A Prince's Love

Chapter 229 - The Prince's Woman

Doni introduced Nendri to Nizam with great respect. Nizam nodded his head Then said to the two of them, "Tell me clearly and in detail about this woman's motives, because I suspect this woman is not the type of woman just" 

Doni looked at Nendri because the one directly related to Niken was Nendri. Nendri cleared his throat a little before he spoke.

"This Niken is a girl whose brother Andre was hurting to a point of madness."

Nizam frowned as he recalled the incident when he first came to Indonesia when he met Andre for the first time.

"Andre got his brother pregnant but didn't want to marry him, then after his sister gave birth to a child the DNA test came back positive for Andre.. Instead of marrying Andre, Pak Hartono's family took the newborn child forcibly and separated him from his mother.

Niken's older sister then tried to sue the court about child custody but then Andre went bankrupt Niken's father's company. Not long after, Niken's father died of a stroke, and her stepmother took over the Niken family property. Unable to stand Andre's treatment of her family, her sister Niken went crazy. Nendri then stopped talking. He waited for Nizam's reaction first.

Nizam begins to understand Niken's actions and begins to analyze Niken's terrible behavior in his eyes. A woman gave up her honor just for revenge. It really doesn't make sense if you think about it with common sense.

"What's the name of Niken's sister?" Said Nizam suddenly became curious whether his guess was right or not.

"Her name is Sisca, Your Majesty ...."

Nendri finished answering suddenly heard the sound of something falling behind them. Nizam is surprised to see Alena standing behind them and eavesdropping on their conversation. The object that fell was a cell phone.

"Sisca...Sisca...going crazy..." said Alena who was so shocked to hear Nendri's story. At first She just wanted to give Nizam's cellphone which he left on the dining table. Overheard Nendri's conversation.

She was curious about Niken's story because She remembered that Niken was Sisca's sister. Alena's shoulders seemed to shake violently. Even though she had already guessed who Niken was, when Sisca's name was mentioned, Alena still couldn't stand the shock. However, Sisca had been her best friend during high school.

Nizam immediately jumped to his feet, surprised to see Alena crying behind him. He then embraced Alena and invited her inside. Fortunately, Alena's father and mother had already entered their room. 

If Alena's parents were still in the room then the situation would have gotten more complicated. Nizam rubbed Alena's back gently. He did not think that Alena would come out to them because She had entered the room.

Nizam did not realize that his cellphone was left on the dining table, so Alena's mother then took it to Alena's room to give it to Nizam.

Nizam regretted his own carelessness. Alena is very sensitive to other people's feelings. She is too kind with her empathy and sympathy. Alena's heart is easily shaken by the bad luck of others even though that other person has harmed her.

Arani approached Nizam who was walking inside. Nizam knew what Arani meant after chasing him. Nizam had lost the mood to talk to them. Calming Alena down was the most important thing. He always felt worried about the condition of the child Alena was carrying. So Nizam just glanced at Arani who was waiting for orders from him. Arani's body looks slightly bowed as a sign of respect to her master 

"Tell them to leave. We'll talk again tomorrow. Oh yeah, tell Doni to find a house as a temporary place for us. Staying in a hotel is too risky." Nizam gives orders to Arani. Arani immediately understood and turned to face Nizam's guests. Ordered them to go home and let the 6 guards guard Alena.

Arani then spoke with Doni carefully while her eyes glanced occasionally at Nendri. Nendri seemed to take out his cigarette and started smoking in a relaxed style. For some reason, Arani didn't seem to like Nendri with just one glance. Nendri's handsome face looks sly in Arani's eyes. But Arani is also unable to investigate Nendri further considering this is not her country and Nizam needs Nendri to repulse Andre.

Doni nodded his head as a sign that he understood what Arani was talking about. He also can't do anything because it's not their fault. Alena appeared suddenly beyond their expectation.

When Doni told him that they had to leave because Nizam was going to talk to Alena, Nendri then glanced at Arani, and then a small smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He tried to smile at Arani but his smile immediately disappeared when Arani didn't smile back at all.

Arani just raised her eyebrows with a frozen face. Internally, Nendri said, why the faces of the Azura were flat and cold. Why are they not as friendly as Asians. Nendri swallowed his saliva when he saw the hostility displayed on Arani's face. Doni and Nendri then left Alena's residence. They then slid by driving a luxury car.

"Is that woman His Majesty's wife?" asked Nendri. Nendri asked while imagining Alena's face full of tears. His eyes were so big and shone like stars in the morning. But those eyes were full of tears so that in Nendri's eyes Alena's eyes were like diamonds that sank on the surface of clear water. It is a very unique beauty.

"Yes..Don't you know? Isn't the photo already spread on social media?" Doni answered while not really caring.

"How could I ever read entertainment news like that?" Nendri said with a small smile.

"Yes, I know you are the head of a well-known service agent. How could you keep up with the entertainment news?"

"She's very beautiful and cute, it's only natural that the Prince is crazy about her. I'm also interested. I don't mind accepting the prince's widow. A diamond will still shine beautifully even after changing hands several times." Nendri, whose life is used to being surrounded by beautiful women, becomes crazy about Alena. He was really shameless by saying such dirty things. What a bastard.

Glancing at Alena, Nendri's heart skipped a beat. Alena's body, which is two months pregnant, makes the beauty of her body even more enchanting. Her breast is getting more beautiful with a flat stomach that is still not visible. Her face shone like the light of the full moon. Nendri gave a rating of ten-point nine out of a scale of 10 for Alena.

The girl has an aura of beauty like Cleopatra who managed to conquer Julius Cesar just by showing her beauty accidentally. Nendri gets restless. Doni looked at him with sharp eyes as if he wanted to pry out the brain that was lodged in Nendri's head. How dare he think dirty to his master's wife. Is he tired of living?

"You seek death by wanting someone's wife, especially the wife of Prince Nizam. You don't see how terrible the soul in that perfect human body looks."

Nendri burst out laughing. "I know that in my whole life this is the first time I have seen a body that is so perfect in my eyes with a handsome face but it's scary. Maybe for women, it will make them crazy. But for us men to look at his eyes is very scary. But I am a Nendri who has been languishing in the dark world for almost twenty years. Fear is no longer in my veins. The harder it is to reach, the more challenged I am."

Doni looked at Nendri with a horrified look. This man doesn't know what Nizam is like. Connecting with Nizam for the past few months has made Doni feel at least how much he can't mess with Nizam.

"I hope you don't take your words seriously"

"Ha..ha..ha... Of course not serious, I am a professional person. Never interfere with the lives of my clients. It's just that if the Prince's wife is also interested in me then I think the girl is worth fighting for."

Doni breathed a sigh of relief at least he wasn't too worried to hear Nendri's explanation. Nendri still makes sense. Of course, Mrs. Nizam would never love the man beside her. The Nendri from any angle will not be commensurate with Prince Nizam's charm.

"Master Doni, actually I'm a little curious," said Nendri while looking at Doni

"What? Say"

"Why does Andre want to imprison Alena's father?"

Doni did not answer Nendri's question first. He was busy driving his car.

"Andre seems just as interested in His Majesty's wife as you are. And he is so stupid he can't control himself. He wants to fight with His Majesty to take over the girl."

Nendri is shocked. Two months into this case. He just found out that Andre wants Alena. At first, he thought that Andre's actions to pressure Alena's father were only because of business competition. The girl's charm is extraordinary. Andre, who is so handsome and has a crush on many girls in his city, even wants someone else's wife.

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