A Prince's Love

Chapter 127 - Queen Candidate Examination

Alena stepped following Nizam walking behind her. Alena steps slowly and should be about three steps from Nizam. Meanwhile, Cynthia and her bodyguards walked behind Alena about 10 steps. Alena was also whispered earlier not to call Nizam's name except by calling His Majesty Prince Nizam.

Walk gracefully, head upright the view ahead. The body moves flexibly and should not be stiff. At first, Alena walked gracefully. But after a while, Alena's neck gets a little sore. So She intends to turn left and right to relax her stiff neck.

When She moved her neck to the left, her eyes accidentally glanced at the wall above which was attached to the photos of the Nizam Family wearing royal clothes. Unable to hold, Alena continued to look at the photos until she did not realize that Nizam had stopped in front of the Nizam family.

Smack .... Alena's body immediately hit Nizam's body from behind. Fortunately, Nizam's body stood firmly so that Nizam did not stagger forward. Alena grimaced as she moved backward. Luckily her body didn't bounce back. Only her head hit Nizam's back.

Queen Sabrina immediately frowned at the incident in front of her. The Nizam brothers and sister immediately closed their mouths holding back laughter. But even though it was closed, there was still laughter. Especially the laughter of Nizam's younger sister who is still a teenager.

But their laughter immediately stopped because Queen Sabrina glanced back with a sharp gaze. Cynthia who saw the incident from behind immediately grumbled. How perfect Alena's first meeting with the Nizam family was. Alena has been acting silly yet. Meanwhile, Nizam looks relaxed. He himself has prepared mentally in case his wife's behavior is unexpected.

"Father .. Nizam kissed his father's hand then kissed Queen Sabrina's hand, followed by his three stepmothers. Nizam then introduced Alena.

"This is Alena. My wife from Indonesia." Nizam introduces Alena. Alena's face was a little pale. The ridiculous incident earlier made her heart even colder. Alena stiffly bent her body and then grabbed the king's hand and continued to Queen Sabrina. Queen Sabrina's soft hands were not directly proportional to her sharp gaze. Alena's hands were shaking. Meanwhile, Nizam's stepmother seemed fascinated to see Alena's beauty, which was different from theirs.

The princes couldn't even hold their gaze. It was as if it was their first time seeing a beautiful woman. Even the King also thought that if he had met his daughter-in-law, it did not rule out the possibility that he would also make Alena the queen. What is seen is just looking down while playing with his fingers. Alena's cheeks flushed red.

"Are your parents in good condition?" Asked the king to Alena.

"Yes, Your Highness, Alhamdulillah" Alena answered softly.

"You must be tired and hungry. My wife, Queen Sabrina, let's invite them to immediately eat a meal from Azura. Hopefully, our new daughter-in-law likes it." The King said as he walked toward the dining room.

Queen Sabrina nodded her head in agreement. Alena walked following Nizam's steps. She is now walking, taking care not to slip or fall. Alena was immediately amazed at the spectacular dining room. A large and beautiful antique lamp hung in the middle of the dining table. Azura's specialties seemed to fill the dining table. Rice, bread, fruits, salads, and various kinds of side dishes that not all types of Alena are familiar with. Alena refrained from showing excessive admiration. She sat beside Nizam. Servants stood beside the royal members who served them while eating their meals. Each person has one servant.

Fortunately, Alena has been introduced to Azura's food by Nizam so that she can eat it well. Azura's food in her tongue is not too foreign. She just enjoyed the food She ate. They eat by talking in the Azura language. Alena can only catch part of it because she is still not fluent in using the Azura language. Even though She has studied the Azura language in America.

Every conversation aimed at her. Alena often gets translations from Nizam. And Alena tried to answer carefully.

When they finished eating Alena and Nizam were summoned by Queen Sabrina to a room. A private room where you can talk about important things. Nizam began to feel a little upset but he couldn't avoid it. He knew a lot that Alena had to learn about how to behave in the palace.

Princess Reina has studied it since she was born and was named his future wife, while Alena will only study it now. Nizam only hopes that Alena can learn it soon. And he also hopes that his mother will not make things difficult for Alena.

Alena looked at Nizam's face as if asking for protection, Nizam nodded his head at Alena as if giving reinforcement.


Alena sat in front of her mother-in-law and Nizam was beside her.

"My son tells me about your second wife and tell me about the agreement we made yesterday."

"Surely the Queen Mother already knows who Alena is", Nizam was silent. He then looked at his mother. He couldn't believe his mother didn't know anything about Alena. Her mother's spy must have been investigating Alena. Queen Sabrina smiled then she stood up then she asked Alena to stand in front of Queen Sabrina. With a little fear, Alena stood before Queen Sabrina.

Queen Sabrina's eyes stared at Alena up and down sharply. Yesterday She could only look at Alena through photos. Now She can clearly see Alena.

"We have high standards about who can be the wife or concubine of kings. A good physique and healthy to produce good offspring." Queen Sabrina said as she patted her while pressing Alena's slender stomach with her palm. Alena, who did not expect that her mother-in-law would press her stomach so hard, immediately stumbled backward. Queen Sabrina immediately shook her head.

"Lack of energy .." She said, looking back at Alena. Nizam was silent. He looked a little surprised by his mother's actions. Especially seeing Alena's body almost fall backward. Cash Nizam was about to get up to help Alena. But his mother's hand told Nizam to stay seated.

Queen Sabrina stands around Alena. Then suddenly her hands moved again this time. She pressed slightly squeezed Alena's buttocks. Nizam glared to see his mother hit Alena's butt with her palm. He is her husband Alena and he never once dared to hold that part. Moreover, her mother hit her hard, making Alena almost fall forward. Alena let out a startled cry. 

"The buttocks are small and not tight will be weak when giving birth to children," She said again. Nizam swallowed hard. He wanted to say not to equate Alena's butock with the Azura girl. Isn't Alena an Asian whose body is relatively small compared to the tall and big Azura girl?

Alena froze with the treatment of her mother-in-law. She feels that he is a goat or sheep or a cow that She sees and its physical value before being sold to be sacrificed.

Nizam really did not think that his mother would examine Alena in such away. Especially when her mother's hand then grabbed Alena's breast and squeezed it slowly to find out if something was suspicious or not.

Alena grimaced in pain as her breasts were squeezed firmly by her mother-in-law. Queen Sabrina is worried that Alena will have breast implants, so only by squeezing it she knows whether Alena's breasts are real or the result of surgery. Alena's hand reflexively held her Mother-in-law's hand. She was incredibly humiliated. Her eyes immediately glazed over to her husband. Nizam got up from his seat unavoidably.

"Why did you treat Alena like an animal?" Nizam protested against his mother's actions.

"That is why you are not allowed to find your own wife. We have our own standards for choosing the future wife of the King. Since a wife chosen by yourself does not necessarily meet the criteria for royal standards, You don't know that we are preparing Princess Reina to become Queen Azura for as long as Princess Rheina's life.

Be a Queen and a mother who will give birth to the heirs to the throne. Your wife has never been physically investigated whether she meets that standard or not. The face must be beautiful, the body healthy and strong. Clean white teeth and complete, Big buttocks to bear children with ease. Big breasts, healthy and tight and symmetrical. Slim waist and does not have fat which shows that one is free of fat.

Nizam suddenly had goosebumps. For many years he lived in the palace. Only this time did he know how to choose the women who would become king's wives really very inhuman even though it actually makes sense.

Being his wife meant that he would give birth to children who would be the next king candidates. Even if they don't become kings, their children will occupy important positions in the government. An unhealthy wife is likely to birth less good offspring. But Nizam feels that this examination is really an abuse of women. Nizam closed his mouth while Alena's tears began to melt.

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