A Prince's Love

Chapter 167 - Fertility Drugs

Arani walked towards the herbal medicine room where the healer usually was. She wondered in her heart what Prince Nizam would do. The 28-year-old servant is known for her firm and intelligent demeanor. She is responsible for all Nizam's personal affairs. Starting from food, drink, clothing and personal needs. He also manages all the servants in the Nizam's palace. The Nizam's palace is a special part of the center palace for the Crown Prince. Consisting of many private rooms, baths, swimming pools, gardens, libraries, work rooms, kitchens, dining areas, halls, private living rooms and dozens of rooms for waiters, guards and guests.

Arani is a general who becomes Nizam's personal assistant. She is the daughter of Harun's uncle. She is also the only female general in the Azura kingdom.

Arani sometimes goes on royal military duties with Nizam. Nizam really trusts Arani.. Arani has been taking care of Nizam's residence for 5 years. Starting as a personal servant of Nizam to becoming a servant of the builder and now he occupies the highest position in the Nizam's residence, namely as the Head of household affairs in the Nizam's residence. In relation to her position, Arini must know all things about Nizam, from the likes and dislikes of food and drink, health, fashion including Nizam's personal life.

Arani felt a very big change that occurred in the palace with Alena. In the past, dealing with Nizam was like dealing with a wall. There was no expression on Nizam's face that implied his emotions. Especially when Nizam studied in America for almost 7 years. She only served Nizam on vacation.

No smiles, no pleasantries everything goes so even and serene. The words that came out of Nizam's mouth were yes or no. Even often only use body and facial gestures. Like frowning if he doesn't agree. Turn away if he doesn't like it. Waving when calling or telling to leave. His emotions are also very controlled and controlled.

Nizam who had full rights over all the maidservants was never rude. He never touched them even though it was allowed. He only asked for the standard service as a prince.

The change in attitude that Arani felt was when about a year ago Nizam asked permission to marry Alena. She had just seen how emotional Nizam was. She could hardly believe her own eyes if She didn't see firsthand how Nizam pulled the tablecloth where the food was served. The sound of plates and glasses tipping over seemed to make Arani realize that her employer had changed into a different person.

The changes that continue to occur are so amazing in the eyes of Arani. Nizam, who never smiled, could now laugh out loud at his wife's silliness. Nizam, who never complains, can now shed tears. Nizam, who has never glanced at a woman as beautiful as any, now seems clearly infatuated with Alena.

How can a man like Nizam, who is so impeccable, be kicked out by his own wife. Now he is told to find a healer secretly and call the cook in Nizam's kitchen. She doesn't know what the Nizam's plan is, but Arani is sure that the order has something to do with Alena. Moreover, She had heard the whole conversation between Nizam and his mother.


Nazawir was the chief physician of the palace. supervise hundreds of people who work and learn about medical science related to herbal and traditional medicine. But court healers in the Nizam kingdom received the same education as ordinary doctors. He studied all alternative herbal medicine academically and non-academicly. non-academic He received the science of medicine from the education he inherited from his parents. Nazawir was responsible for all the affairs of the royal family that required it, including providing education to all his students.

Nazawir looked a little surprised when called by Prince Nizam. As a person who has received more education in a country where reality is more valued than mystical and uncertain things. Where everything must be proven scientifically before it can be believed as a true theory.

Nizam's calling himself was very strange. Why didn't Nizam call a doctor if he really needed treatment. But of course he couldn't refuse. He immediately left his job and went to follow Arani who was calling the cook at Nizam's place.

It wasn't long before the two of them were standing in front of Nizam. The charismatic prince looked as usual very handsome, dashing and elegant. Especially when he wears Azura's national attire. The moon just wants to drown himself because he can't compete with Nizam's charm. Let alone talking, breathing is arranged so as not to sound discordant in the ears of the handsome prince.

"Okay.. I purposely called you because I wanted to ask something..." Nizam was then silent. He asked for a cigarette first. Frankly he was a little nervous too, Then then he continued his words after smoking his cigarette.

"I would like to request a fertility herbal medicine for my wife." Nizam's face slightly reddened. Arini's face immediately changed drastically when she realized Nizam's request was so extraordinary that it was beyond his comprehension as a royal servant. Since when does a prince deal with his wife's fertility problems. Isn't it customary for princes or kings to only sow their own seeds and then getting pregnant or not is the woman's business. And with their authority it is unlikely that they will not have children unless they are barren themselves. But indeed She had heard that Princess Alena didn't seem ready to get pregnant.

The healer was also choked up. When asked for fertility drugs by the wives of kings or princes, they often ask for it, but if it is the Prince himself who asks for it, he is also very surprised. But he didn't dare to say anything. He just nodded his head.

"Very well, Your Majesty, I will make it..."

"I want the potion to be tasteless because I will mix it in food or drink. I want a strong drug reaction so that my wife can get pregnant as soon as possible."

"Your Honor, regarding fertility drugs, God willing, I will have them, but so that Your Majesty the Princess can get pregnant as soon as possible, the issue of her fertility day must also be taken into account."

"Mmm.. Fertility day?? Prince Nizam frowned.

The royal healer was the one most frequently asked for Fertility drugs by palace women who wanted to have children but with effects that were not as strong as chemical drugs.

"That's right Your Majesty. A woman has a fertility period that lasts once for a month. That is about 12 to 14 days before her menstrual cycle. Or on average 10 to 17 days before her period so even though Your Majesty will drink it but the intercourse is not in the period fertile then it will be difficult to conceive."

Nizam was confused.. He rubbed his sharp nose with the tip of his index finger.

"How do I know about Princess Alena's fertile period?" Nizam muttered.

"Of course Your Majesty should ask the Princess directly about her menstrual cycle."

Nizam immediately looked away. Asking Alena about her fertile period is risky if he doesn't get slapped, he will be bitten and the most fatal if kicked. There is a slight difference between Alena and the tiger.

"Or just like this, Your Majesty. What if I and the obstetrician see Her Majesty the Princess so that they can immediately consult."

"No!!! Don't!! hhhh..." Nizam broke out in cold sweat. Didn't he call a doctor instead of a doctor because he wanted to ask for herbal fertility drugs that could be mixed into food or drink so that Alena wouldn't notice. If he asked for chemical drugs then Alena would know it.

"No, no...let me find out myself. Don't let Princess Alena know. Do everything secretly. Now you just mention the type of food that helps female fertility. Tell the interpreter to enter my palace. To serve it every day for Princess Alena. And don't forget to mix fertility drugs into his food or drink."

Then Nizam glanced at Arani.

"Arani.... Princess Alena must have taken fertility drugs and she has to eat whatever the cook of my palace serves. If Princess Alena gets pregnant as soon as possible then I will hoard all of you with lots of gifts.

"Then, Your Majesty, I will make the potion and put it in the juice of young dates. Since the juice of young dates is allegedly a fertility food for women, although its efficacy still needs to be proven, there is no harm in trying it."


"But Your Majesty, I apologize if this offends Your HighnessI but I want to talk something." The healer then looked at the cigarette in Nizam's finger.

"Hmmm..." Nizam mumbled then smoked his cigarette.

"Your Majesty should start to reduce smoking because it can reduce the quality of Your Majesty's sperm"

Nizam immediately coughed a little. He immediately put out his cigarette.

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