After a small fight, Huang Rong and Azhu finally remembered that breakfast had not been done yet, and originally wanted to drive Luo Wei out of the kitchen and concentrate on making breakfast.

But Luo Wei was unwilling, but joined in, and the two women couldn't beat Rowe, so they had to let Rowe fight.

After a busy day, a delicious and delicious breakfast is ready.

The three walked out with plates.

Lin Shiyin, Blue Phoenix, A Zi, Lin Chaoying and her maids, Xiaolongnu, and Li Mochou have been waiting for a long time.

When the women saw Luo Wei and Azhu, and Huang Rong came out together, they were surprised and delighted.

Lin Shiyin asked in surprise, "When did you come back?" "

"This morning." Luo Wei put down the plate in his hand, sat down next to Lin Shiyin, hugged it over, and asked with a smile: "Did you miss me, Shiyin?" "

Lin Shiyin patted Luo Wei, signaled that there were still people around, and quickly let go of herself.

Luo Wei didn't care at all, "What are you afraid of, it's all your own people." "

Everyone present did not know his relationship with Lin Shiyin.

Lin Shiyin was still shy, and slapped Luo Wei a few times without mercy, and Luo Wei saw that her neck was red, so he let her go.

Then, a group of people began to enjoy the breakfast carefully prepared by Azhu and Huang Rong.

Luo Wei asked while eating, "How are you practicing martial arts recently?" "

Huang Rong said with a smile: "I am already a great master, in a few days, when I completely digest the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill, I can become a peerless powerhouse." "

"The next time I meet my father, I will definitely surprise him."

It's not just a surprise, it's scared to death.

A Zhu, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix all showed that they had also arrived at the Great Grandmaster, and they were only one foot away from the peerless powerhouse.

It seems that several women are also working hard these days.

On the contrary, Ah Zi looked envious, she has been practicing the Five Peerless Divine Skills these days, although the progress is remarkable, she is still a second-rate master, and she is far from being first-class.

Not to mention the peerless powerhouse.

As for Xiao Longnu, she still looked indifferent, as if she didn't care about the strength of martial arts at all.

Li Mochou's eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Lin Chaoying and her maid were also indifferent, not surprised by this news at all.

However, considering that the two of them have been with Rong'er, Azhu, Shiyin, and Phoenix, they probably already knew the news.

Luo Wei also had no way to see any emotions in their eyes.

The level of emotional management of these two people is too good.

Luo Wei picked up a fried stick and took a bite and said: "Don't practice the Five Absolute Divine Skills first, I brought you a more powerful martial art, you should practice this martial art first." "

Huang Rong narrowed her eyes and said, "Brother Wei, what you said shouldn't be the Hun Tianbaojian." "

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and all of them pricked up their ears.

Luo Wei nodded, "Otherwise, I only have the Hun Heaven Treasure Jian on hand to surpass the Five Peerless Divine Skills." "

Lin Chaoying said: "You are really willing to pass on the Hun Tian Treasure Book to us, we are not your women." "

She is just Lin Shiyin's cousin.

And Hun Tianbaojian, a god and demon-level martial art, some people are not even willing to teach their wives, let alone their wife's cousin.

Luo Wei said calmly: "Hun Tianbaojian is only a martial art in the powerful, there is nothing remarkable. "

You don't see that among the legends of the Son of Heaven, there are more people who will be treasured by the heavens.

Ji Fa, Huan Zheng, Cheng Yu, Hu Hai, Chaoyang Tianshi, Huangfu Ji, Ethereal City Lord and so on and so on.

It doesn't seem to matter if there are a few more.

"Besides, don't you want to create a Geschqi skill, this Huntian treasure should be a very good reference."

Lin Chaoying stopped talking, which was very good.

Is there a more powerful reference object in the world than the Huntian Treasure Book?


But the problem is that he has learned the Hun Tian Baojian, what should compensate Luo Wei, he can't accept the Hun Tian Baojian with a thick skin, and the result is nothing.

She Lin Chaoying has not been so thick-skinned.

But the problem is that this is a Hun Tianbaojian, and she Lin Chaoying bought it, and it is not so valuable.

How she should return the gift is a big problem, is it possible to really lose herself?

But the problem is that she really can't let go of Wang Chongyang in her heart.

Otherwise, simply refuse to forget it.

But the problem is that it is a Hun Tianbaojian, a peerless school created by the Great God Nuwa himself, and someone can reach the god and demon level martial arts.

Do you really want to give up?

For a while, Lin Chaoying fell into an unprecedented entanglement, and he was rarely undecided.

But Luo Wei did not notice Lin Chaoying's entanglement, eating breakfast, he took out ten heavenly crystals, put them on the table, and said to everyone: "Come, everyone touch it and absorb the information in the heavenly crystal." "

Seeing this, Huang Rong unceremoniously picked up the first heavenly crystal, and after receiving the information inside, he passed the crystal to Azhu, who in turn taught the blue phoenix, and the blue phoenix passed it to Lin Shiyin.

Lin Shiyin received the message and handed it to her cousin Lin Chaoying.

Lin Chaoying originally wanted to refuse, but seeing the Heavenly Crystal handed over by Lin Shiyin, the whole person was uncontrollable, and the ghost sent his hand out and held the first Heavenly Crystal.

In an instant, the various cultivation methods of the first layer of white cloud smoke of the Hun Tianbao Jian entered her mind.

For a while, Lin Chaoying was extremely annoyed.

In the end, he still accepted the Hun Tian Baojian, no way, who made the charm of the Hun Tian Baojian too great, he simply had no way to refuse ah.

After accepting the information, Lin Chaoying handed the Hun Tianbao Jian to his maid, who in turn passed it to Li Mochou's hand.

Li Mochou handed it over to Xiaolongnu, who gave it to Ah Zi after absorbing it.

Finally, Ah Zi put Tianjing on the table again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Immediately afterwards, Huang Rong took out the second Heavenly Crystal and began the second round of transmission.

After a while, Ah Zi placed the tenth Heavenly Crystal on the table.

Everyone had thoroughly received the Huntian Treasure Book and understood the cultivation method in it.

But at this moment, Lin Chaoying suddenly shouted, "I'm finished." "Startled everyone present.

Lin Shiyin hurriedly asked, "What's the end, cousin, what's wrong with you." "

Lin Chaoying smiled bitterly and said, "I shouldn't have received the Hun Tian Treasure Book. "

Lin Shiyin said, "Why? "

Lin Chaoying smiled bitterly even more, "The Hun Tian Treasure Jian is mysterious and profound, the more I study, the more unfathomable it feels, and I may not be able to get rid of the Hun Tian Treasure Jian." "

"No matter what kind of martial arts I create in the future, I will not be able to escape the influence of Hun Tianbaojian."

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

And this kind of thing?

Think about it carefully, after the Emperor Fuji learned the Hun Tian Treasure Book in the legend of the Son of Heaven, he created what kind of Hun Tian Evil Sword, exterminated the Imperial Fist, and the Hun Tian Divine Palm, it seems that he really did not get rid of the influence of the Hun Tian Baojian.

All martial arts are created on the basis of the Hun Tian Baojian.

Luo Wei thought that he was deliberate, after all, the Hun Tian Bao Jian was a god and demon level martial art, and the martial arts created with the Hun Tian Bao Jian were naturally very powerful.

But now hearing Lin Chaoying's words, Luo Wei couldn't help but be suspicious.

Was Huangfu Ji really influenced by the Hun Tian Baojian, and all the martial arts created could not be separated from the framework of the Hun Tian Baojian.

It seems that this kind of thing is not impossible.

Ah Zi said: "What's wrong with this, Hun Tianbaojian is so powerful, the martial arts created should be very powerful." "

Lin Chaoying glared at Ah Zi angrily, shook his head and said, "You don't understand, if the martial arts I created can't get rid of the framework of the Hun Tian Baojian. "

"Even if people in later generations learn my martial arts, they will only think that it is the Hun Tian Baojian that is powerful."

"It's not me Lin Chaoying."

Luo Wei can understand this sentence, everyone mentioned the Yi Jian Sutra, the Essence Washing Sutra, the Golden Bell Hood, and the Tong Zi Gong, and felt that these martial arts were more powerful than the other.

But what is even more powerful is actually Dharma, who created these martial arts.

This one is truly unfathomable.

But if Lin Chaoying can't get rid of the influence of Hun Tian Baojian, the martial arts created will only make people sigh that Hun Tian Baojian is really strong. 220 As for Lin Chaoying, he only ate the dividends of Hun Tianbaojian to create this martial art.

If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't care.

But Lin Chaoying is not such a person, she is very proud, and she is bent on creating a Gestachi skill to compare Wang Chongyang.

Such a person, if he is said to have eaten the dividends of the Hun Tianbaojian, will definitely be unwilling.

That's the real reason she said she was finished.

She didn't want to be looked down upon.

Unfortunately, the Hun Tian Baojian is too powerful, and the martial arts created by the gods and demons have almost reached the extreme, and I want to jump out of the framework of the Hun Tian Baojian and create a new martial art based on the Hun Tian Baojian...

It's hard.

At least Luo Wei didn't think Lin Chaoying could do it.

That's why Lin Chaoying exclaimed that she was finished, and there was no way for her to create her own Geschi in this life.

Because no matter how she creates, there will be the shadow of the Hun Tianbao Jian in the exercise.

"How about I think of a way to seal the cultivation method of the Huntian Treasure Jian in your mind?"

After thinking for a long time, Rowe proposed a viable option.

As long as the Huntian Treasure Book is sealed, can't you create your own Geschi Gong?

Lin Chaoying couldn't help but be moved.

But the next second she refused, "No, what's the difference between this and escape, the last thing I like to do is escape, I will get rid of the influence of Hun Tianbao Jian and create my own martial arts." "

Lin Shiyin encouraged, "You can definitely do it, cousin." "

Lin Chaoying snorted, his eyes were shining, and the whole person seemed to burn up.

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, Lin Chaoying is worthy of Lin Chaoying, this kind of character that is more and more courageous as if he never knows how to write the two words of defeat, it is simply amazing.

Although she may suffer losses if she does not admit defeat in love, she and Wang Chongyang have never come together.

But in other respects, it's simply shining.

It's fascinating.

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