Get ready? What preparation?

Ning Zhong saw this, confused, do you still need to prepare for writing a diary?

But at this moment, a flash of light flashed in her mind, could it be... So she quickly looked at it.

[According to my understanding of diary flow novels, as soon as I start writing a diary, a copy of the diary will appear in the hands of other heroines and supporting characters].

[If nothing else, at least three people from the Huashan faction can get this copy].

[One is Ning Zhongze, one is Yue Lingshan, and the last is Gao Yanan].

[These three people, Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan, the mother and daughter are supporting roles in the world of smiling rivers and lakes, and they are also very outstanding].

[Ning Zhong not only has the charm and meekness unique to women, but also lacks the unique arrogance of women].

[And Yue Lingshan is beautiful, innocent and liked].

[Although the two of them do not end well in the world of smiling rivers and lakes, there is a high possibility of obtaining a copy of the diary].

[As for the last Gao Yanan, he is a supporting role in the legend of Chu Liuxiang, a proud disciple of Master Kumei, famous for his Qingfeng Thirteen-style swordsmanship, so he has the elegant name of the female swordsman of Qingfeng].

[A Qing Yi, a short sword, and a fierce horse galloped alone in the wind and rain, and they are also old friends of Hu Tiehua, Chu Liuxiang, and Ji Bingyan].

[This is a heroic and sassy female warrior who dares to love and hate, and there is a high possibility of obtaining a copy of the diary].

[Unfortunately, I fell in love with Hu Tiehua].

[It's not that Hu Tiehua is not good enough, but this like is very hard, in the plot of Chu Liuxiang's legend, the Gaoya men's football team chased Hu Tiehua for eight years].

[Eight years, there are several eight years in life].

[And eight years later, Gao Yanan caught up with Hu Tiehua, I forgot


[But what I remember most clearly is that once Hu Tiehua promised to marry Gao Yanan after getting drunk, and after waking up drunk, he regretted it and did not say goodbye].

[Gao Yanan, Gao Yanan, if you can really see a copy of this diary and see what I wrote, I advise you to give up, Hu Tiehua's personality is too awkward].

[The women he likes don't like him, and once the women like him, he will avoid it and dare not face it].

[You are one of them, and the granddaughter of the Golden Old Lady of Wanfu Wanshou Garden is also the Fire Phoenix Golden Lingzhi].

[So your liking must be very hard].

[Of course, if you decide that Hu Tiehua doesn't matter, anyway, like this kind of thing, it's a personal matter, and others can't interfere, I just mention it casually].

[The more you don't want to listen, then take this as a fart].

[Among the Huashan Sect, these three are the most qualified to get a copy of the diary, of course, Xu Shuzhen, the fairy of Furong, may also get a copy of the diary].

[After all, in the diary stream novels I have read, the one who can get a copy of the diary is undoubtedly not a famous heroine in the rivers and lakes, or a beautiful beauty].

[If you do get a copy, don't doubt it, you must be a beautiful woman].

[If you are not beautiful, you will not be able to get a copy of the diary].

[After all, this thing also depends on the face, the appearance is not good, and the difficulty of obtaining a copy of the diary is doubled].

[All in all, as soon as I start writing a diary, these copies of the diary will appear in the hands of others].

[And I don't want to be watched and tempted by them like guinea pigs].

[So I decided to quit the Huashan faction and walk away before writing my diary].

[When you see my diary, I am no longer in the Huashan School].

Ning Zhong couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief when she saw this, her guess was indeed correct, Luo Wei's preparation before was to plan to escape.

According to what she had heard, seven days earlier, Rowe had crossed over.

By the next day, six days earlier, he had obtained this diary writing system and left the Huashan Sect.

Now it took a full six days before I wrote my first diary and was seen by myself.

These six days are enough time for him to run far, far away.

Ning Zhong now wants to find this Luo Wei, it is not an easy task, it can be called finding a needle in a haystack.

Thinking of this, Ning Zhong couldn't help but feel funny, this disciple called Luo Wei was also too cautious.

But your name has been exposed, even if you run away, as long as you are famous, others will still find you, haven't you thought about this kind of thing?

Ning Zhong was very curious, and at this moment, a girl with a beautiful face and a blue dress rushed in from outside.

"Mom, did you really get a copy of the diary?"

There is no doubt that this girl is Ning Zhongze's daughter Yue Lingshan.

Ning Zhong saw his daughter who ran in in a panic, and shook the copy of the diary in his hand, "Here, what about yours?" "

Yue Lingshan took out a copy of the diary from behind her back, "Mine is here." "

Seeing this scene, Ning Zhong basically believed the records in the diary.

Sure enough, her own daughter got a copy.

Yue Lingshan came over, sat in front of Ning Zhongze, and asked, "Mom, that guy named Luo Wei really withdrew from the Huashan faction?" "

Ning Zhong nodded and said, "When I got the diary, I went to inquire about it, that disciple named Luo Wei left the Huashan Sect six days ago, and no one knows where he is now. "

Yue Lingshan snorted, "This guy runs quite fast, I still have a lot of things I want to ask him, why did he say that about my father in the diary." "

Ning Zhong smiled bitterly and said, "He probably didn't want to get involved in these troubles, so he left." "

When Yue Lingshan thought about it, she couldn't help but fall silent.

Ning Zhong asked, "Have you finished reading the contents recorded in the diary?" "

Yue Lingshan shook her head, "No, I heard him say that you are likely to get a copy of your diary, so I came to find you." "

Ning Zhong smiled and touched Yue Lingshan's head, "Then let's read the diary first and see what he said later." "

Yue Lingshan agreed, and the two opened the diary and continued to read.

[After leaving the Huashan faction, six days passed before I wrote this diary].

[If nothing else, many people have seen this diary by now].

[Maybe someone will look for me, but you can't find me."

[I know very well that the people who obtained copies of the diary are not only Ning Zhongze, Yue Lingshan, Gao Yanan, but also many female devils, such as Li Mochou the Chilian Fairy, Zhu Yuyan, the Yin Empress, the heir of the Yin Lu Sect, or Yunmeng Fairy, Murong Qiudi, Shi Guanyin, and so on


[This group of women is more ruthless than the other, killing people without blinking, if they find it, it will be repaid].

[Maybe I'll be tortured, so I have to run].

[And the name Luo Wei can't be used, if the copy diary is written in Luo Wei's diary (so-and-so copy), then my name is not exposed].

[So for safety, let's change the name first].

[Walking in the rivers and lakes, the safest way is a vest, as long as you change the vest, others will not find me].

[After all, this kind of place in ancient times was too backward, even in the martial arts world].

[Many people have heard of the name and have not seen this person, so it is better to be famous than to meet].

[As long as I debut under a different name, who knows that I am Rowe except me].

[However, the best way to hide yourself is not to debut, find a place, become a rich man, take a few wives, and then remain incognito for a lifetime, which is the safest].

[This way, no one can find me].

[However, I finally came to the martial arts world, and it is too unpromising to be a rich man

[In the words of the female fairy Feng Siniang, ride the fastest horse, climb the highest mountain, eat the spiciest dishes, drink the strongest wine, play with the sharpest knife, kill the most ruthless people, how dashing, how happy].

[Unfortunately, Feng Siniang, like Gao Yanan, is a person who can't ask for it].

[Gao Yanan chased Hu Tie for eight years, and the result is unknown].

[And Feng Siniang, I liked Xiao Shiyi Lang for a lifetime, and as a result, Xiao Shiyilang's favorite was Shen Bijun, who was unwilling to accept Feng Siniang and only regarded people as sisters].

[This love triangle is understood by you].

[Wait, this seems to be a comprehensive martial arts world].

[Shen Bijun will not necessarily marry Lian Chengbi, and Feng Siniang will not necessarily like Xiao Shiyilang].

[After all, in Xiao Shiyilang's plot, Xiao Shiyi Lang is the absolute protagonist, his personality is amazingly charming, and there are only a few people in the rivers and lakes who can compete with Xiao Shiyilang, so he attracted Feng Siniang].

[But in the world of comprehensive martial arts, the protagonists go everywhere, Li Xunhuan, Lu Xiaofeng, Chu Liuxiang, Ding Peng, Xie Xiaofeng, Shen Lang, Xiao Yuer, Hua Wufeng, Fang Baoyu which is not the protagonist].

[Yan Nantian, Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuixue, Yan Thirteen, Ziyi Hou, Night Emperor and others are not the protagonists, but they are all famous heroes in the world, and their charm is amazing].

[So you can't see the world with old eyes, what if the person that Feng Siniang likes is not Xiao Shiyi Lang but someone else].

[Although unlikely].

Meanwhile, in an inn in the wilderness, a woman who was taking a bath lazily looked at her diary.

I saw a few big words written on the diary.

Luo Wei's Diary [Wind Four Niang Copy].

The woman who was taking a bath saw this, sighed and said: "I really let you say it right, although the masters of the Daming rivers and lakes are like clouds, and there are many heroes, but the old lady is still attracted by Xiao Shiyilang." "

"Is this the legendary fate?"

Feng Siniang was puzzled and continued to look down.

[All in all, let's look at the reward first, the diary system says that if you write enough five hundred words, you will give a reward].

[I wrote this time, don't say five hundred words, even if it is five thousand words... Ahem, five thousand words is unlikely, but three thousand words is definitely enough].

[Let's look at the reward given by the system first].

[If the reward is rich enough, I will break into the rivers and lakes, just like the life motto of the Wind Siniang, ride the fastest horse, climb the highest mountain, eat the spiciest dishes, drink the strongest wine, play with the sharpest knife, kill the most ruthless people, and leave my own legend on the rivers and lakes].

[If the reward is not good, I will find a place to be a rich man and take a few wives to live this life].

[Wandering the rivers and lakes sounds cool, but it's terrible].

[For the sake of my life, I'd better calm down].

[Today's diary is written here, thank you women, female devils watch, we'll see you tomorrow].

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