In the original plot of Dragon Babu, there was a record of one slap and two scattered palms.

When the Shaolin Temple attacked Xuanci, Xuanjian and Xiao Feng, Xuanxian once hit Xiao Feng with this palm, and the book recorded:

Before his palm power arrived, Xiao Feng already felt that his chest was not breathing, and in an instant, Xuanxuan's palm power surged like a wave of anger, and after being palmed, Xiao Feng suddenly felt weak.

It can be seen that the power of one slap and two scattered palms is extraordinary.

Even after a master like Qiao Feng, he will be weak, let alone ordinary people.

If he really hit this palm, he would probably be killed directly.

Ye Erniang obviously had a killing intent on Luo Wei, otherwise she would not have cast this slap.

But she overestimated herself and underestimated Rowe.

Luo Wei is a body of steel and iron, even a peerless martial artist may not be able to break the defense, let alone Ye Erniang ~ a first-class master.

This slap hit Rowe in the back, making a muffled sound.

Luo Wei was fine, but Ye Erniang was numb by Luo Wei's reinforced iron body, and the two arms seemed to be no longer her own.

Luo Wei slapped a palm with his backhand, and bombarded Ye Erniang's dantian with a pop, and after breaking Ye Erniang's dantian, he blasted her whole person out by the way, hit the door frame, and directly smashed the door of the hall into smashes.

Ye Erniang landed on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood, collapsing limply on the ground, no longer able to resist.

However, in an instant, Luo Wei solved Zhong Wanqiu and Ye Erniang, leaving only one Duan Yanqing.

Seeing this, Duan Yanqing realized that something was wrong, and turned his head and ran.

What kind of brotherhood, he would never care, otherwise he would not have killed Yue Laosan in the original plot.

The so-called four evil people are just four evil people to warm up, except for Yue Laosan, probably few people will take this relationship seriously.

Thinking about it like this, Luo Wei suddenly felt sorry for Yue Laosan.

Just listening to the loud bang, Duan Yanqing had already broken through the wall, and the whole person became gray and embarrassed, but he couldn't care so much at this time.

Ignoring the pain in his body, Duan Yanqing used crutches to point to the ground and fled.

But Rowe couldn't let him run away like that.

"Come back."

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and this time he no longer used martial arts, but spells that were innately captured.

An invisible transparent big hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed Duan Yanqing, who was fleeing, lightly pulled it back, and then fell violently to the ground.

Only listening to the muffled sound, the floor of the hall shattered, and spider web-like cracks spread in all directions.

Duan Yanqing spat out a mouthful of blood, and the bones all over his body were shattered at least half in this fall.

The whole person was no longer able to resist, lying on the ground like a puddle of mud.

At this point, the battle was won by Rowe.

The whole process didn't even take time for a cup of tea.

Luo Wei did not kill the four evil people, but after abolishing their martial arts, he gave them a life and death talisman.

Each of the four evil people is a good person, as can be seen from their nicknames.

Evil is full of Ying Duan Yanqing, all evil is Ye Er Niang, the fierce god is evil Yue Lao San, and finally the fierce and extremely evil crane in the clouds.

There are only wrong names on the rivers and lakes, and there are no wrong nicknames.

Each of these four people is a bloody person, especially Ye Erniang, I don't know how many family wives are scattered and broken.

Therefore, Luo Wei naturally would not kill them easily, but it was better than them.

So Luo Wei hit the life and death talisman in the body of this group of people, intending to let them also experience the feeling that life is better than death.

After a while, when the effect of the life and death talisman attacked, the four evil people suddenly itched and felt uncomfortable, and they wailed continuously.

Because this itch is not only itchy skin, flesh itch, even the internal organs, and even the bones itch.

This itch goes deep into the bone marrow and is the only way to torture people.

More importantly, after the onset of the life and death talisman, it is not only itchy, but also painful.

The two sensations of itching and pain go hand in hand, enough to make people unable to survive and unable to seek death.

Because of this, the four evil people will cry so miserable.

Rowe was a little bored to hear this, so he cast an almost unused spell on the four evil men.


The mouths of the four evil people were suddenly stitched together by an invisible force, turning into people without mouths.

It's very penetrating to watch.

Without their mouths, these people could not make a sound, and the struggle became more and more intense, aerobic and painful, rolling all over the ground.

This scene frightened Zhong Wanqiu.

He didn't expect that Luo Wei had such a devilish method, and his gaze towards Luo Wei was full of fear.

At this moment, Zhong Wanqiu hated his previous self incomparably, how could he make a move against Luo Wei in a ghostly way, this time it was good, not only did he lose, but it was also very likely to usher in this inhuman torture.

As soon as he thought of this, Zhong Wanqiu panicked.

At the same time, Luo Wei's gaze also happened to fall on Zhong Wanqiu's expression.

"You, what do you want to do?" Zhong Wanqiu said inwardly.

Luo Wei originally had no ill feelings towards Zhong Wanqiu, and did not intend to find Zhong Wanqiu trouble, but Zhong Wanqiu made a move against him, and it was a killing move as soon as he made a move.

When Zhong Wanqiu jumped up in the air, he slapped Luo Wei's head with a slap.

This is obviously aimed at killing.

So Luo Wei intends to teach Zhong Wanqiu a lesson.


At this moment, a coquettish voice with a bit of urgency came.

Immediately afterwards, a young girl wearing a cyan silk shirt, about sixteen or seventeen years old, out of the water, beautiful and beautiful, ran over and stopped in front of Luo Wei.

"Don't hurt my dad." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Luo Wei glanced at the girl up and down, round face, a small dimple at the corner of his mouth, his face was like a morning glow, his eyes were like autumn water, his skin was like curd, his smile was like a flower, his appearance was bright and bright, his breath was like a blue, the more he looked at it, the more beautiful it was, and people couldn't bear to look away.

Although there is some dust on her head and face, she does not hide her beautiful color, her skin is snow-white and tender, white and red, which reflects her delicate complexion and touching.

Rowe suddenly realized who this little girl in front of him was.

"You are Zhong Ling."

Zhong Ling nodded timidly, looked at Luo Wei and asked, "Who are you, why did you hurt my father." "

Luo Wei took out the diary and dangled it in front of Zhong Ling, "You should have seen this." "

Zhong Ling is not an important character in the entire book of "Dragon Babu", but she is undoubtedly the cutest woman, and she has already scored well in terms of appearance, and her voice and smile are so vivid that people can no longer forget her.

So Luo Wei believed that Zhong Ling definitely had a copy of the diary.

Sure enough, seeing Luo Wei take out a diary in his hand, Zhong Ling was first shocked, and then suddenly realized,

"It's you, you're a brother-in-law."

Azhu and Zhong Ling are both Duan Zhengchun's daughters, plus Azhu is a little more beaten than Zhong Ling, naturally she is Zhong Ling's sister, Luo Wei is Azhu's man, and naturally she is also Zhong Ling's brother-in-law.

Therefore, Zhong Ling called Luo Wei a brother-in-law, there is no problem at all, and it can even be said to be reasonable.

Only Zhong Wanqiu looked confused.

Brother-in-law, what brother-in-law?

He only has one daughter Zhong Ling, and Zhong Ling has no sister, where did this brother-in-law come from?

Could it be that the baby also gave birth to a daughter with someone else and married the teenager in front of him.

So who is this person?

At this moment, a name naturally appeared in Zhong Wanqiu's mind... Duan Zhengchun!!

Only Duan Zhengchun will willingly give birth to a daughter to this guy. Thinking of this, Zhong Wanqiu suddenly became angry, and felt that his brain was green.

A good Gan baby, he has spoiled you all these years, and everything goes according to your heart, but you gave birth to a daughter and put a green hat on me.

Are you worthy of me?

But at this moment, Zhong Wanqiu suddenly reacted again, wait, his daughter Zhong Ling is called brother-in-law.

That is to say, this daughter is older than Zhong Ling, but he and the baby only have such a daughter, which means that before Gan Baobao married himself, he gave birth to a daughter to Duan Zhengchun?

Doesn't this mean that it is not Duan Zhengchun who greens himself, but that he greens Duan Zhengchun?

Thinking of this, Zhong Wanqiu laughed again.

This time he won.

From beginning to end, he had never thought about one thing, that is... Zhong Ling is not actually his daughter.

It is Duan Zhengchun's daughter.

At this time, Zhong Ling naturally didn't know what his cheap father Zhong Wanqiu was thinking about in his mind, but instead looked at Luo Wei with a resentful expression, "Brother-in-law, why are you beating my father." "

Luo Wei can have a cold face towards Zhong Wanqiu, but he is embarrassed to have a cold face to Zhong Ling.

"I don't blame me for this, I originally came to find trouble with the four evil people, but as a result, your father had to listen to the demagoguery of the four evil people, and he was the first to strike at me, and it was a killing move as soon as he made a move."

"Can I endure this, of course I can't."

When Zhong Ling heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned, and glanced back at Zhong Wanqiu.

Zhong Wanqiu naturally did not dare to look at his daughter, and looked away with a weak heart.

Zhong Ling suddenly realized that what Luo Wei said was true, and it was not this cheap brother-in-law who took the lead in making a move, but his own cheap father.

For a while, Zhong Ling died of embarrassment, and he couldn't wait to find a thin slit to get into it.

But soon, Zhong Ling reacted, grabbed Luo Wei's hand, and began to coquette.

"Brother-in-law I was wrong, can you possibly bypass my daddy in my face, Qiu Qiu you, brother-in-law."

Luo Wei picked up the diary without hesitation, aimed at Zhong Ling, who was coquettishly taking a photo, and uploaded it to the diary.

Then said: "Okay, for your sake, I'll let your daddy a yard this time?" "

"Thank you brother-in-law, brother-in-law you are so good." When Zhong Ling heard this, he was overjoyed, his smile was innocent, and he was indescribably innocent and cute.

Luo Wei naturally did not miss this smile, and quickly took a few photos and uploaded them.

[Azhu, look at how cute your sister is smiling].

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