A Prince's Love

Chapter 137 - Use Your Common Sense

Alena woke up in the morning. Her head felt a little dizzy. When her eyes opened, what She saw was the ceiling of her room, which was very beautiful. There are artistic paintings of angels that fill the ceiling of her room. The paintings are like renaissance paintings.

The classic colors that adorn every detail of the painting make Alena sure that made her definitely European. For a moment Alena stunned whether She was dreaming. Where is She Now? Alena wondered. Was it not that two days ago She was in her apartment and now She is lying on the bed under the ceiling full of paintings of angels.

Alena felt foreign in a beautiful and comfortable place. Alena tried to move her beautiful legs but she immediately grinned. Her feet still hurt even a little. She then remembered what happened.. And after remembering Alena immediately groaned.

"Ouch... My leg hurts after being whipped" Alena tried to get up. The servants immediately walked her in haste. "Oh, My lady please be careful. Let us help you" One of the servants helped Alena to sit down. Alena nodded. She sat back on the bed.

"I'm thirsty ..." Alena said, her eyes looking for Cynthia.

"Would you like to drink water, Your Majesty? Orange juice? Tea? Coffee? Milk? Or ..." The servant stopped her words because Alena was hurrying to cut her offering.

"Water, give me a glass of water."

"Oh yes, please My lady" A waiter handed Alena a glass of water. Alena immediately drink off that water.

"My lady, are you going to have breakfast first?"

"What time is it now?"

"It's 6 in the morning"

"Oh I haven't prayed at dawn, I'm late getting up." Alena wants to wake up. Two servants immediately helped Alena. Even though Alena was late praying fervently. Not forgetting that She poured out all her complaints on the Owner of the Universe. Do not feel the tears flowing again. But this time her heart was not as painful as yesterday. Yesterday She was fast asleep probably because of the sedative She was injected into her body. Isn't sleep the most effective medicine to solve all problems.

After complaining to the Creator, Alena sat in front of her breakfast dish. Her mind was calm and happy.

"Where is Cynthia?" She asked Anisa. Servant who just turned 23 years old.

"She is still sleeping, Your Majesty. Last night She was summoned by His Majesty Prince Nizam." She said with a respectful nod.

Alena received an orange peeled by Sarah's servant. Friends of Anisa. Then feed it into her mouth. The sweet taste immediately burst into her mouth. Alena blinked her naturally curled lashes when there was a little sourness and sweetness.

Surely Nizam needs someone to talk to. Alena doesn't want to bother with the meeting between Nizam. This morning She just wanted to fill her hungry stomach. Because yesterday She didn't eat properly. Alena really enjoy the menu that is served in front of her. Pitta Bread with Apple cheese and banana. The honey is served in a small crystal teapot so that the yellowish color of the honey is visible from the outside. When She fed her last pitta bread he saw Cynthia coming, smiling sweetly.

"Hello, Alena... How are you."

Cynthia was very happy to see Alena's empty plate. As a friend of Alena, she knows very well that Alena is eating her food and means that she is in a good mood. That's the strength of her friend. Alena's thoughts were very short. She doesn't really care about the problems he is facing. Her innocent mind cannot contain heavy problems. It seems that She had forgotten that yesterday She was whipped in the leg.

Alena smiled broadly at Cynthia.

"Sit down Cynthia, I'm sorry I had breakfast first. I'm very hungry. I heard you were called Nizam yesterday"

"Yes ... He wants to know how you are." Cynthia sat down while taking a sweet cake on the plate then stuffed it in one bite. She also grabbed the coffee in front of Alena. Cynthia knows that coffee is for Alena. But She didn't care. She straightened it up half a cup.

Alena pursed her lips... "It sucks to hear his name mentioned. What did you tell him?"

"Yes ... I told you that you were in great pain and you also told me to call Edward to pick you up."

Alena immediately spattered the orange juice she was drinking in Cynthia's face in shock. Cynthia jumped up and was surprised to get a sudden burst of orange juice

"What the hell, Alena. What are you doing?" Cynthia said, wiping her face, which was wet with her hands. Alena immediately stood up and helped through Cynthia's face using a tissue.

"I'm sorry, Cynthia. I didn't mean it. I was really shocked to hear what you said. You don't make it up. When did I say I asked Edward to pick me up?" Alena tries to remember what happened yesterday.

"I think that after being whipped, your brain is getting better. In fact, the whip didn't have much effect on you .." Cynthia shook her head. Then sit back in her chair. Her hand began to take more of Azura's signature pastries, which after tasting turned out to be delicious too.

Alena is still remembering whether it was true that she mentioned Edward's name yesterday. Maybe She was so sad that She didn't realize what She was talking about.

"Don't think anymore Alena. You can break your head later .."

Alena frowned at Cynthia's words.

"Is Nizam angry to hear your story?"

"Do you still care if he is angry with you or not? Didn't he leave you yesterday when you were whipped by his mother?"

"But I love him. I don't want him to leave me but I know for sure because he is helpless to face his own mother. After all, the pain I forgot yesterday"

Cynthia's eyes widened. She looked at Alena with the bread still in her mouth. Her right hand is still holding the yogurt spoon. She immediately pointed at Alena's face with the spoon.

"You and Nizam are indeed a good match. You both are made for each other. You, Alena, use your common sense. I tell you now. You are now like living in a nest of crocodiles, poisonous snakes and tigers at the same time. Your Nizam is a crocodile and will soon become a predator. He will sleep with all the women in his Harem. And Princess Rheina is a poisonous snake who is ready to sneak up and bite you with its venomous fangs. Lastly is your mother-in-law who is fierce like the Sumatran tiger in your country, who is ready to pounce on you at any time ... "Finish Cynthia said suddenly. arrived behind them someone spoke.

"Who do you mean by that tiger, Cynthia?" The voice that sounded very smooth but had a sharp tone was like a sore. Alena and Cynthia were surprised that they immediately looked back. When they saw Queen Sabrina standing behind them, accompanied by her servants. Cynthia and Alena suddenly stood up in shock. The yogurt spoon Cynthia was holding slid down onto the floor, making a loud clinking sound.

"I ... mean Ummm ... I ... Um ... Good morning, Your Majesty, Queen Mother ..." Cynthia immediately took Queen Sabrina's hand and kissed her. Alena also immediately followed Cynthia to kiss her mother-in-law's hand.

"What an interesting conversation in the morning. I look like a tiger. Thank God ... you don't think of me as a lizard."

"I dare not, Your Majesty. Please forgive me." Chyntia bowed her head respectfully while a little tense. Maybe soon her legs will get whipped too. But Cynthia breathed a sigh of relief because it turned out that Queen Sabrina was more interested in asking about her daughter-in-law.

"What about your leg? Does it still hurt?"

Queen Sabrina glanced at her maid using sign language to examine Alena's feet. Mahendri immediately approached Alena and knelt beside Alena. trying to lift Alena's long skirt to see her calves.

Reflexively, Alena waved Mahendri's hand as she lifted her skirt. Seeing Mahendri's face, She was traumatized again by yesterday's incident

"Don't be afraid Alena. She's just checking the wound on your leg."

Alena then lifted her own skirt and showed her legs to Mahendri. Mahendri rubbed the bruises on Alena's legs. Alena grimaced a little but it didn't hurt too much. The medicine that Doctor Azura had put on it was extraordinarily potent. The bruises on Alena's legs quickly recovered.

"It is fine, Your Majesty. Tomorrow will be completely healed." Mahendri got up and kept bowing She returned to Queen Sabrina's side.

Queen Sabrina smiled and then she sat in the main chair where she had been sitting earlier.

"Alena, Cynthia, sit down!" Alena and Cynthia immediately sat down in a hurry, even their heads almost collided because of their nervousness. Queen Sabrina turned her face to the side holding back laughter. It turned out that the arrival of Alena and Cynthia gave a different atmosphere to the kingdom. The two girls were acting really ridiculous. But She didn't want to look soft in front of them.

"Are you mad at me, Alena?"

Alena shook her head. As long as there is Nizam beside her, She doesn't care if She has to be whipped a hundred times.

"Good ... You're getting a bit strong now. Alena this morning. We are going to hold an official ceremony for your introduction to all residents of the Harem. Whether from Harem Nizam or Harem Your Majesty Walid. Today too you should have started studying the whole procession. Your marriage. You must learn to dance the Azura dance as a sign of offerings from the future daughter-in-law to all the inhabitants of the kingdom. Because you are from outside, I want your celebration to be celebrated with great fanfare. I also invited several officials from your country including your president and your parents.

There will be several friendlies between kingdoms including sporting events

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