A Prince's Love

Chapter 197 - It Is So Sweet

Queen Zenita's eyes widened with a hysterical shout "My son...My son.." Prince Nizam was just silent listening to Queen Zenita hysterically and babbling aimlessly. He listened patiently without interrupting. Until finally heard the voice of Queen Zenita panting.

Queen Zenita was very panicked to hear her beloved son had an accident. Prince Thalal is the second heir after Prince Nizam. She took so good care of her son. It even crossed her mind that She wanted Prince Thalal to become King. But She herself did not dare to fight Queen Sabrina so She only hoped in God's destiny.

Now She heard from Nizam that her favorite child was harmed. How could She hold back her worries? Actually, from the beginning, She doubted that her son was going on a honeymoon with Nizam. Because She was worried about her safety. Moreover, Nizam did not bring many bodyguards and assistants. But Prince Thalal tried to convince her that Prince Thalal would be fine under the protection of his half-brother Nizam.

But then the hysterical voice stopped. Queen Zenita realized that the one who was talking to her was Nizam, the crown prince who was in the highest position after her husband.

"Forgive me, Your Highness Prince, I'm too emotional," She said with regret. She just realized that She was babbling in the ears of His Highness the Crown Prince of the Azura Kingdom. Really disrespectful.

"It's okay Queen Mother Zenita. I am the one who is guilty of not being able to take good care of Prince Thalal"

"No... it can't be like that. That stupid kid must be careless to get hit by a motorbike. What about his bodyguard. Isn't there a bodyguard?" Queen Zenita seemed to question the ability of Prince Thalal's two bodyguards.

"I have punished them for their negligence. Queen Mother Zenita need not worry"

"I am grateful that Your Majesty was quick to respond" Queen Zenita sounded satisfied and relieved at her stepson's quick action.

"How is the condition?"

"Alhamdulillah, Prince Thalal is fine. You can see this in the photo. Later, after a call from me, you can Video call." Nizam then paused to regulate his breath and strategy.

"My mother Queen Zenita, the kind of mother.." Nizam started trying to knock on his stepmother's heart.

Being called kind by the Prince who was so noble made Queen Zenita immediately limp. But She also feels that Nizam will talk about something important.

"Queen Mother, of course, you know a friend of My wife. Cynthia."

"That maid???"

"Actually she is not Princess Alena's Servant, She is our friend..."

"Then what do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"Prince Thalal fell in love with her"

"WHAT????" Queen Zenita's voice was like thunder in Nizam's ears. Queen Zenita's emotions immediately burst, overflowing. And it seems that She is starting to forget again that She is talking to Nizam, Royal Crown Prince

"How dare that child fall in love when he will marry next month. Aaargh... if he were here I would skin him" Queen Zenita's voice sounded very annoyed and furious. Nizam even smiled. "Die you Thalal..."

After being satisfied nagging her own child, then Queen Zenita said sharply. "Tell your brother, Step over my corpse first. Only then can he marry that Caucasian woman." Queen Zenita's breath hitched with emotion.

Nizam was silent as he continued to smile. He remembered when he asked permission to marry Alena how he had to fight for himself. In the whole kingdom, no one dared to against his mother.  Even his own father.    He fell at his mother's feet. Prince Thalal is really cunning. He was used as a shield to ask permission from his mother.

"Be careful mother, try to take a deep breath. I'm very worried about your condition. Should we postpone this conversation until your emotions stabilize?" Nizam offers a solution.

"No!!! Finish it right now. If you take a long time it will make the servant more and more dead standing."

"So how's Mother?"

"Tell that insolent child, if the answer is no"

"Mmmm... that's right, it's just too bad Mom..." Nizam was silent for a moment then smiled slyly.

"Dear...how is Your Majesty?" Queen Zenita sounded curious.

"I don't have the strength to face that. Because it will open a confrontation with Prince Thalal."

"Why doesn't Your Majesty dare to confront your own little brother? Since when did Your Majesty not have the courage?"

Queen Zenita seemed to mock Nizam with those words. She couldn't believe that Nizam, who was so cruel, suddenly became such a coward.

Nizam rubbed his nose with his index finger. Smile meaningfully. "Since I planned to make him my prime minister. How can I confront him while I will ask for his help"

The voice of Nizam that Queen Zenita heard was like a pile of snow falling on burning coal. The snow extinguished the flames instantly.

The prime minister is the second-highest position after the king. Who doesn't want that position? And it seems that Nizam is negotiating that position with the marriage between Prince Thalal and Cynthia.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty? Please explain?" Queen Zenita still doesn't seem to believe Nizam's words.

"Prince Thalal said he would never return to Azura if he was not allowed to marry Cynthia in Bali tomorrow"

"Tomorrow??? How can that be? Even if I allow him, he should be married in Azura instead of Bali. How about the holiness celebration? Why is Prince Thalal so stupid" Queen Zenita seemed to face a flurry of confusion. She received too many surprises.

And Nizam is not oblivious to his Stepmother's thoughts. So He spoke calmly, slowly, and unhurriedly.

"That's what I told Prince Thalal, Mother. But what can I do when love has spoken. I ever in, because I have felt it, do not dare to question the stupidity that you mentioned to Prince Talal." At this point, Nizam stopped talking.

He gave his stepmother a chance to reorganize her mind. He seemed to emphasize to his stepmother that he thought Prince Thalal was stupid was the same as accusing him of being stupid too.

"I don't dare Your Majesty" Queen Zenita seemed to realize her mistake. Her face was bright red.

"I really need Prince Thalal to be by my side. He just wants to be allowed to be with the woman he loves. He doesn't want Cynthia to be needed like the Azura woman. The Queen Mother surely knows that Cynthia is from America. She doesn't like Azura's customs." Nizam then fell silent waiting for Queen Zenita's reaction.

"But why did Princess Alena accept Azura's customs?" Queen Zenita seemed to question why if Alena could marry Nizam using Azura's custom.

Nizam was silent for a moment. There's no way he could tell the real reason that Alena was still a virgin when He married her so that Alena could marry Azura's custom. While Cynthia is no longer a virgin. But of course, He's not silly, to tell the truth. So finally Nizam said.

"Alena is from Indonesia. Her customs and beliefs are almost the same as ours, while Cynthia is from America, which has very different customs and cultures. I hope that you are an intelligent Azura woman.  All customs and culture will be nothing compared to your son's happiness. We have to accept Cynthia as she is."

Queen Zenita became indecisive and finally said weakly.

"Do whatever is best for your brother. I'm hanging my son's whole life in Your Majesty's hands"

Prince Nizam smiled triumphantly which his Stepmother would definitely not see.

"I promise to take good care of it. Please,  don't worry, Bless them"

"What about Queen Sabrina and His Majesty's permission?"

"You don't have to worry, let me take care of the permit."

Nizam closed the conversation with greetings. He then went back into the room accompanied by a look full of hope from Prince Thalal.

"You know what you offered in exchange for permission from your mother?" Nizam said while looking intently.

"What?" Prince Thalal got tensed.

"Position of the prime minister"

Prince Thalal was very surprised.

"Brother, how can you replace it like that?"

"Do you think it would be easy for your mother to let you marry Cynthia?"

"Was a position that important to my mother?" Prince Thalal became sad.

"Don't be stupid my brother,  your mother is not that low. She was only taken by my words that I needed you so much to advance Azura so that her spirit of nationalism was touched. Finally, she gave permission.

"Brother...why is your brain so amazing" Prince Thalal was so amazed. But then he realized that he couldn't be prime minister.

"But brother... I can not study governance?"

"That's what I thought. Come with you to America to study governance."

"Brother.." Prince Thalal tried to say.

"I'm not open to debate, are you going to college or not getting married?"

Prince Thalal finally gave up. "Anything Brother.. as long as I can marry Cynthia"

"It's so sweet..." Alena said, clapping her hands.

Nizam even poked Alena's cheek. "You are so sweet.. not Prince Thalal" Alena immediately wiped her cheeks with her palms while grumbling. Prince Thalal looked away, his brother is really getting ridiculous like his wife.

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