A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

Chapter 123: They have heard of the good omen that all hope belongs to them, and what Tianwang belo

The grand prince canonization ceremony was so grand that the courtiers could not help but doubt. Your Majesty has been planning this matter for a long time.

But everyone dare not say.

The old prince finished reading a long article full of praises to the five princes. Since the exaggeration was too natural, everyone doubted again that this article was written by His Majesty himself.

Only the relatives can boast these contents and express them sincerely.

The golden seal of the crown prince was given to the five princes by his majesty himself. His majesty’s importance and love for the five princes has not been disguised.

"The officials began paying homage to the crown prince."


The civil and military men of the Manchu dynasty bowed down, the drums rang together, and the morning sun rose, illuminating every piece of land in Dacheng.

Looking at these lowered heads, Yun Duqing looked sideways at Jiuzhu who was standing on the lower side of the steps.

The two looked at each other, he clenched the treasure box with the crown prince's gold seal in his hand, and showed a gentle smile at Jiuzhu.

The excitement of this extraordinary excitement in the eyes of others, her presence, for him, is the real meaning.

Wang Huai was standing next to him. He looked at Yun Duqing on the high-level. His heart was like morning mist and waves. After the tide surged, he bowed deeply.

Wang An, who was standing next to him, had long since worshiped, and his attitude was even more positive than that of civil and military officials.

"Brother." Wang An said in a low voice, "You said that the crown of the prince on the fifth brother's head is made of pure gold. Will it be heavy?"

Wang Huai glanced at him and said nothing.

Among the brothers, no one regards the second child as an opponent, and that's all for a reason.

After the worship service, Wang Huai glanced at Jing Wang, who was standing next to Wang An, who had never spoken.

Perceiving the look in Wang Huai's eyes, Jing Dynasty arched his hand slightly.

Wang Huai looked away disgustingly, but goodbye, he couldn't stand the courtesy of this good third brother.

Seeing his eldest brother ignored him, King An of Jing Dynasty smiled helplessly, but the eyes of King An fell on Yun Duqing's crown prince, and he didn't pay attention to his expression at all.

The smile on Jing Wang's face gradually faded, he put away his expression, and looked up to the steps. The father was finishing the crown of the crown prince for Yun Duqing.

No one cared whether his third prince was happy or angry, and no one even cared about his mother and concubine. Not long ago, Zhaoyi was relegated to Jieyu.

No matter good or bad, he will always be a weed in the corner, a stone on the side of the road, inconspicuous, and not taken seriously.

At the end of the grand canonization ceremony of the prince, apart from the emperor's importance to the prince, the most interesting thing for women in Beijing was the fact that the prince insisted on taking the prince into Zhengyang Hall.

The storyteller in the capital is also keeping up with current events, and the story of the overbearing prince has become the overbearing prince. The female guests love to hear how the prince is gentle and considerate to the prince. Every time they talk about this, the storyteller will receive a lot of rewards.

Of course, there are also male guests who said that the overbearing prince is so powerful, how can there be ten or eight women falling in love with him.

However, their opinions became less important in the generous rewards of female guests.

Perhaps it is because there are too many guilty people in reality. When a dedicated man appears in the story, no female guest wants him to become full of wives and concubines like the male protagonist in other stories.

Some male guests laughed at the female guests for their innocence, and the female guests retorted: "Even our real prince of Dacheng does not have a concubine room. The domineering prince in the story, why can't he only be devoted to one woman?"

The male guests were speechless by the female guests, so they had to drop the sentence "The prince will be in the concubine room sooner or later," and fled in the angry eyes of the female guests.

As they ran, they didn't forget to shake their heads. The girls in the capital were good at everything, but they were too sturdy and unbearable.

When the two masters stepped into the gate of Kyoto, they saw a man being kicked to the ground by a young girl in a man's robe.

Many men and women around applauded.

"Even the old man's money is stolen, something inferior to pigs and dogs."

Yacha saw the thief get a few fists, and then opened his throat and said: "If I bother you, let's let the people go to Jingzhao Mansion for interrogation."

"Thanks for your hard work."

The people walked away with a smile, and some asked the yaman if he wanted to cut a catty of meat back.

"Leave a catty of fat and thin meat for me, and when I get the value, I will come over to pick it up." A government official took dozens of dollars and handed it to the butcher as a deposit. When he escorted the thief away, he did not forget to remind the butcher: "Remember, be fat and thin."

The butcher responded with a smile, cut a piece of meat from the stall, placed it under the shelf, turned his head and saw two female chiefs in robes, standing not far away, picked up a small piece of scraps and threw it to the side. Meowing stray cat.

"Two Taoist leaders, if you want to buy fruits and vegetables, please go inside." The butcher wiped his hands with the oily coarse cloth and pointed to the back streets.

"Thank you, we two went to visit relatives in Beijing." The master and father made a Taoist ceremony: "Excuse me, where should the Ming Shi Lang Mansion go?"

"You're talking about the Ming family who has been out of two champions and one to explore the flowers?" The butcher's eyes lit up.


"Master, please go this way. When you leave the alley, turn left and walk two more blocks to reach Ming's house." The butcher said enthusiastically, "If you are out of the alley and still don't know where to go, just ask someone to ask. I know."

"Thank you good fellow."

"No thanks, no thanks." The butcher whispered as he watched the two masters walk away, "I don't know where the master is, it looks like an ordinary person is different."

After eating the scraps, the stray cat rubbed against the butcher's feet, and he threw another piece to it.

No longer caring about the kitten, he yelled at him: "To celebrate your majesty's canonization of the prince today, anyone who buys five catties of meat from me will give me a bobbin."

The weather is getting warmer and the meat is sold out sooner.

Thanks to your majesty for canonizing the prince, they are in business, and they have a new excuse to sell things.

The master was standing on the side of the street, looking at the entrance of the cloth workshop, there was a red silk hanging on it, and the words "Her Royal Highness Prince He's canonization ceremony, the new cloth in our shop will be 20% off".

Even the aunt who buys vegetables on the street, on the grounds of canonization of the prince, asked the vegetable vendor to give her an extra piece of ginger.

"The capital... is this now?"

Master father remembered that when she left the capital, the people mentioned the royal family, but she was silent.

"Two Taoist leaders, but are they here for alms?" Just now the aunt who successfully got a piece of **** from the vegetable vendor took out two huge white-faced buns from her cloth pocket and stuffed one for each of them: "I just bought it. Warm up, please use the two masters."

The master and the second master looked at each other. Although they had no intention of alms, they were really hungry.

"Thank you Blessed Lord."

Saved a few large sums of money, very good.

The aunt listened to the two people's thanks, and left contentedly.

"Sister, the steamed buns in the capital are quite delicious." The second master gnawed the steamed buns and asked the master in a low voice: "I think these people are talking about the canonization of the prince ceremony, which prince has been named the prince?"

"Eat slowly." The master father reminded her: "We are masters of cultivation, and we must pay attention to the fairy spirit when we eat out."

"Senior Sister makes sense." As soon as the second master nodded, he saw that the steamed bun in her hand was half eaten.

"Where is the smelly Taoist priest standing on the side of the road and eating steamed buns." A carriage stopped at the feet of the two. The middle-aged man in the carriage raised the curtain and glanced at the two of them. Not young, but the charm still exists.

With a not-so-serious smile on his face, he threw a handful of copper coins on the ground: "Take it, Lord will reward you. If you are willing to go home with me, you will reward you more."

"Thank you." The master father bent over to pick up the copper coin. When he found the last one, his index finger flicked, and the copper coin flew out and plunged deeply into the carving beside the car window. Most of the copper coin was sunk in.

The middle-aged man's smile instantly froze on his face. He looked at the carved copper coin, his eyes staring into copper bells.

"Huh." The master took a breath at the copper coin, blew away the dust on it, and said to the middle-aged man: "Blessed life, thank you for your faith."

She stretched out **** and easily drew out the copper coins stuck in the carriage: "Good faith, but do you need me to come to you?"

The middle-aged man snorted, tore down the window curtain of the carriage, and left.

Seeing the dust raised when the carriage left, the master sighed regretfully: "I want to ferry him, what is he running for?"

"It means that he has no relationship with us." The second master took a few copper coins from the master and put them into his pocket: "May God bless you."

The servants of Du Mansion saw the housekeeper coming back in a carriage and were about to report to him that there was something to be done by the owner of the house. As a result, the housekeeper jumped out of the carriage and ran away from him like a gust of wind. It looks like a dog is chasing behind.

"What should I do now?" The other servant looked at him embarrassedly: "The Patriarch said before entering the palace, as long as we pass the word to the butler, the butler will naturally know what to do, but now... the butler doesn't want to care about us."

"Or, wait for half an hour and then go? If the Patriarch comes back and asks why it is late, we say that the housekeeper has just returned from a trip?"

As small servants, they neither dared to offend the master nor offend the housekeeper, they could only sleekly compromised.

After the ceremony of the canonization of the prince, there is a lively palace banquet.

The fireworks are in full bloom, and the table is full of delicacies, all showing everyone the preference of the emperor for the prince.

"The chef's craftsmanship at the palace banquet this time is good." Wang An ate his stomach round. Seeing his third brother Jing Wang from time to time looking outside the hall, his brows were still frowning tightly: "The third brother, the fireworks outside is not good, or the table The delicacies on offer are not tasty, why are you frowning?"

"It's okay." King Jing returned to his senses and smiled at Wang An: "It's just that fireworks are beautiful, but they are perishable. It's a pity."

"We have watched the fireworks for more than 20 years. You only have this feeling now. Isn't it a bit late?" An Wang was a little baffled. He felt that the fireworks were beautiful and short-lived. You can display a few more fireworks. It's not a big deal.

Oh, no, they just regained their salary, they were ashamed of their pockets, and they set fireworks to ask for money.

It seems that there is no money to make trouble.

He stretched out his hand and patted King Jing on the back: "Don't think too much, eat quickly."

There is no money for the palace banquet, there are songs and dances to watch, there are tunes to listen to, and there are fireworks to enjoy. Don't waste it.

"Wei Jieyu, are you watching the moon or the fireworks?" When Wang An's biological mother Lu Zhaoyi saw the three princes, Jing Wang's biological mother Wei Jieyu unwilling to use the banquet, she was full of thoughts outside the hall, and couldn't help but glanced outside the hall a few times.

Afterwards, she put down her chopsticks and exclaimed: "The emperor, my mother, the moon is in the sky at this moment, the stars are shining, and the auspiciousness is overflowing. It seems that even God knows that today is our royal rejoicing day. Let the stars and the moon shine together to congratulate the royal family. !"

Get out of the way, this palace is about to start holding the queen's thigh and slap the prince flattering!

King Ann looked at his mother and concubine in admiration, she was indeed a concubine, and the means of holding his thigh was better than him as a son!

When everyone heard Lu Zhaoyi's words, they all looked outside the hall.


The moon is much more beautiful than usual, and the stars are shining brighter than usual.

"Father, this is a good omen!"

Wang An closely followed the steps of his mother and concubine: "It seems that the fifth brother becomes the prince, and it is the hope of heaven!"

The ministers were silent.

They have heard of the hope of the people, what is the hope of the sky?

Jiuzhu looked outside the temple in confusion. Today, at sixteen, what does the round moon have to do with auspicious signs?

The people in the capital really know how to be far-fetched.

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