Alyosha ignores the figure of a man with a cream scarf and thick black jacket in front of her. She focuses on eating the seafood he ordered at the restaurant. Ryou was silent, he did not want to interfere with the woman's dinner. because if he talked a lot more, the fate of the dish would be the same as the one in the restaurant before. Ryou didn't want to make Alyosha even more annoyed with him.

But silencing Ryou like that only made Alyosha feel a little guilty. She was enjoying her meal, while the man in front of her did not know whether he had filled his stomach or not. So Alyosha took the initiative to order food for Ryou, at the same time she ordered a second dish for herself.

Okay, forget it, the sentence above is just a sweetener.

Alyosha patted her hand softly to call the waitress, Ryou did not care about it and was still busy playing with the idle spoon on the table.

"What do you want to eat, huh?" asked Alyosha while looking at Ryou.

Ryou, who was looking down at once, immediately looked at Alyosha. He blinked slowly as he glanced at the restaurant waiter who was ready with the menu notebook in his hand.

"Err .... The cheapest one," Ryou replied. Yes, he is not making it up. Ryou did not understand the menu of a five star restaurant like that and only ordered what he thought was the cheapest, he didn't want to bother anyone including Alyosha.

Hearing that, Alyosha almost laughed, but she tried to remain silent and dignified. If she laughed it could offend Ryou, that's what Alyosha thought now. She is a women who knows ethics.

The waiter was somewhat hesitant to write the menu, because the man who was busy playing with the spoon was sitting at a table with one of the most influential people in the country. It is common knowledge that Alyosha Vermigoun is a very successful mafia woman. and seeing the person at the table with her only ordered the cheapest menu made him doubtful.

The servant then glanced carefully at Alyosha. But Alyosha only replied by telling the servant to come closer.

"Give the most expensive," whispered Alyosha, and was immediately answered with a nod of obedience to the servant.

"Oh yeah, I'd also like to order the lasagnette with langoustines and lemon, and the beef fillet with shallots and black truffles."

The waiter then quickly wrote down all the names of the dishes in his notebook. Alyosha never messes with her food portions, she doesn't care how much money she will spend because according to her there is nothing to hold on to for stomach matters. Why work if you still suffer from eating, that's the life principle of Alyosha.

After the second dish Alyosha came along with Ryou's dish. They then ate solemnly, Alyosha maintained the etiquette not to eat while talking. And so did Ryou.

If you think the mafia is a person who has no rules and no ethics then you are wrong. Europeans, especially Italians, live in strict manners, from generation to generation they always teach their children to remain polite whether it's in matters of eating, talking, or dealing with parents.

So Alyosha has two sides to his life, an authoritative and orderly side when she is out in public and with her family. And the rough side is full of intimidation and violence when it is in the realm of its mafias.

The meal lasted several minutes until the spoons and forks were put down. Ryou then took his wallet to take out the notes he had exchanged at the Swiss national bank. These are money sent by Elisio.

Alyosha who saw that then cleared his throat, Ryou immediately looked up at Alyosha.

"Is that me more in your eyes that you doubt if I can pay for your food or not? Save your money, I will pay for everything," said Alyosha.

"B-but ...."

"No buts," Alyosha interrupted quickly.

There was no other choice, even if Ryou said that he wanted to pay because it was money from Elisio it would definitely be a problem. And of course he would be hit twice, first from Elisio and second from Alyosha.

After paying, Alyosha immediately walked out of the restaurant. And back like before, Ryou returned to follow Alyosha like a chick following his mother.

"What do you want, huh?" asked Alyosha again with emotion. Just now his mood got better and Ryou had already crushed him again.

"Of course I want to follow you. I don't want to be separated from you anymore, after yesterday you suddenly went here and made me look for you here and there," said Ryou.

Alyosha snorted in annoyance. She was disgusted and did not want to continue the debate again. Not that she was speechless, but that there was something that suddenly made her uneasy.

Alyosha's body felt hot all of a sudden. She felt that her vital organs were also hot. Alyosha's breath was raging, sweat started to run down her face, she felt very hungry all of a sudden. it is not hunger that leads to food. But this is a different kind of hunger.

"Follow me," said Alyosha ordering Ryou.

Ryou was amazed, he was kicked out earlier, now he's invited to go. But now Ryou also can't think straight. He immediately nodded and followed Alyosha.

The black rolls-Royce that had been parked nearby was waiting for Alyosha. The driver opened the door for Alyosha and Ryou and then got into the car.

"Where are we going, Sir?" asked the driver.

"Mansion belongs to me," said Alyosha briefly. She was getting more restless now, even to answer the question earlier she almost had a hard time.

During the trip, occasionally Ryou heard Alyosha moan. Alyosha started to look messy, sweat on her body streaming down her collar. her face flushed, followed by her eyes that turned gloomy.

"Could it be any faster?" said Alyosha asking the driver.

"In a few minutes we will arrive, Sir."

Ryou actually also felt strange, he wondered what was happening now. He thought that the changes in his body were caused by expensive restaurant food. So innocent thought that man.

After arriving at a large luxurious mansion, Alyosha immediately got out of the car. But she suddenly shook and was immediately arrested by Ryou. luckily he caught Alyosha before she fell.

"I ... I beg ... take me to my room right now," said Alyosha begging. She felt like slapping herself in the face now, how could he beg like that. Usually people begged him.

Alyosha could no longer hold back the wild desires that had crept into her mind and body. Sh could feel that the bottom was wet and muddy.

Ryou panicked, but without asking much, he immediately carried Alyosha in a bridal style position. At Alyosha's direction he carried the woman into her bedroom.

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