Wang Yuyan is very aware of the power of peerless martial arts, and if her cousin learns this martial art, her strength will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

She originally wanted to learn this martial art and pass it on to her cousin.

Then he will be ecstatic and ask his mother for a kiss.

If the two of them become a family, then the cousin will definitely not kill his ~ mother.

The family can live happily together.

But now seeing Luo Wei's words, Wang Yuyan had to give up her previous plan and not pass on the Five Absolute Divine Skills to Murong Fu.

She really knew Luo Wei's strength all too well.

If he really passed on the Five Absolute Divine Skills to Murong Fu, he would not help him, but harm him.

With Luo Wei's strength, it was too easy to kill a Murong Fu.

"I'm sorry, cousin, I can't teach you such a powerful martial art."

For a while, Wang Yuyan, who was sitting in the carriage, only felt extremely frustrated.

But at this moment, Luo Wei appeared in the carriage out of thin air and saw Wang Yuyan with a frustrated face.

"Found you."

Wang Yuyan couldn't help but be surprised, and quickly leaned back, "You you you, how did you find here?" "

She knew that her mother got rid of Rowe to find herself, but she didn't expect Rowe to find herself so quickly.

Rowe rolled his eyes and said, "The diary has a feature that teleports me into the hands of any diary copy holder, and you are no exception. "

Wang Yuyan reacted to this, and she was inexplicably frustrated for a while.

Rowe said, "Let's go, come back with me." "

"I don't." Wang Yuyan plucked up her courage and rejected Luo Wei, "I don't want to go back with you, I'm going to find my cousin." "

Luo Wei was puzzled, "What's so good about Murong Fu, you are actually fascinated, don't you know that your mother will die in Murong Fu's hands?" "

Wang Yuyan said: "That's just what you said, who knows if it's true or not, cousin he is gentle and personable, definitely not such a person." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be suffocated, he had already said this, Wang Yuyan still didn't want to wake up.

Licking a dog is incredible.

No wonder in the original plot, Murong Fu killed her mother, and Wang Yuyan was willing to go back to take care of the crazy Murong Fu.

Lick it for this part, when it's nobody.

Luo Wei sighed a few times, patted Wang Yuyan's shoulder and said, "If you don't go back, forget it, you can do it yourself." "

In the next second, Luo Wei disappeared in front of Wang Yuyan.

When he appeared again, he had already returned to Li Qingluo's side.

At this time, Li Qingluo had left Yanziwu and was on her way back to Mantuo Villa.

Seeing Luo Wei appear in front of him out of thin air, Li Qingluo hurriedly asked, "Luo Gongzi, where is my daughter." "

Rowe said, "I found it, but she didn't want to come back with me." "

Li Qingluo couldn't help but be stunned, opened her mouth to say something, but closed her mouth again.

Rowe said: "I know what you want to say, you want to say that since I have found her, why don't you forcibly bring her back, right?" "

Li Qingluo looked scornful, in fact, what she wanted to ask just now was really this.

However, considering that Luo Wei was not his subordinate, he did not ask.

Luo Wei said: "I can see that your daughter is determined to look for Murong Fu, even if I forcibly bring her back this time, can you guarantee that she will not run out next time?" "

Li Qingluo was silent, in fact, she was also very broken for this matter.

Since Wang Yuyan can run the first time, she can naturally run the second, third, and fourth times.

If a person wants to run, he can't stop it in any way.

Unless he broke her legs and imprisoned her.

But the question is, Wang Yuyan is his own daughter, can he really go down, break Wang Yuyan's legs, and then imprison her?

Li Qingluo shook her head, although Wang Yuyan disappointed her again and again.

But she really couldn't do that.

Maybe she is very strict with Wang Yuyan on weekdays, but that is just a mother who hopes that her daughter will have a better life.

Instead of losing control of the heart.

After Li Qingluo figured it out, the whole person suddenly became extremely depressed, and the appearance was exactly the same as Wang Yuyan.

"Luo Gongzi, you said that I am a failure as a mother, and I don't even educate my own daughter well."

Rowe didn't know what to say for a while, and there were some things he couldn't point out to his face.

Li Qingluo also saw this, so she didn't ask more, and returned to the cabin directly from the bow.

After Luo Wei saw Li Qingluo leave, he took out his diary and continued to update.

[I found Wang Yuyan just now, but Wang Yuyan is unwilling to come back]

[I told Li Qingluo about this]

[After Li Qingluo listened, she suddenly felt that she was a failure as a mother and did not educate her daughter well]

[In front of her, I'm really embarrassed to say more]

[So I said it in my diary]

[In my opinion, Li Qingluo did a good job, not too failed, but just a crooked road]

[She raised Wang Yuyan in Mantuo Villa since she was a child, although she helped Wang Yuyan block a lot of external harm]

[But also narrowed Wang Yuyan's vision]

[From childhood to adulthood, the only men Wang Yuyan has contacted are probably Murong Fu and a few family generals]

[So in her mind, Murong Fu is the best man, and it is inevitable that she will like Murong Fu]

[To put it bluntly, it's because she has too few and too few excellent men in contact] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[If Li Qingluo took Wang Yuyan to contact the outside world since childhood, Wang Yuyan would find that although Murong Fu is good, there are many people who are stronger than Murong Fu in the rivers and lakes]

[At that time, she probably won't be so rebellious for the sake of a Murong Fu]

[Of course, that's what I said, and the specific situation should be analyzed specifically]

[Think about it carefully, Li Qingluo was deceived by Duan Zhengchun back then, became pregnant out of wedlock, and hurriedly married to her current husband's family, and hated all men in the world]

[So Mandolin Villa couldn't even see a single valet before I entered]

[Naturally does not want their daughter to contact stinky men early]

[Not to mention that Li Qingluo's strength is average, there is no way to take Wang Yuyan to walk the rivers and lakes and help Wang Yuyan broaden her horizons]

[After all, their mother and daughter are so beautiful, if they walk and encounter the lustful thieves like cranes in the clouds, won't it be finished]

[Mantuo Villa at least provides a safe haven for their mother, so that the mother and daughter can grow up safely]

【Can't ask for more】

[After all, not everyone is a female fairy like Feng Siniang, who has been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years unharmed]

[It's too difficult for women to walk the rivers and lakes]

Ask for flowers

[Li Qingluo can do this part, it is already very good]

When Li Qingluo saw the words in the diary, her originally somewhat chaotic thoughts suddenly disappeared.

Instead, it was moved and gratified.

Yes, is it easy to pull Wang Yuyan up by a lonely person?

Why can't you feel sorry for your mother, Yu Yan, then what is good about Murong Fu.

Could it be true that as Luo Gongzi said, he protected her too well, and he had seen too few men, so he would be attracted to Murong Fu?

Although Murong Fu is excellent, what is he compared to those top young heroes in the rivers and lakes.

At this moment, Li Qingluo was really reflecting on herself.

[Okay, today's parents are short here, there are too many writes, I'm afraid you will get tired of reading it]

[The little girl thinks that after practicing the five unique divine skills for a few days, she can break into the rivers and lakes, but she really doesn't know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth]

[So, if you meet Wang Yuyan on the rivers and lakes, please take care of one or two]

[So be it today, goodbye]

After writing the last sentence, Luo Wei happily closed the diary and received the reward.

Before claiming the reward, Rowe had a hunch that today's reward would not be too rich.

Don't look at him wrote a lot, but basically it is a short, trivial matter in the parents, the number of words is large but the quality is not high, it is likely to be a guaranteed reward.

The result was not surprising to Rowe, and it was indeed a guaranteed reward.

However, it is not one year of pure mana, but five years of pure mana.

It can also be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

Soon, the boat returned to Mantuo Villa leisurely, and after arriving at the dock, Li Qingluo came out of the cabin, thanked Luo Wei with a red face, and separated from Luo Wei.

Luo Wei originally wanted to go to rest, but at this moment, Xue Bing sent another private message to Luo Wei.

[Xue Bing: You come over, something is looking for you]

Luo Wei was a little curious, but he still used the diary's teleportation function to teleport himself to Xue Bing's side.

At this time, Xue Bing was in a private room in a restaurant, and there were two people in the private room besides her.

One is Xue Keren, and the other does not know.

After Luo Wei appeared next to Xue Bing out of thin air, Xue Bing saw it strange and said, "Here." "

Luo Wei looked around, his gaze swirled around the man he didn't know, and then fell on Xue Bing's body, "You're in a hurry to find me, what's the matter?" "

Xue Bing pointed at the man and said, "The person looking for you is not me, but him." "

Luo Wei looked away and asked, "Dare to ask Your Excellency..."

The man said calmly: "Under the crow." "


It is clear that this is not a name, but a code name.

Luo Wei carefully looked at this crow, black clothes and black hair, black sheathed sword, black face seemed to have a dead color, only a pair of dark eyes were glowing.

This crow is most likely the crow that once drank wine with Yan Thirteen in the sword of the Third Young Master.

That's a top killer.

"The magpie announces the good news, but the crow will only repay the mourning, and it is not a good thing to meet you." Rowe said.

Raven said: "I usually only report mourning, but this time is the exception. "

"Oh, you're here this time to rejoice?" Rowe raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm here to ask for money this time."

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