I have read about this place from the books in my family's library. I have got to say, though. I pictured it as a more horrifying place." Sanson expected it to be a place filled with blood and bones, not something so...clean.
"Daedalus may have been tasked by Minos to build a prison that no one can get out of, but that doesn't mean he would not put all his effort into it. You can consider it as the pride of an architect." As much of a sick bastard that he was, that did not mean Seth didn't recognize his talent.
"Should we get going? We will not gain anything by standing here." Altera was not someone who could exactly appreciate this kind of stuff, so she proposed to start moving.
"I agree with that crude woman. We won't achieve anything by standing here doing nothing but talking about this creepy place." For once, the little Goddess concurred with Altera, although the way she said it was not the best.
Stheno's comment made Saber's brows twitch slightly. "Don't get carried away, you nuisance. Were you not on my Master's shoulders, I would have erased you from existence."
"Oh? When did he become your Master alone? That's not good. I also want a piece of him, can't I?" The Goddess was having fun teasing the Scourge of God. Of course, she didn't mean what she said, but the white-haired girl didn't need to know that.
Altera narrowed her eyes. She wanted to make this little pest scram, but in the end, she controlled herself. The dark-skinned woman didn't like making scenes, even if sometimes she ended up doing so unconsciously.
"Not going to say anything? How boring. Then if you don't mind, I will make MY Master mine, fufufu~." Stheno said as she ran her finger through Seth's cheeks. The Egyptian God knew that if he reacted, she would get what she wanted, so he didn't do so. Instead, he began to walk ahead together with Sanson, who didn't want anything to do with this cat-fight.
'This brat...' Altera made sure to remind herself that Seth didn't care about the purple-haired Goddess in the slightest. She knew she would end up strangling Stheno otherwise.
Like that, with the little girl provoking Altera with a smug face and said person enduring it, they made their way through the labyrinth.
They couldn't go directly by breaking the walls —They tried— as it would immediately shift whenever they did so. With no other option, the group went for their plan b, which was making use of Seth's sense of smell to locate the right path.
It didn't take long for them to meet with resistance in the form of monsters. Skeletons waiting in the corner and shooting them with their wooden bows or Lamias coiled around the columns, ready to pounce on them.
The most troublesome opponent would be the Lamias without a doubt. They would always call upon more allies that were relatively near. Not to mention sometimes, Sanson got charmed by them, and he had to be woken up by a hit in the back of his head.
Stheno and Altera had it better as they were female and, in consequence, weren't as prone to get charmed by them as the Executioner was. As for Seth, he was immune to any type of mind-affecting abilities, so he was safe.
Outside of that, the four didn't suffer any type of setbacks at all. Soon, they would meet with the two Servants they came to this place for, and to reunite Stheno with her sister Euryale.
The group encountered a monster before that could happen, though. It was similar to the one who caused so much trouble to the Chaldeans in Rome, a Chimera. This one looked to be more powerful, and Stheno confirmed this.
The lion body was white instead of yellow, the goat brown instead of purple, and the snake dark yellow instead of green. All in all, it looked uglier than its predecessor.
The beast was sleeping initially, but woke up once they entered its "lair." By instinct, the first thing it did was to roar menacingly and promptly got up. Its size was at least 1.5 bigger than the last one, making it look more imposing.
However, that soon changed as soon as it saw Seth. Like a dog that saw his owner walk through the door, it enthusiastically ran at him at full speed, making the black-haired man sigh.
The Chimera began to rub his lion head on him while the goat one tried to bite Stheno and throw her away to have him all for itself.
Naturally, Altera was enjoying this thoroughly. She was holding her stomach and covering her mouth, trying not to laugh. It was indeed a beautiful thing when karma hit someone in the face.
"Okay, okay. It's enough. I don't want to smell of whatever you ate for lunch." Seth separated from the beast, making Stheno sigh in relief. Physical effort was not something she was suited to do. More so when that included trying to avoid a damn animal from biting your head.
This event worked to confirm Stheno's suspicions, though. Now she was a hundred percent sure that Seth was indeed well, Seth.
"Would you mind taking us to our destination?" The Egyptian God asked as he looked into its eyes. The Chimera made a dissatisfied growl while looking at the rest with each one of its heads. It didn't want any of them to be part of their "father and daughter" time. However, it eventually nodded, signifying it was okay with it.
"Thanks." The black-haired man c.a.r.e.s.sed both its front heads to express his gratitude, something the creature enjoyed. He took Stheno off his shoulders and then climbed on top of it.
The Chimera then lowered its body for the rest to hop on too. Before anyone could even blink, Altera was already on top of the beast and behind Seth. She couldn't help but get drawn to the softness of its fur. 'Fluffy...'
She unconsciously c.a.r.e.s.sed and played with it. The beast made small noises as if trying to say she liked it. The white-haired girl couldn't help but think this looked like some fairy tale about a Prince and a Princess mounted on a horse. Although in their case was two Kings mounted in a mythological monster.
Stheno was not happy at all. She went from having a good seat (Seth's shoulders) to being on the cold, hard floor. Now that they have come to this, there was only one option left. "Could you help this poor, vulnerable girl get on top of that creature?"
Sanson, the unfortunate guy she asked that merely sighed and picked her up before also mounting the Chimera. There was enough space for everyone, but Altera liked to be close to Seth, and Stheno wanted to have as much free space for herself as possible, so the "formation" was a little disordered.
"We can go now." The black-haired man gave a little pat to its back, signaling for it to start moving. Its presence alone scared the rest of the monsters, allowing them to have an unhindered journey.
The ride in itself was pleasant. There was nothing to make the experience a bad one. Even Stheno was quietly resting and using it as a bed.
Thanks to its natural speed and the fact navigating through this place was an everyday thing, they arrived at their destination reasonably quickly. The moment they did so, though, a big ax flew in their direction like a thrown arrow.
Seth quickly summoned his spear and deflected it, preventing any damage from occurring to them. The ax returned to the direction where it came immediately after it.
"What happened? Do you not know when not to disturb a Goddess?" Stheno asked with irritation on her voice as she got up from her "bed." However, when she did so, her eyes widened. There, a little ahead of her, there was someone with a notorious resemblance to her. That person also did the same, not believing what she was seeing.
"Me?" "Me?"
"That's a good idea. Be sure to take a communicator with you in case you find something, though." Romani was not against his plan, but he wanted to make sure the contact wasn't lost. In case either of them met a strong enemy, it was essential to get there as soon as possible.
"Good luck, we are going to try and see if we can set up the summoning circle for provisions." Mash's shield was needed to set it up, so Fujimaru knew their group was the one who had to do it. After it, they would begin exploring like Seth and company.
"Same to you." The Egyptian God said while receiving the communicator from Shielder. There weren't strong enemies beside Euryale and the other guy, but you never know when things can go awry, especially in this place.
With nothing more to add, Seth's group departed. They weren't exactly in a hurry, but it was better to end things as soon as possible. The end was near for him, and while it wasn't exactly close, it wasn't far either.
"I will give the coordinates to you guys. I am detecting some life-forms in the way to the Leyline, so make sure to be on alert." Romani spoke to the remaining group and also gave them a warning. He didn't want something like the incident with the Chimera to happen again.
"Understood. We will immediately depart. I hope you are okay with this, Captain Drake." Mash nodded before turning to the pink-haired woman.
"Yeah, sure. I don't have any problems. Exploring is also part of a pirate's life, after all." She grinned, getting excited to find something new.
After separating from Fujimaru and the others, Seth and his Servants went straight to Euryale's direction. Now that they didn't have to worry about leaving any humans behind, they could move at a relatively fast pace. Sanson was not the best when it came to speed, so they had to match theirs to his.
"Is there a reason why we separated from the others, Master?" The Executioner was a little confused about this. They didn't do so on the last island, and while he said it was to explore more basically, the white-haired man didn't think it was the exact reason.
"We are going to meet the other Servants who are here. One of them is Stheno's sister, and the other is the Minotaur of legends. I don't know what the two are doing together, but the idea is for now is hopefully make them join us." Seth's words confirmed Sanson's suspicion. Now, he was more convinced about the decision. Even so, her sister? If she were like the one they had right here, it would be another source of unnecessary trouble.
"I don't understand, Master. You are strong enough to kill that Berserker in a single hit, why do we need more allies?" It was Altera's turn to ask. She didn't want to sound arrogant, but the two of them could destroy any opposition in their way. Recruiting more Servants was something she found pointless.
A wry smile formed on his face. "I appreciate the trust you have in my abilities, but I am by no means invincible. An enemy more powerful than me might appear. In that case, getting extra help would not be bad at all." It was not something unthinkable. Besides, having more allies did not affect them negatively in any way.
'You are also forgetting I had to go all out against you, even going as far as to almost die in consequence.' Seth added in his mind. Burning World was a double-edged sword as it also affected him, downgraded as it was.
"..." Altera was silent for a moment. It was not like she didn't think about that possibility, but even so, she still believed nothing could stop them if they fought together.
"Don't overthink it. Consider this as just a side job if you will." Seth further said, noticing how the white-haired girl was still not at all convinced.
The Scourge of God finally nodded. If finding the pest's sister was just a side job as he said, then she could understand it better.
Meanwhile, Stheno was wordlessly looking ahead. She wasn't interested in what they talked about, just in finding the other her, and hopefully Medusa too.
As they kept moving, they met different enemies like Wyverns, Dragon Tooth Warriors, some "fake" pirates, and more. Safe to say, they crushed them without problems. Seth took the opportunity to control one of the winged beasts and use it as a scouting unit.
Despite going at a considerable speed, they only arrived at the place where Euryale and the Minotaur were in the afternoon, so that said a lot about how far it was.
The exact location was a mountain, under it, to be more precise. There was no entrance on sight, meaning that the four would have to brute force their way into it.
Altera offered to be the one to create a path. No one had any problem with this, so without saying much, they took some steps back and let the white-haired girl do her job.
She wasted no time and immediately powered her sword with a considerable amount of Magical Energy. Seth was okay with this since his reserves were full, and she didn't take much.
Using her Photon Ray, she obliterated the mountain into pieces, leaving nothing but destruction behind. The other three had to admit that her power was nothing to take lightly.
Once Saber finished her attack, they could see what looked to be a deep hole where the mountain used to be. It didn't take a genius to know that was the real entrance to the place the two Servants were.
"Are you two ready?" Seth asked Sanson and Altera. Stheno was still on his shoulders, so there was no point in asking her. Besides, she would be the most "excited" to go there, if anything.
Both nodded their heads in affirmation, so, with nothing more to say, they jumped in the hole.
Despite how it looked from the outside, it was not that deep. Probably around five hundred meters, going by some estimations. Nothing to make Servants or him afraid of falling damage.
The moment the four landed, they quickly began to take in their surroundings. No matter where you looked at it, they were in a labyrinth. It had white, stone walls with torches hung on the sides. There were also columns with Greek design, the same color of the wall, and multiple paths that led to who knows where.
Stheno frowned slightly. "This is that labyrinth, isn't it? It is not that unexpected considering he is here, but I never imagined someone could recreate it."
"I have read about this place from the books in my family's library. I have got to say, though. I pictured it as a more horrifying place." Sanson expected it to be a place filled with blood and bones, not something so...clean.
"Daedalus may have been tasked by Minos to build a prison that no one can get out of, but that doesn't mean he would not put all his effort into it. You can consider it as the pride of an architect." As much of a sick bastard that he was, that did not mean Seth didn't recognize his talent.
"Should we get going? We will not gain anything by standing here." Altera was not someone who could exactly appreciate this kind of stuff, so she proposed to start moving.
"I agree with that crude woman. We won't achieve anything by standing here doing nothing but talking about this creepy place." For once, the little Goddess concurred with Altera, although the way she said it was not the best.
Stheno's comment made Saber's brows twitch slightly. "Don't get carried away, you nuisance. Were you not on my Master's shoulders, I would have erased you from existence."
"Oh? When did he become your Master alone? That's not good. I also want a piece of him, can't I?" The Goddess was having fun teasing the Scourge of God. Of course, she didn't mean what she said, but the white-haired girl didn't need to know that.
Altera narrowed her eyes. She wanted to make this little pest scram, but in the end, she controlled herself. The dark-skinned woman didn't like making scenes, even if sometimes she ended up doing so unconsciously.
"Not going to say anything? How boring. Then if you don't mind, I will make MY Master mine, fufufu~." Stheno said as she ran her finger through Seth's cheeks. The Egyptian God knew that if he reacted, she would get what she wanted, so he didn't do so. Instead, he began to walk ahead together with Sanson, who didn't want anything to do with this cat-fight.
'This brat...' Altera made sure to remind herself that Seth didn't care about the purple-haired Goddess in the slightest. She knew she would end up strangling Stheno otherwise.
Like that, with the little girl provoking Altera with a smug face and said person enduring it, they made their way through the labyrinth.
They couldn't go directly by breaking the walls —They tried— as it would immediately shift whenever they did so. With no other option, the group went for their plan b, which was making use of Seth's sense of smell to locate the right path.
It didn't take long for them to meet with resistance in the form of monsters. Skeletons waiting in the corner and shooting them with their wooden bows or Lamias coiled around the columns, ready to pounce on them.
The most troublesome opponent would be the Lamias without a doubt. They would always call upon more allies that were relatively near. Not to mention sometimes, Sanson got charmed by them, and he had to be woken up by a hit in the back of his head.
Stheno and Altera had it better as they were female and, in consequence, weren't as prone to get charmed by them as the Executioner was. As for Seth, he was immune to any type of mind-affecting abilities, so he was safe.
Outside of that, the four didn't suffer any type of setbacks at all. Soon, they would meet with the two Servants they came to this place for, and to reunite Stheno with her sister Euryale.
The group encountered a monster before that could happen, though. It was similar to the one who caused so much trouble to the Chaldeans in Rome, a Chimera. This one looked to be more powerful, and Stheno confirmed this.
The lion body was white instead of yellow, the goat brown instead of purple, and the snake dark yellow instead of green. All in all, it looked uglier than its predecessor.
The beast was sleeping initially, but woke up once they entered its "lair." By instinct, the first thing it did was to roar menacingly and promptly got up. Its size was at least 1.5 bigger than the last one, making it look more imposing.
However, that soon changed as soon as it saw Seth. Like a dog that saw his owner walk through the door, it enthusiastically ran at him at full speed, making the black-haired man sigh.
The Chimera began to rub his lion head on him while the goat one tried to bite Stheno and throw her away to have him all for itself.
Naturally, Altera was enjoying this thoroughly. She was holding her stomach and covering her mouth, trying not to laugh. It was indeed a beautiful thing when karma hit someone in the face.
"Okay, okay. It's enough. I don't want to smell of whatever you ate for lunch." Seth separated from the beast, making Stheno sigh in relief. Physical effort was not something she was suited to do. More so when that included trying to avoid a damn animal from biting your head.
This event worked to confirm Stheno's suspicions, though. Now she was a hundred percent sure that Seth was indeed well, Seth.
"Would you mind taking us to our destination?" The Egyptian God asked as he looked into its eyes. The Chimera made a dissatisfied growl while looking at the rest with each one of its heads. It didn't want any of them to be part of their "father and daughter" time. However, it eventually nodded, signifying it was okay with it.
"Thanks." The black-haired man c.a.r.e.s.sed both its front heads to express his gratitude, something the creature enjoyed. He took Stheno off his shoulders and then climbed on top of it.
The Chimera then lowered its body for the rest to hop on too. Before anyone could even blink, Altera was already on top of the beast and behind Seth. She couldn't help but get drawn to the softness of its fur. 'Fluffy...'
She unconsciously c.a.r.e.s.sed and played with it. The beast made small noises as if trying to say she liked it. The white-haired girl couldn't help but think this looked like some fairy tale about a Prince and a Princess mounted on a horse. Although in their case was two Kings mounted in a mythological monster.
Stheno was not happy at all. She went from having a good seat (Seth's shoulders) to being on the cold, hard floor. Now that they have come to this, there was only one option left. "Could you help this poor, vulnerable girl get on top of that creature?"
Sanson, the unfortunate guy she asked that merely sighed and picked her up before also mounting the Chimera. There was enough space for everyone, but Altera liked to be close to Seth, and Stheno wanted to have as much free space for herself as possible, so the "formation" was a little disordered.
"We can go now." The black-haired man gave a little pat to its back, signaling for it to start moving. Its presence alone scared the rest of the monsters, allowing them to have an unhindered journey.
The ride in itself was pleasant. There was nothing to make the experience a bad one. Even Stheno was quietly resting and using it as a bed.
Thanks to its natural speed and the fact navigating through this place was an everyday thing, they arrived at their destination reasonably quickly. The moment they did so, though, a big ax flew in their direction like a thrown arrow.
Seth quickly summoned his spear and deflected it, preventing any damage from occurring to them. The ax returned to the direction where it came immediately after it.
"What happened? Do you not know when not to disturb a Goddess?" Stheno asked with irritation on her voice as she got up from her "bed." However, when she did so, her eyes widened. There, a little ahead of her, there was someone with a notorious resemblance to her. That person also did the same, not believing what she was seeing.
"Me?" "Me?"
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