A Prince's Love

Chapter 222 - A Stupid Think

Prince Thalal finally smiled awkwardly. He took the glass in front of him and drank it all at once until he almost choked. Prince Thalal didn't think that Cynthia would know all of his strategies. Did his brother tell Cynthia? Why did he get so nervous? He coughed as he rubbed his teary eyes. He loves Cynthia very much and wants to be together forever. Don't let Cynthia leave her in anger.

"Be careful Prince, it's going to be bad again" Cynthia said with an amused smile. Cynthia was happy to see Prince Thalal being retaliated for hurting her. Prince Thalal's face was red like a girl's face. His hands trembled slightly. If it was like this, who would have thought that it was so painful when he touched it. Cynthia suddenly had an idea. 

Cynthia just said that she doesn't mind if Prince Thalal remarries.. But he really doesn't like this fact. She didn't want to share her husband's love. He just wanted to have Prince Thalal alone. So she will use this moment to give her husband a guarantee not to remarry.

Meanwhile, Prince Thalal was busy with his thoughts. Prince Thalal thought hard to explain why he did a devious strategy to get Cynthia. He didn't expect that such a detailed strategy could be known by Cyntia. In fact, he almost died while carrying out that strategy. Now in no time, Cynthia had figured it out. This is very unreasonable. He must find a way so that Cynthia can forgive his mistakes.

Prince Thalal didn't want to lose his honor in front of Cynthia. The prince who has always been the idol of the princesses in his kingdom must have a strategy to get a woman's love. He was ashamed enough of this fact.

He never loved anyone, he was used to being loved by women. He always thought that he would marry whoever he wanted. Now He has no more honor. His honor had fallen at Cynthia's feet.

"Your Majesty, a lie is like someone keeping a carcass. No matter how tightly you want to cover it up, you will smell it," Cynthia said as she ate her breakfast with a face so calm.

"Cynthia...I...I'm sorry" Prince Thalal said nervously. What if Cynthia went berserk and beat him. What if Cynthia asks for a divorce. He was just happy because he had just found his true love.

"How could you do such a stupid thing?" Cynthia immediately accused Prince Thalal. Prince Thalal couldn't think anymore but to answer the truth.

"Yeah..mmmm because I love you so much" His voice was low and his head was lowered. He bit her own lip and Cynthia wanted to bite her husband's lips too. But Cynthia should not be seduced by those beautiful lips. He had to press Prince Thalal back to follow her wishes.

"Then let's reschedule Your Majesty's life." Cynthia suddenly proposed as a commoner petitioned the government. 

"You mean??" Prince Thalal started to smell wrong. Prince Thalal frowned. At first he thought that Cynthia would scold him or hit him and then leave him. But why does Cynthia look so calm and mysterious?

"If Your Majesty is willing to do such a dangerous act to get me, now Your Majesty can make me the only one in His Majesty's life," Cynthia said while still smiling. Cynthia felt she was holding the ace of Prince Thalal.

Prince Thalal was wide-eyed realizing that his wife was pressing him. But Prince Thalal smiled and shook his head. His wife's request was exactly what he wanted. He wanted to make Cyntia the only woman in his life. But He could not do that for several reasons. Cynthia's request to make him the only woman in Prince Thalal's life had opened another idea in his mind. He even has a way to retaliate against his wife.

"I can't, my dear..." He said, pinching Cynthia's cheek affectionately. His smile was wide even like someone who got his life back after he had lost it.

"But why?" Cynthia now glared at him. The princes sometimes can not be dealt with easily. Their brains seem to be full of a thousand and one ways to escape from a depressed state

"Because I need another mother to guide my children .." Prince Thalal's answer immediately threw Cynthia to the bottom of the deepest abyss. She could already guess which direction Prince Thalal's words meant. But She was still curious to confirm his conjecture. So She asked again.

Cynthia's eyes became cloudy. "Why someone else? Why can't I?" Why is her husband so cruel to give their child into someone else's hands? She wants to raise her own children and doesn't want to let other people raise theirs.

"I'm sorry Cynthia, I'm sorry for my selfishness. I want you to be mine but I can't give my children into your hands"

Even though Cynthia could already guess, hearing Prince Thalal so frankly did not fail to make her angry. Cynthia's face turned red. She became very angry. "Why do you say that?"

"Did Brother Nizam not say everything?" asked Prince Thalal with a gentle face. Anger cannot be fought with anger. When someone is venting his anger then it is best to remain calm. Let him vent his emotions to the end.

Cynthia replayed her memories of the pact between herself and Nizam. And She remembers the points clearly. All children born in the kingdom and from the main princes then those children will belong to the kingdom. Royal citizens, have a royal name and have the same beliefs as the royal family.

Cynthia immediately sat down.

"You're the one pressing me now," Cynthia said, looking down languidly.

"No dear.. but because this is our destiny. I also can't force you because Brother Nizam forbids it. Didn't Brother Nizam promise you that he will respect you completely" Actually Prince Thalal wanted to ask Cynthia this from the beginning but then Nizam who was indeed longer living in America has become more flexible? Nizam just said everything has its time. Maybe now is the time.

And After a moment of silence, Cynthia then said to Prince Thalal. "It's not for the sake of my love for you. It's because I want to take care of my own children. It's also because I think that maybe something better awaits me. So teach me..."

"Alhamdulillah..." Prince Thalal kept his hand on Cynthia's head and then prayed as a husband prays for a wife.

Prince Thalal then hugged Cyntia tightly. He whispered, "I'm sorry Cynthia. I don't mean to force you at all, but because we can't make all the choices with our hands."


Nizam took the bowl of chicken porridge in his hand. Then he opened the top cover. It looks like hot steam is rising from the bowl. Alena just watched while leaning her body against the back of the bed.

"Add soy sauce..." Alena said.

"This???" Nizam asked while pointing at the soy sauce bottle that Alena had asked the nurse on purpose. Alena nodded. When She saw Nizam spooning her porridge, the servant beside Alena immediately said. "Shouldn't it be me who feeds the princess?"

Nizam glanced sharply with a look of disapproval. Arani immediately pulled the servant away from Nizam. Nervously the servant immediately backed away.

"If Your Majesty does not need us. Let us excuse Your Majesty," said Arani. Nizam just mumbled while gesturing with his head. Get them out of the treatment room.

Alena just smiled. Her husband's face really looked like a block of ice. Cold, flat and stiff, and freezing to anyone who saw it. It's the complete opposite of his brother. If Prince Thalal can melt or melt everything that is frozen then Nizam is the opposite. It can freeze everything that melts.

After everyone left the room Nizam sighed. "It sucks for a long time to be surrounded by useless servants," said Nizam.

Alena laughed out loud. "Even though you were born surrounded by them. Especially me. Even though there are many maids in my house, the servants in your palace are a thousand times more numerous and worse. They are like our shadows. They keep on tailing like a cat asking for food" Alena grumbled while laughing.

"Come on, open your mouth, eat first." Nizam fed chicken porridge into Alena's mouth. Alena chewed it lazily. Even though it uses soy sauce, her stomach still feels nauseous. Luckily it was porridge, so She didn't chew it for too long. Alena immediately swallowed it.

Seeing Alena lazily eating Nizam got angry. "Why don't you look excited. Come on, you haven't eaten since yesterday." Nizam handed her the spoon again.

Alena shook her head. "I'm nauseous"

"So what do you want to eat?" Ask Nizam

"I want to eat Baso"

"What food is that?" Nizam asked in amazement.

"Typical Indonesian Food"

"Is there anything in Bali?"

"I want to eat directly in Surabaya"

"If you are healthy, we will go straight to Surabaya"

"Is it true?"

"As long as you want to eat. To the End of the World, I will also drive you"

"Why are you being so clumsy?"

"Because I feel very sorry for you," Nizam said regretfully. every time He remembers that He almost harmed Alena and the child she was carrying. He became a little depressed.

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