Luo Wei had cultivated the body of steel and iron bones before, and his physique had been greatly improved, and even if he was unlucky, he could hear sounds several kilometers away.

If you are lucky, you can hear sounds from a distance.

And this time, after cultivating Shunfeng Ear, his hearing suddenly improved tremendously, far beyond other organs.

At the moment of harvest, a voice entered Luo Wei's ears.

"Help, help."

A slight call came downwind into Rowe's ears.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, someone shouted for help, is this to make himself a hero to save the beauty?

There are countless similar bridges in martial arts, but after Luo Wei entered this world, he has not encountered several heroes to save the beauty, and Wang Yuyan's things have been constant before.

That's a request from an acquaintance, not a real hero saving beauty.

Li Xunhuan's matter is naturally not counted.

After all, Li Xunhuan is not a beauty.

This time, Rowe finally encountered this kind of thing, and he had to go and see it.

According to the positioning transmitted by the downwind, the sound transmitted should be in the direction of four o'clock, and the distance from himself is greater than forty kilometers.

Luo Wei flew into the sky, like a ray of light rushing straight to the sound of the voice to put down.

In just a dozen breaths, he finally arrived at the place of the crime.

I saw a group of men dressed as bandits surrounding a large and a small mother and daughter group.

The woman held a sword in one hand, and there were several corpses at her feet, and she looked dressed as a gang of bandits.

After glancing at it, Rowe quickly judged the situation at the scene.

Because it was a mother and daughter who were a big and a small one rushed, they met a group of bandits halfway through, and the bandits saw that there was no one around the mother and daughter, and thought it was good to bully.

So he rushed up and wanted to grab the mother and daughter.

But what I didn't expect was that this mother turned out to be a woman who knew martial arts and drew her sword and killed several bandits.

So the bandits were afraid, but they were not willing to retreat, so they revolved around the mother and daughter and surrounded them.

Trying to find flaws in the other party, then swarming up and grabbing each other.

And this sword-wielding woman wanted to kill this group of bandits on the one hand, and on the other hand, she was afraid that her daughter would be taken hostage by the bandits, so she didn't take the initiative to attack.

The two sides froze in place.

As for the shout just now, it was made by the little girl.

After Luo Wei turned his brain and figured out the cause of the matter, he planned to heroically save the beauty.

Although this beautiful woman is not only a woman, but also has children.

But in Rowe's view, none of this is nothing.

Anyway, he enjoys the process of heroes saving beauty, and he does not have to let the other party agree with him.

He levitated in the sky, flicked his fingers, and saw a sword qi falling from the sky, only to see the head of a bandit cut off.

The sudden attack suddenly frightened everyone present.

Everyone looked up one after another, and saw Luo Wei suspended in the sky, killing with a snap of his fingers.

Every time Luo Wei stretched out his hand a little, he would release a sword qi and kill a person, crisply and neatly.

What he was using now was the Six Veins Divine Sword that he had learned from the Dali Duan Clan.

The sword qi is sharp and matchless, and it is most suitable for killing.

But in just a few moments, seven or eight bandits were killed by Luo Wei, and some of the remaining bandits shouted: "Run." "

In an instant, the other bandits ran away.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't compare to the speed of the sword qi flying, and the fastest person was hit through the head by Luo Wei's sword qi before he ran a hundred meters.

The remaining people were naturally cleaned up by Luo Wei one after another.

In less than three minutes, all the remaining bandits were destroyed.

When the woman with the sword saw this scene, everyone was stupid, and after all the bandits died, she pulled her daughter to kneel to Luo Wei. "Ji Xiaofu, thank you for saving your life."

Although Luo Wei is very young, in Ji Xiaofu's opinion, this senior is so powerful, it is likely to be some rejuvenated old monster, not a young man.

How can today's young people have such strength against the sky.

So this senior, Ji Xiaofu called the true feelings.

On the other hand, Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned after figuring out the identity of the other party.

Ji Xiaofu?

So the girl next to her is her daughter Yang is unrepentant.

Luo Wei couldn't help but shake his head, he didn't even have any interest in going down to talk, turned his head and left, and soon disappeared into the vision of Ji Xiaofu and Yang Wuxiang.

Ji Xiaofu was immediately dumbfounded, and sighed for a long time, "Come without a shadow, go without a trace, the senior should really be a master." "

After Luo Wei flew all the way out more than ten kilometers, he took out his diary and began to complain.

[Just now I met a heroic rescue incident]

[A mother and daughter were surrounded by a group of bandits, and I killed all these bandits and rescued the mother and daughter]

[But what makes me unhappy is that this mother and daughter turned out to be Ji Xiaofu and Yang Unrepentant]

[Although I don't regret them, saving these two people has ruined my good mood]

[In fact, Yang is not remorseful, the key is Ji Xiaofu]

[This woman has a problem with her head]

[Ji Xiaofu is a character in the Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer, a disciple of Emperor Shutai, and a senior sister of Zhou Zhiruo]

[Ji Xiaofu was raised by the extermination master since she was a child, and the extermination master regarded him as the next head of the Emei faction]

[Then when this Ji Xiaofu was practicing in the rivers and lakes, he met Yang Xiao, the bright left envoy of the Ming Sect]

[Yang Xiao saw that Ji Xiaofu looked beautiful, so he strengthened Ji Xiaofu] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[I ask you, what would you do if this happened?] 】

As soon as Luo Wei's words fell, the comment area became lively with the naked eye.

[Xue Bing: When encountering this kind of thing, of course, I want to smash this Yang Xiao's corpse into ten thousand pieces]

[Shan Ruyu: It's not just a broken corpse, I will use all cruel techniques on Yang Xiao's body]

[Dongfang Undefeated: I not only want to kill Yang Xiao, even Mingjiao I will raze to the ground]

[Jellyfish Yin Ji: Not bad, I will uproot the Ming Sect]

[Huang Rong: For such a man, I will definitely teach the other party a hard lesson]

[Ah Zi: I will use all the poison on this person's look, so that he is better off alive than dead]

[Lin Chaoying: For such people, it should be..."

Luo Wei saw that all the women were actively speaking, and couldn't help nodding secretly.

[That's right, this is the correct reaction of a woman to this kind of thing]

[But Ji Xiaofu is different, his head is not normal]

[She knows that she is the master extermination master, and the most desirable person is a person in the Ming Sect, and she knows even more that she also has a fiancé in the Wudang Sect]

[But she still forgave Yang Xiao for what he did, and even fell in love with Yang Xiao, and gave birth to a daughter to Yang Xiao, named Yang Unrepentant]

[Good guy, I really haven't seen this operation, although Yang Xiao is handsome, he is not handsome to the point of shocking]

[Why did this Ji Xiaofu do this, and also named her daughter without regret]

[After thinking about it, I can never find a suitable reason, and finally I can think of a situation]

[This woman has a problem with her head]

[Even Stockholm syndrome is not such a comprehensive method]

Faced with Luo Wei's complaint, the women holding the diary could not help but be surprised.

[Ah Zi: Listening to my brother-in-law, I also think that this Ji Xiaofu is more or less sick]

[Zhou Zhiruo: ... How could Senior Sister Ji be so confused]

[Huang Rong: This is not a normal person at all]

[Wanwen: I'm more curious about what this Stockholm syndrome is? 】

[Gold inlaid jade: also curious, always feel that this word is not clear]

[Zhong Ling: Yes, brother-in-law, what is this Stockholm syndrome? 】

Luo Wei couldn't help but roll his eyes, I will Ji Xiaofu with you, will there be a problem with your focus.

But seeing that everyone began to ask, Rowe casually explained.

[This is a real case that happened in my world]

[There was a group of bandits in a place called Stockholm who robbed the largest bank, amount... This bank is the money house in your image.]

[However, they failed, and finally took four hostages and fought against the capture for a few days, and finally spun and surrendered]

[If nothing happens next, this is an ordinary robbery]

[But what happened later eventually caused an uproar]

[A few months after the crime, the four hostages who were taken hostage still show pity for their abductors]

[They even refused to charge the kidnappers and even raised funds for their legal defense, saying that they did not hate the gangsters and expressing their gratitude that the gangsters took care of them instead of harming them.]

[Outrageously, they are hostile to predators]

[What's more, one of the hostages (Wang Zhao Zhao) actually fell in love with Robbery and was engaged to him while serving his sentence]

[The two robbers took hostages for six days, during which time they threatened the lives of their captives but sometimes showed mercy]

[Under the unexpected psychological intricacies, the four hostages resisted the government's efforts to eventually rescue them]

[Later, after experts studied this phenomenon, they found that this phenomenon is not an isolated case, or even very common]

[So people call this phenomenon Stockholm syndrome]

[In other words, your point is not mistaken, we are talking about Ji Xiaofu now]

As soon as Rowe wrote this, he saw the comments come alive.

[Huang Rong: Listening to Brother Vigo, I suddenly feel that Ji Xiaofu is likely to be Stockholm Moore syndrome]

[Wanwen: Interestingly, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the Demon Gate]

[Shan Ruyu: Yes, there are several cases of this kind of thing that I know alone, and there is even a process in the magic gate that specializes in controlling others in this way, which we call domestication]

[Xue Bing: This is also terrible, right]

[Qin Mengyao: People in the Demon Gate, naturally unscrupulous Yu]

[Wanwen: Hehe, in fact, this method, Cihang Jingzhai is not less, but the means are more gentle]

[Qin Mengyao: slander]

[Wanwen: Whether it is slander, you know in your hearts].

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