A Prince's Love

Chapter 155 - Alena Kicks Nizam

Alena groaned as she opened her eyes. Her head felt dizzy, her body felt so tired, and felt pain in all over her body. Alena remained to lie down, her eyes glaring at what had happened, but her memory has lost. Alena try to remember everything have done last night.

While remembering, She felt the urge to pee. Reflexively Alena immediately got up. But as soon as She woke up the pain immediately attacked the vital parts of her body. Alena immediately threw her body back while screaming in pain. "Aah... It's hurt. What's going on? Oh God... I feel very dizzy. Why do I feel pain in my body" Alena crying. And then She start to remember everything.

The servants who were standing in a row waiting for Alena to wake up simultaneously hunted Alena, even Cynthia who was sitting asleep in sofa, immediately woke up shocked. But She still confuse about the situation. So She just sit with confuse face.

"Ah... it hurts so much, I can't stand anymore" Alena squirmed trying to get rid of the pain that assaulted her. But it's getting even worse. Unable to hold back Alena immediately went berserk. The servants tried to hold Alena's body, but some of them fell and were kicked and slapped.

Alena have remembered everything what happened last night. The image of Nizam moving over her body, his demanding kiss, his strong hand movements, and his bite made Alena unable to endure the constant pain that was whacking her.

Alena's anger immediately arose, how evil Nizam had hurt her like an animal. Making love should be fun for both parties. But this is so unfair, She is in a lot of pain while her husband gets pleasure on her body. Alena then screamed hysterically. Her voice trembled with emotion. The shrill voice even echoed to every wall in Muthmainah's palace

"Aaah... Call Nizam here quickly! Call that bastard here! I will kill him with my own two hands. I swear I will beat and kick him. How dare he hurt his own wife. Ouch.. this hurts so much. My body hurts so much. I feel pain. Nizam...Nizam" Alena's crying is really make a heart breaking.

The pain she felt then made her anger lessen. Alena lay down weakly, her breath felt very tight and her head was very dizzy. She lay with her legs open, she couldn't close properly. It was like something was stuck between her thighs. Alena still feels like her husband's body is in. It so big and hard.

Alena's shrill voice made all the maids and servants panicked. 

"Call Your Majesty, call quickly!" A maid shouted nervously. She's been kicked twice. Alena really looks like someone who is in a trance. She was getting madder when She realized the more She raged the pain in his body was throbbing painfully.

Cynthia who was sitting on the sofa because she was cofuse for seeing Alena immediately woke up hearing Alena's scream. And She saw Alena raging like a bull in the arena of the matador. Cynthia dared not approach. She knew exactly how Alena behaved when she was angry. Cynthia doesn't want to be kicked or slapped so she immediately looks for her handphone.

Cynthia immediately took the initiative to pick up the phone. Nizam, who had just had breakfast, got up from his seat. Like flying He ran out of his room. Her hair was still wet because she had just had a shower. He didn't care about his bodyguards running after him behind him.

As soon as he arrived in front of the gate of the Mutmainah Palace, he had heard Alena's screams. Nizam is getting nervous. He immediately runs like being chased by a ghost. Until a moment he was in the bridal chamber. Seeing Nizam the servants immediately let go of Alena and pulled her aside. Alena immediately looked fiercely at Nizam who had just arrived. Nizam swallowed hard at Alena who looked so fierce like a hungry tiger seeing the prey in front of his eyes.

Alena got out of bed and seemed to forget from the pain with wide but limping steps, Alena walked over to Nizam. Her face was black with anger... She walked over to Nizam then. Then she was standing in front of Nizam, Alena looked at Nizam with a very angry look.

Her husband who last night so valiantly tore his body now seemed to just stand there with his face down. Nizam feels very guilty.

"Plaque !!! The sound of Alena's slap on Nizam's cheek resounded.

Nizam's head immediately felt dizzy from the severity of Alena's slap. All the servants immediately screamed seeing the Prince of the Crown Prince, His Highness being slapped. valuable in the Azura Kingdom.

Nizam was silent for a moment while holding his hot cheek. He then turned his head towards the servants and guard, said quickly.

"Close all exit doors!!! Don't let this incident sound out." Nizam's voice sounded very sharp. The guards immediately closed all access doors to Muthmainnah's palace.

After giving the order he immediately turned his face back to Alena but covered his face with both hands. Because he saw Alena began to swing her hand back to slap again. Seeing her husband even covered her face, Alena became even more furious.

"You are the lowest human being on this earth. How could you hurt me last night like that?" Alena said while beating Nizam blindly.

"Alena. Please don't slap my face, sweet heart! Please beat on the other part of my body" Nizam try to beg Alena. He was really worried that Alena's punch would leave a mark on his face. Though this afternoon he had a press conference about his marriage. How can he appear in public with a battered face because he was beaten by his own wife?

"Aaa....You and your people are all crazy, how can they be silent when last night you almost killed me. I will ruin your face until the devil is afraid to see you" Alena's hand rose but was then held back because the servants tried to hold her hands and pulled her back. Nizam who felt Alena's punch stopped. He opened his hand from his handsome face.

Seeing his wife being held by the servants. Nizam was furious. "Who told you to interfere?? You back off!!" Nizam's voice sounded terrible. The servants suddenly released their grip on Alena. Alena felt the hold of the maids' hands lose and went straight forward this time her legs flew and..

"Crack ..." with a heavy foot, Alena kicked Nizam's genitals. Nizam immediately fell on his knees..He was knocked out. His face was pale as he gasped for breath. The pain is unbelievable. He felt his breath hitch.

Seeing Nizam who fell to his knees while turning pale. Alena smiled contentedly. "I gave you what you asked for.. Wasn't it you who asked me not to beat your face so I kick your bird"

Nizam couldn't answer? How can he answer if he just breathes he feels short of breath. Alena then turned around to go to the bathroom. But then Alena turned around again, Nizam who was trying to get up while still holding his cock which was in great pain gasped, he was afraid that Alena would kick him again. But luckily Alena just threatened him.

"If you dare to approach me again, I will cut your bird like I cut off a cucumber" Alena said as she limped away, although the pain was still there but she was satisfied that she had beaten her husband. 

The Servants who were gazing at the extraordinary event just stood frozen watching the scene unfold so quickly. But seeing Nizam trying to get up while groaning in pain woke them up. They immediately hunted Nizam in a panic.

"Oh my God..Your Majesty, how is this? Do we need to call a doctor?" A servant said while crying.

"Don't tell anyone about this incident, if the Royal Assembly finds out, I can't help Alena's fate" Nizam tried to get up while leaning on the hand of a servant.

"But Your Majesty what if anything happens to Your Majesty, Let us call the doctor to check" A Servant insisted the doctor. She was really horrified when Nizam's reproductive organs didn't work properly because of Alena's kick. It could destroy Azura's future.

Nizam just nodded weakly. He agreed with the servant's opinion. He was not worried about his fate but he was worried about Alena's fate. If anything goes wrong with hers, Alena's fate will end on the gallows.

"Call a doctor for me, just say Princess Alena needs a doctor" said Nizam while still grimacing in pain.

The servant quickly left but after a few steps later she came back again, she remembered something.

"Forgive your majesty, but the doctor who will be called will be a male or female doctor? Because if you say we need a doctor for Princess Alena then the one who will be called must be a female doctor."

Nizam immediately fell silent confused. Finally, rather than his wife, Nizam said with a heavy heart. "Just call a female doctor." The servant bowed her head in respect and then left.

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