A Prince's Love

Chapter 149 - Pre-marital Agreement

In the morning after dawn prayers, everyone looks busy, Alena is already praying when she is given a light breakfast so that her stomach is not empty. Cynthia also seemed busy. She is telling the servants to get ready to start dressing Alena.

The marriage covenant and the signing of the file along with the guarantee letter, the prenuptial agreement regarding the distribution of children and assets including it will start at 9. Yesterday the royal party asked Alena's father to bring a lawyer from Indonesia so that there is a principle of justice from Alena's side if there is an unwanted incident. Even the file has been discussed with Alena's family. Alena's family never cared about the property.

They thought Nizam had given a very large amount of money to them and that is more than enough for them. Only when the children are born to Alena will they all belong to the kingdom. Then Alena's family really objected. Alena's father had to go to Alena who was going to be made up.

Escorted by royal officers who accompanied Alena's family to the Harem where Alena was. The royal officials had actually informed him that Alena's father was unable to visit the Harem. But Alena's father or Mr.Gatot still insists until it is blocked by Eunuch, the Harem guard. Outside the Harem, Mr.Gatot with a lawyer and one of Alena's uncles are silent. Obviously, they couldn't get into the Harem.

"Forgive Us, Sir, Harem is a forbidden place for men, not even every woman can enter," Eunuch said very carefully. He knew that in front of him was Princess Alena's father. They did not dare to be rude to Nizam's fathers-in-law. Moreover, Nizam has given orders for everyone in the palace to respect Alena's family. This concerns the relationship between the two countries as well. Even though Alena is not the daughter of an official or a dignitary, but because this involves Nizam as the Crown Prince of the kingdom, Alena's family is in the spotlight throughout Indonesia. 

Hearing the answer from the eunuch, Mr. Gatot was confused. He knew that his future grandson's point would belong to the Azura Kingdom, which was not by his principles. His future grandson is the son of Nizam and Alena so that it should not belong to the kingdom but to belong together. Belongs to his family and the Nizam family. Mr.Gatot thinks this matter should be discussed with Alena. He should know what his daughter thinks about this. But how could he talk to Alena if he wasn't allowed to enter the harem and Alena couldn't be called out either.

"We have a very important problem, I have to talk to Alena" Mr. Gatot was a little pushy. His daughter's cellphone could not be contacted.

Then one of the eunuchs took the initiative to call his bodyguard Nizam. Not long after, Ali came over to them. Ali immediately bowed to salute him while asking to shake hands Mr.Gatot looked at Ali's face while remembering his face. Then he smiled broadly.

"You must be Nizam's bodyguard, Venerable Nizam."

"Yes sir ... would you come to follow me, please ! we will talk to His Majesty the Prince"

"What about Alena?"

"Later Her Majesty the Princess will follow us"

Finally, Mr.Gatot and the others immediately followed Ali. Lawyer Alena walked while understanding the situation that might occur. Marriage cases between two nationalities are very difficult to handle, especially when it concerns members of the royal family. In Indonesia, the citizenship of the child follows the nationality of the father because in Indonesia citizenship adheres to the ius sanguinis principle. That is, the nationality of the child is determined by the nationality of the biological father or mother. But in Azura, every child born to members of the kingdom must then become citizens of the Azura Kingdom and also belong to the kingdom.

So when Alena and Nizam have a child, the child automatically has Azura citizenship instead of Indonesian citizenship like their biological mother. And what made Alena's father really objected was that Alena would not be entitled to custody of her child if they later divorced or separated. Alena's father is very sure Alena has never thought this far so he insists on asking Alena about this. Alena is in love. She maybe never think about things.  That is complicated but actually very important.

Nizam is already wearing Azura traditional clothes. White clothes are embroidered with gold threads with a head covering. He is really very handsome. His sharp nose looks very much over his handsome face. His lips curled beautifully on top of his pointed, slightly split chin. His mustache and sideburns were left slightly on his face so he looked very manly. Lawyer Alena and her uncle were stunned by Nizam's good looks. Even the dignity of a crown prince immediately radiated his aura. Why is there a creature who only deserves to live in the heaven where the angels are scattered there must be on this mortal earth?

Meanwhile, Mr.Gatot just smiled because his admiration was ahead of them. Nizam shook his father-in-law's hand then kissed his hand respectfully. His body bowed to salute his father-in-law. When Nizam bowed, everyone in the room immediately bowed so that his position was lower than Nizam. His lawyer and uncle Alena were shocked and immediately bowed stiffly.

"Come sit down father," Nizam calls father following his wife's call. Mr.Gatot looks nervous. He wanted to ask about Alena's agreement on child custody, but part of his brain was already inside when he saw Nizam is missing. The charm of his son-in-law seemed to bewitch his brain to obey His Majesty's will.

Seeing that Alena's father was just dumbfounded, even her uncle Alena was even amazed at Nizam's face as if staring at astral beings from the unseen realm. so Alena's lawyer immediately took over.

"Well, Your Majesty, We from Alena's side, Princess Alena, want to ask about the point of child custody if, Ummm ... Your Majesty and Princess Alena is divorces," Alena's lawyer asked very carefully.

Nizam frowned then smiled over the chaos of his heart. Don't let Alena know that point. If Alena found out that, Nizam would be finished. He would be tormented by her. His wife was short-minded and quick temper. If She knows that will lose custody of her child if they divorce, then Alena will never sign this pre-marital agreement.

A woman with her child is a very crucial destiny. A woman will be able to let go of her husband whenever she wants, but don't expect to be able to let go of her own child. And without the pre-marital agreement documents, the marriage of them will be impossible. The rules of the kingdom were very strict. And now he is powerless to face the royal assembly. Nizam immediately turned his brain quickly.

"Father ... I really love Alena. I never thought that I would divorce Alena. So please Dad, don't worry that Alena will lose her custody. Because we will take care of our two children until our child grows up. This agreement is just a formality. Alena and I have discussed it before "Nizam replied calmly.

However, Nizam's mentality is that of a future King who has been taught about power and how to control it from birth. Whatever He wants, He must have. Lying a little is okay if it is necessary to take people's lives he will also do. Because in fact he never discussed child custody with Alena. Ali and Fuad were silent. They immediately realized that the employer was saying something that looked innocent but was actually intimidating the other person.

Alena's father and uncle immediately nodded in agreement. But Alena's lawyer is no ordinary lawyer who just graduated yesterday afternoon. He could immediately learn that the other person was bullying his client.

"Sorry, Your Majesty. But we are not talking about the future but we are talking about the current conditions. How can the future fate be discussed now without any guarantee of legal certainty?" Alena's lawyer argued.

Nizam's face immediately turned dark. If the lawyer were from his kingdom he would have been kicked out of his chair. Nizam's tone immediately turned a little sharp.

"Mr attorney, what do you know about our condition? Our future conditions are in the hands of our destiny. Do not complicate things that we can make easy. Please be aware of our position and your position."

Nizam's voice was like scratching a sword against fragile skin. Only a few scratches but the result is very devastating. Lawyer Alena fell silent. The last sentence that was said by Nizam seemed to imply something that was not implied, that if he wanted to survive then get out of the problem between Nizam and Alena.

Nizam's position meant that he was a future king and he was only a lawyer. And most importantly they are in Azura country where Nizam has a higher position than the lawyer. Where once Nizam raised his hand, then he will never return to his country alive

Alena's lawyer softened up at once. He looked at Father and Uncle Alena. "Hopefully what we hope for in the future can happen. Hopefully, there is nothing to worry about" The lawyer said in a voice full of defeat. Nizam smiled very sweetly as he breathed a sigh of relief

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