A Prince's Love

Chapter 187 - Marry Me

Nizam came out of the bathroom with wet hair. He saw Alena was already asleep when he heard a knock on the door from outside. Nizam immediately got dressed and opened the door. He saw Doctor Desy.

"I'm sorry Doctor, I've called you at night," said Nizam while inviting Doctor Desy to sit down. Doctor Desy shook her head.

Where is Her Highness, Princess Alena?" Doctor Desy looked for a cute face that made her feel at peace. There was only Arani standing guard beside Nizam. Doctor Desy felt a little insecure around Arani, who was tall and stocky, with short hair and smooth brown skin. Shining sharp and her posture looked alert. Compared to the two Nizam guards in front of her, Arani was more terrifying.

"She's asleep? She's been throwing up all day.. I'm getting worried" Nizam said nervously. His face became gloomy when He remembered that Alena kept throwing up all the food she ate. If Alena doesn't get enough food, she will become weak. And how will their baby get adequate nutrition if the mother does not want to eat?

"Pregnancy in the first trimester is a time of fetal growth in the early stages.

The body produces pregnancy hormones that cause some pregnant women to feel nauseous. As long as Princess Alena doesn't vomit continuously without any food intake to dehydrate, nausea and vomiting are still safe.

If later princess Alena can't get up and is very weak and dehydrated, she should be treated. Don't do too many tiring activities. Don't be stressed and depressed. Pregnant women tend to be more sensitive so please take care of their feelings."

Nizam was silent, he wanted to scold Alena about Cynthia and James. It hasn't been done yet, even nausea. He thought Cynthia got away from James because Alena told her when in fact Cynthia really wanted to go for a walk with Prince Thalal. 

Nizam became very sorry for hurting Alena's heart even though Alena was suffering. Pregnant women can be very sensitive sometimes. Nizam promised that he would try to be nicer to Alena. Nizam then turned the question to food.

"Doctor...what should Alena eat daily pregnant? What foods should pregnant avoid? "

"Pregnant women need to ensure that their diet provides enough nutrients and energy for the baby to develop and grow properly. They also need to make sure that her body is healthy enough to deal with the changes that are occurring. I will send a nutritionist to serve in Your Majesty's kitchen tomorrow. So that Princess Alena's food will be better preserved."

"Thank you, doctor, I really appreciate it"  Hearing the explanation from Doctor Desy, Nizam became calmer.

"Your Majesty, Do I need to check on Princess Alena now?"  Doctor Desy asked permission to examine Alena.

Nizam looked at Alena who was fast asleep. "Looks like She's asleep. I don't want to disturb her sleep. The doctor is staying at the hotel tonight. So if there's anything I can call you right away. After all, the conversation this afternoon is still not over because the doctor has a patient who suddenly needs surgery."

Doctor Desy was silent but then She answered. "Very well, Your Majesty"

Nizam's face immediately lit up. He looked at Arani who was standing beside him. "Arrange a place for the doctor"

"Oh .. well Your Majesty" Arani then let the doctor Desi out. Doctor Desy immediately stood up and bowed in front of Nizam a little stiffly. She is not used to having to bow to other people. Usually, she nods her head if She wants to pay respect to people whose position or age is above her. Then She followed Arani out. Doctor Desy also later realized that her height was only the same as Arani's shoulders.

Nizam stands watching the doctor and Arani come out. Then he approached Alena looking at her sadly. Seeing Alena who was so tormented by feelings of nausea made him then feel guilty. He felt he had hurt Alena a lot.

On the first night, He tore Alena mercilessly until Alena howled and screamed in pain. When Alena didn't want to get pregnant, he raped her accidentally so that Alena couldn't wake up for two days. Now the fetus in Alena's body is torturing her in such a way that Alena vomits continuously.

Nizam took a deep breath. He touched his wife's cheek, which was getting thinner, suddenly his tears didn't seem to melt down his cheeks.

A tall body, a heart that is so cold, a face that is always flat because of Nizam's always stable emotions now seem to be eroded by his emotions as a man who feels that he has hurt his wife very much. Although by natural law, what Alena experienced was her nature as a woman. Nizam's breath caught holding his breath. "Alena...I'm sorry, I promise I'll never hurt you again". Nizam stroked Alena's hair passionately.

Nizam then lay down beside Alena hugged her and started to fall asleep. When Alena was so scared to be touched by Nizam because she felt very uncomfortable with her body. Nizam didn't feel like having sex at all. The fact that he has to keep the fetus in his wife's body makes Nizam refrain from touching Alena. His lust was also gone to see Alena who was struggling so hard to hold back the dizziness and nausea.


Cynthia looked at the waves in the ocean chasing each other. The night was so beautiful with the full moon shining on the earth. Prince Thalal sat beside her to accompany Cynthia to look at the moon.

"Prince..." Cynthia opened her mouth.

"Yeah..." Prince Thalal answered while glancing at Cynthia.

"Do you really love me?"

Prince Thalal gasped, Cynthia then looked at Prince Thalal's face. Prince Thalal's face was very handsome. The face was now rosy. She is like a girl who is being proposed to by her lover.

Cynthia then turned her gaze back to the rock that stood tall in the distance. Every wave in the ocean tries to hit it, the wave will return to the ocean with a feeling of disappointment.

"I love you, Cynthia, I want to live with you forever" Prince Thalal answered Cynthia's question.

"Even if we can't be together?" Cynthia asked again bitterly.

The full moon emits its brilliant light. Its rays penetrated through every unobstructed crevice. Some of the light illuminates the coconut leaves that are waving in the night wind that blows hard. The night air is getting colder. Cynthia pressed her seat against Prince Thalal's body to seek warmth.

Cynthia then leaned her head on Prince Thalal's shoulder. Prince Thalal froze beside Cynthia. Feeling so upset. As a man, he is not a hypocrite. He also wants to hug Cyntia but realizes that Cynthia is not his wife makes Prince Thalal control his feelings.

"Cynthia..marry me. And don't lean your body on mine" Prince Thalal tried to stay away from Cynthia.

"You, why are you so old-fashioned. Touching me a little won't make me pregnant. Stop acting so childish." Cynthia pouted in annoyance.

Prince Thalal even frowned and smiled. " I Can't do that, Cynthia. Marry me then you can touch me"

"You? Heh... Do you know? Even though your Brother is not married, He dares to carry Alena to his apartment. Your older brother is not as rigid as you"

Prince Thalal's eyes widened. "Surely my brother has his own reasons for doing that"

Cynthia chuckled "It's true, in fact, you two are very similar. You are people of principle"

"Cynthia..marry me"

"Aren't you getting married next month"

"Well... the marriage that our parents had arranged"


"Marry me to be my first wife"

"Grrrr...." Cynthia immediately clenched her fists in anger.

"Yesterday,  you asked me to change my life principles, now you want to make you my first wife. You think I'm a rock in the sea without a heart."

"I don't care what you want to talk about! I also don't care about my brother and the rest of my family who might oppose me. For sure I will marry you tomorrow or the day after before going to Azura. And I will do it in Bali so that when you return to Azura you no need for holiness celebrations"

"You're crazy!! Your brain is insane. You're a thousand times crazier than your brother"

"I don't care what you say.  My brain is already filled with you, Every second you always barge into my mind. I can't take it anymore. Marry me tomorrow." Prince Thalal pleaded with Cynthia with a pitiful face

"Thalal!! I just want to go." Cynthia rose her head suddenly dizzy with the behavior of Prince Thalal who did not think long.

"You can't run Cynthia. You have to be my wife" Prince Thalal looked at Cynthia's face with love. Cynthia turned her face and walked away leaving Prince Thalal. Prince Thalal immediately followed Cynthia.

Cynthia walked with unsteady steps. Her mind became confused and She walked without looking in the direction. Suddenly a light flashed across her face. There was a scream.

Prince Thalal shouted her name and then  She felt her body being lifted, hugged and slammed to the side of the road. A motorbike almost grabbed them. But Prince Thalal's head was hit by a motorcycle handlebar strike and then blood flowed heavily.

Prince Thalal fell on him. Cynthia screamed hysterically as blood ran down her body.

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