After the two of them had a meeting, they had to wait for the next meeting.

After arriving at the door of the library, Yu Wanqing said goodbye to Mu Yunxi and entered the library with her disciple token.

The elder in charge of the library glanced at the token Yu Wanqing handed over and said, "A new disciple?"

Yu Wanqing: "Yes."

The elder handed the token back and said, "You can borrow the scrolls on the first floor and return them on time. The jade scrolls on the second floor need to be purchased with spirit stones. New disciples can go to the second floor to choose one copy of the mind method, the exercise method, the body method, and the magic method. After choosing, I will register it later."

Yu Wanqing: "I'll take note of it. Thank you, elder."

The elder waved his hand to signal her to go in quickly.

The outer sect library has three floors. The first floor is filled with books and scrolls. Even though the outer sect elders can accept disciples, the time for cultivating immortals to teach disciples is limited.

The library was built for this purpose, collecting the world's methods for outer sect disciples to learn by themselves.

Yu Wanqing took a look at the first floor, which was mostly basic methods, and the spells that can be used by different spiritual roots. Since she has five spiritual roots, she took a book of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Yu Wanqing also took a lot of some common spells, such as flying with a sword and hiding one's breath.

After a tour of the first floor, Yu Wanqing found that there were even introductory books on alchemy, refining, talismans, arrays, and illusions.

Lingxu Sect really believes in the self-study ability of outer sect disciples.

Yu Wanqing naturally took them all without hesitation. She allowed herself not to learn, but she must understand the introductory knowledge, maybe she could use it someday.

There is even a basic introduction to dual cultivation!

Yu Wanqing blushed and quickly put the book in her hand called "Yun Yu Huan" back on the bookshelf.

After finding almost all the books she needed, Yu Wanqing went up to the second floor, where there were mostly mental methods and magic methods.

"Pure Yin Mental Method, an internal mental method based on the feminine energy, can increase the yin energy in the body and assist in cultivation. It is suitable for people with water spiritual roots and pure yin constitutions to practice."

"Wuwei Mental Method, pursues the realm of clear spiritual platform, cultivates spiritual perception, and can keep the spiritual platform clear and difficult to be disturbed by the illusion of the heart demon."


"Five Elements Hunyuan Mental Method, can cultivate Hunyuan spiritual energy. Practitioners need to have five spiritual roots, and can convert the power of the five elements at will in battle."

After searching for a long time, Yu Wanqing only found a mental method suitable for five spiritual roots.

Why is it that the more spiritual roots you have, the slower your cultivation progress?

That's because a cultivator with a single spiritual root only needs to absorb the spiritual energy of one spiritual root to a sufficient level to advance.

A cultivator with multiple spiritual roots needs to fill up multiple spiritual roots.

A cultivator with five spiritual roots needs to absorb enough spiritual energy to fill up five spiritual roots, and the spiritual energy required is five times that of a cultivator with a single spiritual root.

"I can convert the power of the five elements at will. If I can transfer the spiritual energy of the five spiritual roots to one of them during the battle, it is equivalent to having the spiritual energy endurance of five foundation-building cultivators."

"Good stuff, I'll choose this."

For the magic, Yu Wanqing chose a magic called "Sacrificial Spirit Technique", which can temporarily improve one's ability in a certain aspect by offering sacrifices.

For the body technique, he chose "Five Elements Escape Technique", and for the skill, he chose a sword technique called "Jinghong Sword Technique".

After gathering all the things, Yu Wanqing went to the elder to register.

The elder stroked his beard and looked at the jade slips that Yu Wanqing took: "These are the jade slips you want. The "Jinghong Sword Art" is good. It is also considered a top-notch sword technique in my outer sect."

Putting down the jade slip in his hand, the elder picked up another one.

"Sacrificial Spirit Technique..."

The elder's eyes widened when he saw the name on the jade slip, and then he looked at the ordinary Yu Wanqing in front of him.

I can't believe that such a person can find the "Sacrificial Spirit Technique".

Lingxu Sect was established for ten thousand years, and there are countless jade slips in the library. However, these jade slips have been placed in the library for tens of millions of years, and they are all a bit strange.

Not everyone who enters the library will appear for people to read.

Different people can see different jade slips when they enter the library. Some people are deeply loved by the jade slips and can get adventures.

And some people can only find a pile of rags in the library.

I think she must have been favored by this kind of method, so the "Sacrificial Spirit Technique" appeared for her to choose.

The elder pointed at Yu Wanqing and said, "Come to the library often in the future, and I will give you a discount on the jade slips you buy."

This person is favored by the "Sacrificial Spirit Technique", which shows that she has a high talent in this way. If she can carry forward the "Sacrificial Spirit Technique" in the future, then their Lingxu Sect will have another method.

If she can become an elder in the future, even if no one can get the "Sacrificial Spirit Technique" in the library later,


She can also teach the "Spirit Sacrifice Technique" to her own disciples.

Ensure that the Lingxu Sect's Taoism will not decline.

Lingxu Sect has nearly a thousand outer Jindan disciples, why are there only eighty-one elders.

Of course, it is because these eighty-one elders have rare Taoism in their hands, which is difficult for ordinary people to take out from the library.

They can only be made elders and let them accept disciples to pass on the Taoism.

As for why Yu Wanqing was given a discount, this is the treatment that all disciples who take out precious spells from the library have, just to let them come to the library often and find more precious jade slips.

Yu Wanqing didn't understand why, but it would be great to save a sum of spirit stones: "Thank you, elder."

"My last name is Wen, just call me Elder Wen."

Yu Wanqing: "Then thank you, Elder Wen."

Yu Wanqing didn't know at this time.

She was still in the early stage of foundation building and had already reserved an elder position. As long as her cultivation reached the Jindan realm, she could become an outer sect elder.

Elder Wen nodded with satisfaction and picked up another jade slip.

"Five Elements Escape Technique"


He remembered this!

A person who has achieved success can transform into the incarnation of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. It is an escape technique that transforms the body into the five elements, not the ordinary method of escaping by drilling holes in the elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.


Elder Wen couldn't believe it and quickly reached out to take the last jade slip to check.

"Five Elements Hunyuan Heart Technique"!!!

Elder Wen was completely speechless!

How did she take out this antique that has been hidden in the library for nearly ten thousand years! !

Yu Wanqing looked at Elder Wen's jaw, which was obviously unable to close, and was puzzled: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the jade slips I chose?"

Elder Wen threw down the two jade slips in his hand: "What jade slips did you see in the building just now?"

Yu Wanqing was unsure of Elder Wen's thoughts, so she could only tell the truth: "There are pure Yin mental methods, Wuwei mental methods..."

"It's ridiculous!" Elder Wen was so angry that he pulled his hair out: "How can it be like this, how can it be like this, how can it be like this."

Elder Wen stood up in anger and pointed at the library and shouted: "! How can you be so mean to me!!!"

Now Yu Wanqing vaguely understood that Elder Wen seemed to have broken down after seeing the jade slips he had chosen.

Elder Wen sat back in his seat with a fierce look, and said with a long sigh: "Looking at the mental method you chose, you have five spiritual roots."

Yu Wanqing nodded: "That's right."

Elder Wen instantly felt that the inner demon that was about to arise just now was balanced.

However, Elder Wen also knew that the female disciple in front of him could select these jade slips from the library, and she would definitely have a bright future.

For people like this who have great luck, the five spiritual roots are not an obstacle for them.

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