A Prince's Love

Chapter 112 - You Are The First Man For Her

"Ah...Nizam you make me stupid and silly, Ah..ha ... ha .." Cynthia laughed amusedly. Then said to Nizam.

"Actually, Alena doesn't know anything about men. You are the first man for her.. I'm not too serious about accusing you like that. Only I really don't understand why you seem to avoid touching Alena. Isn't it okay for two people who love each other to be affectionate with each other? you and Alena should shed feelings of affection. Moreover, you are already married now. What are you waiting for?

Alena says you don't touch Alena because you want to delay pregnancy. I'm not Alena whose brainless is too much. There are many ways to prevent pregnancy without having to abstain from sexual intercourse.

Please Nizam says frankly! Talk to me bluntly,  so that I am calm and not continue to accuse you like that. I don't like it when being Alena's husband can't give her satisfaction.

You must know how tormented a woman is if her husband is unable to give her satisfaction in bed. I don't want Alena to suffer all her life with you. Sex is more important than money. A woman can make her own money but she needs a husband to get satisfaction in bed" Cynthia's words made Nizam cough. He almost choked on the coffee he was drinking. how could Cynthia speak so frankly?

Nizam smiled a little doubtfully. "You really can't be lied to. This is a fairly complicated problem and may not make sense. But telling you is also not the right solution. I'm afraid you think I'm making it up. Or if I tell you, I'm also afraid you might even tell to Alena and things will get more and more complicated." Nizam said in a sad tone

"Actually, what is the problem? You don't make me crazy. Moreover, you told me to stay with Alena in her apartment. Shouldn't your husband and wife have to live together? This shows that you really don't intend to touch her. If you don't mean that why don't you stay with Alena.  Instead, told me to live with her. "

"Umm .. alright. Because you will be taken care of Alena then there is no harm in me telling the customs of Azura." Nizam took a deep breath. He then took another cigarette.

"In my kingdom, the purity of the wife of the king or the crown prince is very much guarded because it relates to the child who must come from the blood of the king. My wife has to be a virgin and it must be proven by the blood of the hymen which is torn on the bedsheet.

As a candidate for king, I will have a wife and concubine. And wives will live a night of holiness where they are first touched by me. This proof is by handing over the sheet stained with sacred blood. We will then celebrate the night of holiness of the wives of the king with all the people as proof of the morale of the future king's wife. And this also applies to Alena, because I will make Alena my wife and not a concubine.

You should know that my marriage only took place in Indonesia. We haven't had a formal wedding in my palace yet. My mother allowed me to marry after I convinced her that Alena is really a pure girl, a virgin, and never touched by anyone. And as I said earlier, if Alena has to spend a night of holiness with me in Azura. So how can I touch Alena now?"

Cynthia felt the hair on her neck rise. What a strange and demeaning custom for women, "Why are you so obedient to that rule. It's the silliest rule I have ever known. Your kingdom is really strange. Why don't you trick them? You put any blood on the sheet and give it to them. You say it's your wife's blood."

Nizam shook his head, "They will know it is not holy blood. I also do not understand how they can do it. I tricked my mother by giving another blood for my first wife and threatening the elder woman who used to do the checking. But I dare not do it for Alena. If caught then Alena could die "

"This is totally insane. Your kingdom doesn't make sense. You lied for your first wife but not for Alena. Do you want your first wife to die?"

"My first wife will not die, she is still a virgin until now so when her life is threatened maybe I can still save her by proving it. But if I touch Alena now then I can't prove her chastity later."

"The worst thing is that the implementation of the first night is awaited by the mother and mother-in-law, a guiding eunuch if needed, several medical personnel, and selected servants. It's because I am a future king, I have to do that. This is to avoid the cheating that occurs.

Besides being waited on by many people. The door to the bridal chamber cannot be locked even if the door is opened so that the outside can monitor the condition of the bride and groom. If it is considered that there are difficulties, including how to get in touch in order to get offspring of a certain gender, the supervisor Kasim will come into the room to provide instructions and directions "

"You mean the eunuch will see you have sex with your wife?" Cynthia's voice was barely audible.

"Not so either. Usually, he only stands about 10 m away from the couple and our bed is covered with thin curtains so he can't clearly see our bodies. But he can still provide guidance to us."

Cynthia felt nauseous in her stomach. She was sure that as innocent as her friend Alena was, he would not be willing to make love while being watched by many people. It reminded him of a Korean film entitled "The Concubine".

She thinks those annoying movies are just fiction, but in fact, in this modern century, it still exists. Unfortunately, this will be experienced by her friend Alena. Just imagine Alena who is innocent and geeky and knows only whining and crying will have an embarrassing incident. She could die from seizures.

"Why should all be guided. What a shame. Nizam I'm sure you are not a fool who doesn't know how to make love. Making love is one of the primitive things that can be done instinctively. After all, there are many films and literature that we can study without any guidance. what are we learning to drive? "

"They don't always come in to provide guidance. They will come in if the bride and groom have a hard time or want a child of a certain gender like a boy for example. If it goes well they will stay outside."

"How disgusting are the customs of your country." Cynthia's face was very sour.

"That's Cynthia. That's why I deliberately studied abroad to learn about the state, economy, history, sociology, and many more. After I become king I plan to erase all terrible customs like this. It's time for Azura to live more modernly,    Not living under ridiculous customs. I want Azura Modern in the sense of bringing good to all of its people. Whether it's a man or a woman. "

"Don't you tell this to Alena" Cynthia voiced her chest as if she was crushed by a very heavy burden.

"That's what I think too. I purposely hid this thing from her"

"That's what I thought too. I purposely hid this from her. I was afraid she would be scared. You know what kind of character Alena is. Even she probably wouldn't want me to take her to Azura. What I'm really afraid of her choosing to leave me instead of having to do rituals that are it's embarrassing. Did I do something wrong? "

"Of course not, I bet if you tell me now she will immediately burst into tears. You know, apart from being silly, she is also good at crying. I often feel that he's a 7-year-old girl trapped in a girl's body 19 you know." Cynthia was wringing her own head.

Nizam confirmed Cynthia's words. He remembered when he teased Alena that Alena wanted to rape him. It's true that Alena just cried like that.

"Well Cynthia, so what do you think?" Nizam finally asked with a slightly relieved face as Cynthia began to understand the problems he was facing.

I was confused myself. What you tell me still feels like hearing a fictional story. Indeed, your guess is right, who is willing to have the most beautiful moments like that in front of other people. Alena, although she often acts silly like asking for a kiss, will never do more than that in front of other people. Nizam what happens if it turns out that your wife is not a virgin, not by you, her husband? "

Nizam pondered for a moment before finally speaking.

"The woman can be thrown out of the palace directly from my mother, divorced, or even killed."

Cynthia stared blankly at her nearly finished drink. In her heart, she felt a little regret for helping her to get Nizam. If she had motivated Alene to get Edward it would have been simpler than this problem. If with Edward, they only have to equalize their beliefs and then get married.

Relation with Nizam makes Alena feel like walking in a wilderness where many wild animals are ready to prey on. fight with opponents who have unequal strength. Cynthia feels responsible and she will be determined to stay by Alena's side. Take care of her, help her and protect her.

"Then Nizam, make sure Alena remains  virgin until you get to Azura."

"That's what I want. So please don't accuse me again with impotent words. I'm nauseous of hearing that."

Cynthia finally laughed at Nizam's words but then took a deep breath and said again.

"Whatever will be will be, Nizam. You don't need to worry. I will stay with Alena to look after her. She is not really a stupid girl. Just like you said earlier. Her life has been too easy. She has never felt the difficulty of life. As an only child. being spoiled makes Alena live with only simple thoughts. She only knows college lessons, dresses up, and shopping. I'm sure over time she will learn what life is like. Problems that will arise will make her more mature "

"Cynthia I really thank you. Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Not for now. Let me first learn about your country from existing literature"

"Well .. okay. Now let's go to Alena's apartment. I'll take my things there and take you home. I said goodbye to Alena and will pick you up from work. And I think starting tomorrow you don't need to work anymore. Just start accompanying Alena. "Nizam stood feeling a little relieved because there was a friend to share with.

" Cynthia, Tomorrow I will bring the Azura language teacher to America. Maybe around the day after tomorrow, she will arrive in America. Learn both of you so that later you can understand our language."

"That is will be fine" Cynthia gave her a thumbs up.

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