A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

Chapter 107: Pretending to replace others for the sake of prosperity and wealth, the character is d

"Take the people down and hand it over to the province for disposal." Wang Chen didn't even need to see what the two chief eunuchs looked like, and directly ordered.

"His Royal Highness Chen, forgive me, the little one will never dare anymore." The two eunuchs who were hiding in the dark reacted and kowped their heads quickly.

"His Royal Highness, the little ones just didn't feel angry about this, so they said a few more words."

"There is also Zheng who offends the empress empress, the younger ones have always felt injustice for the empress empress."

"Yes, yes, the young people are only dissatisfied with the crimes committed by the concubine Zheng and the Zheng family, so they didn't hold back the anger in their hearts and asked your Highness for forgiveness."

"When Zheng was still Concubine Ning, I didn't see you dissatisfied. When the fourth brother was still King Qi, I never saw you hiding and making irresponsible remarks. Don't make a fool of yourself in front of this king, let alone talk about your mother's queen, Zheng Both the Zheng family have already broken the law, and the fourth brother has a father and a queen in charge. What are you guys, dare you to make fun of the prince?" Wang Chen didn't bother to listen to their arguments anymore and let the attendant drag him down.

The two eunuchs were gagged and dragged down. Wang Chen stretched out his hand to cover Jiuzhu's eyes: "Don't look at these things, your eyes are dirty."

Jiuzhu blinked, her long eyelashes swept across the palm of Wang Chen.

Wang Chen withdrew his hand from itching, and looked down at her eyes: "Are your eyelashes a brush?"

Jiuzhu went to take his hand: "Your Highness, let's go back."

"Are you afraid?"


"The heart of the palace."

Jiuzhu stopped and smiled and shook his head to Wang Chen: "What is the difference between the hearts of the people in the palace and those outside the palace?"

Chen Wang raised his eyebrows and was very new to Jiuzhu.

"What happened in the palace will also happen outside the palace. The only difference is that the people here are more noble." Jiuzhu smiled and said, "If you are in the red dust, then they are all the red vulgars."

"It makes sense for you to say that. It seems that everyone in the world is the same."

"That's still different." Jiuzhu whispered: "The hearts of some people in the capital are dirty."

"I just said that everyone is a layman, now I'm talking about the hearts of certain people in the capital. Ming Xiaozhu, Ming Xiaozhu, I didn't expect you to be geographically discriminatory." Wang Chen reached out and hugged her shoulders: "The whole world is a father. The emperor, as a royal daughter-in-law, you have to correct your thinking, do you understand?"

"But some of them are saying bad things about your Highness." Jiuzhu was unhappy: "Except for the capital, no one said that your Highness was bad."

Upon hearing this, Wang Chen gave a chuckle, lowered his head to touch her forehead, and said softly: "Ming Xiaozhu, I'll be in your hands in this life, I recognize it."

She prejudices the whole city because of him.

The wind blew across the empty palace road, and the surroundings became quiet.

The patrol guard passing by, noticed something wrong in the dark, and pulled out his saber: "Who is there?!"

"It's me." Yun Yanze walked out of the darkness. He was wearing a black robe. If it weren't for the guard of the golden armor, no one would be able to spot him.

"The humble post has seen the four princes." Jin Jiawei quickly put his sword into its sheath and pleaded guilty to Yun Yanze.

But they were also whispering in their hearts, this black lamp is blind, why don't the four princes go out with attendants and lanterns?

"You continue to patrol, I'm walking around." Yun Yanze glanced at the end of the palace road, and slowly lowered his eyelids.

He heard the words of the two eunuchs just now clearly, this kind of deliberately picking things up must have been the work of a certain concubine in the palace.

Want him to hate Empress Su because of these words, and take action against Empress Su?

He wanted to use these two castrations to make matters worse, so that the emperor could see his current situation that even eunuchs could bully, and made him feel pity for himself.

Unexpectedly, Yun Duqing would appear at this time and disrupt his plan.


Turned back to Zhang Sixth Palace, and just walked to the entrance of the courtyard, I heard Sun Caiyao's vomiting. He looked at the shadow behind the window blankly, stood there for a while, walked into Sun Caiyao's house, and poured her a glass of water: "Cai Yao, take a sip of water, why did he throw up so badly?"

Sun Caiyao smiled weakly and covered her mouth with a handkerchief: "It's okay, I'm arguing with Your Highness?"

"No." He put a cushion behind Sun Caiyao's waist: "You always can't eat anything these past two days. I heard that there are a few cooks with good cooking skills in the fifth brother. I will borrow it from him tomorrow. "

Hearing the word "fifth brother", Sun Caiyao was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Why bother with the fifth brother, I'm not so delicate, it will be fine in a few days."

"Prince concubine, the sour plum soup is ready." The white peony came in carrying the bowl, and seeing Yun Yanze was also there, he saluted him: "Your Highness."

Sun Caiyao drank the sour plum soup, her stomach was surging uncomfortably, and all she vomited.

Yun Yanze looked down at the toe of his shoe, a few small drops of water splashed on it.

He coaxed Sun Caiyao to sleep and returned to his room, where the **** waited for him to take off his shoes.

"Throw it away."

"Yes." The little **** exited the house with his shoes.

He looked sullenly at the flickering candlelight, what the two eunuchs said echoed in his mind, and opened his sleeves to reveal his arms with several scars.

He took out the dagger and slashed the flesh. The blood couldn't wait to gush out, and the pain calmed him down.

There was a cat cry outside the window. He opened the window and saw a little cat crawling on the window.

Reaching out and grabbing the kitten's fluffy neck, the cat's moist eyes looked at him innocently.

These eyes reminded him of Ming Jiuzhu.

"His Royal Highness." Standing in the courtyard outside the window, Bai Peony gave him a blessing: "Which princess should raise this cat, and the servant will send it back."

Yun Yanze slowly let go of his hand, and passed the cat to her through the window.

Seeing the dry blood on his fingertips, the white peony hugged the cat and blessed his body: "The slave and maid retire."

"White Peony." Yun Yanze straightened his sleeves, and said calmly: "This king keeps you because you are smart."

"Yes." The white peony lowered his eyebrows and looked down: "The slave servant is loyal to the empress and is also loyal to His Royal Highness."

"Go ahead."

The white peony hugged the cat out of the yard, and his tight shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Thank you Aunt Bai Shao." The little palace lady took the kitten from her: "If you lose this cat, the princess will definitely lose her temper with me."

"Be optimistic about the cat in the future. The prince and concubine are pregnant. If we are scared by these cats and dogs, none of us can afford it." The white peony noticed sporadic blood stains on the cat's ears. While the little maid carelessly held the handkerchief as she pretended to touch the kitten's head, she wiped off the blood stains on it.

When the little palace lady walked away holding the cat, Bai Peony looked down at the veil in her hand and sighed.

When Jiuzhu and King Chen returned to the Kylin Palace, the first thing they did was to take a bath and change clothes.

After the shower, the two of them wore loose bedding and sat cross-legged on the bed, placing the box left by Princess Zhao in the middle.

"Go on." Seeing Jiuzhu's serious expression, Wang Chen reached out and rubbed the top of her hair: "Don't be nervous."

Jiuzhu shook his head: "His Royal Highness, I am not nervous. It's just that Princess Zhao left these things specially, so I want to be more serious."

Open the lid, and on the first layer are several pairs of jade bracelets of excellent color.

"There are folk customs, and the elders will leave the good things to accompany them as heirlooms to the younger generation. Princess Zhao treats you as her own junior." Wang Chen looked at these pairs of jade bracelets, a little moved.

Jiuzhu pursed his mouth, carefully moved the compartment away, and the second layer... is an old phoenix hairpin, the style is a style that was popular in the palace a few years ago, and it doesn’t look like an old lady’s club. Wear.

Wang Chen frowned and looked at this hairpin. This six-tailed phoenix hairpin was only worn by the royal concubine in the harem. Now in the palace, apart from the mother, only Concubine Xu and Concubine Min are the first concubines.

Princess Zhao deliberately left this to them, there must be some reason.

A woman who has been in the harem for more than forty years, she can know too many secrets.

"There is another layer below." Jiuzhu raised the compartment and found a stack of paper underneath.

On these papers, there is a recipe for wine making and a letter.

The handwriting on the letter can only be considered neat, the font is too large, it should be written by Princess Zhao.

Jiuzhu knew that Mrs. Zhao didn't read many books in her early years, and only began to read and practice calligraphy after entering the palace. When you get older, if your eyes are not so good, you will subconsciously write the words larger so that you can easily recognize them.

This is a letter with a seemingly ordinary content, instructing Jiuzhu and King Chen to take good care of themselves, and expressing gratitude to Emperor Longfeng and Queen Su for taking care of her.

"The cuckoo slowly, there will be a time to return."

The cuckoo slowly...

This seemingly elegant sentence is very awkward to read, completely different from the simple style of the first half of the letter.

"His Royal Highness, what's the problem with this sentence?" Jiuzhu noticed that there was a small dot of ink under the word Xu. I don't know if it was accidentally dripped by the Queen.

"The problem is big." Wang Chen sighed and received the letter.

Things in black and white can easily reveal secrets. With Zhao Taifei's cautious attitude, neither did she want to inflict on the other toffees in the Toffee Palace, but also wanted to remind them of something, she would definitely use obscure methods.

"I still remember that we were painting in Taolin that day. Princess Zhao said that Du Qingke had painted peach blossoms at a banquet hosted by the first emperor." Chen Wang said: "After that day, I sent someone to check. The banquet hosted by the first emperor was on the second day. Seventeen years ago."

Jiuzhu rested his chin with his hands: "Hmm, then what?"

"After that banquet, the queen mother let Concubine Xu be the concubine of her father."

"Huh?" Jiuzhu was blank: "What does this matter have to do with Concubine Xu?"

"Forget it." Chen Wang packed up the wooden box and touched Jiuzhu's hair. After confirming that it was dry, he pulled Jiuzhu into the bed.

"How can I forget it?" Jiuzhu pushed him: "His Royal Highness, hurry up and talk about it."

"Peach blossoms have always been a symbol of love and love. The old lady is suggesting that Concubine Xu and Du Qingke have an old relationship." Wang Chen has no appetite for jiuzhu: "Hurry up and I will ask someone to check it tomorrow, and I will know that this is true or false. Up."

"Who is going to check?"

Jiuzhu felt that in the entire Kylin Palace, no one could do this.

"Of course, let the Dragon Guard to investigate." Wang Chen yawned: "Father's subordinates, don't use it for nothing."

"That's true." Jiuzhu nodded approvingly: "Father's dragon guard is definitely reliable."

As the commander of the Dragon Guard, the commander Wang felt very complicated when he heard that His Royal Highness Chen asked them to investigate the old affairs of Concubine Xu and Du Qingke.

You, a son, go to check the old things about your parents and other men. Is there something wrong?

What made him even more speechless was that the person who accompanied Wang Chen was still Liu Zhongbao, the general manager of the Taiyang Palace. Does your Majesty have no objection to co-author this matter?

Looking at Wang Chen's open expression, Wang Commander thought to himself that there must be a person with a thought problem between him and His Royal Highness.

"Commander Wang?" Seeing Commander Wang not speaking, Chen Wang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why, I can't do it?"

"Please don't worry, the subordinates will find out as soon as possible." The commander of the king regained his senses, and said: "Please give your subordinates a few days."

"Okay, please check it slowly. This king is not in a hurry." Wang Chen turned around and saw a dragon guard hurriedly walked in, with a smile of joy on his face: "Master Commander, letter from Lingzhou, brothers have been searching for days in Lingzhou , I finally found the little girl the Empress Empress and His Royal Highness Chen saved back then."

Hearing this, Wang Chen gave a meal at his feet: "What did you say?"

Seeing Wang Chen's expression weird, the guardian's voice became a little quieter: "The queen, your majesty, and the person you are looking for have already been found."

Wang Chen turned his head to look at Liu Zhongbao: "Father and Queen didn't tell them, don't you need to look for them?"

Liu Zhongbao, who has always been known as the "Laughing Buddha", was also a little surprised at this moment. He turned his head and looked at the dragon guard who was passing the message: "Are you sure you have found it?"

The dragon guard nodded: "This woman is a native of Lingzhou, and her brother is a scholar. Because your majesty opened Enke and recruited talents, and her brother wanted to go to Beijing for the exam, our people took the two brothers and sisters to the capital together. They probably I will arrive in five days."

"Oh, I want to see what this woman looks like." Chen Wang snorted with a smile without a smile.

It was the shameless man who dared to impost his Jiaming piglet!

The dragon guard who was spreading the message shrank his neck. How did he feel that His Royal Highness's tone didn't look like he was looking forward to it.

"Lord Wang." Wang Chen stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Come on, go with this king to see the emperor."

The commander of the dignified imperial guard was fooled by a liar. If he is known by others, how can he face it?

"Yes, Commander Wang, let's take a trip." Liu Zhongbao smiled and said, "There are some things, so we should prepare early."

Mingyue Palace.

Empress Su and Emperor Longfeng heard the commander of Ming Dynasty come, waved to make all the palace servants in the room retreat.

Seeing His Majesty and Queen sitting on the head, the leader of the king secretly groaned that the person under his hand had made such a big mistake, and he was incapable of discipline.

Fortunately, the person has already been found, if not found, wouldn't it be true that the woman was actually replaced by an imposter?

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he kept breaking out in cold sweat.

"This is an old thing. No one knows except for the queen and the people who are waiting for my son. The people who do things below are misled by someone with a heart, and it is justified." Emperor Longfeng slowly happily: "But As a dragon guard, you have to punish you for committing such a big mistake."

"Thank your Majesty." The commander Wang was grateful, and his Majesty left him with affection. The willingness to punish him shows that his Majesty has not completely disappointed the Dragon Guard, and they still have a chance to restore the holy intention.

In the future, when the people below acted, he would ask them to be more cautious and make such a joke, which is simply throwing all the credit of the dragon guard for many years to the ground.

"As for the fake woman..." Emperor Longfeng turned to look at Queen Su and King Chen.

"When she arrives in the capital, she will be kept under strict control." Wang Chen rolled his sleeves and looked like he wanted to beat people: "This king will take Ming Xiaozhu and look at the faces of their siblings."

"To replace others in order to be prosperous and wealthy, the character must be extremely unbearable." Emperor Longfeng tapped his index finger on the table: "Her brother, the imperial examination will never be on the list. If such a person becomes an official, it will be the common people.

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