In terms of results, it is clear that the righteous path has not broken through the valley of the wicked.

Otherwise, the Valley of the Wicked would not have survived to this day.

But one thing is certain, the second upheaval in the Valley of the Wicked was even worse than the first.

This killing between the righteous path and the Valley of the Wicked lasted for nearly a month.

At that time, the Valley of the Wicked was full of corpses, both evil and righteous.

But even so, the righteous path still did not capture the Valley of the Wicked, and with their own heavy casualties, they had the intention of retreating.

Fortunately, the Valley of the Wicked didn't want to fight anymore, because they died no less, or even more, than the righteous path.

If this kind of fight continues, the righteous path heroes may be killed and injured, but they will definitely be completely destroyed.

In the end, the righteous path group and the Valley of the Wicked made a pact.

That is the one who enters the Valley of the Wicked and is not allowed to leave the Valley of the Wicked for the rest of his life.

Once the agreement is violated, they will not hesitate to set foot in the Valley of the Wicked.

Thus, the second turmoil in the Valley of the Wicked came to an end.

But no one expected that the third turmoil in the Valley of the Wicked would begin only a month after the end of the second turmoil.

And the person who started this turmoil is a peerless master.

The descendants of the Yin Lu Sect of the Demon Gate, bloody hands.

In the battle between the Valley of the Wicked and the righteous path of the heroes, the bloody hand saw the potential of the Valley of the Wicked.

He immediately had an idea.

If he had swept up all the wicked people in the Valley of the Wicked and submitted them all, wouldn't the Yin Lu Sect have grown a hundred times in disguise.

You must know that in the Valley of the Wicked, there are some masters of the grandmaster level.

So this Yin Lu Sect descendant infiltrated the Valley of the Wicked, and took advantage of the stage of the Wicked Valley's vitality to intimidate the entire Valley of the Wicked with strong techniques and strength.

Countless wicked people knelt down and became Ligong's subordinates.

The third upheaval is the end.

He is the smallest of the three upheavals in the Valley of the Wicked, the least dead, but the most far-reaching.

Because since then, the Valley of the Wicked has had the Lord of the Wicked, and he has worked with bloody hands.

However, just when Li Gong planned to take this group of people out of the rivers and lakes and strengthen the Yin Lu faction.

A sloppy Daoist staggered to the door of the Valley of the Wicked, blocking the path of the bloody hand.

This sloppy Daoist is none other than the founder of the Wudang Sect, the only supreme powerhouse in Daming... Zhang Sanfeng.

At that time, Zhang Sanfeng was not yet the supreme powerhouse of Daming.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Sanfeng is a peerless powerhouse like Bloody Hand.

After Zhang Sanfeng blocked Li Gong's way, he mentioned the agreement between the righteous path and the Valley of the Wicked.

In the Valley of the Wicked, there is no return, there is no entry and exit.

Wicked people who dare to enter the Valley of the Wicked are absolutely not allowed to go out.

At that time, the bloody hand deterred the entire Valley of the Wicked, both in strength and momentum reached the peak, in the face of Zhang Sanfeng's reminder, first laughed three times, and then said:

"This kind of thing is used to break the agreement, if you want me to abide by the agreement, you can, just beat me." "

Then, Zhang Sanfeng only used three moves to vomit blood from this peerless powerhouse.

Since then, he has worked hard to trap the Valley of the Wicked, and has never taken a step out of the Valley of the Wicked.

And after that battle, the world knew that Zhang Sanfeng was even stronger than the peerless powerhouse and became the only supreme powerhouse in Daming.

Wudang also became the top sect of Daming.

Even Zhu Yuanzhang, the lord of the Great Ming, was afraid of three points.

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but remind: "After talking for so long, it seems that you haven't talked about the Hall of Life and Death. "

The gold-encrusted jade glanced at him and said indifferently: "What are you in a hurry, it will arrive soon." "

It is rumored in the rivers and lakes that the bloody hands worked hard and cocooned themselves, and after being trapped in the Valley of the Wicked, they slumped and hid, and no longer cared about the right and wrong of the Valley of the Wicked.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the first turmoil, the Valley of the Wicked carried out a series of reforms.

The Hall of Life and Death is the product of reform.

Death matches are not allowed in the Valley of the Wicked, and if there is really a deep hatred between each other, you can go to the Hall of Life and Death to register, and then find a place to fight a life and death battle.

Winner takes all.

But if someone dares to break this rule and do it without registration, the Hall of Life and Death will send someone to arrest the person who did it, and then punish it according to the circumstances.

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but react, "The person who feels this Hall of Life and Death is the catcher of the Valley of the Wicked?"

Jin inlaid jade said: "The rights of the people in the Hall of Life and Death are not as great as the arrest speed, and they will only go out after someone violates the iron law of the Valley of the Wicked." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, just about to say something, the food immortal who was walking in the front suddenly stopped.

"Arrived. "

Rowe looked up and saw that they had arrived at a magnificent gate.

The plaque above the gate reads three large characters of the Hall of Life and Death.

There were also several uniformed men's handles at the door.

Passing through the gate, you are greeted by a wide courtyard with weapons such as knives, guns and clubs on both sides.

It's a bit like a martial arts arena or a playground.

Passing through this wide courtyard, a fine building appeared in front of Rowe.

This is the office hall of the Hall of Life and Death.

Rowe raised his legs and stepped over the threshold and entered the hall, and saw a huge screen in front of his sight, and the pictures of beautiful people painted on the screen were painted.

In front of the screen sits a table made of mahogany, behind which sits a man working on a desk.

After Shi Weixian walked in, he bowed, "Adult, the little one has already arrested the troublemaker." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

When the man heard this, he glanced up at Shi Weixian and asked, "Who did you arrest back?" "

Only then did Luo Wei see the face of this man, this person had long hair hanging down his shoulders, was wearing a black robe, his eyes were like torches, and his face was full of dirt, like a hard brush.

Shi Weixian said: "It's the owner of the Dragon Gate Inn, Jin Yiyu, and her sister-in-law. "

The man raised his eyebrows, "Gold inlaid jade, she is not staying at the Dragon Gate Inn, what are you doing in our Valley of the Wicked." "

Shi Weixian said: "I heard that it was her sister-in-law who wanted to see what the Valley of the Wicked looked like, so she brought people in. "

When the man heard this, he slowly shifted his gaze to the gold-encrusted jade.

"Gold inlaid jade, is what Shiwei Immortal said true?"

Jin inlaid jade said: "Exactly. "

The man was a little surprised, glanced at the gold-encrusted jade, and then looked at Luo Wei, "This is your man, what is his name." "

The gold-encrusted jade replied, "Rowe." "

The man shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it." "

Jin inlaid jade said: "My man is indeed not famous in the rivers and lakes. "

The man snorted, was noncommittal, and looked at the food fairy again and asked, "What happened to the two of them?"

Shi Weixian said: "If you return to your lord, it seems that the gold-encrusted jade sister has killed people here." "

"Kill whom?"

"Little Mida in the laughter, haha'er. "

The man suddenly realized, "Oh, it's that narrow-minded fat man." "

Shiwei Xian bowed and said, "Exactly." "

"So, whoever started this matter first. The man asked.

Shi Weixian said: "Some people say that it is the hand of the gold-encrusted jade head that moves first. "

The man looked back again, frowned and asked, "Gold inlaid jade, is that so?"

The gold inlaid jade nodded cheerfully, "That's right. "

The man asked again: "Gold inlaid jade, you should know the rules of the Valley of the Wicked." "

"I know. "The gold-encrusted jade is concise. "But I don't think this rule can be applied to my man. "

The man felt funny and couldn't help but ask, "Why do you say that." "

The gold inlaid jade said with a smile: "Of course, because my man is not from the Valley of the Wicked. "

The man said, "But he came to the Valley of the Wicked, and that is my man from the Valley of the Wicked." "

Jin Jiyu shook his head and said, "My man is not an evil person, so he is not a person from the Valley of the Wicked. "

The man snorted coldly, "Fallacy, no matter what, if you kill someone in the Valley of the Wicked, it is to break the rules of my Valley of the Wicked, if you are caught now, I can still leave you a whole corpse." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he finally couldn't help but speak, "Who is this?" "

Jin inlaid jade said: "This person is a member of the Great Ming Black List, a disciple of bloody hands, and a thief Chi Zunxin. "

When Rowe heard this name, he finally realized.

It turned out to be him.

Chi Zunxin is one of the characters in Huang Yi's novel "Over the Rain and Clouds", nicknamed the Thief and one of the masters in the black list.

Chi Zunxin is a horse thief, fierce and violent, famous in the west, famous for 30 years, known as the most knowledgeable genius in the world's martial arts in ancient times.

In the original plot, he is not only the founder and master of the Zunxin Gate, but also inherits the bloody hand of the Yin Lu Sect of the Demon Gate, and has a very high talent in martial arts (Zhao Li Zhao), and any weapon can be mastered immediately as soon as it reaches his hand.

Therefore, behind Chi Zunxin usually stood twelve men, each of whom had a thousand strange weapons on him, all of which were ready for Chi Zunxin to access at any time.

Every time Chi Zunxin confronts the enemy, he chooses the weapon that can best restrain the opponent, so he can achieve twice the result with half the effort and kill the enemy to win.

Because the magician Pang Ban is the first master of Mongolia, the Demon Sect Meng Chixing, and the first person of the Central Plains Demon Gate inherited by Chi Zunxin, although it belongs to the same Demon Gate, the struggle between the two factions continues.

Therefore, when Pang Ban Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa was first completed and reappeared, he led his troops to attack the Zunxin Gate, Chi Zunxin did not support his Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa, and when Pang Ban was fully performing his magic skills, Chi Zunxin tried his best to escape.

Later, when this guy was hiding on death row, he met Han Bai, a servant of Wuchang Hanfu, who was the protagonist of the rain and clouds.

So Chi Zunxin was like a demon, exerted his fearless spirit, sacrificed himself to turn into a demon seed, and taught the Dao Heart Seed Demon Dao Dao to create Han Bai, hoping that Han Bai could defeat Pang Ban one day.

Although Han Bai has a demon seed, he is not deeply involved in the world, and the demon seed has not yet matured, and the moment of danger is often solved by the Yuan God who believes in the red venerable in his body.

Overall, this is definitely a grandfather-level character.

Others are sending exercises and money.

He was even more ruthless and gave himself directly to Han Baijie.

Rowe also had to admit that this was a ruthless person.

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