Hearing that Long'er's master was Su Quan, the leader of the Shenlong Sect, Luo Wei's brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"So, the Divine Dragon Su Nu Gong you cultivated was taught to you by Su Quan?"

If so, then this Su Quan must be uneasy and kind.

After all, once the Shenlong Su female skill is broken, more than eighty percent of the power will flow back into the man's body.

This is completely a martial art.

However, Long Er shook his head, "No, this Shenlong Su Nu Gong was taught to me by Sect Leader Hong Antong, if it weren't for the hidden dangers of this martial art you said before, I wouldn't even know that this Shenlong Su Nu Gong had such a huge flaw." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but realize, "Hong Antong taught you, I understand, he wants to make up for you." "

Long Er nodded, and when Luo Wei wrote down the flaws of Shenlong Su Nugong in her diary, she already understood everything.

He is just Hong Antong's cauldron.

"So what are you going to do next?" Rowe asked.

Long Er said without hesitation: "I plan to go back and kill Hong Antong!" "

Since Hong Antong was not kind to him, Long Er naturally wanted to return a tooth for a tooth.

Luo Wei asked, "With your current strength, can you beat Hong Antong?" "

If Luo Wei is not mistaken, Hong Antong's martial arts skills are not low, and he is one of the few masters in the world in Luding Ji.

Long Er said confidently: "Over the years of pretending to be the Empress Dowager, I have not been in vain, I have used the power at hand to collect a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures, and now my strength has reached the innate peak. "

"And as far as I know, although Hong Antong is very strong in martial arts, he is between me and Bozhong."

"If there is a mind to calculate or not, with my strength, it is not difficult to kill Hong Antong."

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "Hong Antong, this 360-person old traitor is cunning, since he dares to teach you the Shenlong Su Nu Gong, maybe he still has a way to crack the Shenlong Su Nu Gong in his hand." "

"Even if it's a sneak attack, it's not necessarily safe."

"In this way, I will go back with you and eradicate this Hong Antong for you."

These days, he has gotten along well with Long'er, he can be regarded as a friend, and now that his friend is in difficulty, he naturally wants to support him.

However, Long Er shook her head, and she insisted on her own, "No need, Hong Antong is not kind to me, I have to kill him with my own hands to get out of this evil breath." "

Luo Wei saw Long Er insisting, and sighed helplessly, if this person is stubborn, he can't help.

"Okay, since you insist, I won't force it, but you must accept this."

Luo Wei took out a piece of jade and handed it to Long'er.

Long Er also thought that Luo Wei handed him a token of love, and his face couldn't help but blush.

But in the next second, she heard Luo Wei say: "This jade pendant contains one of my spells, its name is Zhizhao, once you receive a fatal attack, this jade pendant will automatically activate and save your life." "

Long Er then realized that he had misunderstood, and his face became more and more rosy.

But she did not refuse, but cherished this piece of jade pei.

Rowe said again, "Stretch out your hand." "

Long Er was puzzled, but still deep into his right hand.

Luo Wei stretched out a finger and swam in the palm of Long Er's right hand, drawing a talisman.

This talisman released a faint light, which quickly disappeared, hidden in the palm of Long Er.

"This is the Vajra talisman, I planted mana in your palm, if you encounter danger, you can activate the Cafj Talisman with your mind, and then your body will add a layer of protection, the knife and gun are invulnerable, and the Vajra is not bad."

When Long Er heard this, he couldn't help but say gratefully: "Thank you." "

Rowe waved his hand, then said to her, "The other hand." "

Deep in Long Er's left hand, Luo Wei drew another talisman on his hand, and like the previous Vajra talisman, the talisman released a faint light after it was completed, and then disappeared in an instant.

"This is a poison removal talisman, no matter what kind of poison you have, it can be lifted."

"With the protection of these two spells and jade pei, I believe that with your strength, it will not be difficult to kill Hong Antong."

Long Er couldn't help but be more and more grateful to Luo Wei, thinking back to getting along these days, he couldn't help but step forward and give Luo Wei a gentle hug.

"Take care."

As soon as the words fell, Long Er let go of Luo Wei, turned his head and left, his face was red and about to drip blood.

She performed a light skill, and in the blink of an eye she disappeared into Rowe's field of vision.

After Luo Wei watched Long Er leave, he sighed faintly, then took out his diary and began to update today's diary.

[Today, just today, I left the capital of the Qing court]

[To ask why, the reason is simple]

[What I can do has been done]

[Ao Bai died, the emperor died, Hongli died, King Jingnan died, and Dolgon was arrested]

[The whole capital has been messed up by me]

[Eight flags disciples kill each other, and their strength has sharply decreased]

[Even the dragon veins of the Qing court have been cut off, with the strength of Daming, it should not be too difficult to overthrow the current Qing court]

[Maybe other countries will come over to get a piece of the pie, but it doesn't matter]

[As long as the Qing court is destroyed, I don't care about the rest]

[In short, everything I can do is done, so I can't stay much in this country, it's time to leave]

[It's been so many days since I said it, it's time to go back and see Rong'er and them]

[Of course, the matter of the Qing court has been solved, but the matter of the five gods has not been solved]

[Therefore, I still hope that everyone can investigate the whereabouts of the Five Links God]

[But it's best not to have a head-on conflict with the five gods, after all, this thing is not something that ordinary warriors can handle, or stay away, and then contact me]

[I will deal with the matter of the five gods as soon as possible]

[After all, it has been a while since the five gods came to this world, and if you don't deal with it, it will be troublesome]

[So if anyone finds Wutongsheng, find me as soon as possible] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[That's it, goodbye]

[Wait, I suddenly found one thing, the number of words I updated today does not seem to be enough for five hundred words, forget it, two sentences in water]

In this way, after Luo Wei pieced together five hundred words, he decisively closed the diary.

No way, today's Rowe is not in the mood to write a diary.

So I can only say a few words of water.

And the reward is the same as what he thinks, it is a guaranteed reward, a year's pure mana.

Feeling the growing mana in his body, Luo Wei showed a satisfied smile.

Although a year's mana is a bit rare for him now, Luo Wei does not dislike it at all.

There is a saying that if you don't accumulate steps, you can't go a thousand miles, and if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas.

Even the mana of a thousand years is accumulated little by little on weekdays.

How could Rowe dislike it.

After writing the diary, Rowe sent himself back to Mandolin Villa through the diary's teleportation function.

I saw Huang Rong again.

"Brother Vigo." When Huang Rong and the other women saw Luo Wei returning, they immediately stepped forward to greet them, and then spun around lightly in front of Luo Wei, "Brother Wei, have you noticed any changes in us?" "

Luo Wei affirmed: "Yes, you all broke through." "

Before the women, they were already about to refine the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill.

Now Luo Wei went to the Qing court for a while, counting the time, Huang Rong, Azhu, Blue Phoenix, Lin Shiyin and several daughters should have refined the Dragon Yuan Immortal Pill and achieved a peerless powerhouse.

Ah Zhu smiled softly, his voice was pleasant and crisp, soft and sticky, "Sure enough, I can't hide it, a few of us have indeed broken through, not only achieved peerless powerhouses, but even trained the Hun Tianbao Jian to the eighth layer of the Golden Morning Xi realm." "

Rowe snorted, "Not bad, not bad. "

In this way, several women can also be regarded as top masters in the rivers and lakes.

At night, everyone gathered together, and Huang Rong and Azhu personally cooked, made a table of good dishes, and washed the dust for Luo Wei.

At the banquet, everyone laughed, talked freely, and talked about recent events.

Luo Wei proudly said his behavior in the Qing court, especially the dragon vein, which caused everyone to exclaim.

After all, few people in the world have seen this kind of thing.

Huang Rong called out incredulous, and he couldn't wait to be by Luo Wei's side at that time and admire Luo Wei's behavior of slashing the dragon vein.

Ah Zhu asked worriedly, "Gongzi, is the dragon slashing vein really all right?" "

The women couldn't help but look at Luo Wei, with the same doubt in their hearts, after all, it was a dragon vein.

Luo Wei said: "How can it be okay, the dragon vein will be eaten by the dragon vein, and if you are not careful, you will be cursed by the dragon vein, not only yourself, but even your descendants will suffer." "

Ah Zi couldn't help but exclaim, "Is it so dangerous? "

Rowe said, "Of course. "

Lin Shiyin stared at Luo Wei with a pair of wonderful eyes, and asked worriedly: "Then are you okay?" "

Without waiting for Luo Wei to answer, Huang Rong said with a smile: "Of course it's okay, if something happens, Brother Wei won't be like this." "

Luo Wei smiled slightly, "Rong'er is right, I really don't have anything wrong, when the curse of the dragon vein came, it was split by me holding the Heavenly Crystal." "

"There is a heavenly crystal, and the dragon vein can not help me."

When the women heard this, they relaxed their hearts.

Huang Rong knew that during the days he was cultivating in Mantuo Villa, many things must have happened around Luo Wei, but he did not expect such a wonderful.

So she couldn't help but say: "Brother Vigo, now we have also become peerless powerhouses, there is little point in penance, how about we go to the rivers and lakes together, how about doing chivalry?" "

"Okay." Luo Wei didn't want to think about it, so he agreed.

He looked at Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and the blue phoenix women, and the women naturally had no opinion.

Ah Zi even raised her hands in favor, she was already tired of Mantuo Villa, and she naturally had no opinion if she wanted to leave now.

Then there was Lin Chaoying and her maid, and two apprentices, Xiaolongnu and Li Mochou's four daughters.

Lin Chaoying said calmly: "I am not interested in walking the rivers and lakes, and I left the Ancient Tomb Sect before to create a peerless martial art. "。

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