[Rowe: Wait, I'll be right there]

After Luo Wei sent a message to Xue Bing, he used the diary's teleportation function to teleport himself to Xue Bing's side.

In the next second, he only felt that Xue Bing was standing in front of him.

I saw her wearing a snow-white dress, light and soft, standing in front of Luo Wei beautifully, as if she might be blown away by the wind at any time.

Xue Bing looked at Luo Wei suddenly, his eyes were very anxious.

"What happened?" asked Luo Wei hurriedly, while noticing that Xue Bing's environment was a remote house.

Xue Bing said: "My sister, my sister was arrested. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, Xue Bing also has a sister, and there seems to be no explanation in the original plot.

However, could it be a change in the world of comprehensive martial arts?

Rowe asked, "Who is your sister?"

Xue Bing said: "My sister's name is Xue Keren. "

Good fellow, Luo Wei couldn't help but gasp, Xue Bing's sister was actually Xue Keren, "Are you saying that the young lady Xue Keren of Xiahou Mountain Villa in Red Cloud Valley is your sister?"

Xue Bing nodded, "Yes, Xue Keren is my sister." "

Luo Wei was too lazy to complain, and said: "Who took your sister away." "

Xue Bing said "one, two, three": "Xiahouxing." "

Rowe: "Ah this... If I'm not mistaken, Xia Houxing seems to be Xue Keren's husband. "

Xue Bing gave Luo Wei a pretty white look and said, "Of course I know this, but my sister doesn't like Xia Houxing, and she doesn't want to live with Xia Houxing."

"When she married Xiahou Xing, it was completely coerced by her family. "

"Over the years, she has been very unhappy, so she escaped from Xiahouxing's hands not long ago and found me. "

"I found a secret place and hid my sister. "

"But I didn't expect that Xiahou Xing had just been born today and took away my sister. "

"Please, Luo Wei, help me, help me take my sister back from Xia Houxing's side, I really don't want her to go back and suffer with Xia Houxing." "

Luo Wei suddenly had a toothache, and a few days ago, Murong Qiudi also wanted to use the identity of the young lady of Xue Keren Xiahou Villa to master Xiahou Villa.

Unexpectedly, Xue Bing begged for his head today.

If Luo Wei really snatched Xue Keren back from Xiahou Xing's hands, wouldn't it have ruined Murong Qiudi's plan.

This comprehensive martial arts world is really small.

Xue Bing couldn't help frowning when she saw Luo Wei's embarrassed look, she was not a stupid person, and she could see at a glance that Luo Wei was a little reluctant.

"Do you know someone from Xiahou Villa?" she began to guess the reason for Luo Wei's embarrassment.

Luo Wei shook his head, "That's not it, it's mainly Tianzun. "

"Tianzun, what does this matter with her?" Xue Bing naturally knew about Tianzun, after all, Luo Wei solemnly announced in his diary a few days ago that he had joined the Tianzun Organization.

Although it was just a name, it still made Xue Bing feel jealous of the Tianzun Organization.

After all, Rowe is really powerful.

Not only is he powerful himself, but his ability to create strong people is also very powerful.

If two Wuji Immortal Pills go down, the Innate Grandmaster can even manufacture them in batches.

Luo Wei whispered: "Not long ago, Tianzun wanted to use the identity of the young lady of Xue Keren's Xiahou Mountain Villa to control Xiahou Mountain Villa, if I help you take Xue Keren back, that Tianzun's plan will be ruined." "

Xue Bing's heart immediately raised his throat, "Tianzun actually set his sights on Xiahou Villa. "

Rowe nodded.

Xue Bing smiled bitterly and said, "So, you don't plan to help me, you also plan to use my sister." "

Luo Wei said: "Didn't I not know that Xue Keren is your sister, although you are both surnamed Xue, but you are completely characters in two different works, I know that you are sisters in this world." "

Speaking of this, Luo Wei looked at Xue Bing's gradually disappointed eyes, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, I'll help you. "

Xue Bing couldn't help but be stunned, "Are you really willing to help me?"

"Who made you my friend. Luo Wei really didn't want to lose Xue Bing's friend.

Xue Bing said embarrassedly: "You helped me, how to explain to Tianzun." "

It is true that she is Luo Wei's friend, but Tianzun is Luo Wei's woman, and Tianzun has even given himself to Luo Wei.

She is now asking Luo Wei to help her sabotage Tianzun's plan, how embarrassing.

But she really couldn't just watch her sister being used.

Luo Wei saw Xue Bing's guilt, and pretended to be on his toes and said: "Where are you, Laozi is a great Tianzun, and his status is still above Tianzun. "

"What's wrong with letting her change a plan, rest assured, it's okay." "

Luo Wei patted his chest in assurance, and then asked: "Xiahou Xing, where did they go from, I will take you to catch up now." "

Xue Bing pointed to three o'clock, which was a wide road.

"Gone over there. "

"Follow me. Luo Wei held Xue Bing's right hand, cast the teleportation technique, and disappeared in place with a swoop.

After several transfers, Luo Wei and Xue Bing had already crossed a distance of five or six kilometers and appeared on the roof of a building.

Xue Bing looked condescendingly, and the flow of people on several nearby streets could be seen clearly.

"There!" she suddenly found the location of Xia Houxing and the others and pointed out.

Luo Wei looked in the direction Xue Bing pointed, and on a bustling street, a wide carriage was galloping, and it was an old man driving the carriage.

Rovisch exhibited perspective and saw a man and a woman sitting in the carriage.

The man's waist hangs a long sword, looking handsome and dashing, and the woman is not only beautiful, but also gentle.

Rowe asked, "What is your sister wearing, is it a red dress?" "

Xue Bing was shocked and asked, "How do you know?" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Rowe pointed to his eyes, "I see it with these eyes." "

Xue Bing suddenly thought of a possibility, "You can see?"

"I will. "

Xue Bing suddenly took a few steps back in fright, clasping his hands to his chest, "You you you you..."

She was stunned for a long time, but she didn't say a complete sentence.

Rowe knew what she wanted to say and comforted, "Don't worry, I'm not that obscene, and I won't look at your clothes without the permission of others." "

Xue Bing was relieved, she knew that Luo Wei's pride would not lie in front of her.

However, she still complained, "How can you have such an obscene spell." "

Luo Wei said disapprovingly: "What kind of obscene spell is perspective, and you haven't seen the really obscene spell yet." "

Xue Bing was shocked, but at the same time, he was aroused by a trace of curiosity, and couldn't help but glance at Luo Wei.

Rowe knew what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "You will soon know..."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Wei cast an instantaneous teleportation method and disappeared in front of Xue Bing.

In the next second, Luo Wei appeared inside the carriage out of thin air.

Xia Houxing and Xue Keren were both shocked.

Xia Houxing asked, "What are you?"

Rowe said: "You will soon know who I am, remember to come to the courtyard just now to find me." "

Saying that, Luo Wei pressed Xue Keren's shoulder.

Xia Houxing was furious to the extreme, and pulled out the sword on his waist with a rub, "Let her go." "

Xia Houxing was about to stab out with a sword, but suddenly found that Luo Wei and Xue Keren disappeared into the carriage at the same time.

"Young Master, what happened?"

The driver's voice came from outside.

Xia Houxing suppressed his anger and said, "Go back!"

The coachman asked, "Where to go back?"

Xia Houxing gritted his teeth and said, "The courtyard just now." "

The coachman was silent for a moment and began to turn around.

On the other hand, after Luo Wei disappeared with Xue Keren, he returned to the roof just now.

When Xue Bing saw Luo Wei returning with his sister, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, pounced, and hugged Xue Keren.

"Sister. "

"Bing'er. Xue Keren glanced at Xue Bing in surprise, then looked at the surrounding environment, vaguely understood something, and said to Xue Bing: "You found someone to save me, this is..."

Xue Bing said: "His name is Luo Wei, he is my friend, sister, don't worry, Luo Wei is here, Xia Houxing can't take you." "

Xue Keren recalled Luo Wei's haunted light skill, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, let go of Xue Bing and saluted Luo Wei.

"Little woman Xue Keren, thank you Luo Gongzi for rescuing. "

Luo Wei pointed to the carriage that had turned around on the street and said, "Let's go back to the courtyard just now, and when I send Xiahouxing, it's not too late for you to thank me." "

Saying that, he took the sisters Xue Bing and Xue Keren and disappeared into place out of thin air.

After a few teleportation Dafa, the three returned to the courtyard just now.

Xue Bing landed on the ground with both feet, looked around at the surrounding 1.4 environment, and couldn't help but ask: "Is this a spell or a light skill." "

Luo Wei said: "It's a light skill, and it's also a peerless school of the Tianshan Sect, how, want to learn?"

Xue Bing's eyes widened, "Why, you are willing to teach me." "

Rowe said: "Of course, but there is a premise, you know. "

"Then forget it. "

Xue Bing waved her hand, of course she knew what that premise was, it was nothing more than to become Luo Wei's woman, but now she couldn't let go of Lu Xiaofeng, she really couldn't accept Luo Wei.

Rowe wasn't reluctant either.

On the contrary, Xue Keren was a little curious and asked, "What is the premise?"

She couldn't help but think in her heart, if this premise was not excessive, whether she could learn this light skill from Luo Wei's hands, and in the future, even without Luo Wei's protection, she could use this light skill to avoid Xia Houxing's pursuit.

Xue Bing said: "Sister, you have no drama, the premise of wanting to learn this light skill is to be her woman, but this guy is very careful, there is more than one woman." "

When Xue Keren heard this, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

This premise is indeed something that the vast majority of women cannot do.

For a time, Xue Keren had mixed feelings.

I am a little disappointed in my heart, I may miss this unfathomable light skill, it is really a pity.

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