A Prince's Love

Chapter 120 - I Invite You To Witness Our Wedding

Suddenly out of nowhere, there was a tall figure standing in front of Alena. Alena looked up at that person. Definitely not Justin. Because since that incident he never saw Justin's face again on this campus. He said Justin is currently in jail for sexually assaulting a student from the civil engineering school.

The students gossip that Justin raped a girl with evidence in the form of photographs. Even though Justin himself did not feel that he was harassing that girl. The photos were also taken based on their mutual agreement. Everything is done consensually. It even happened when they were on vacation to the beach yesterday.

How can consensual acts be reported as harassment? But Justin can't help it because the evidence is there. In fact, The girl took several actions that made the police believe that Justin raped her. Starting from the torn clothes, the scars on the girl's body, and CCTV footage and photographs.. Justin couldn't help it anymore even though He kept screaming that He was innocent. Justin had to be in prison for quite a long time two weeks after he tried to rape Alena.

"Edward ?? ..." Alena's voice was barely audible. She saw Edward so thin with a blank look. His face was very pale and looked very miserable. His eyes looked at Alena with pitiful eyes. Alena was very surprised to see Edward's condition.

In Alena's eyes, Edward is a handsome man who always looks neat and cool. He also has bright green eyes. Those eyes always sparkled when they looked at Alena. Edward really loves Alena. And the three of them namely Alena, Cynthia, and Edward sometimes talk together

"Alena ... May I sit down? I want to discuss something with you." The gaze that came out of those greenish eyes was very pitiful. Even so, the radiance of his charm did not go away. Alena was confused. She then glanced at Cynthia for her opinion. Cynthia Seeing that it was as if Edward had experienced such deep suffering. If Alena refuses, she is worried that something untoward will happen. Cynthia then got up and gave Edward her chair.

"You guys talk, I'll be waiting there and I'll watch over you there" said Cynthia, pointing to the chair occupied by two of Alena's guards. Alena holds Cynthia's hand. She is still traumatized by the incident when Justin was about to rape her. So that every time she was near a man who was not her husband she suddenly trembled with fear.

"Don't worry Alena...We will be watching you. After all, had not Edward been very nice to you" Cynthia whispered. Cynthia really understands that Alena is currently feeling traumatized. So far, Justin has never acted that rudely against Alena. Alena was afraid that suddenly Edward, who had been nice to her, would do the same thing

Edward thanked Cynthia and sat in front of Alena. Alena shifted her chair slightly away from Edward. Edward's heart as he was slashed painfully, He saw Alena felt farther away.

"How are you, Alena? Long time no see." Edward's voice trembled when he saw the woman he loved so much in front of him. His tears almost melted because of so much love for Alena. Alena looked at Edward who was so grim. Secretly, her heart was amazed. So far, She thought that Edward was happy with Elsa.

"I'm fine. How's Elsa?" Alena deliberately asked how Elsa was and did not ask about how Edward was. Because if She looks at Edward's appearance, it can be ascertained that Edward is not well.

"Elsa is fine. She's with George now. And they'll get married when they graduate." Edward's voice sounded flat without emotion.

Alena choked, "How come ?? Aren't you two?" Alena looked at Edward with an astonished face. For a moment Edward enjoyed the beautiful face in front of him. How beautiful Alena's face was when she looked at him. Eyes that are so round and clear, a nose that is not too sharp but very proportionate to her face, and lips that are small but slightly thick in the middle promise sweetness and limitless enjoyment for those who manage to kiss her.

"Alena .." Suddenly Edward grabbed Alena's hand. Alena was surprised and immediately pulled her hand so that Edward would not touch her. Edward complained.

"Not Edward !!" Alena muttered. Alena felt scared again. Her body trembled and her guts immediately disappeared. Alena became nervous and tried to pull her hand away from Edward's

"Alena, I love you and I can't forget you. Elsa is finally tired of facing me who is obsessed with you. My dear Alena, please. Give me a chance to prove that I will make you happy. I will do anything for you. I am willing to live wherever you are. Alena, I can't live without you " Edward pleaded in such a sad voice. In fact, his words were more like lamentations than pleas.

Alena stiffens in her chair, she feels her breath suffocating.

"Alena I'm willing to die for you .." Edward again wanted to grab Alena's hand and wanted to hold it

Alena has not yet answered, out of nowhere suddenly Alena's hand is pulled to get up from her seat, and then another hand hugs her slender waist.

"But Edward, unfortunately, Alena doesn't need your life. She already has it, she's mine now. She's my legal wife."

A very familiar voice to Alena's ears. Alena turned to the side and saw her husband, Nizam looking at her affectionately. What's with this jerk, it's not like he's forbidden to show intimacy in front of other people. This actually hugged her in front of the crowd. In front of Edward again who was messed up and upset.

Everyone immediately looked at the rare scene before them. Nizam, who is stone-hearted and has a flat face like a Chinese wall, looks like he is hugging Alena. Alena tried to release her husband's embrace. She was a little embarrassed to be the center of attention in all the eyes that looked at them. But Nizam's hands hugged her waist tighter and tighter from the side.

Edward stood looking at them as if he were facing a knife ready to hit his heart.

"How could you tell such a big lie, Nizam ??" Edward said, staring intently.

Nizam smiled and then he turned Alena's waist so that now they are face to face. Alena's surprise was not lost when suddenly Nizam hit her with a very deep kiss. Alena felt how hot Nizam's mouth was on her lips. Its long tongue explores the entire space of its mouth.

Meanwhile, her tongue, which was stiff with surprise, became a fun game for Nizam's tongue. Alena felt a little sick in her stomach from embarrassment.

Alena does like the intimacy shown by Nizam but it's not like this. Alena is an eastern person who has different politeness from other people. She can't accept kissing deeply like Nizam is doing now to her. Alena is very embarrassed

In case, there was a sound of shrieks in surprise from those who saw it. Their various facial expressions were shown watching the scene in front of them. It was as if they were watching a bride and groom showing their love after reciting their pledge in front of the wedding altar. There were several people who were seen capturing the scene.

Nizam hugged Alena tighter with his left hand because he felt his wife's body resisting his touch. He also pressed Alena's head with his right hand to keep it in the position he wanted. Nizam knows Alena doesn't enjoy his kiss but he doesn't care.

After being satisfied then Nizam let go of the kiss. He grinned at Alena, whose face was pale as a late winter's moon. Once released, Alena's hands reflexively grabbed her lips which had just left Nizam's lips. Then She looked left and right. All eyes looked at her with a gaze she could not imagine. Her tears began to flow out of embarrassment.

Edward froze with a burning heart. Moreover, then he saw Nizam pulling Alena's hand who was wearing a wedding ring. then show him. Edward could clearly see. There is the name Nizam which is beautifully engraved on the diamond ring.

'This is our wedding ring. In two days we will return to Azura to celebrate our wedding. And you and all who are here I invite you to witness our wedding reception. All tickets and accommodation I have prepared for free. You just go.

Please make a list of who will come and leave it to Cynthia. The reception will be about two weeks from now. " Everyone immediately clapped their hands and congratulated them with happy hearts. It was as if they dreamed of a free vacation to Azura.

Edward just stared at them with my gaze and blank. Then his body collapsed sitting on the chair he had just sat with Alena earlier. The sky was dark in his eyes. Nizam took her life away.

Edward covered his face with his hands. This is the worst nightmare of his life. He hopes for Alena's love for years. Always there when she needed his help. He always gives flowers in every happy moment of Alena but Alena ends up being someone else's wife. Reality like this made Edward want to die.

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