A Prince's Love

Chapter 195 - Aahh.. It Tastes So Sour

Nizam opened the pending work file yesterday. He is still researching the financial statements of all assets in Indonesia. Finished in Indonesia, he plans to take care of those in Malaysia. He had already asked James to help audit the financial statement files for the past two years.

Nizam's face looked displeased to realize that the financial statements that were displayed in front of him were completely different from the ones he received at Azura. Nizam smiled sarcastically. Maybe he thought he would skip the examination of Indonesia because he saw that the strength of assets in Indonesia was not as great as those invested in America and Europe. Financial reports from developed countries are reported in accordance with reality but from developing countries there are many differences that occur.

They never expected that Nizam would marry an Indonesian so that the financial report from Indonesia became the opening case for the fraud from Azura's finance department.

Nizam turned his face away when he heard Alena yawning. His cloudy face immediately turned bright when he saw Alena was awake. "Come on, Alena, take a shower first, Poor Cynthia has been waiting for a long time"

Alena nodded her head, then looked at Nizam's laptop. "Nizam are you still auditing?"

"Yeah.. but now someone's helping. James has arrived. I've also sent the others to go to all the countries where Azura invests."

"Nizam, can I help you audit your country's finances?" Alena said while looking at Nizam. However, She is an economics student from America. At least She also mastered Accounting and Finance. Isn't She also actually preparing to manage her father's company until her adopted brother er is ready to manage the company.

Nizam smiled. "It's good to hear that you want to help me, but I don't want to tire you out. Next week after your father's business is over We'll go back to Azura. I hope you're still healthy.

Alena's eyes lit up. "Is it true that I can continue my studies?"

"Of course as long as your pregnancy is healthy. So eat a lot to keep your body healthy. You have to eat a lot of nutritious food to maintain your health"

Alena nodded her head excitedly.  Alena is always afraid that Nizam will forbid her from studying if she is pregnant and she has to stay all day in the palace. Alena is also afraid that Nizam and Cynthia will leave her in the palace under the supervision of Queen Sabrina.


"Hmmm..." Nizam answered while continuing to gently stroke Alena's head

"I also want to study design"  Alena's dream of becoming a designer re-emerged. She was forbidden to be a model or designer by her father. But now she has a husband so Nizam's permission will be able to beat her father's permission.

Nizam smiled. "You can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't conflict with religious teachings and laws"

Alena cheered happily. "I love you Nizam" She hugged Nizam happily.

Nizam stroked Alena's hair again. Secretly the servants looked envious glances. Why is their crown prince like a chameleon? Its nature is changing. So cruel to other people but in front of his wife he turns like an angel who is so sweet. Even the most beautiful woman in Azura was helpless against Princess Alena. Princess Rheina, whose beauty can bring down the hearts of everyone who looks at her, is unable to compete with Princess Alena.

They don't know what the girl has that makes their Prince who is known to be very cold towards women can be so melted by such a small woman. Alena and Reina have different beauties. If they stood together it was clear that Princess Rheina would look even more radiant. Skin as smooth as alabaster, tall slender body, Reddish hair with bluish eyes.

The smart princess is actually very suitable to be Queen Azura to accompany Nizam. But what power is Nizam's love for Alena? No matter how high Princess Reina's beauty is far beyond Alena's, she will never be able to change Nizam's heart. It's just that Nizam himself began to waver about the obligations he had to give to his first wife. He was actually not afraid of the prime minister but letting his wife in such a way made Nizam feel like he was committing a grave sin. Nizam actually tried to close his eyes but Prince Thalal reminded him yesterday. Nizam became confused himself. Because this is not a matter of love but about his obligations as a husband.


Alena took her star fruit with her to the hospital to see Prince Thalal. Nizam looked at wuluh starfruit with a feeling of horror.. especially when Alena then looked at him with a sly smile. Alena stroked her stomach "Son...You must know that your Daddy loves you very much, even it seems that he now loves you more than Mommy. Only Mommy does not know how much love He feels. Do you think he wants to eat? Alena spoke as if she didn't notice that Nizam was beside her.

Nizam's face instantly turned pale. Presumably, he would rather be told to fight with an angry bull than have to eat the  wuluh starfruit which, judging by the shape and smell, is not enough

"Alena...don't, please...I don't want a stomach ache" Nizam said as he turned his face away. He sat directly close to the side of the car away from Alena. Arani peeks out of the car's rearview mirror. Her hunch said something interesting was going to happen.

"It turns out that you are wrong, his love for you is not as big as you thought. He's a liar. He's just talking nonsense about love. Poor you, son..." Now it was Alena who turned her face to the car window and started crying.

"Masha Allah Alena...why are you like a child? You are so childish" Nizam became exasperated and annoyed. Hearing Nizam says in an annoyed tone Alena became inflamed. "Why are you so angry? Isn't this what I want? This is a baby's wish. Do you think pregnancy is good? I'm dizzy and nauseous. You just refuse to eat this fruit. I don't want to know, hurry up!!" Alena glared. Her beautiful eyes are even cuter. Her lips are small and sexy while pouting when nagging.

Nizam was immediately defeated, seeing Alena starting to get confused. Then he raised his hands. Nizam gives up and then he said. "Whatever you want honey, where's the fruit?"

Alena cheered with joy. She eagerly took the wuluh star fruit. "This fruit is a little sour, so you have to eat it with rujak seasoning to make it taste good," Alena said as she poked the end of the fruit into the marinade. Then gave it to Nizam.

Like picking up a bomb ready to explode Nizam took it and timidly put it in his mouth. But not until Nizam pulled him back then smiled sweetly and said softly. "My dear Alena, try to ask our child, does he really want his father to eat this food? Doesn't he want a jeweled necklace, the most expensive Ferrari car, or whatever money can buy?" Nizam tries to negotiate.

Alena looked sharply "Nizam!  life is not always in the path of economic law that we study. Money or goods can not always satisfy our desires. I don't ask for much, I just want you to eat it" Alena's gaze seemed to be about to swallow Nizam.

Nizam swallowed his sluggish saliva and said, "Your request for me is more than asking to buy a jet plane."

"Hurry up and eat!!" Alena forced until finally, Nizam put it in his mouth. as soon as the rujak spice landed in his mouth, the spicy taste immediately brought tears to his eyes. "Water...water..." Arani swiftly handed her a bottle of mineral water. Nizam drank it straight away.

"Alena this spice is very spicy...Alena. Why do you want to poison your own husband?" Nizam said while wiping his tears.

"Why are your thoughts so evil? Don't overdo it if it's poison. Your son and I would be dead by now. Come on!!"

Alena grabbed it and put it in her mouth and chewed it right away. Nizam was stunned to see his wife enjoying the fruit so much. He got a little interested.

"Looks good, doesn't it?"

"Of course"

"Then I will eat it without sauce" Nizam then took one and immediately put it in his mouth and "Kress..." Nizam took a bite. Once bitten, the sour taste immediately comes out.

"Aaah...so sour" Alena immediately burst out laughing seeing Nizam's funny facial expression. Nizam gave back the fruit. "It's really poisonous food .." Alena took it and then returned it to the rujak seasoning and ate it again full of pleasure. Nizam just watched his wife eat the fruit. He didn't understand why Alena ate it like she was eating a bar of chocolate or cheese, even though it tasted very sour and unpleasant.

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