In the eyes of the people of the Demon Gate, you all have a dog brain, why do you have to smile, don't you feel tired.

Pick up the guy and beat him, screw his head off.

And what, do not fight, to keep the peace?

You killed each other's sons in private, and you still have to keep peace, peace is a fart.

Bah, a bunch of hypocrites.

Therefore, there is a reason why the Demon Gate looks down on righteous people.

Luo Wei saw Wanwan smiling and saying that he would catch a group of people in the Demon Gate and hand them over to him, so he knew that Wanwan was adjusting himself, and at the same time, he really did not put the small lives of other people in the Demon Gate in his eyes.

It is worthy of being a witch from the Yin Lu faction, a ruthless batch.

"Okay, I'm actually quite upset to see it, or you go and screw his head off for me."

Since Wanwan said so, Luo Wei was embarrassed to refuse, and even gave a clear goal.

Wanwan rolled her eyes, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Senior Uncle Bian caused your displeasure, so you really deserve to be killed." "

"But it's a pity that Senior Uncle Bian is the junior brother of the concubine master, and his magic skills are unfathomable, even if the concubine wants to kill Senior Uncle Bian, he can't do this, and the concubine body is not the opponent of Senior Uncle Bian at present."

"If Gongzi really wants to kill the 'Zero Zero' Senior Uncle with a concubine, how about giving me two Wuji Immortal Pills? "

"With this Infinity Immortal Pill, the concubine's Heavenly Demon Skill can reach the highest realm, kill one side without fail, and capture it with your hand."

For Bian Bu to live up to this person, Wanwan did not have any good impressions.

If Luo Wei really gave her two Infinity Immortal Pills, she really didn't mind killing Bian Bu Yuan.

After all, this guy is also an old rogue, coveting herself for a long time, if it weren't for the master's stop, she would have been poisoned by the side.

Therefore, Wanwan has long had the intention of killing Bian Bu Bu.

It's just that she is still young, and she is indeed not a rival who does not live up to the side, so she can only endure it.

With Rowe's help, it would be too easy to kill Bian Bu.

Luo Wei saw the twinkle in her eyes, guessed what she meant, and did not agree to it, because he had been attracted to another matter.

"You just said that you practiced the Heavenly Demon Skill?"

"yes, what's wrong?" Wanwan looked at Rowe in confusion.

Luo Wei said: "I am quite interested in the Heavenly Demon Skill you cultivate, your Heavenly Demon Skill and the god and demon level martial arts Heavenly Demon Skill have the same name, it should not be the same martial art." "

However, without waiting for Wanwan to speak, Luo Wei denied: "No, the Heavenly Demon Skill is extremely domineering, if you really learn the Heavenly Demon Skill, how can you be your opponent." "

"What's more, those who have achieved success in cultivating the Heavenly Demon Skill will be even more affected by the Demon Skill, and their hearts will become increasingly violent and cruel."

"And you don't seem to have this tendency, your Heavenly Demon Skill should not be a Heavenly Demon Dafa."

Wanwan said: "Gongzi is really smart, the Heavenly Demon Skill I practiced was indeed called the Heavenly Demon Dafa, but I disliked its reputation and was not domineering enough, so I changed it to the Heavenly Demon Skill. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain: "You are touching porcelain." "

"Touch porcelain, what is that?"

"It's your behavior, obviously it doesn't match the Heavenly Demon Gong, but you want to call the Heavenly Demon Dafa the Heavenly Demon Gong, and touch the orthodox Heavenly Demon Gong of the porcelain family, which makes people misunderstand."

Rowe said angrily.

When Wanwan heard this, she couldn't help but giggle.

Qin Mengyao saw that the two were chatting hotly, but he was sitting on the side and couldn't even insert a word, and couldn't help but secretly get anxious.

When she went down the mountain before, Master Yan Jingan had told her not to let the people in the Demon Gate get the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill.

But now it seems that Luo Wei has a soft spot for witches and witches, but he is not pretentious about himself.

It looks like she's going to fail.

But for a while, Qin Mengyao had no way to change the situation, so she could only keep thinking.

And Wanwan showed all her strength, wanting to ask for a pill from Luo Wei's hand, whether it was the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill or the Wuji Immortal Pill, she would not refuse.

Luo Wei was entangled and had no choice, so he took out a Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill and squeezed it in his hand.

"You have to understand one thing, once you take this Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill, you and Zhu Yuyan, and even the entire Yin Lu Sect, will be my people."

"I told you to go east, you can't go west, I told you to kill chickens, you can't pick dogs."

"To put it bluntly, you are my people in life, and my ghosts when you die."

"So, I'll give you a chance to regret it."

"You go now, it's still time."

Wanwan looked at the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill in Luo Wei's hand, her eyes bursting with brilliance.

"Young Master Luo, I have already discussed with my master before I came, no matter what the price is, I must get this Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill."

"Good." Luo Wei nodded, took a flick, and flicked the Long Yuan Immortal Pill into Wanwan's mouth.

"This Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill has been rewarded to you."

Wanwan was taken aback, this Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill she asked for for her master Zhu Yuyan, but she didn't expect Luo Wei to actually give it to herself.

She quickly coughed a few times, wanting to cough out the Long Yuan Immortal Pill.

Unfortunately, Luo Wei used ingenuity, and the Long Yuan Immortal Pill had already been swallowed by her, and she couldn't vomit it.

I saw a medicinal force rising from Wanwan's abdomen and flowing towards the limbs.

Luo Wei said: "Don't worry, I have already prepared on your master's side, you can honestly digest this Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill now." "

When Wanwan heard this, she glanced at Luo Wei resentfully, and then sat cross-kneeled, urging True Qi to digest the medicinal power of the Long Yuan Immortal Pill.

Seeing this, Qin Mengyao sighed faintly.

Her mission ultimately failed.

The Yin Lu Sect is about to usher in an immortal peerless powerhouse.

Fortunately, this peerless powerhouse is not Zhu Yuyan, but a descendant of the Yin Lu Sect.

Unfortunately, in a few decades, the Demon Gate is likely to embark on the path of unification.

This is something that no one wants to see. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If it weren't for Luo Wei here, she would have immediately stepped out and fought to the death with Wanwen.

"Luo Gongzi really decided to support the Yin Lu faction, the people in the demon gate acted ruthlessly, and if Gongzi did this, it is likely to cause bloody storms in the rivers and lakes, and the lives will be ruined."

She decided to make a final effort to persuade Rowe.

Luo Wei understood Qin Mengyao's thoughts, and if it was himself, he would also be flustered when he saw his enemies gradually growing, but he was powerless to stop them.

"Don't worry, there is no such possibility, as long as I live for one day, the Yin Lu Sect will not be able to cause the destruction of life."

"Because, I don't allow it!"

Simple four words, but Qin Mengyao calmed down.

She suddenly believed that as long as Luo Wei did not allow it, it would be impossible for the Yin Luo Faction to set off a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes.

For a while, Qin Mengyao didn't know how to persuade Luo Wei.......

In the end, she sighed faintly and said, "Since Luo Gongzi's intention has been decided, Mengyao will not disturb Luo Gongzi." "

She decided to accept it when she saw good, and Luo Wei was already prejudiced against Buddhism and Cihang Jingzhai.

If he continues to persuade in this way, it will only make Luo Wei's prejudice deeper.

She stood up and saluted Rowe.

"Luo Gongzi, Mengyao leaves."

Luo Wei snorted and said, "Fairy Qin, we will see you again when we have the opportunity." "

"There will be a chance." Qin Mengyao smiled slightly, turned to leave, and looked quite free, but the frustration in her heart was known only to her.

Master, master, I failed after all.

Not long after Qin Mengyao left, the gold-encrusted jade woke up, got dressed, and came to the first floor of the Longmen Inn, inspecting his inn as before.

Then, she saw Rowe, and Wanwen, who was doing great luck.

"Hey, when did you come back?" Jin Yiyu walked over and asked, and by the way, let his subordinates prepare some breakfast.

"This morning, you were sleeping when I came back, so I didn't disturb you."

Luo Wei said with a smile, pulled the gold-encrusted jade into his arms, and kissed it a few times.

The gold-encrusted jade gaze glanced at Wanwan and asked softly, "Long Yuan Immortal Pill?" "

She could feel a familiar power from Wanwan's body.

Rowe nodded.

Jin inlaid jade said angrily: "You are generous, give such a precious thing, and there is a woman, why didn't you see it?" "

"You said Qin Mengyao, she has already left."

"Leave? Why? The gold-encrusted jade was taken aback.

In her opinion, Qin Mengyao is also a beautiful woman who does not speak, with Luo Wei's lecherous personality, she would let go of this beautiful woman who does not speak?

It shouldn't be.

"Is there something wrong with her?" Gold inlaid jade can only make such a guess.

Luo Wei rolled his eyes, "What's in your heart, people are fine, what can be wrong?" "

Jin Yiyu asked puzzled: "Then why did you let her go, this is not in line with your character 0.1 ah." "

"Because she was born Cihang Jingzhai."

"Cihang Jingzhai? That nunnery? "Jin inlaid jade immediately understood, feeling that Qin Mengyao is a nun who practices on behalf of Fa Hair, no wonder Luo Wei didn't start.

Oh, no... The gold inlaid jade immediately reacted, "Would you mind this?" "

Luo Wei doesn't even care about the past of Yunmeng Fairy, and will he care if the other party is a nun?

What's more, didn't Qin Mengyao shave her head?

Luo Wei said: "The person of Cihang Jingzhai seems to be affectionate, but in fact he is ruthless, and his heart is dedicated to pursuing the Dao, even if I keep him by my side, one day she will leave and return to Cihang Jingzhai." "

"Such people are not on the same path as us."

Only then did Luo Wei understand the reason why Luo Wei drove Qin Mengyao away.

"So that's the case, so who is this one?" The gold-encrusted jade glanced at Wanwan with her eyes.

This time it was Rowe's turn to be surprised, "You don't know? "

It's good to be a guest at your inn.

"Yesterday when I came to my Dragon Gate Inn, I said I wanted to see you, and when I saw that there was a beautiful little girl looking for you, I sent you a message in a fit of anger, and I didn't even have time to ask my name."

Gold-encrusted jade said.

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