A Paid Man from My Brother

Chapter 4:Meet Ryou and See His Painting

After walking Cortland Street for five minutes, Elisio was able to find the figure of the painter he was looking for. It is not difficult to find an Asian figure in the middle of Cortland Street, which is not as crowded as Brooklyn in the afternoon.

"Stop right there," Elisio ordered.

"Yes Sir," said the driver.

The Audi car stopped right near Ryou who was painting. He seemed to really enjoy these activities. The white hand typical of Japanese skin casually but carefully moved the brush on the white canvas. Elisio couldn't see what Ryou was drawing.

Slowly Elisio approached Ryou and invited Ryou to talk.

"Excuse me," said Elisio greeting Ryou who was painting.

No answer. Ryou is indeed in his deepest focal point. He couldn't be bothered easily at this level. Artists and scientists call this level the Flow State.

"Ekhm," said Elisio. "I am interested in your painting, may I buy it? I know you from my acquaintances." ujar Elisio berdehem

There was no answer, Ryou seemed already lost in thought. His hand still smoothly without hindrance incised the paint and brush on the canvas. A thin smile that represented Ryou's feelings now etched sweetly on his face. With a gaze full of love, it felt like Ryou was staring at his own lover.

Elisio is not angry, he's a very tolerant person. He had also heard that artists could reach the level Ryou is experiencing now. In fact, Elisio was stunned by the high level of concentration of the person before him right now.

Because he did not get an answer, he chose to look at Ryou's other paintings. He looked at the paintings that Ryou had displayed one by one. And from there, Elisio knew that Ryou was a painter with multiple genres. quite rare, because usually a painter only has one or two schools which are so based on the style of his painting. But Ryou is different, he can make several paintings with different styles of flow. such as the flow of romanticism, the flow of realism, and the flow of abstractionism coupled with the flow of expressionism.

But Elisio's attention is now on the painting Ryou is still working on. A woman with bright orange hair, a pointed chin, a thick lower lip with a really sharp nose, her blue eyes and an exotic skin tone. The woman's body is very formed, like a Spanish guitar that seduces the eyes of every man who sees her. But Ryou didn't make the woman wear thin clothes, instead the woman in the painting wore a black office suit. Quite eccentric and anti-mainstream. Yeah, it's natural because he's an artist. Thousands of fresh ideas flashed through his genius brain.

But not only in terms of the beauty of the painting. The painting closely resembled someone Elisio had known all his life until now. All of the characteristics of a woman that Ryou described were very precise, exactly like her brother. Yes, it's like Ryou is painting Alyosha in person.

Elisio stared in disbelief. How could Ryou paint a figure so similar to his sister. It even felt like looking at a picture of his own sister.

He can't come home. Curiosity had risen in his mind. he wouldn't be able to rest easy if he hadn't asked all the questions that were on his mind right now. He will wait even for hours though.

Elisio even ordered a drink to wait for Ryou to finish his painting. And after thirty minutes Ryou finally put down his brush and stretched his hands. He held both sides of the canvas with feeling. Like holding a woman's shoulder with great tenderness.

When Ryou turned to his side he was surprised. He found Elisio who had been waiting faithfully for him.

'Vermigoun .... Jeez! him right ?! ' Ryou thought in surprise.

"I'm sorry Sir. Sorry to make you wait too long," said Ryou with an apologetic face.

"Sorry for what? I've been spoiled by your masterpiece since earlier," said Elisio with a bright expression. But suddenly he shrank back, his facial expression changed before he startled Ryou because Elisio's face was suddenly beside his head." Who is the woman in this painting? "

Ryou gasped, his face suddenly surprised. What does this person have to do with the money woman being the model in the painting? hoo, he could also be an acquaintance. That's what Ryou thought.

"I met - no, saw him at Lincoln Terraceat that time I was peddling my paintings as usual. And there I often saw him and some of the accompanying people carrying packages of food for small children or the homeless, "said Ryou explaining what he remembered.

"When did it happen?" asked Elisio to the point.

'This guy's memory is wonderful,' thought Elisio.

"I bought this painting. How much is it?" asked Elisio.

"Which painting, Sir?" Ryou asked back.

"What you're holding," Ryou replied, pointing with his chin.

"No. I didn't sell this one," Ryou replied. "I made this painting from last weekI always carry it until today and just finished. I will keep this painting until I meet the woman I saw eight months ago. "

'He admires my sister? even if only looking from a distance? this guy… isn't a maniac, it's just…. He's weird.' Elisio stared in surprise.

"Two hundred thousand dollars for this painting and I will immediately pay it here," said Elisio.

"No," Ryou refused with his stance. "I want to sell another painting but not this one."

Elisio was stunned. This person does not need abundant wealth, a sense of pride and happiness is enough for him.

"I offered to meet this woman in person. But maybe not in the near future. Here's my name card. Just call me if you need to. My name is Elisio Vermigoun whenever you want to chat with me just call and my people will pick you up later. All right, good evening...."

"Just call Ryou," continued Ryou.

"Okay, good afternoon Ryou," said Elisio as he entered the audition.

Not long after that, a car carrying goods arrived, followed by Elisio's messengers who came and asked for Ryou's account number. In less than fifteen minutes, Ryou's account was filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"It's nice to transact with you," said the person who ordered Ryou, at the same time his subordinates brought all of Ryou's paintings into their freight car .

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