A Prince's Love

Chapter 10 - Twice Coincidence

"Edward .. may I excuse me for a moment, I want to go to the toilet." Said Alena asking permission from Edward who was enjoying Basbousa as a dessert. Basbousa is a kind of cake made from semolina flour soaked in syrup. The syrup that Alena chose was orange so it tastes refreshing sweet. It seems that Edward prefers the dessert over the main menu, which might taste strange on his tongue because it uses a lot of spices. Arab cuisine is not for the Caucasians for Asians who are accustomed to using a lot of seasoning it feels a little strange. The matter of the tongue for some people can not be underestimated, eating dishes that do not come from their own area always makes the tongue need to adapt.

Alena's eyes had been wandering around looking for Nizam. But the figure of the body that was expected to appear before his face was still not visible. Even though the guest had been going in and out. Dinner will be over soon. Is Nizam not eating here tonight? Alena shook her head restlessly.. If Nizam does not come tonight then She must come again tomorrow. And maybe She had to invite Justin because it was impossible to invite Edward again.

Imagining She had dinner with Justin was nothing She was amused. Surely there will be lots of raggy words full of seduction even it is not impossible that Justin will seduce her physically. Never ... Alena said to herself. It's better to invite Cyntia to eat here than to be with that little punk.

Alena walked while thinking so she forgot not to ask where the toilet was. Incidentally, She saw someone walking to turn into a room. Alena immediately approached him and said: "Excuse me Sir! May I ... not yet finished Alena asked the man to turn around.

And..." Oh my God " Alena closed her mouth in surprise the person standing in front of her was the figure she was aiming at. And this was outside The plan should be that Alena only wants Nizam to see him having dinner with Edward so that Nizam is aware of his presence so that if Nizam sees them, Alena will pretend to not care and pretend that this is an accident.

Alena suddenly became cold sweat. Alena nervously fixed the location of her veil that fell onto her back.

Nizam was no less shocked.

"You ??? What are you doing here?" Nizam asked, staring intently. Alena bit her lip accidentally making Nizam twitch for a moment. As she stammered Alena answered: "I ... I'm ... I'm eating dinner."

"Dinner ??? In an Arabic restaurant ?? To whom?" Nizam frowned.

Alena answered with a little firm, she then gathered up the courage that had been lost earlier.

"With my male friend .."

"Why does it have to be in this restaurant?" Asked Nizam he had begun to be suspicious, first in the library now in the restaurant. Twice coincidence.

Alena's face suddenly turned red .. made her beauty shine even more. Her cheeks turned red. Again, Alena bit her lip and made Nizam gasp. His chest was beating fast and then thundering violently. He felt something writhing in the recesses of his heart.

"So what? What's with the restaurant? You know that I'm a Muslim, and this is a halal restaurant ..."

Alena said trying to dodge. Nizam shrugged his shoulders. He could not say anything because the reason Alena was so reasonable.

"Ok ... you are right. So where are you going now? This area is a private area specially ordered."

Nizam leaned against the wall of his arms and folded his chest. Alena held her breath, Nizam was always very handsome in her eyes. She saw a tall tall body. Sharp nose, slightly red lips, and curls. Brown eyes and brown eyes and brown eyes. big with long, slightly curled eyelashes, a thick, neat eyebrow, it felt like Alena was embracing and leaning her head against Nizam's broad chest, Nizam rubbing the edge of his pointed nose with his index finger still waiting for Alena's answer.

"I want to go to the toilet and I don't know if there is a private room here. You often go to this restaurant. Show me the toilet where?"

Ops ... Alena was speechless and sure enough, Nizam immediately snatched. "How do you know I come here often? I'm already suspicious that you are following me? What is your purpose?" Nizam repeatedly attacked Alena with questions.

"Damn ..." Alena regretted her stupidity, why she was so stupid that she let go of talking. Luckily She immediately got the answer.

"You are an Arab and this is an Arabic restaurant, I'm just guessing ... now please show me where the toilet is, I can't stand urinating ..." Alena said while unconsciously holding her crotch with both hands as if holding back urine that was about to come out.

"Astagfirullah ... Nizam took a look at Alena's behavior which really made her not understand. Either stupid or innocent or bitch Nizam did not understand. She only saw Alena as a beautiful girl who went wrong in college. People like Alena are more suited to be film artists. rather than studying economics.

"You go back in that direction then turn left across the round table where the toilet is located" Nizam's fingertips indicate the toilet. After saying thank you Alena walked quickly and even half-ran. Her yellow long dress was almost fluttering.

Secretly, Nizam did not immediately enter his room, instead, he hid behind a pole and waited for Alena to come out of the toilet. When he saw Alena coming out Nizam followed her and he looked flushed when he saw a man with Alena. And judging from Edward's appearance, Nizam immediately suspected that he was not a careless man. Somehow Nizam's heart became a little burning.

Nizam's eyes glared at Alena, who was having a conversation with Edward. Alena's cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkled making Nizam mistakenly suspect that Alena loved the man sitting in front of her. Nizam really didn't know that Alena was sparkling because she had met him.

Nizam remained standing still, watching Alena and Edward until He did not realize that someone was speaking beside him. "Forgive me, Your Highness, but we have been waiting for Your Highness. Why has Your Majesty not entered the room yet?" The man whispered as if he was afraid someone would hear.

"Shhh .. Look at the woman wearing the yellow shirt ..." Nizam pointed at Alena with his hand. That person followed Nizam's index.

"Yes, Your Honor .." The man said, bowed his head slightly in front of Nizam.

"Ali ... you remember her face. From today you must follow and watch over the girl, but don't act imprudently." Nizam said emphatically.

"Yes, Your Honor ..." The person named Ali answered respectfully. Nizam then turned and walked towards his room.

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