A Prince's Love

Chapter 159 - Alena Has Changed All His Whole Life

Nizam stiffened at his mother's orders. What kind of command is that. Is it easy to have children? If it's so easy to have children, why are fertility drugs circulating in this world?

"Mother, the matter of having children is a destiny of God. Have you already wanted to arrange the affairs of destiny? How can I do that, Children are divine matters?" Nizam softened his voice. Seeing his mother so emotional he had to learn to restrain himself.

Her mother was silent.

"You don't mean that, you understand destiny. What you mean is can You look at Princess Rheina although just a little? You know that You don't love her. Can You as a husband be unfair to your own wife? Regardless of the reason. You married Princess Reina." Queen Sabrina took a deep breath then continued her words.

"Don't make your mother feel guilty about Princess Rheina. Since she was born she has been prepared by the kingdom to be your wife. Now that she is your wife, You don't even look at her touching her. Was it her fault? the one who is at fault is you.

You should know, you have been betrothed since Princess Rheina was still in the womb. And you used to care her so much. Before meeting Alena, you never once said you did not agree with this match making.

You also never mind if we go to Prime Minister Salman's house to see Princess Rheina. You play with her, you look so good together. And that make us very happy." Queen Sabrina began to soften her voice.

Nizam sighed. Previously he did not know what love was and he loved Princess Rheina unconditionally. He does not mind having to marry anyone and how many wives he has to marry. But now everything is different. Alena has changed his whole life. Alena changes the perspective on love. Love makes him unable to turn his heart to another woman. Alena had locked his heart. He didn't want another woman. He only wanted Alena and lived with her until death do them part.

Nizam rubbed his cold neck. He is well aware of the truth of his mother's words but he is also an ordinary human with feelings. Even animals have the right to choose their partners, why can't they as humans? Just because of his position as a Crown prince. His life is governed by royal law. 

" I know this arranged marriage is a bond between our family and uncle Salman's family. Currently Uncle Salman is the strongest person in the Royal Parliament. But I also have the right to get the wife I love. I deserve to be happy.

I will not forget my responsibilities as a future king. But I don't want my life to be ruled entirely by the kingdom.

I really care about Princess Rheina. But then I realized that caring doesn't mean loving. I only realized love when I met Alena. My feelings for Alena are not the same as my feelings for Princess Rheina. I hope you can understand me." Nizam tried to persuade his mother.

"I don't ask you much. I understand your feelings. I only ask you to keep your promise when I gave permission to marry Alena.

Nizam, my son. Uncle Salman is a very important person in our kingdom.

Disappointing his daughter means disappointing Prime Minister Salman. You know that Princess Rheina is his favorite daughter. So the problem solving is... please get Princess Rheina pregnant as soon as possible."

"Mum.. my mind is in turmoil. I can't decide anything for now. Give me a chance to be with Alena first. You don't know, how difficult it is for us to unite. Now Mother is making it difficult for me with problems that actually have nothing to do with my skills to lead the kingdom. Maybe this match making is a mistake."

Queen Sabrina raised her eyebrows in a bit of extreme. She felt that Nizam was blaming her for her actions.

"Your Majesty, does Your Majesty mean that this matchmaking was a mistake? Do you know, Nizam? This marriage is an attempt to strengthen your position as a future king.

Marrying the daughter of a prime minister who has a coalition with many important officials will reduce opposition to you. "

Nizam smiled hearing his mother who was so emotional.

"Mother. This is the 21st century, not the 19th century which is full of primitive tactics. Where ties are associated with kinship and kinship relations. Now is the time for us to establish a relationship with the ties of vision and mission.

Do you doubt my ability to attract coalitions with the intelligence that I acquired? from your mother's genes?" Nizam spoke in a half whisper.

How not to burst the heart of a mother seduced like that by her own child. Seeing his mother's face turning red because of her seduction, Nizam became more and more free to play with his mother's feelings.

"Did you forget how every night your mother cried when your father went to accompany the other wives. Do you remember when you secretly hid the tears that dripped when you missed my father who was not by your side all the time?"

Nizam's words really cut her heart. She looked at Nizam.

"I don't mind, your father has many wives. He is a king in the Azura kingdom. And it is a tradition that the king in our kingdom has a harem.

I'm sad maybe because that time, I'm sensitive. After all, I am in charge of all the wives of your father.

Nizam smiled "That's right, Mother. But I don't same with my father. I can't share my heart, my body and my feeling to many women. Do you want me to be a sinful husband?"

"So what do you mean?"

"Can I return Princess Reina back to her family?"

Queen Sabrina immediately choked, She held Nizam's hand and then shook her head strongly.

"Don't kill Mother with that action, don't break the promise that you have made"

Nizam was silent again, he recalled the promise he had made when he was going to marry Alena. That he was willing to accept a coalition marriage with anyone his mother gave him.

"Okay mother, I guess we can't find a common ground now. Mother is in an emotional state and I also still has to settle my problems with Alena. Let me leave to accompany Alena first."

"What about Princess Rheina?" Queen Sabrina asked like an idiot.

"Isn't it your mother who injured her, so surely you already know what you have to do. Don't forget your mother, if Uncle Salman finds out about this problem, the split in the coalition that you are so worried about will actually happen." Nizam smiled sweetly.

His mother glared, "How dare you suppress your own mother?" Nizam chuckled. He then bent down to kiss his mother's hand and hurried away leaving his mother who was upset.


Nizam stepped into the Muthmainnah Palace, he felt a little relieved that his mother had known the lie he had committed to Princess Reina. To be honest, he has sometimes felt haunted by his lies on the first night with Princess Reina. Now the lie has been exposed. He became relieved. His face beamed with joy.

The servants opened the door for Nizam. Nizam walked to the bed. He shook his head to see the gifts for Alena still neatly arranged on the table. No one has been in the closet yet. Really Alena is not a woman who is crazy about treasure. Nizam saw his wife was fast asleep.

"Come out all of you! Don't let anyone in, I want to rest first," Nizam ordered the servants out. But for a moment he asked something.

"Where's Cynthia?" He just realized he had not seen Cynthia. Though usually Cynthia is like the shadow of his wife.

"Since calling Your Majesty, She had to go first. Don't know where to go?" A servant answered Nizam's question. Nizam frowned, wondering where she was going. But then He ordered the Servant to come out immediately.

Nizam smiled seeing Alena, all his dizziness disappeared. He took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed and lay beside Alena. He then stroked Alena's hair. When Nizam wanted to touch his lips on top of Alena's. Those beautiful eyes opened wide.

"Why did you lie to me about the holiness celebration?"

Nizam stopped the movement of his lips. He looked back at Alena's face. His throat felt dry. Oh my God.. what problem will happen again?


Cynthia walked slowly down the Azura capital. She gripped the phone tightly in her hand. She looked back at her phone screen. There is a message that goes into her phone. "Cynthia I want to meet you, In the city park. 10 o'clock this morning. Wear men's clothes so you don't stand out." Cynthia looked again at the name on the screen of her cellphone. EDWARD.

Cynthia took a deep breath and then she stepped back into the city park which is located about 3 km from the palace.

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