A Prince's Love

Chapter 173 - Go To Honeymoon

Doctor Weilla sat in her practice room with a feeling of relief like being released from a lion's den. She was really stressed when She was in Nizam's study. Nizam's handsome face was scarier than his mother's. She nagged his bad luck why She had to be summoned by Prince Nizam.

"Doctor.. why is the doctor willing to do a pregnancy check for Princess Alena, didn't they just start having sex during the princess's fertile period about days ago, how could Princess Alena's pregnancy be detected" said the nurse while looking surprised.

"You know who we are dealing with right now. Two people who don't know anything about their respective reproductive organs. If earlier I refused to check Princess Alena's pregnancy then it will be thought that I do not want to be invited to cooperate. If it has been proven by the results of the test, Prince that's just believing."

"It means that Princess Alena is not necessarily pregnant"

"Yes..it's possible, it's just that we have to wait about 15 days after conception..I already told the Prince to wait for him for two weeks or so. He just felt a little calm. I feel like my neck is about to hang from the gallows."

"So what next?"

"I asked the Prince to go on his honeymoon and make the princess to relax and enjoy their company more until they succeed" Then the doctor fell silent.

"It's just that I'm worried about His Majesty's behavior."

"What's wrong with Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty seems to have strong passions. He might even make it difficult for Princess Alena to get pregnant if the Princess is too tired. Especially now that Princess Alena is living in the Crown Prince's room. I don't know, I'm afraid Princess Alena is not resting enough"

"Then how? Should we suggest that the Prince be careful in having intercourse?"

"I don't dare. If I talk like that, he'll think I'm interfering in their bed matters. Moreover, they're newly married. Hhhh...it's all going wrong." The beautiful doctor sat leaning against the back of her chair.

"Then, how ?" The nurse is getting worried

"The only way is like I said earlier, I suggest that they go on a honeymoon vacation so Princess Alena can enjoy it more.. We just hope everything goes smoothly and our necks are safe"


"Are we going to Bali??? Aaah...Nizam really?? It's Amazing..I Love You so much..". Alena bounced in her husband's arms, even to the point that Nizam's head was hit by Alena.

"Ouch Alena calm down a little!!" Nizam said while moving away from his hysterical wife.

"Shall we go alone?" Asked Elena.

Nizam frowned. "Are we going to go with anyone? Do I need to bring my other wife?"

Ouch .." Nizam screamed because Alena bit his arm. On his hairy arm was immediately imprinted with Alena's teeth that were crunching neatly.

"You're like Vampire Alena. Bit by bit, Bit by bit." Nizam protested while rubbing his aching arm.

"Shut up..! If you talk about your other wife then I will pull your tongue out of its place"

"Please Forgive me...Your Majesty! If my tongue comes out of its place, you will lose yourself. Aren't you the one who likes it when I use my tongue over you?" Nizam poked his wife's cheek with his finger to tease his wife

"Aaah ... Nizam... You are a pervert, your brain is full of perverted" Alena tantrums while pouting. But then Alena said seriously.

"I'm just afraid to leave Cynthia here" Alena said carefully.

"Oh, Alena...It is impossible Cynthia has to go on a honeymoon with us, how can that be? we need privacy". Nizam complained.

"It's a pity that She has to live here alone.."

"She'll be bothering us later."

"Not if we give her a friend"

"Who's friend?"

"Prince Thalal"

"Prince Thalal?? How could it be?" Nizam looked surprised.

"She likes Prince Thalal, take Prince Thalal with us"

"They are not  husband and wife, it is illegal."

"Then can we marry them?"

Nizam immediately coughed. His wife is really as innocent as snow in Antarctica. How can talking about marriage be like talking about the breakfast menu for tomorrow morning.

"Alena.. they don't know each other. They also don't have the same interests, they also don't have the same background in life how can they live together. Don't make this up"

"But why can we?"

"It's because we love each other"

"Then we will make them fall in love"

Nizam was silent, he did plan to find Cynthia a life partner but not with Prince Thalal. He was actually selecting his employees who had the same way of life as Cynthia but suddenly Alena said differently.

"Come on Nizam, I'm sure they won't do things that are outside the limits of Religion. They can take care of themselves. They will only accompany us"

Nizam was silent, he seemed to be thinking very hard. considered carefully until he finally said.

"Okay.. We take Prince Thalal with us"

Alena immediately hugged Nizam happily even though in the end resulted in her being immediately pinned by Nizam's body, And before Alena protested her mouth was again silenced by Nizam's mouth. It wasn't long before her clothes were strewn under the bed.


Cynthia and Alena seemed to enjoy soaking in the cold water of Nizam's private pool. They were busy talking while enjoying a fruit drink mixed with honey. Alena felt her tired body slowly become fresh again. At first, She wanted to take a warm bath but apparently, She forgot that She was in a desert area so She switched to soaking in cold water.

"What do you mean by going to Bali?? Didn't Nizam say you want to go to Europe?" Cynthia seemed to be frowning. At first, She really hoped that if She could follow Alena on a honeymoon to Europe, She would only be a servant. It's great to be able to travel for free.

Alena shook her head, "Nizam said he wanted to visit my parents in Surabaya. Nizam said there was an important conversation he would convey to my father regarding the case of defamation of my father. Then he said that if I go to my own country, I will relax and breathe the air in Indonesia and enjoy Indonesian food. He feels my body is too weak now"

"How can you not be weak if you keep being bullied by him. Refuse a little, Alena. You can crush your body later" Cynthia grumbled.

Alena's face turned red. "You used to always be able to protect me from Nizam. Now why are you silent?"

"Hhhh...Alena..Alena. I used to protect you because I was afraid that Nizam would touch you before the holiness celebration. Now you belong to him completely. How can I interfere again? I also have ethics."

"I can't refuse either" said Alena

"Why?? You're usually fierce right?"

"Sometimes I also enjoy it" said Alena with an innocent face.

Cynthia immediately submerged herself into the water before she screamed hysterically at her friend's silliness.

Alena's face remained flat. She even swam back and forth to and fro.

"Hey... Cynthia Do you know who we are going to Bali with??" Alena shouted.

"With whom?" Cynthia said as she popped her head back out of the water.

"Prince Thalal"

"WHAT???" Cynthia is now actually sinking to the bottom of the pool accompanied by Alena's laughter.


Prince Thalal was riding his horse around the Arena when Nizam chased him on his horse. In the end they both raced each other on horses. The galloping of Arabian horses looks so charming all who see it. Two handsome princes rode horses at high speed. Their bodies seemed to be in sync with the horse's movements. Sand scattered into the air brushing their sweaty faces until finally Prince Thalal won the race that was accidentally created between them.

Prince Thalal laughed happily after defeating his brother. This is the first time in his life that he managed to beat his brother. He got off his horse while looking at his brother who had just arrived. Nizam jumped off his horse and handed the reins to the Servant who was waiting for them.

"What dream did I have last night to defeat His Highness Prince Nizam."

Nizam just shrugged his shoulders but in his heart he thought otherwise. Is it because every night he annoys his wife until now he runs out of energy. Unfortunately, Nizam's mind was read by his half-brother.

"Is it because you don't get enough sleep every night."

Nizam cleared his throat as a sign that he was disturbed by his brother's question. But Prince Thalal even more deliberately teased his brother.

"The fact that you kept Alena in your palace is already known to the entire kingdom. This is extraordinary. In the history of our kingdom, only you can keep your wife in your palace. Even Princess Alena is the second wife. She is not the first wife. So we can predict anything what you do every night"

"Okay if you keep rambling on, I'll just come back" Nizam turned his body.

"Eh..eh..brother, why are you so easily offended? Ok fine..I won't say anything more. Now tell me, what do you need to do to find me to the racetrack?"

Nizam toyed with the horse whip which was still in his hand. "I will take you to Bali to accompany us on our honeymoon."

Prince Thalal was like being struck by lightning at his brother's words.

"How can I go on your honeymoon? Aren't you two alone?"

"You stupid! Since when are we allowed to go alone without the escort of guards and servants? Adding someone to my party. It won't be too much of a problem."

Prince Thalal instead looked at his brother with a face full of suspicion. Nizam just pretended not to notice his brother's suspicions. Even though he was well aware that his brother was very suspicious of him. Nizam secretly scolded his wife in his mind. Because of Alena, He had to be prepared to lose face to his brother.

"Brother.." Prince Thalal tried to confirm again. But Nizam was at a loss for words. Prince Thalal is not someone who can be easily manipulated. So in the end he snarled.

"Want to come or not?? If not, then already.."

"Eh..Brother don't be like that. Don't be so quick to anger. I won't say no. Who's an idiot who doesn't want to go abroad for free. Go to Bali?? Instead of traveling around Europe??" Prince Thalal frowned. He still remembers that Nizam asked for a gift to travel around Europe for his honeymoon.

"I have business in Bali related to Alena's parents. Besides, you also happen to be there. I want you to know and learn about all of our assets in Indonesia."

"Ooh...Ok Brother, as I recall we also have a Gardenia hotel branch in Bali"

"You are smart.. not in vain I have a brother like you" Nizam patted his brother's shoulder. Prince Thalal became proud to be praised by his brother.

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