A Prince's Love

Chapter 235 - Take Good Care Of Him

"He invited me to his house. He wanted me to take my nephew out of his hands myself. I refused but he insisted. He said I took the baby straight to his house or not at all.

I'm actually scared. He must be mad at me. But I need the baby to cure my sister of her madness. I hope that my older sister can get her child back. My sister will return to normal." said Niken to Nendri.

Nendri looked at the beautiful face that looked very sad in front of him. If he had not met Alena, he would have thought that Niken was the most beautiful woman he had ever met.

But unfortunately, Nendri's brain is already filled with Alena's body and face which is so alluring. Niken's beauty was not able to arouse his passion as a man. Alena is much more challenging and exciting for him. Alena's eyes were very big and teary so he couldn't contain herself.

"Of course he wouldn't dare to come to your house. He's worried about the safety of himself and his son. He knows that he can't fight the person behind his defeat. He's still in his right mind to be reckless.

"But I don't have the courage to come to him. I'm still afraid to see him" Niken closed her eyes. Her body trembled to remember how Andre touched her. This is so painful. He was afraid that if She went there, Andre would touch her again.

Nendri sighed, "You don't have to be afraid. I will accompany you while at Andre's house. I also bring a lot of my people. I and my people will take care of you"

Niken became very relieved. So She then prepared to go to Andre's house.


Niken sat quietly at Andre's house. As long as Nendri was by her side, She was not afraid. Even though She knows that Nendri is not a good person but at least he is her helper when She has no one.

Niken does not wear excessive make-up but her natural beauty is able to make the men around her glance at her face. Nendri really recognizes that beauty. Nendri admits that Niken is very beautiful but he has absolutely no interest in Niken. He was more interested in Alena. So he himself is looking for a way to get Alena.

So actually Nendri's business with Niken was finished with the release of Alena's father. Because indeed the agreement with Doni was to try to get the witnesses to resign from the case of Alena's father. And he has received a very large fee from Nizam through Doni.

Now he still wants to protect Niken only for his personal interests. Nendri knows for sure that Andre will act to take Alena from Nizam's side. He realized that his strength was not as big as Andre's. Yesterday, if Andre had not been trapped by Niken, it would have been difficult for him to touch Andre. Even if it only touches the hem of her clothes.

But then Nendri also realized that Nizam's power was even greater. It's just that because Nizam is not Indonesian, Nizam's movement is limited. In terms of strength, Andre is superior to Nizam. And Nendri will only wait for the battle between them and then He will take advantage of them.

Not long after Andre appeared carrying a baby who was only 4 months old. Beside him, there is a baby sister who is holding a bottle of milk pacifier. A very healthy and plump baby boy. The baby was sleeping. Andre looked at Niken with a sharp look. The look in his eyes was full of hatred for trapping him.

"You really don't value your own life. How dare you have trapped me in a disgusting trap. You shameless woman." Andre said loudly.

"I just want my nephew. I want him to be returned to his mother. He doesn't deserve to be under the care of a father who doesn't acknowledge him," said Niken.

"I recognize this baby, that's why I take care of him. I can give him a better life than his mother"

"Better what? You abandoned his mother, you separated him from his biological mother. He deserves to be in the right hands" Niken said as She reached out his hand.

"Let's bring the baby here"

But Andre instead held the baby tightly, "Let me be with my baby" Andre said in a low tone.

"I'm not he with a bad father, remember your promise! I won't let you go if you don't keep your promise. Andre looks furious.

" You are a bad woman!" Andre said sharply. He then handed over his son to Niken. Niken didn't answer. She took her nephew with trembling hands. The sleeping baby was then kissed with tears in her eyes. The baby whined a little, Niken then rubbed his back gently.

"I don't want anything bad to happen to my son. You have to take good care of it. If something bad happens to him then you and Sisca will die. I swear I'll kill you with my own two hands." Andre said.

Niken frowned. "Why do you say that? It's as if I am someone else. I am his aunt and also he would have more right to be beside his biological mother than his father's devil-hearted side"

Andre was more furious. He was going to beat Niken right away if Nendri didn't stop him. As soon as Nendri got in the way. Two of Andre's bodyguards immediately took out their guns and aimed at Nendri. But the men that Nendri brought also did the same. So the hot atmosphere becomes hotter. Niken hugged the baby to her chest while screaming. The four of them faced each other with guns at each other.

"You're going to have a gunfight in front of a baby? You all must be crazy"

Andre immediately realized there was his son among them. And he didn't want his son's life to be at stake. Andre then raised his hand to tell the guard to withdraw his gun. Nendri did the same. He asked his men to calm down and put his gun back.

After the situation cooled down a bit. Niken then said. "If there's nothing else. I'll excuse myself." Niken said as he stood up.

"Wait!!" Andre shouted.

"What else do you want???" Niken looked at the handsome face in front of her with annoyance.

"I'll let you go only if you take the baby with the babysitter," Andre said to Niken.

"No!! I will take care of him alone" Niken refused firmly.

"You know that Sisca is crazy, And you have to work as a shop waitress to support you and Sisca's daily life. If you go then who will take care of my son? You can't take my son to the shop"

Nike is silent. She realized that Andre's words were true. She has to work then if She works who will be with her nephew. But Niken also clearly doesn't want Andre's people to be involved.

"Don't worry. I will pay for the babysitter. And I will also transfer some money for my son's expenses."

"Huh...I don't want to accept your money? Your money is disgusting!!! We'd better starve to death" Niken said loudly.

Andre watched Niken. It turns out that Niken's beauty is far beyond Sisca's beauty. Niken is also a very personable person. She is willing to sacrifice for her sister and She also protects her nephew in such a way. She is also not crazy about wealth and not stupid like her sister.

Hmmm... While Sisca is a stupid girl just like the others. Dating him only because Andre was handsome and rich. So they are willing to sacrifice themselves to get the title of Mrs. Andre. That bored Andre. Niken, the girl was even willing to sleep with him just to take her nephew from Andre's hands.

"I'm not giving money to you. But I'm giving it only to my son. I don't want my son to be miserable"

Niken then looked at Nendri asking for his opinion. "Let the baby sister come with us. I'm afraid you're not used to taking care of babies. As for money, I don't want to get involved. it's up to you" Nendri said.

Andre's eyes flashed slyly. Nendri made a very favorable proposal. But Andre also didn't realize that Nendri made the suggestion for his own benefit.

Andre didn't even notice, let alone Niken. He had no idea that Nendri was using him too. Niken then took Nendri's advice. Niken then nodded her head and said, "Okay.."

Hearing Niken's answer, Andre immediately said to his baby sister, "Quickly pack up your things and come with them. I will transfer your salary every month. And I will increase your salary three times." Andre said. The babysitter immediately left happily.

Then Andre also handed over a passbook complete with his atm. "This is a passbook in my name. And a power of attorney that I have signed. You just need to fill out the power of attorney. You can transfer the account to be in your name. This is the Atm card. You can take whatever you want."

Nick shook her head.

"Please...I'm not playing with my son's life. Take good care of him and let me see him once in a while" Andre insisted. It turns out that the devil still has the heart to love his son.

After a long silence, Niken finally took the book and his ATM card. Andre breathed a sigh of relief. With a gaze that contained a thousand meanings, Andre let Niken go with his son.

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