However, with Luo Wei's understanding of this girl, nine times out of ten, the other party would not agree to his proposal.

Sure enough, not long after his message was sent, Xue Bing replied several messages in a row

[Xue Bing: Okay, I know that this guy of yours is plotting against me]

[Xue Bing: It's a pity, you're late, and the person I like is not you]

[Xue Bing: I've never had any good feelings for men who have a heart for flowers, so you don't have a chance, let's die]

Luo Wei couldn't help but pout and scare Xue Bing.

[Luo Wei: Look at what you said, it's like Lu Xiaofeng doesn't care]

[Xue Bing:......]

Seeing that Xue Bing, who was speechless with a word, Luo Wei couldn't help but feel proud, as if he had fought a winning battle.

He immediately abandoned Xue Bing and continued to update his diary.

[Just now, Xue Bing actually wanted to spend money to buy the Wuji Immortal Pill with me, is this looking down on me]

[Am I the kind of person who lacks money?]

【I'm not】

[Maybe I used to be, but since I mastered the point of turning stones into gold, I am no longer the kind of person who lacks money]

[As long as I want to, it is not a problem to be rich and enemy]

[I can even create a sea of gold and silver with my own strength, and the richest man in the world is me]

[So don't mention money to me in the future, anyway, no matter how much money you have, I don't have money]

Ah this...

When Xue Bing saw this scene, he couldn't help but be speechless.

Why did she forget that Luo Wei would turn stones into gold, this is a shame.

For a while, Xue Bing couldn't wait to find a pit and jump into it and bury himself.

This is too social to die.

[Okay, Tianzun is about to wake up, let's talk about today's things here, see you tomorrow]

With that, Rowe closed his diary and received today's reward.

Although he refined the Infinity Immortal Pill, which caused the amazement of all the women, this amazement was not enough for Luo Wei to obtain the Six Techniques of the Three Heavenly Warriors and the Two Techniques of the Seven Warriors of the Earth.

Only one mediocre spell was obtained.


This spell can fix broken things, somewhat similar to the repair charm of the Harry Potter world.

However, it is worth mentioning that the repair technique can only repair inanimate objects, not living objects, which is somewhat different from the repair spell.

At least the Harry Potter World Repair Charm can repair the wounds of the human body, but it will leave scars.

Therefore, people in the Harry Potter world rarely use repair wounds on the human body with repair spells.

Although Luo Wei felt that what the repair technique could do, he could also do by using the return wind and return fire, but the consumption of the repair technique was much less than the return wind and returning fire.

Therefore, Luo Wei feels that prosthetics is also a good means, and it can be used on many occasions.

Not long after Luo Wei received the reward, Murong Qiudi opened his eyes and woke up.

"How does it feel?" asked Rowe.

'Good'. Murong Qiudi bowed his head and said, "I have already become a great master, but the medicinal power of the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill has only consumed one-tenth. When I completely digest these medicinal powers, it is time for me to enter the peerless powerhouse. "

She is very satisfied with her current self, because at this moment she can clearly feel that her body exudes vitality.

Not to mention living for a hundred years, even if you live for a thousand years, or even thousands of years is not a problem.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many emperors have dreamed of immortality, and she has held it in her hands.

Without a doubt, this is definitely something to celebrate.

Bang bang bang...

At this moment, a knock came on the door, followed by a crisp voice, "Miss, can I come in?"

Murong Qiudi said in a low voice: "It's my personal maid." "

Luo Wei snorted and said, "Exactly, I still have to go back beforehand, you take care." "

Murong Qiudi was stunned, "Are you going back so soon? "

Luo Wei said: "There are still people waiting for me, I naturally want to go back, as for the interest, it doesn't matter, come to Japan, isn't it." "

Murong Qiudi also thought about it, this kind of thing is really not in a hurry.

After Luo Wei bid farewell to Murong Qiudi, he used the diary's teleportation function to leave Murong Villa in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had returned to the superior wing of the Dragon Gate Inn.

As soon as Yunmeng Fairy got up, he saw Luo Wei appear in front of him out of thin air.

Seeing Luo Wei, Yunmeng Fairy suddenly became angry, seven days ago this dog man said that he would go back, and as a result, he would go back for seven days.

Directly left myself here to dry for seven days.

That's not human.

However, considering that the other party had been refining pills in the past seven days, Yunmeng Fairy could only sigh, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You're finally back. "

"Sorry, I'm back a little late. Luo Wei took out a Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill and handed it over, "To express my gratitude, this Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill will be given to you." "

"What, Long Yuan Immortal Pill. "

Yunmeng Fairy was really surprised at this moment, although she had already handed herself over to Luo Wei, everyone with a clear eye knew that the two of them were just a deal.

But Luo Wei's generosity far exceeded her expectations, and it was a Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill.

What this Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill means, Yunmeng Fairy knows too well.

It is not only a place for a peerless powerhouse, but also an opportunity for immortality. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

I don't know how many people want this place, and Yunmeng Fairy never thought that this place would fall on his head.

For a while, even a cruel and vicious woman like Yunmeng Fairy couldn't help but be moved.

"You really want to give me this Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill. "

"Why, you don't want it, if you don't want me, I'll take it back." "

"I want, I want. "

Yunmeng Fairy almost pounced and snatched the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill in Luo Wei's hand, and then swallowed it in one gulp, for fear that Luo Wei was going back with him.

This is an opportunity for immortality, and if you miss this time, there will be no next time.

Unless you are a fool, no, even a fool is not willing to miss this opportunity.

After swallowing the Long Yuan Immortal Pill, Yunmeng Fairy sat cross-kneeled and luckily digested the Long Yuan Immortal Pill.

Seeing this, Luo Wei arranged seven or eight enchantments in the room, protected himself, and also took out a Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill and swallowed it.

The Wuji Immortal Pill had no effect on Luo Wei, so Luo Wei was too lazy to swallow it.

But the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill is different.

This thing is a pill refined by Luo Wei using Dragon Yuan and fusing hundreds of medicinal materials, which can definitely enhance Luo Wei's mana.

And it turns out that Rowe guessed well.

After the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill entered its abdomen, it was like a volcanic eruption, releasing a huge and gentle medicinal power.

After Luo Wei's mana absorbed these medicinal powers, it was like riding a rocket, and it grew rapidly.

Originally, Luo Wei had accumulated mana for thirty years, and after absorbing part of the medicinal power of the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill, his mana increased by as much as forty percent, and he had more than forty years of mana.

At this time, the Long Yuan Immortal Pill was only digested by one-fifth.

Luo Wei did not choose to refine the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill in one go, because this was likely to consume a lot of time.

Maybe there will be another retreat for ten days and a half month.

Therefore, after digesting one-fifth, Luo Wei decisively stopped refining, slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at the sky.

Sure enough, when he had just returned, it was still daylight.

Now it's dark.

Luo Wei got up and glanced at the Yunmeng Fairy, and found that this woman was still refining the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill and had not woken up.

So Rowe chose to leave a note, passed through the enchantment, and left the room.

He found the gold-encrusted jade that was ready to sleep, and after leaving a dragon yuan immortal pill for the gold-encrusted jade, he left the Dragon Gate Inn.

Some days have passed since I left Mandolin Villa that day.

It's time to go back and see Rong'er, Aju, and them.

So Luo Wei instantly teleported himself back to Mantuo Villa and returned to Huang Rong's side through the teleportation function of the diary.

At this time, it was nightfall.

Huang Rong, A Zhu, A Zi, and Blue Phoenix were sitting around playing mahjong.

Luo Wei appeared next to Huang Rong out of thin air, and immediately attracted the attention of several women.

Huang Rong jumped up directly on the chair with excitement, "Brother Wei, you are finally willing to come back." "

Aju also saluted Luo Wei, "Welcome back, Gongzi." "

Ah Zi said excitedly: "Brother-in-law, you are back." "

Blue Phoenix also said, "Welcome back." "

Rowe looked around the room and asked, "What about Shiyin?" "

Huang Rong said: "Sister Lin is still in Langhuan Jade Cave, deducing martial arts with Senior Lin, Xiaolongnu is also there, I will go and call them over." (Lee is good)"

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "No need, I'll go find them myself, in addition, I came back this time and brought you a little gift." "

Ah Zi's eyes were shining, "I know, is it the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill." "

Luo Wei nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill, but it's not your share." "

Luo Wei took out three Dragon Yuan Immortal Pills and handed them to Huang Rong, Azhu, and Blue Phoenix.

These three women have always followed him, so that he will not treat them badly.

Ah Zi is angry, this is an opportunity for immortality, how can he let this opportunity slip away in front of him.

"Brother-in-law, how can you be thick and thin, you are my brother-in-law, as the saying goes, half of my sister-in-law is my brother-in-law's, it's a big deal that I will compensate myself to you, brother-in-law, you just give me a Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill." "

"Ah Zi !!"

Seeing that his sister was talking more and more unlike, Azhu immediately became angry.

This sister can't ask for it, and actually dares to rob someone with herself.

Maybe it was this time of getting along that made Ah Zi feel her sister's kindness to herself, if Ah Zi was angry, Ah Zi was suddenly startled, and quickly shrunk her neck and came to Ah Zhu to show goodwill.

"Sister, just help me, you don't want to be a hundred years later, you are still young, but your sister and I have become a pile of loess, this is not fair, sister." "。

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