Luo Wei broke a lot of news today, it was another immortal recipe, another God of War catalog, another Yang Gong's treasure house, and another Evil Emperor Relic.

It brought a great shock to the women holding copies of the diary.

So his reward this time is naturally on the grade.

[Detected that the host completed today's diary, and rewards will be issued now~]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Seven to Twelve Techniques of Hellfire]

Luo Wei adjusted his brows, this spell is good, the body fixing technique can not only fix the human body, but even the human soul, and even the divine beast or all objects are fixed, - so that it cannot move.

It's quite a powerful spell.

The last time Luo Wei fought with Pudu Cihang, if he knew how to fix his body, he wouldn't have to chase so hard.

As long as a body-fixing technique passes, it can fix the Yuan God of Pudu Cihang, and thus easily solve it.

With this spell, Luo Wei's means became more and more amazing.

Therefore, Rowe was very satisfied.

Collecting the diary, Luo Wei shifted his gaze to Shi Long's body.

Shi Long sat in front of Luo Wei, and his movements did not seem to have changed, but in fact, when Luo Wei was writing his diary, his heart turned thousands of times, and his eyes were staring at the immortal secret in Luo Wei's hand.

In this time, his heart had already simulated an unknown number of times, taking advantage of Luo Wei's daze, regaining the immortal secret and immediately escaping.

But every time the mind just reappears the mind to do something, there will be an ominous feeling that hangs over the heart.

As if as long as you do it yourself, you must have no doubt.

So Shi Long had to endure until now, seeing Luo Wei raise his head, Shi Long asked tentatively: "This prince, you have also read this immortal recipe, I don't know what to gain?" "

Rowe said: "It's been a big gain. "

Shi Long was shocked and said, "This statement is true. "

It has been a few years since he got the Immortal Recipe, and within these few years, he has faced each other with the Immortal Recipe, and he has never found a way to crack the Immortal Recipe.

Now seeing that someone has just obtained the elixir and claims that he has gained, he subconsciously feels that the other party is lying.

But in my heart, I hope that what the other party said is true, and I can solve the mystery of the secret of immortality, and let myself get a glimpse of it.

Luo Wei said: "Every time you practice the Immortal Life Technique, do you always feel impetuous, chaotic in your qi and blood, and have a feeling of going crazy. "

"That's true, it's true." Shi Long said eagerly.

He now somewhat believed what Luo Wei had just said, because he did feel this way when he cultivated the Immortal Technique.

Luo Wei said: "The immortal life technique is different from the general martial arts cheats, the beginning is innate, and there can be no internal force in the body when cultivating, otherwise the two collide, and they will inevitably go crazy." "

"To put it bluntly, this martial art is not cultivated for people who have kung fu at all, but for people who do not know martial arts."

"If you want to cultivate the Immortal Technique, you can, first abolish your martial arts."

Shi Long's originally eager expression couldn't help but freeze, and then gradually calmed down, looking at Luo Wei expressionlessly.

He suspected that Rowe was deceiving himself.

Luo Wei also saw Shi Long's doubts, and then threw the Immortal Technique to Shi Long, "I have already told you the cultivation method, if you are reluctant, there is no way to cultivate the Cultivation Recipe." "

Saying that, Luo Wei got up and made a look at Zhu Yuyan.

Zhu Yuyan smiled slightly, got up and followed Luo Wei.

After the two people walked out of the hall, they soared into the sky and left Yangzhou.

Leaving a stone dragon with a confused face.

He couldn't believe it, these two people just walked away.

Even before leaving, he returned the immortal life secret to himself, this is not a third-rate martial art, but a thousand ancient books of immortal life ah, actually returned to himself like this.

Is it possible that even such martial arts are not put in the eyes of two people.

Or rather... What the prince said just now is correct, only those who do not know martial arts can practice the immortal technique, and those who have practiced martial arts must abolish their skills before they can practice the growth technique.

If this is the case, the secret of immortality is indeed a chicken rib for people like them.

For a while, Shi Long held the elixir in his hand, not knowing what to do.

Do you want to abolish your martial arts?


At the same time, Luo Wei and Zhu Yuyan, who were suspended in the sky above Yangzhou, naturally did not know about the entanglement of the stone dragon.

Zhu Yuyan leaned into Luo Wei's arms and said with a breath: "Luo Gongzi, where are we going now?" Go to Yang Gong's treasure house to find the Evil Emperor Relic? "

Luo Wei said in surprise: "What to do with the Evil Emperor Relic, I don't need that thing." "

Zhu Yuyan's face froze, thinking that you don't need the Evil Emperor Relic, I need it."

Her eyes flickered several times, and she said with a smile: "Luo Gongzi, Mingren does not say secret words, I have now cultivated the Heavenly Demon Dafa to the highest realm, and if I want to go further in a short period of time, I need the Evil Emperor Relic." "

"If the Evil Emperor Relic is in hand, I can not only transfer the Immortal Life Technique, but I can even go one step further."

"If I can become a peerless powerhouse, I can also do more things for you."

Luo Wei glanced at Zhu Yuyan with a smile, and stretched out a finger to hook Zhu Yuyan's chin.

"Everyone can say beautiful things, but what I want is not your beautiful words, but your actions, you want the evil emperor relics, you can, show sincerity."

Zhu Yuyan was not an eighteen-year-old girl, and naturally could hear the inner meaning of Luo Wei's words.

"What Luo Gongzi said is very much, it is better to find a room now and let you see my sincerity."

As a woman who even has a granddaughter, Zhu Yuyan is naturally no stranger to the affairs of men and women, and can even be said to be very proficient.

"The room is not used." Luo Wei looked around and flew into the clouds with Zhu Yuyan.

With a flick of his fingers, he cast the body-fixing technique he had just learned to fix the cloud.

The fixed clouds hang in the sky like a painting, giving people the feeling that they are as soft as marshmallows and can withstand the weight of two people.

Luo Wei threw Zhu Yuyan down in the clouds, and said with a smile: "What do you think of here?" "

Zhu Yuyan gave Luo Wei a blank look, thinking that this guy is really an LSP, and actually brought himself to do this kind of thing in the clouds.

But if you think about it, it seems that I have never done such a thing in the clouds. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For a time, Zhu Yuyan also came, hooking Luo Wei's wants with two legs, and one turned over and pressed Luo Wei on his body.

"Luo Gongzi, let me come."

"Okay, yourself."

Luo Wei put his hands behind his head, lay on the clouds, and silently enjoyed Zhu Yuyan's meticulous service.


The next day, it was close to noon.

Luo Wei and Zhu Yuyan left the clouds and came to Luoyang.

Luoyang stands on the south bank of the Yellow River, north of Pingshan Mountain, south of Luoshui, east of Huhujiao, west of Yinghan Valley, surrounded by mountains, and in the middle is the Luoyang Plain, Yi, Luo, Yan and Jian four rivers flow through it, which is not only a dangerous situation, but also beautiful scenery, fertile soil, moderate climate, convenient transportation.

In addition, Luoyang is also a major transportation point and a military fortress in the world.

In this comprehensive martial arts world, Luoyang at this time was still in the hands of the Sui Dynasty.

And at this time, the emperor of the Sui Dynasty was none other than Yang Guang.

However, everyone in the world can see that Yang Guang's throne is already unstable.

Not only are there internal rebellions, but even the outside has dynasties like the Great Tang Dynasty that want to bite at any time.

So the current Sui Dynasty can be said to be the twilight of the Western Mountains, and no one knows how long Yang Guang can last.

Maybe in a year or two, the soldiers and horses of the Great Tang will invade the Great Sui and completely destroy it.

However, the current Luoyang does not seem to have been greatly affected, and it is still prosperous.

After Luo Wei and Zhu Yuyan arrived in Luoyang, they swaggered calmly through the south gate and entered the city.

The scale of Luoyang is not comparable to ordinary small cities, only the south city gate has three gates, the middle gate is called Jianguo Gate, the left is the White Tiger Gate, the right is the Changxia Gate, the type is magnificent.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Luo Wei's eyes were opened.

I saw that the street Tianjie, which was as wide as 100 steps through the north and south gates, stretched straight in front of my eyes, and I was afraid that it was not seven or eight miles long.

The street is lined with cherries, pomegranates, elms, willows and other trees, and the royal road for the emperor to patrol is a picturesque and beautiful scenery at the turn of spring and summer.

There are many shops on both sides of the avenue, and between the fangs, each road is opened, and the ten streets that run through the major city gates are staggered in an orderly manner.

Zhu Yuyan said with a smile: Gongzi, Luoyang has two major characteristics, do you know what they are?

Rowe shook his head.

Zhu Yuyandao: First of all, with the north and south as the central axis, let Luoshui cross the city, divide Luoyang into two districts, north and south, connected by four bridges, and Luoshui in the city connects with other Yi, Han and Jian rivers in the city, so that the rivers in the city linger, moving the beauty of mountains and rivers to the city, giving people the feeling of being made in heaven and earth.

At this time, a sailboat sailed by Luoshui, hidden under the house, and from their point of view, only the top of the sail moved, as if it were a land boat.

Rowe asked, "So what is the second feature?" "

Zhu Yuyan said: "The second feature is that outside the western wall of Waiguo City, because of its natural environment, the West Garden is set up, from Xin'an in the west, to the Mt. Zhu in the north, and to the mountains of Yique in the south, more than 200 miles around, which is comparable to the Shanglin Garden of Emperor Wudi of Han in ancient times, and the Outer Guo City is connected to the West Garden, making Luoyang more large-scale." "

The two walked along the street and arrived at the south bank of Luoshui.

Zhu Yuyan pointed to the bridge that crossed Luoshui and connected the north and south: this is called the Xinzhong Bridge, just looking at the scale of this bridge, you can know how Yang Guang worked hard and lost money in those years. "

"It is said that in order to make Luoyang the capital, Yang Guang moved tens of thousands of wealthy merchants and tycoons from all over the country, and resettled more than 3,000 craft households in Henan to live in the twelve fangs on the south bank of the Luo River in the southeast corner of Guocheng.

"It's a pity that today's Great Sui is stormy, if you let the Great Tang stay in Luoyang, you will enjoy the results of Yang Guang's construction, as long as you are a little good in governance, you can expect a prosperous age."

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