: Danga Buddha

Before the two primordial spirits had time to escape, they were imprisoned by Gu Xiangfei’s domain. He raised his hand and tore open the world of one of the Nine Great Dao monks, swept away all the items in his world, and then used a drop of blood to kill the supernatural power, All the souls of this Nine Major Dao cultivator were reduced to nothingness.

Seeing this scene, the primordial spirit of another Nine Great Dao cultivator trembled with fright. He knew that he was doomed too. Since then, there would be no such cultivator like him in the cultivation world. Before he begged for mercy, Gu Xiangfei had torn apart his world and rolled Taking away the items in his world, and using the supernatural power of killing with a drop of blood, all his souls were turned into nothingness.

“What a terrifying human monk! I don’t think we will attack human monks anymore, what do we think?” A few monks of other races in the distance wanted to sneak attack the human monks, but they saw Gu Xiangfei bombarded and killed two Jiuyi Dao monks and left Finally, he was shocked and asked about his companion’s plan.

“Let’s go! I want to go back too. This human monk is too powerful. Let’s try not to fight him in the future.” Another Jiuyi Dao monk immediately felt that he would go back with his companions. If the human monk came back again, the three of them would not Others’ opponents.

Gu Xiangfei quickly came to the foot of Jiuchong Mountain. Looking at the towering mountain in front of him, he let go of his spiritual sense to check, but he didn’t see the peak. This shocked Gu Xiangfei. How high is Jiuchong Mountain?

There are many caves at the foot of the mountain. The caves of the human monks occupy a large area, surrounded by guard formations, and there are two monks from the Eight Great Ways guarding the entrance.

“Senior, please come in.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s realm, the two monks of the Eight Great Paths clasped their fists in a salute, and opened the protective array at the same time, inviting him to enter the human race area.

“Thank you two fellow daoists, I wonder how long it will take to open the Nine Doors?” Gu Xiangfei thanked, and asked about the opening time of the Nine Doors by the way.

“If you go back to senior, there are still eight thousand one hundred and twenty-five years and three months.” One of the monks of the Eightfold Way told Gu Xiangfei in detail when the Nine-fold Gate opened.

Gu Xiangfei nodded and thanked. After entering the human race area, he saw that there are thousands of caves here. Obviously, here are all the monks of the Nine Great Ways of the human race. It can be seen that the human race is much stronger than other races. No wonder the monks of other races want to attack the human race monks. Ming fights, and can kill monks of other races in minutes.

He found an open space here, raised his hand to sacrifice a cave, took out the flags and set up a defensive formation, and then entered the cave. There are still more than 8,000 years left, and he is going to enter the star bead to cultivate to the middle stage of the Nine Great Dao.

At the foot of Jiuchong Mountain, since Gu Xiangfei appeared here, monks of other races have fled after hearing Gu Xiangfei’s legend, and no other race has ever attacked human monks, fearing that they will die after encountering Gu Xiangfei.

This time, the Nine Layers Gate opened, and there was a rare and peaceful scene. Many human monks arrived at the human camp at the foot of the Nine Layers Mountain. They were all preparing to fight against monks of other races. Unexpectedly, it was very quiet along the way.

“Why didn’t we encounter a surprise attack this time? Could it be that monks of other races changed their plans?” After the two human race monks of Jiuzhong Dao successfully arrived at the foot of Jiuzhong Mountain, they felt a little surprised. The two of them walked together. Can help each other.

“The two seniors didn’t know that a powerful monk appeared in our human race. He not only killed the monk who attacked him, but also tore apart his world and wiped out all his souls. This is what the monks of other races saw. come out laterTherefore, no other races dared to attack the human race. “The two monks guarding the Human Dojo told them the news.

“What? Tore apart the world of monks of the Nine Layers Dao? Such a powerful cultivation base. There may be a fierce battle when the Nine Layers Gate opens this time. It is best to kill all the monks of other races. Our human race will stand tall on the Nine Layers of Heaven. “Another Nine Great Dao monk of the human race was shocked when he heard the news. With such a powerful monk appearing in the human race, the Nine Great Dao monks of other races will be unlucky.

A resident on the west side of Jiuchong Mountain, this is the resident of the Buddhist race. In a majestic cave, a bald old man with white eyebrows and long beard sat on the first seat, and around him sat cross-legged more than a dozen people of various races. Nine major avenue monks, every monk exudes a huge aura, obviously the monks here are all in the consummation state of the nine major avenues.

“This time a powerful monk appeared in the human race. This will be a bad news for us. Today, we have gathered all the fellow Taoists here to discuss how to deal with this monk. This is what we saw in the monitoring formation. His appearance.” The white-browed old man sitting at the head raised his hand, and the face of a young monk appeared in the void.

“Tanga Buddha, since we all came here, we just want to hear your plan. Tell us about your plan quickly. Let’s discuss it. Everyone has seen the face of this monk. It’s nothing unusual.” A strong monk with a leopard head and eyes, his voice exudes a breath that penetrates the void.

“Patriarch Tu Yuan, please be safe and don’t be impatient. I think Tanjia Buddha has a plan long ago, and he will tell everyone.” This monk is the Patriarch Lunling of the Peacock Clan. If they didn’t deal with each other, the two fought for the treasure of chaos, the Measuring Ruler, and destroyed countless star fields. Later, the Buddha Tanga came forward to dissuade them from stopping, but the Measuring Ruler was taken away by the Buddha Tanga, which caused the two of them to fight against Tanga. Buddha was very dissatisfied.

“Hehe! There is nothing to discuss. As long as the power is strong, all schemes and tricks will be useless.” Sitting on the left is the ancestor Xiong Di of the Xionggu clan. Ten meetings, as long as the power is strong enough, everything is illusory.

“Old Ancestor Xiong Di, let’s listen to what Tanjia Buddha said! We have to be prepared. The human race is very insidious and cunning. Haven’t we suffered enough losses?” Patriarch Panzhong of the Phoenix Clan said. Persuade Patriarch Xiong Di, the two of them are very close and don’t want Patriarch Xiong Di to suffer.

Patriarch Xiong Di heard Patriarch Panzhong’s words and stopped talking. Although he was rough on the surface, his mind was very fine, and he knew that his old friend was doing it for his own good.

“Ancestor Panzhong’s words are a bit of exaggerating other people’s aspirations and destroying his own prestige. I think this monk of the human race may have used some kind of treasure to open the sky, otherwise how could he tear apart the world of monks of the Nine Great Ways.” Ao Yuan, the ancestor of the dragon clan, looked down on old Panzhong. According to Zu’s timid thoughts, the relationship between their Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan is not good, and it has almost reached the point where fire and water are incompatible.

“All benefactors, can you listen to what I have to say? This human monk will definitely enter the Jiuchong Mountain, ascend the Jiuchong Heaven, and step into the Jiuchong Gate. We all don’t fight with each other outside. After entering the Jiuchong Mountain, we will work hard to climb the Jiuchong Heaven. Then kill this human monk in front of the Nine Layers Gate.”

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