A Prince's Love

Chapter 199 - Wedding Proposal

Cynthia's parents just keep silent when Nizam explained that all the fault of this relationship was the fault of Nizam and his family. Psychologically, Cynthia's parents went awry. "Your Majesty it is not my intention to blame you, Prince Thalal and his family" Cynthia's father stuttered a little.

"So actually the problem is that Prince Thalal really wants Cynthia to be his life partner. I really hope that Prince Thalal will have luck so that he can live together with the person he loves"

Cynthia's parents looked at each other. Confused. Cynthia's father was silent for a moment then said with a heavy feeling, "But Your Majesty isn't the belief between our Son and Your Majesty's sister different."

Nizam smiled then said again. "We have thought about this. I personally will not force Cynthia to convert but there are some things that are unavoidable and beyond my authority as Prince Thalal's brother who is responsible for this matter.

First, because they are going to get married in Indonesia, they must have the same belief even if only on paper.. Therefore, it is possible that his religion is a religion that suits us." Nizam was silent for a moment seeing the reaction of Cynthia's parents.

Cynthia's father frowned. He seems to disagree and Nizam is not surprised. Which parent would agree that their child suddenly wants to change their beliefs even if it's only on paper? But Cynthia's father is still sane not to curse Nizam. Nizam remained calm while waiting for Cynthia's father's words to be issued.

Cynthia also looks restless. She plays with her hands. Her age is the same as Alena's age of about 20 years. The fact that she is not married and is still under the authority of her parents makes Cynthia still bound by her parents' physical and administrative protection.

After a while, Cynthia's father opened his mouth with a heavy heart.

"I'm sorry Your Highness Prince, I have objections"  He said in a low voice. And Nizam remained calm. He was even pleased with Cynthia's parents' objections. Their objections show that they are not parents who love money but they love their children. They did not immediately accept Nizam's proposal just because Prince Thalal was a wealthy prince.

Cynthia's face immediately went pale. She looked at Nizam's face, which smiled sweetly, making Cynthia's parents tremble. What was really going on in the mind of the handsome young man in front of her? 

Her father had clearly said that he objected to this marriage but Nizam was still smiling calmly. What if his father really doesn't approve of them. Her parents may not be rich parents but they shower her with a lot of love. Cynthia didn't want to lose them. Cynthia's eyes became teary with sadness.

"Wise parents are parents who take care of their kid in terms of intellectual, social, physical, and spiritual emotions. And you as Cynthia's parents have done it all.

In terms of intellectual emotion, you have succeeded in providing education up to college. From a physical and social perspective, you have succeeded in making Cynthia a woman who is physically healthy and very good at social interactions.

And now you are also proving to Me that you care about Cynthia's spiritual life. Frankly, I personally really respect and appreciate you. That's how parents should function for their children." Nizam was silent, staring at the faces of Cynthia's parents, who began to beam with happiness hearing Nizam's opinion, who really appreciated them.

At first, they were very afraid that Nizam would be angry with their objections. They immediately admired Nizam's excellent analysis. Their hearts were very proud, especially Cynthia's father. Nizam was very wise in saying it all. Although they are not people who like excessive praise but they are very happy to hear Nizam's words. In their ears, Nizam's words were not an exaggeration. but Nizam's words were a sign of Nizam's respect for them.

Only Cynthia glared at Nizam who kept a smiling face. The Fox seemed to be giving honey before finally giving poison to his parents. When the words to his parents sounded like a tribute but to Cynthia's ears it was nothing more than a ploy. Nizam tries to trap his parents psychologically. Nizam is too smart for his parents though.

"But according to me,  the relationship between parents and children is like a bow and arrow. You are the bow as a tool to shoot the arrow. Maybe you can direct the arrow before it has flown but when the arrow has flown you can no longer control where it goes. the arrow will end.

Cynthia is just an arrow that doesn't go the way you expected. Is Cynthia the one at fault? Of course not. Prince Thalal was the wind that made Cynthia glide in another direction. Mr and Mrs Johnson. It would be unwise to make Cynthia suffer for a mistake she did not commit. Help Her to be an arrow that survives happily wherever She is in any condition and situation.

I promise I will never force our beliefs on him, unless Cynthia herself wills later. I personally respect all religions that exist on this earth because everyone has the right to have their own beliefs. Because religion is the most basic human right."

Cynthia's parents immediately looked down helplessly. Nizam's words made their hearts wobble like a fibrous tree pulled by someone with a single jolt. Cynthia's father then turned towards Cynthia

"Do you love Prince Thalal?" her father asked then. 

Cynthia shedding tears answered in a hoarse voice holding back her sobs. Once they got married Cynthia could no longer live in America but had to move to her husband's palace. And this means his parents can not see Cynthia freely anymore.

Although this is very sad but Cynthia can not deceive herself that she really loves the Prince Charming. She loves Prince Thalal since she saw him for the first time

"Yes...I love her very much...I'm sorry Mom, Daddy..I'm an unfilial daughter" Cynthia hugged her mother and burst into tears.

"Have you calculated all the risks of living with Prince Thalal?"

Cynthia nodded her head firmly. Cynthia is not a stupid girl even though she is in love. Although Cynthia is not married to Prince Thalal, Cynthia will stay in the palace to accompany Alena. But Cynthia also doesn't want to stay in the palace with a position only as Alena's assistant. So that he can have the same position as Alena, he must also marry the Prince. And Prince Thalal is the perfect person for her

"I love Prince Thalal very much and I am ready to face whatever will happen" Cynthia answered earnestly. She didn't want to look doubtful in front of her parents. She had to show his determination so that his parents could let her go in peace.

Cynthia's father hugged Cyntia tightly. "May God bless you wherever you are and with whom you live"

Nizam shut his mouth tightly. Actually, he didn't mean that Cynthia had to change her belief. Because actually he really appreciates the differences between them, it's just that Prince Thalal seems to love Cynthia so much and now he also sees that Cynthia also loves her sister very much. He just hoped that it would be for the best. He already knew that Cynthia's parents had agreed to the relationship between Prince Thalal and Cynthia without him having to explain the second condition.

Nizam then asked Cynthia to take Cynthia's parents to the hotel while He would take care of Cynthia and Prince Thalal's wedding. Nizam stood up as Cynthia's parents walked out followed by Cynthia. Before Cynthia stepped foot, Cynthia turned her face towards Nizam and said, "Your mouth is really poisonous"

Nizam smirked horribly, "Your parents are not fools that I can suppress easily. Surely they are as smart as you. You owe me a debt. I will make sure that you will have to pay for it later."

Cynthia pouted her lips in disgust. "You are indeed a very cunning fox"

Nizam just smiled triumphantly at Cynthia who was following her parents. He then turned his face to Arani.

"We go to the hotel first to see Alena, then we go to the Azura embassy to take care of all the permits."

"Your Majesty, how about we take care of it."

Nizam shook his head. "No, let me take care of it. This marriage is quite complicated because it involves the administration of three countries. I want everything to run smoothly tomorrow. I don't want to delay it. After this wedding, I have to go to Surabaya to visit Alena's parents."

Arani nodded her head respectfully.

"Now let's go to Prince Thalal's room first. He must be anxious waiting for news from me" Nizam stepped into his brother's room to deliver the good news. Prince Thalal is his brother whom he loves the most among all his brothers. His brother's happiness is his happiness too. While Arani followed Nizam from behind while looking at his master with a look of admiration. Prince Nizam was very intelligent as a human being.

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