The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Several Jindan-stage disciples took other disciples to sneak into Yi's house, and then met up after finding a suspicious place in the mansion.

Yu Wanqing sneaked in from the back door with Zhang Wen, Li Shi and Xie An.

Yu Wanqing glanced at Xie An and didn't understand why he chose to go with him.

Xie An also knew that Yu Wanqing thought he was strange. The two of them could be said to be a little incompatible. Now Yu Wanqing was still injured, and it was indeed strange for him to go with her.

He looked at the sky and the earth but not Yu Wanqing. Could he say that he felt that Yu Wanqing was the most reliable after getting along with her these days?

Qin Siyu was diligent, but his brain was a piece of wood.

He picked on her several times but she was indifferent and didn't notice it at all.

He felt bored after a long time.

On the contrary, many people in Yu Wanqing's team trusted her very much.

The only pity was that after getting along with her, he also realized that Yu Wanqing was a lone ranger.

However, Xie An, who had originally thought about whether he could win her over, gave up the idea.

Watching Yu Wanqing skillfully knock out the servants coming out of the back door and transform them into their appearance.

She didn't say a few words every day, and she was nowhere to be seen.

She must have few friends in the sect.

Xie An was full of resentment. The son of the head of the sect stood in front of him, didn't he know to curry favor with him?

After making a simple disguise, the group sneaked into Yi Mansion.

The Yi Mansion was decorated with carved beams and painted buildings, and the scenery changed as they moved. It might be a mentality problem. Several people felt that the mansion was weird and abnormal.

Yu Wanqing knew that this was because the aura of Yi Mansion was suppressed and swallowed by demonic energy and resentment.

"Look at the Qi and open it!"

A hazy purple air appeared around Yu Wanqing's eyes.

"The hemp cloth divine appearance." Xie An murmured, surprised that Yu Wanqing could actually use the magic that his mother could only do.

When he was a child, he begged his mother to teach him this magic because he thought that such a pair of eyes was particularly handsome, but he was backfired and lay in bed for half a month just after he got started.

His mother also comforted him by saying that it was because he had weight in the Heavenly Dao that the Heavenly Dao did not allow him to learn such a secret art.

When he was a child, he was fooled by these remarks and was happy for a long time.

It was not until he grew up that his mother still could not find someone who could learn "The Hemp Clothes Divine Appearance" that he realized what weight meant, that it was just that he was not talented enough.

Xie An didn't know that his mood was churning, and Yu Wanqing's purple eyes saw the aura of Yi Mansion clearly.

In a remote courtyard in the northeast corner of the backyard of Yi Mansion, demonic energy and resentment gathered, and even vaguely saw human figures churning in the black clouds.

Yu Wanqing guided the crowd and headed towards the courtyard.

Although the courtyard was remote, it was very clean, but the cleanliness could not hide the desolation of the courtyard. It was not autumn yet, but the leaves of the old trees in the courtyard had already fallen and were all over the ground.

It looked like they had just fallen recently.

There was a well in the courtyard that was pressed down by a stone. Zhang Wen took the lead in picking up the stone on the well, and then saw that the dry well was full of corpses that had been sucked dry.

"Damn demon cultivators!"

Li Shi covered his mouth and nose and looked into the well: "Why are the people here wearing the clothes of Yifu servants and the clothes of Tieshou Sect disciples."

"Do you still need to think about it? There are no loose cultivators in Gushan City that they can capture, and they dare not take action when we come, so they can only use their own people." Xie An looked disdainful. He thought he was a tough guy, but he didn't expect him to be a guy who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Yu Wanqing shielded her nose from smelling: "Why is the magic refining technique like a bottomless pit? Can't so many people satisfy him?"

Zhang Wen smiled and said: "Maybe he feels disgusted and breathes and spits at the same time."

Yu Wanqing took out the array plate, and the scene of Yi Mansion appeared on the array plate. Yu Wanqing marked her position on the array plate.

This is a magic weapon used by Lingxu Sect to mark the location, which can observe the location of other people in real time.

Yu Wanqing marked it to tell others that they have found the problematic place, and others can come to join them.

Several people pushed the door and entered. They didn't expect that the room was so neatly tidied, and it looked comfortable and warm. Who would have thought that the well outside such a room was full of corpses.

"Didn't my father ask you to go out and catch people? Why are you back now?" Yi Feng appeared behind everyone with a bad expression.

"Master, the head of the family ordered us to come here." Yu Wanqing bowed his head and saluted.

Xie An looked at Yu Wanqing again and followed suit.

Yi Feng snorted: "I knew that old man wouldn't dare to go out and provoke Lingxu Sect."

"I am in this day because of that Lingxu Sect

It was given by the bitch. For my sake, they even dared not to confront Lingxu Sect. "

Yi Feng was babbling and waving his hands randomly. His eyes were red, which was clearly a sign of being possessed by a demon.


Yi Feng had a grudge against the people of Lingxu Sect?

Could it be Mu Yunxi?

Yu Wanqing remembered very clearly that Mu Yunxi did nothing but seal his meridians at that time.

"All beautiful people should die!"

Yi Feng roared. He was originally in high spirits because of his promotion to the Nascent Soul stage, but because of his father, because of Lingxu Sect, and because of the demon that was irreversible.

Now he was like a headless fly, flying around.

Yu Wanqing was now sure that the person Yi Feng was talking about was Mu Yunxi.

But what exactly happened in this matter is still to be discussed.

After venting his anger, Yi Feng calmed down: "Since my father asked you to come, then follow me in."

Yi Feng opened a secret door: "Go in. "

No one knew what was going on inside. Yi Feng was obviously not in good condition. If they went in, something might happen.

But Yi Feng was so tough that he forced everyone else in.

Yu Wanqing didn't want to go in, nor did she want to put others in danger.

Thinking of Yi Feng's hatred for beautiful women, Yu Wanqing took off her disguise as a servant and took off her mask behind Yi Feng. As the situation was urgent, she could only transform the clothes Mu Yunxi was wearing at the time into her body.

The woman who suddenly appeared in the room had shoulders as sharp as a waist, a phoenix tail skirt with layers upon layers, a red dress and black hair, and was extremely beautiful.

Yu Wanqing's deliberately low voice seemed to come from the clouds.

"Yi Feng! "

Yi Feng looked back and saw a familiar figure standing in front of him, with extraordinary elegance.

"I didn't expect that after a few years, you are still the same as before..." Yu Wanqing smiled.

Before Yu Wanqing finished speaking, Yi Feng's demonic energy burst out.

Seeing this, Yu Wanqing turned around and ran away. Yi Feng, who was directly possessed by Yu Wanqing, howled in pain: "It's you!"

"How dare you show up!"

Yi Feng, who had already gone crazy, didn't see clearly that the person who appeared in front of him now looked different from the previous person. In his mind, the figure in red had completely become his demonic obstacle.

I want to peel off your skin, pull out your tendons, and grind your bones to ashes!

"What's going on? "

Li Shi, who had been forced into the secret passage, did not see the turn of events clearly.

Xie An, who only caught a glimpse of Yu Wanqing at the last moment, was a little distracted and said blankly.

"Yu Wanqing, in order to prevent us from being forced into the stone chamber..."

"She transformed into a stunning beauty and attracted Yi Feng away."

Li Shi nodded in understanding: "Just now, Yi Feng seemed to have shown hatred for beautiful people."

Xie An continued to travel in the sky.

"I didn't expect Yu Wanqing's illusion to be so good..."

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