A Prince's Love

Chapter 100 - Alena Asks Nizam For A Kiss

"Wow ... great. Will all impotent people get better right away if they go to your country? By the way, I have an uncle who said he was impotent because of diabetes he suffered. How about we send him to Azura country" Alena's eyes shone like the little boy suddenly finds his long-lost favorite toy.

Nizam's eyes widened seeing Alena who was amazed at him.

"People say, my country is a lucky country because of its fertile land. The sea is full of fish, fertile land, dense forest, gold, coal, and other natural wealth.

But the people in my country must take medication seriously if they want to recover from that disorder. So that there are many medical clinics to treat erectile dysfunctional disorders..

They cannot heal on their own. My uncle has suffered from the disorders for many years. I've heard my aunt cry in front of my mother. My aunt complained about her husband's not being able to give her satisfaction in bed.

My uncle has been treated everywhere. And if you think so, that Azura can cure sexual disorders like that. Let's go back to Azura while bringing my uncle. Surely my aunt will be very happy.

By the way, Nizam, does every man have to be able to satisfy his wife in bed? So what if you can't? The important thing is that husband and wife love each other?" said Alena, looking into Nizam's eyes with her round, wide and clear eyes.

"Ah ..." Nizam sighed as he rubbed his face with both hands. He could be crazy if he talks with  Alena who was so ridiculous. Nizam just realized that Alena is really very silly and short-minded. Nizam stood up, lust has gone like a drop of water falling on the surface of the barren desert.

"Wait here, I'll find a doctor to examine you. Is your leg still sore ?," asked Nizam. Alena nodded while grimacing back. She suddenly remembered that her leg was hurting. Earlier when she made out she did not feel the slightest pain. Alena really liked her first kiss experience. So when Nizam stood up and was about to leave, Alena grabbed his hands.

Nizam's steps stopped. He turned back to Alena, who sat down with one hand holding the blanket on her chest so that her breasts could be covered.

"I really like your kiss. I want to kiss again. Can you?" Alena said as she opened her mouth and pulled out her tongue slightly. She licked her own tongue over her lips.

Seeing Alena who teased him like a naughty woman, Nizam's blood boiled up to the top of his head. The lust that had been lost was now flowing again in his blood. Nizam restrains himself with all his strength from following Alena's wishes.

Nizam is willing to bet that if he kisses Alena again, he will lose control and will take Alena's virginity. He will definitely take his rights over Alena's body. He will deflower both of them.

Nizam clenched his fists to hold himself back. He let Alena hold his hand but Nizam took a deep breath to calm the little brother under his body who had started to stand upright and tightened his pants.

Nizam tried to revive himself. making Alena lose her virginity now will be a disaster for Alena. He could not prove Alena's virginity in Azura and Alena would later become an unchaste Queen. The result for Alena was not good. The people and the kingdom will not respect him.

Alena saw Nizam instead stood still and turned his back to him. Why is Nizam silent? Is Nizam embarrassed because she asked him to kiss her? Aren't they already husband and wife. Shouldn't Alena ask her husband to kiss her? Alena is confused.

"Why are you silent? Am I not allowed to ask for a kiss? I am your wife and you are my husband. We are legally husband and wife again and we will not sin if we touch each other. Come on Nizam, you are not so cold. I did not ask you to do that to me. I know you can't touch me. But at least give me a sweet kiss "Alena said, making Nizam's heart even more sliced.

"No my dear, you have not prayed maghrib. And I have to prepare for our departure tonight. There is still plenty of time for that. I promise if we are already in Azura then I will fulfill all your wishes" said Nizam slowly.

Alena became sullen but couldn't force it. After all, she is a woman. There was no way She could force Nizam. Moreover, then she saw Nizam stepping away from her. Alena screamed.

"Where are you going?" She asked, surprised to see Nizam even stepping away from her. Nizam answers Alena's question.

"I want to take your clothes, do you want to be naked all the time?" Nizam said while taking Alena's clothes. He looked doubtful when he took Alena's underwear. But there's no need to doubt, isn't this his wife's clothes? So with a red face, Nizam pulled Alena panties and bras from the cupboard drawer. Nizam also grabbed the sky blue clothes. Evening gown that is slightly closed.

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