The last level of the infant-forming thunder tribulation is the questioning of the heart. If you can't pass the questioning of the heart, you are likely to go astray.

Pei Wuqi, holding a spear, stepped into the illusion, and there was an endless darkness in front of him, like an endless abyss.

However, just on the skyline, a strange blood-red fire cloud appeared, adding a mysterious and ominous atmosphere to the whole scene.

The adobe village in this illusion seemed unusually quiet, with no signs of human habitation, but it revealed a sense of tranquility and peace.

"Pei family boy, it's time to eat! Where did you go to have fun again?"

Suddenly, a kind voice sounded, breaking the silence in the village.

The sound of water, wind, chickens, ducks, fish, geese and birds rose and fell, and smoke rose from the chimneys of each house.

Pei Wuqi turned his head and saw a kind aunt standing not far away, smiling at him.

Pei Wuqi did not move, but a little boy ran over with a lively fish in his hand. Although the boy was ragged, he did not look thin.

"Aunt, this is the fish I caught. For you."

He handed the fish to the aunt, his eyes full of sincerity and gratitude.

The aunt smiled and shook her head and said: "What do I need your things for? Take them home and keep them. When you are ready, come to my house for dinner."

The little boy nodded a little embarrassedly: "...Thank you, aunt." He said softly, but his eyes were red.

Auntie touched his head and said gently: "You are a child who is too thoughtful and always so sensible. My little brat runs like a pig when he hears that he is going to eat, but you are still dawdling. Go quickly and remember to come to my house for dinner."

The little boy nodded vigorously.


Pei Wuqi lost his parents when he was young and grew up eating at many families. Everyone in the village is his relative.

"Unlucky star! Come out and play!"

A clear shout broke the tranquility of the village. A chubby boy stood at the entrance of the village and shouted at the broken door.

"Stinky boy, where did you learn this word! You are itchy after not being spanked for a few days!"

An angry shout came, and then a middle-aged man walked out of the house with a black-topped wooden stick in his hand, which should be used for burning fire at home.

"Dad! Dad, I was wrong! I heard from the people in the town that Pei didn't have a name, so I wanted to give him a nickname!" The boy was so scared that he begged for mercy.

"It's your turn to get a number! I think you deserve a beating!" The middle-aged man raised a wooden stick and hit the boy's butt.

"Don't... don't hit me!... Woo, I was wrong." The boy cried so hard that people couldn't help but feel pity.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man had to put down the wooden stick and said helplessly: "Okay, go play."

Pei Wuqi, who was standing aside, heard someone talking in his ear.

"Hate? They didn't offend anyone!"

"It's the injustice of heaven, and God has no eyes!"

"You are the star of fate!! Killed them!"

"Killed them!"

His village is a mortal village located in the world of immortal cultivation. There are no immortal cultivators in the village, and safety depends entirely on the surrounding sects.

On the night of the demonic cultivators' massacre, the sect was afraid of the demonic cultivators and did not come.

After that night, he often thought that it would be great if his village was built in the mortal world. He was willing to grow up in an ordinary village.

"Dad! Mom! Where are you!"



"Don't kill me, I'm just a mortal!"

"Hehehe, it's your blessing to be able to sacrifice to the ancestors of the Nether Abyss."


"Please... don't kill me."

No one knew that this memory had been lurking deep in his heart, following him like a shadow.

The dark figure clung to Pei Wuqi: "Save us, you are now a master, save us!"

"Kill! Kill them all!"

With a nostalgic look, Pei Wuqi clenched the spear in his hand: "I will never forget the blood feud."

"I swear to pay tribute to my fellow villagers with my magic cultivation."

"Remembering blindly will not last long." Pei Wuqi's voice fell, and the surrounding scene began to blur. Pei Wuqi said in a heavy tone: "I will go to pay tribute to you."

The illusion fell into darkness again, and Pei Wuqi's eyes were determined to wait for the heart-searching calamity to continue.

The scene changed again, and a cliff suddenly appeared. Pei Wuqi was standing below the cliff. The petals of the flowers and trees on the top of the cliff were scattered. The ordinary flowers and trees now had petals all over the ground. The whole scene was in a state of panic.

The scenery was dreamy and blurry.

Looking at this familiar scene, Pei Wuqi's body stiffened, and he subconsciously took a step back, and then he remembered that it was the heart-searching tribulation of the infant stage, so he stopped.

Pei Wuqi stood at the foot of the mountain for a long time without moving, and the illusion was no longer moving except for the scattered petals. Pei Wuqi knew that the illusion wanted him to go there in person.

Pei Wuqi's expression was a little tense. He entered the familiar cave. He knew what was inside and the influence she had on him, but he had to face it.

Passing through the familiar mountain road, Pei Wuqi heard the sound of water again, and he stopped again.

"This is not right."

Pei Wuqi tried to reason with the illusion: "I'm not afraid that I can't make it."

"It's's just that I've offended the girl once." Pei Wuqi's ears turned red as he spoke, and it seemed that he recalled the previous things: "Now I'm still in the illusion...Imagination is not a gentleman's behavior."

"Anyway, you are not her after all. If you really want to test me, you can change to someone else. If I offend her again, how will I face it when I go out."

The sound of water in the cave stopped.

Pei Wuqi breathed a sigh of relief. He was serious. Miss Yu was wearing yellow powder with her, obviously she didn't want others to notice her appearance.

He just happened to see the beauty bathing, and now he has to relive it in the illusion, which is too shameless.

"Haha, you are really interesting." A chuckle interrupted Pei Wuqi's thoughts. The enchanting beauty in red said, "She can't do it. What do you think of me, sir?" Pei Wuqi responded to the disciples one by one. When he found that there was no one who looked like the woman, he nodded, "Yes." The enchanting smile on the corner of the enchanting beauty's mouth cracked for a moment and reappeared. The enchanting beauty intentionally or unintentionally fiddled with her hair. The enchanting sweet fragrance filled the air. The beauty walked over with elegant and charming movements. Her gestures were full of temptation. But Pei Wuqi was unmoved. The enchanting beauty complained in her heart that she seduced a man who had someone in her heart, and she also asked herself not to act like his lover. She kept saying that it would offend people, but she was afraid that she could not control herself. She didn't dare to come in just now, but now she changed her appearance and became like Liu Xiahui who could not be disturbed. It was born with a charm. There were all kinds of cultivators in the world during the heart-searching calamity test, but it was the first time she saw such a person.

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