Shaolin Temple, as the leader of the Buddhist gate, is called an unfathomable, expert like a cloud.

Among the eight parts of the Heavenly Dragon, there are sweeping monks, abbot Xuanci, the first Xuanxian of the Precept Academy, the first Xuanjian of the Dharma Academy, as well as many masters such as Xuanku, Xuandu, Xuanpain, and Xuanbei

Among the Condor Heroes, there are Tianming Zen Master and Colorless Zen Master.

The Heaven Slaying Dragon Records include the three elders of Due, Du Tribulation, and Du Tribulation, as well as the four great gods and monks of Empty Vision, Empty Hearing, Empty Wisdom, and Emptiness.

There are Fang Zheng and Fang Sheng in the smiling rivers and lakes.

There is a Miaodi Master in the Traveler, a Great Wisdom Zen Master in the Flying Fox Gaiden, and an obscure Zen Master in the Luding Ji.

Among the lover's arrows is Master Tianfan, who is the most prestigious monk of our time and the most virtuous hero in the rivers and lakes.

And the colorless master of the Great Banner Hero Legend is called the first divine monk in the world.

The Great Compassion Zen Master in Lu Xiaofeng's legend is one of the six people who can really reach the peak of martial arts today, along with the Wudang Sect elder Mu Daoren, the Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng, the Ximen Chuixue of Wanmei Villa, the richest man in the world, Huo Xiu, and the head of the Emei Sect, Dugu Yihe.

In addition, there are Bitter Melon Masters, Iron Shoulder Masters, and Dharma Protector Elders without Dragons, Tigers, Lions, Elephants, and Leopards.

There are Zen Masters without Residence, Colorless Zen Masters, Selfless Zen Masters, and Zen Masters Without Phase in the Records of Lianjian Fengyun.

Among the three women of the rivers and lakes, there are Pain Zen Shangren, Ben "527" Void, Ben Wu Zen Master, Wuzhu Zen Master, and Hongfa, these people are either contemporary hosts or the next generation of hosts.

Among the wonders of Shenzhou, there are the five elders who embrace the wind, the flowers, the snow, the moon, and the disabled, as well as the first master of the Shaolin Temple in the past 200 years, and the Tianzheng master, the head of the four giants of the White Road.

The Celestial Master in the Blood River Cart is not only the head of Shaolin, but also one of the three zheng and four wonders, in addition, there are masters such as Tianlong Master and Tianyin Master.

The master of the Absolute Ring in the rain is known as the first master of the White Dao, Wuxian is one of the two grandmasters of the Eight Sects Alliance, the sword monk Buyu is one of the three masters of the ghost handsome, and at the same time the male master of the double cultivation mansion, the night lord is known as the first master of the layman, and Cheng Wang is one of the eighteen seed masters through the clouds.

Master Hui Kong in the Jade Alliance is a rare wizard in Shaolin Temple.

The Juesheng Master, Juemeng Master, and Juefei Master in Xuan Xue Xuanshuang are even more masters of the older generation.

Look at this series of lists, good guys, there is no simple one.

Among them, the masters can be said to be endless.

If Shaolin Temple is not the leader of the Buddhist gate, who is the leader of the Buddhist gate.

Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Monastery, what is the comparison with Shaolin Temple, take the head?

It is precisely because there are too many Shaolin Temple masters in the comprehensive martial arts world, so the martial arts subconsciously suspect that Daming's Shaolin is unfathomable.

However, the truth was unexpected for Rowe.

There was not a peerless powerhouse sitting in the Daming Shaolin Temple.

Why is that?

Is it that the peerless powerhouse happens to no longer be inside the Shaolin Temple, or is it that there is no peerless powerhouse in the Shaolin Temple in Daming.

If you think about it, this possibility is not impossible.

Although the Shaolin Temple is a master, there are branches in the Great Song, Tang, Daming, and Qing Dynasties, and it is impossible for each branch to have a peerless powerhouse sitting there.

This is not scientific, after all, the peerless strong is not a cabbage.

Even if it is a demon gate, isn't it only a few peerless powerhouses such as the magic master Pang Ban, the bloody hand, the evil emperor Xiang Yutian and so on.

Although the Shaolin Temple is powerful, it is impossible to take out four peerless powerhouses in one go.

That's an exaggeration.

But I have to admit that although the Shaolin Temple can't take out a lot of peerless powerhouses, there are really many grandmasters.

Luo Wei glanced at it cursoryly, there were many strong people in the Shaolin Temple of Daming, and there were many innate grandmasters.

There are even several great masters.

This point is no longer under the sects of Huashan, Emei, Kunlun, and Songzheng.

But don't forget, this is just one branch of the Shaolin Temple.

If you count the other branches, Huashan, Emei, Kunlun, and Laodong are not opponents of Shaolin Temple at all.

The only one that can compete with the Shaolin Temple is probably only Wudang.

Although Wudang was established a little, the Great Song, the Great Tang, and even the Great Sui did not have branches.

But just one Zhang Sanfeng was enough to make the Shaolin Temple breathless.

Not to mention the group of apprentices under Zhang Sanfeng, that is called a terror.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng of the comprehensive martial arts world is really awesome.

Luo Wei observed the Shaolin Temple on the clouds for a long time, and after finding that the Shaolin Temple in Daming did not have peerless powerhouses, he performed an invisible technique, eliminated all his breath, and entered the Shaolin Temple.

He wandered around the Shaolin Temple.

In and out of the Daxiong Treasure Hall, Dharma Academy, Precept Monastery and other places, and passing by countless monks, no one found the invisible Luo Wei.

After all, Luo Wei had disappeared all his breath, and in the eyes of the monks of Shaolin Temple, it was like air.

The air is everywhere, and the people of Shaolin Temple naturally can't find Luo Wei.

Luo Wei not only wandered around the Shaolin Temple, but also took a few photos to pass on the diary to discuss the quality of the Shaolin Temple.

[Look, look, what is rich]

[The big Buddha of the Daxiong Treasure Hall is all made of copper, and it is also painted with gold paint, if this is exchanged for money, how many copper coins can be minted]

[You're looking at this brick, this tile, good guy, it's worth a lot]

[Shaolin Temple is worthy of being a Shaolin Temple, rich in the world]

[This is just a branch of Daming, and I can assure you that other Shaolin temples must be no worse than these]

[In addition to the Shaolin Temple, the Jingnian Zen Monastery is not far behind]

[In the Legend of the Double Dragon of the Great Tang Dynasty, this is how the meditation monastery is described]

[Looking at the hillside earlier, because the temple was hidden in the forest, I thought that there were only more than ten temples, but now when I came to the door, I knew that there were more than hundreds of buildings in the temple, like a small city, but all the monks lived inside]

[And among these temples, there is a bronze temple that can live forever]

[And this copper temple with a width and depth of three zhang and a half a zhang in height not only requires a lot of gold and copper, but also a real master. ] With the wealth of Yangzhou, it seems that there is no such a bronze temple]

[With the Bronze Hall as the center of the Zen temple, the scale is complete and uniform. Except for the bronze hall, all the buildings are covered with three-colored glazed tiles, and the color is like new, but it is not known whether it is because the monks in the temple are diligent in cleaning or the quality of the tiles. In particular, the peacock blue in the three colors is the most dazzling. You can imagine the glow in the sun】

[The bell tower is located between the bronze hall and the other main hall, but the distance between them is very different, the former is far away and the latter is close. Before the formation of the copper hall, there is a vast platform square of 100 zhang, made of white stone, surrounded by white stone carved railings] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[In the middle of the white stone square, there is a bronze statue of Manjushri, riding on the back of a golden retriever lion, up to two feet high, and there are three Buddhas such as Medicine Master, Shakya and Mida next to the niche.] Colored plastic gold ornaments, quite ambitious, but also a little out of line with ordinary monastic practices]

[At the four sides of the white stone platform, except for the four stone step entrances and exits, there are evenly distributed five hundred arhats, all of which are cast in gold and bronze, and each has different expressions and postures, but whether they open their eyes and foreheads, or guard them inside the curtain, they are all lifelike, no different from living people]

[Damn, there's money]

【Jingnian Zen Temple is really rich】

[There is not only a bronze temple made of gold and copper, but also an arhat made of gold and copper]

[In addition to the Jingnian Zen Monastery and Shaolin Temple, there are many other Buddhist gates]

[Obviously it is a group of monks who pay attention to the emptiness of the four majors, but they are richer than anyone else]

[No wonder there are poets who write ancient famous sentences in the smoke and rain of the four hundred and eighty temples of the Southern Dynasty, how many buildings]

[No wonder some emperors want to destroy Buddha, destroy Buddha, destroy Buddha]

[The monk does not produce, but he is richer than the emperor, who can withstand this]

[If I were the emperor, the first thing that came to mind was that the Buddha Gate opened the knife, as long as the Buddha Gate fell, Lao Tzu could definitely eat and panic]

Murong family.........

Murong Jiu looked at the photos in the diary and couldn't help but whisper, "Shaolin Temple really has money." "

Murong Qiudi said strangely: "The Buddhist gate in the world, as long as it is a temple where incense is flourishing, that has no money?" "

"Many people under the heavens know that the Buddha Gate has money, and even the emperor himself knows that the Buddha Gate has money, but who dares to put his hand in and ask for money from the Buddha Gate."

"Don't say it's a Buddhist gate, even if the emperor knows that the Shaolin Temple has money, he doesn't dare to reach out and ask for it, but he keeps appeasing the Shaolin Temple."

Beijing, inside the Dragon Guarding Villa.

Shangguan Haitang sighed faintly, "Who in the world doesn't know that the Buddha Gate has money, and there is the one who doesn't know that the Shaolin Temple has money, but who will ask the Shaolin Temple for money." "

"Destroying Buddhas, without Buddhas, it is easy to say, but where is the Buddha gate so easy to extinguish."

She looked helpless and continued to read the diary.

[Hey, it's easy to say and hard to do]

[In the world without martial arts, there are still many obstacles to destroying Buddhas, let alone in this comprehensive martial arts world]

[Not to mention the Buddha gate, there are several peerless powerhouses in the Shaolin Temple alone]

[There are not a few grandmasters]

[If these people rebel, the emperor 0.1 emperor will be afraid]

[Not to mention the martial monks in the Shaolin Temple, a person with a high horse, just the Shaolin Temple of Daming, can pull out three thousand monks who have practiced martial arts with a single order]

[These people cooperate tacitly, if they are equipped with swordsmen, they are worthy of an army of tens of thousands of people]

[In addition to the other peerless powerhouses of the Buddha Sect, if you want to destroy the Buddha, how easy is it]

[Unless the Great Song, Daming, Tang and many other countries unite, they can eradicate the Buddha Gate]

[But for no reason, who would do it]

[After all, those who become emperors are human spirits, and few people will do this thankless thing]

[Buddhism grows, probably no one can stop it]

[After all, this is a world with immortal Buddhas, if the Buddha gate on the earth is really extinguished, it is estimated that the Buddha Arhat on the Spirit Mountain will not be able to sit still]

[Well, it's far away, let's talk about these things later]

[After all, the Immortal Buddha is too far away from us]

[I'll go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion now, after all, I'm still quite interested in several martial arts of the Buddhist Sect, especially the four major divine skills of Shaolin]

[I don't care about the golden bell hood, Tong Zigong is not for me]

[On the contrary, the Yi Tendon Sutra and the Pulp Washing Sutra can be seen].

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