A Prince's Love

Chapter 103 - Misinterpreted

It didn't take long for Alena to fall asleep even though she slept irritated. Her breath was flowing softly and even soft snoring began to be heard indicating Alena was sleeping soundly. Nizam kept his book then he sat sideways watching his wife's face.

The eyes were closed, lashes are curled, brown skin that is smooth, the noses were sharp even though they were not as sharp as the noses of the Azura girls. Alena is the most beautiful woman for Nizam.

Nizam's index finger strokes Alena's forehead then down to her nose and finally her lips are very sexy. Nizam felt the heat in his body. All of his blood flow quickly drained despair and then gathered in an estuary. An estuary blocked by a wall, impassable for the time being.

Nizam gently stroked Alena's cheek. Then could not take it anymore He brought his face closer to Alena's face. His breath was heavy and hot, raging like a roaring hurricane, sweeping away everything on the surface of the earth.. Nizam's tongue stuck out and then brushed his lips tightly. For a few moments, Nizam satisfied the desire that had erupted to the surface when Alena teased him through a sweep of his tongue across the surface of Alena's face.

Nizam's hand then slowly stroked Alena's cheek which was moist from the sweep of his tongue earlier. then that hand slid slowly down Alena's long neck and hishand was about to start sliding downwards. He gasped because suddenly Alena changed her sleeping position. Nizam immediately pulled his hand and fixed his seat.

Don't let Alena know what he's doing. Letting Alena know that in fact, her desire is also bigger, even bigger than Alena's desire, will further fuel Alena's madness. Nizam knows for sure that his wife is obsessed with him.

A pure obsession based on love from the bottom of the heart. A love that demands nothing but a similar love in return from him. Alena is not like the girls who chase him because of his position as the crown prince of the central kingdom. And Nizam really enjoys knowing that Alena is obsessed with him

The girls are after him because they only want the position of queen. Which later they compete for attention. Asking him to sleep with them just wanted to give birth to an heir to the throne. And a wife who has a child who will become a future king is the wife who will be the most powerful in the kingdom as his mother is now.

Nizam is grateful that Alena is still asleep and doesn't wake up. For fear that Alena is injured by the rope he made, Nizam intends to open the rope. while still staring at his wife's face he then began to untie the rope that tied Alena's hand. When he was releasing the rope in Alena's hand, he was suddenly surprised because Ali was already in front of him. Ali's eyes stared at Alena's still tied hands. He also saw Nizam's hand which was in a position to open the rope.

Nizam felt his blood clot. He glared at Ali with a look of anger. Ali immediately became nervous. He forgot that Prince Nizam was married now. He should have used unusual manners when Prince Nizam was still a bachelor.

"Please .. forgive my noble servant .." Ali said as he stepped back from in front of  Nizam.  Nizam then asked but the voice Ali heard was more like the moan of an injured tiger. "What is wrong?"  Nizam asked.

"I... I just want to ask if tomorrow we are going to the noble's apartment or the princess's apartment?" Ali's voice trembled.

"Do you need to ask that now? You idiot .." Prince Nizam's voice boomed. To the extent that Alena, who fell asleep beside her, whined because she was annoyed.

Ali stuttered, "I.. really sorry ... I'm sorry. I really don't know myself." Ali was dead white.  Nizam waved his hand to get away  Ali in front of him. Ali immediately stepped hastily to sit back in his chair accompanied by Fuad's gaze asking for an explanation. Ali shook his head at Fuad, indicating that he would explain later.

While continuing to untie Alena's rope, Nizam grumbled at length even though inwardly. Why is the guard suddenly like a fool? Suddenly appeared in front of him without permission. It was just right when he untied the ties, Alena.

If Ali caught Nizam and Alena kissing, maybe Ali could still understand. This was caught when Alena's hands were tied. Maybe Ali thought he is Individuals with sexual masochism. Sexual disorders that like to behave sadistically to the opposite sex. He had to explain everything before this news reached his mother and caused a riot in the palace.

And it is true. What Nizam thought was the same as Ali thought. Ali thought Nizam had a sexual disorder. Nizam has tied Alena's hands. If not a sexual disorder then what? Ali was suddenly nervous. It is inconceivable that a crown prince has a sexual disorder. How will the fate of our kingdom later?

Fuad did not know what had happened but he felt that Ali was restless. His face was pale and sat uneasily. But Fuad didn't dare to ask. Fuad understands that Ali doesn't want to tell a story yet. And he will be patient to wait until Ali tells him.

Until then, Ali then spoke slowly to him as if he was afraid to be heard by Nizam who was sitting in front of them.

"Have you ever heard that Your Majesty is suffering from a sexual disorder?" Ali asked Fuad. And Fuad almost fainted at Ali's very insolent words to the crown prince. Fuad glanced at Ali with a murderous look.

"Do you realize what you are saying? Why are you so disrespectful to your Majesty? Those are dirty words. How can Your Majesty suffer from a sexual disorder? I have never heard such a disgusting story. Your Majesty is very healthy and normal." Fuad said.

"I agree with you if I do not see it myself," said Ali. Fuad's eyes widened.

"I saw His Majesty Prince Nizam tie his wife's hand using a rope. This is very terrible" Ali said with a pale face. And Fuad is now silent. He began to believe Ali's words.

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