When Luo Wei heard this, he glanced at Murong Qiudi meaningfully.

Because he found out that Murong Qiudi had resurrected the Hundred Damage Daoist, which was obviously deliberate.

Once the Hundred Damage Daoist is resurrected, he can subdue the Second Elder Xuanxi, and install two internal traitors in the Ruyang Royal Mansion to monitor every move of the Ruyang Royal Mansion.

Although Luo Wei did not know what was going on between Murong Qiudi and the Ruyang Royal Mansion, looking at Murong Qiudi's actions, she and the Ruyang Royal Mansion were definitely enemies.

So Luo Wei reminded, "King Ruyang has a daughter named Min Temur, Chinese name is Zhao Min, is the heroine of the Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer, if nothing else, she also has a diary in her hand, you be careful." "

Murong Qiudi was shocked in his heart and secretly wrote down this reminder.

If Luo Wei didn't say it, she really didn't know this, and the plan for the Ruyang Royal Mansion in the future would be easily used by the other party.

Now that you know this, you must arrange it carefully.

As for the Hundred Damage Daoist on the side, he couldn't understand the conversation between Luo Wei and Murong Qiudi at all.

So just shut up.

Murong Qiudi asked, "What kind of person is that guy named Zhao Min?"

Luo Wei said: "Smart, beautiful, very good brain, in the original plot almost killed the six major factions of Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Huashan, Kunlun, and Laodeng." "

"Even the people of the Ming Sect were toyed with by her, and if it were not for a woman, she would definitely be able to create a career." "

"It's a pity that it's a love brain, and in the end, for Zhang Sanfeng's apprentice grandson Zhang Wuji, he abandoned everything, and even abandoned the identity of the daughter of the King of Ruyang, followed Zhang Wuji to leave, and wandered the world. "

"But before meeting Zhang Wuji, this Zhao Min cannot be underestimated. "

Mu 583 Rong Qiudi nodded.

A woman who can play with the Six Gates Faction between her palms is definitely not a simple woman, and she is likely to be not inferior to herself in terms of brains.

Therefore, she must be careful with the plan she made for the Ruyang Royal Mansion in the future.

Absolutely can't let Zhao Min see the flaws.

At the same time, Luo Wei said: "Do you want to recruit a few more grandmasters. "

Murong Qiudi's heart was shocked, and he turned his head to look at Luo Wei, "You are willing to help me." "

Luo Wei said with a smile: "I am also a great Tianzun, I don't help you who helps you." "

Murong Qiudi said excitedly: "The more grandmasters, the better. "

She knew very well that Luo Wei was not her subordinate, but her own man, so Murong Qiudi did not dare to use Luo Wei as a donkey, pulling him out to revive others.

But now that Rowe took the initiative, the situation was naturally different.

How could Murong Qiudi refuse.

"Follow me. "

Luo Wei took the initiative to grab Murong Qiudi, and then took hundreds of Daoist people, performed the art of earth travel, and fled underground.

The group of three galloped all the way from the ground and soon arrived at Emei's underground palace.

Luo Wei took Murong Qiudi and the Hundred Damage Daoist and found the corpses of the five peerless heavens and earth.

He resurrected the five absolutes of heaven and earth in turn.

This time, the Hundred Damage Daoist clearly saw the whole process of a person being resurrected, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Under Luo Wei's spell, a white bone quickly grew organs, internal organs, meridians, flesh and blood, skin, hair, and finally changed from a dead person to a living person.

It's incredible, incredible.

The Five Peerless Heavens and Earth were also well-known Grand Masters (BCAB), and even created the peerless martial art of the Five Peerless Divine Skill with others, which is naturally full of arrogance.

After the first Heaven and Earth Five Absolute Resurrection, I heard that Luo Wei wanted to incorporate himself and join some Tianzun Organization.

The other party subconsciously refused.

He had never heard of this Tianzun organization, so why should he join it.

Luo Wei was not reluctant, "If you don't want to, then it's better to die." "

The other party laughed wickedly, "Then I'll see what you can do." "

So Luo Wei stretched out his hand, and this resurrected heaven and earth five absolute turned into a puppy, which could only scream on the ground.

When the Hundred Damage Daoist saw this, his pupils contracted violently, his heart beat rapidly, he was sweating profusely, and the back of his clothes was wet.

He never expected that Luo Wei would have such a trick.

It is possible to turn people into animals.

If Luo Wei had also made such a move on himself after resurrecting himself, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

A few minutes later, Luo Wei changed this Heaven and Earth Five Absolute back again, and said lightly: "You come and tell me, do you want to be a man, or a dog, or you want to die." "

This Heaven and Earth Five Absolute recalled the trepidation in his heart when he became a dog, and finally lowered his head.

"Subordinate Emperor Fuqi has seen the Great Tianzun, Tianzun. "

It's not that he doesn't want freedom, but the other party is too strong.

Luo Wei nodded and took Huangfuqi and the Hundred Damage Daoist to resurrect the other Heaven and Earth Five Peerless.

Like the Hundred Damage Daoist, Huangfuqi was shocked beyond much when he saw the scene of resurrection.

When you look at it, it's a miracle within a miracle.

For a while, Huangfuqi became more and more in awe of Luo Wei.

The other resurrected Heaven and Earth Five Absolute were all unruly people, and after being resurrected, in the face of Luo Wei's solicitation, they refused without thinking.

At the beginning, they were deceived by Ouyang Ting's rhetoric, and then they were used to death.

Therefore, they naturally do not want to be used now.

In the face of these unruly people, Rowe has only one way, fight.

Whoever does not obey, then hit him until he obeys.

In the past, no one can stop it.

When these unruly grandmasters were turned into harmless animals by Luo Wei, they realized the gap between Luo Wei and them.

Rowe gave them a spin, "either surrender or live your whole life as an animal." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the face of this rotation, the other Heaven and Earth Five Absolute finally prodded, willing to join the Tianzun Organization and serve the Tianzun Organization.

Only then did Rowe restore them to human form.

At this time, several people reported their lives one by one.

In addition to Huangfuqi, the remaining few people were called Duanmukong, Tai Shiye, Gongsun Zheng, and Xiahou Jian.

Good fellow, the five absolute of heaven and earth are still compound surnames.

That's a bit strange.

Huangfuqi said on the side: "A few of us came together because of our compound surnames and traveled together, so we were called the five absolute heavens and earth. "

Luo Wei snorted, pointed at the Hundred Damage Daoist and said, "This is the Hundred Damage Daoist, you guys know each other." "

Huangfuqi said: "The prestige of the Hundred Damage Daoist we have heard of is a master who dares to fight Zhang Sanfeng. "

The Hundred Damage Daoist said indifferently: "The reputation of the five peerless heavens and earth, the old Dao has also heard of it. "

They are actually a generation, they are all masters who were active in the rivers and lakes decades ago, and although they have not met, they have heard of each other's reputation.

Luo Wei said: "From now on, you are members of our Tianzun organization, I am the Great Tianzun, this is the Tianzun, generally most of the time, I will not be in the Tianzun organization. "

"So your direct leader is Tianzun, and you have to listen to Tianzun in the future, understand?"

Everyone was not stupid, and when they saw Murong Qiudi's face, they knew how this Tianzun came from.

Naturally, they would not give Murong Qiudi a face, and saluted one after another, "I'll wait to see Tianzun." "

Murong Qiudi nodded calmly, she was not a fool, naturally she could see that the reason why these unruly people respected themselves was not because of themselves.

It's because of Rowe.

They respected themselves so much for Rowe's sake.

However, Murong Qiudi was not angry, on the one hand, because she was Luo Wei's person, and she didn't mind wearing Luo Wei's tiger skin to control this group of people.

On the other hand, she has already taken the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill, and soon she will be able to enter the ranks of peerless powerhouses with the medicinal power of the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill.

When she becomes a peerless powerhouse, she can naturally rely on her own strength to subdue this group of unruly people.

Thinking of this, Murong Qiudi smiled slightly and said, "You are exempt." "

Then, she told the five absolute rules of Tianzun to the five masters of heaven and earth, and everyone who entered Tianzun would give themselves a code name in order to hide their identity.

The Five Heavens and Earths are no exception.

After thinking about it, several people from Heaven and Earth finally chose their own codename.

Huangfu, Duanmu, Taishi, Gongsun, and Xiahou.

Yes, they withheld their names, codenames with surnames.

Rowe really wants to complain, you guys are separated from here.

However, Murong Qiudi recognized the code name of the Five Absolute Heavens and Earth.

In her opinion, the five absolute heavens and the earth have disappeared for decades, and the new generation of young people has long been ignorant of the five absolute heavens and earth, even if they use these code names to reappear in the rivers and lakes, no one will think of them.

Therefore, using these code names, it really doesn't matter, just a few people like it.

Then, a group of people left the Emei Underground Palace and returned to the mountain just now.

After Murong Qiudi gave the contact information of the Tianzun Organization and the slogan to the Five Absolute Heaven and Earth, as well as the Hundred Damage Daoists, he allowed them to leave.

But when she needed them, they had to be the first to come.

The five absolute heavens and the earth and the hundred damage Dao people naturally agreed with their mouths.

In front of everyone, Luo Wei released several rays of light, hitting the bodies of the Five Absolute Heavens and Earth and the Hundred Damage Daoists.

The five absolute heavens and the earth and the hundred damage Dao people couldn't help but be stunned.

Luo Wei comforted: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's a tracking spell, with this thing, no matter where you run, even if it's the end of the world, I can find you." "

"So I hope you can be a little less routine and more sincere, what do you think?"

The Heaven and Earth Five Absolute and the Hundred Damage Daoist hurriedly said, "Yes." "

In fact, they really have the idea of finding a place to hide after leaving.

Anyway, the world is so big, if they hide, who can find them.

But now it seems that this idea is not working.

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