A Prince's Love

Chapter 239 - Andre, He Want To Harm Me

Andre got out of the car in a hurry, he held the gun in both hands. The guards got ready. He pulled his car a bit far from the house which he suspected was Nendri's place.

This place is the hidden headquarters of Nendri. The place is quite secluded but not too far from the city center. Nendri built his business empire brilliantly. Until his services are widely used by various groups. From ordinary people, officials, artists, sometimes he even works with the police to uncover a case.

The way it works is very slippery making it. Andre cursed Nizam's carelessness. He does not understand that someone as smart and as good as Nizam can be defeated by his own person. How could Alena, who was so precious, be kidnapped by a lowly person like Nendri. That bastard was looking for death. He would kill that person with his own two hands.

Andre becomes very depressed when he finds out that it is Alena who should have left the house to come on his lap but is instead trapped by Nendri's cunning. He had told Alena to go alone but Alena instead went with Nendri's men. Nendri... Nendri... I will kill you. I swear to it all.

"That bastard has woken up the sleeping tiger, Even if he has to be put to death I will kill him with my own hands. The stupid Nizam managed to be deceived by his own men. You stupid" He said with his face red with anger.

Like there was boiling water in his head. He kept cursing non-stop. Repeating the same sentence over and over again will kill Nendri. None of the people dared to speak. Nendri is holding a gun and they don't want to die in vain.

Andre finds a house that is dark gray. There are many lush trees surrounding the house. The house was nestled deep in the middle of a large garden.

Andre mobilized all his informants to find out the whereabouts of this house while following through Alena's cellphone signal. That's why Andre found this place earlier than Nizam.

Andre parked his car far from the house. He walked sneakily, hiding from tree to tree because Andre felt that Nendri must have mobilized his people to guard this house. Andre also made sure that his body movements were not recorded by CCTV.

There is no luxurious gate because it will look striking from the outside. But the house is surrounded by a hedge of plants. This is an advantage for Andre because he can jump easily into the house.

Andre saw that many of Nendri's men were on guard while playing cards. They laughed and laughed and joked. Andre clearly overheard their conversation which made him even angrier. 

They were talking dirty about someone He loved very much. The atmosphere was boisterous, the sound of bridge cards slamming into the table and the sound of liquor being downed by them accompanied the sound of laughter which made Andre really mad with anger.

"The boss can finally get the woman he wants day and night. His intentions are right. He loves people's wives. It's like there is no other woman," said one of Nendri's subordinates.

"Our boss is really savage by kidnapping people's wives. He never fell in love with anyone, once fell in love with someone's wife. Our boss is really amazing. Ha..ha..ha... I'm still sane not to do something so stupid... Instead of loving someone's wife, where is pregnant again. Better to find another woman. Even if it's not too beautiful but not hard to take care of"

"That's right. I think the boss has no heart. Because he has never seemed to like any woman. In fact, he actually fell in love with Princess Alena. It's just that she is indeed extraordinary. I  don't mind even though she has become an ex-people. The boss just wants to give us the rest. I'll gladly accept it Ha..ha..ha..."

Andre immediately Andre's face immediately turned dark red, his breath caught in anger. at the conversation. Their conversation is really disgusting. The woman he dreams of day and night. Which makes him restless all the time. What makes him have to lose his son is now being abused.

Andre's teeth chattered holding back the emotions that were almost overflowing. His hand gripped the gun tightly. His eyes lit up sharply. He held his breath and positioned his body as close to them as possible so he could shoot them precisely.

Andre immediately pointed his gun. And four gunshots without sound because of using silencers...Making four front door guards fall down instantly. Their lives were taken by Andre who was filled with anger. 

Four bodies lay covered in blood. One appeared to have fallen from his chair and the other was still sitting with his head covered in blood. They died without fighting back. Andre turned out to shoot very accurately.

Andre then approached the lifeless bodies. Apparently, he was still not satisfied even though he had shot them dead. He kicked one of the corpses while spitting,

"Go to hell forever. You, bastard, are lowly and despicable."

Andre waved his hand to his men to come into the house. He himself is at the forefront. Andre never fought the enemy directly, he was always behind his men. He only needs to point and snap his fingers to destroy his business competitors.

But right now, Andre doesn't care about his safety anymore, he only focuses on Alena's safety. This is a matter of life and death for the woman he loves so much.


Nendri was getting closer to Alena when Alena covered her face. "Don't be afraid Alena, I won't hurt you. I love you. Marry me, And leave your husband. Even though I'm not as rich as your husband, I swear I will make your life comfortable"

Alena opened her eyes. She immediately felt like throwing up in front of Nendri. Nendri is very disgusting, Alena's body is shaking with anger and fear. She wanted to numb it instead of being touched by Nendri. But Alena also can't just sit back and accept this situation. She doesn't want to sit tight and let Nendri touch him

"Nendri is it true you love me?" Alena said while holding Nendri's chest to stop approaching him. Alena racked her brain looking for tactics so she could measure time while waiting for Nizam's help because she was sure that Nizam would come to her aid.

Nendri nodded as a child was offered a packet of sweets. His eyes glaring at Alena.

"Then stay away first. You know I'm pregnant. I'm nauseous and want to throw up. You don't want to have sex filled with my vomit."

"Don't try to play with me" Now Nendri became annoyed at being told to stay away.

"How dare I toy with you. My life is in your hand. I still want to live. Moreover, I am pregnant"

"Hmmm..." Nendri looked confused.

Alena moving her sitting position. Prepare to adjust her body.

"Are you willing to be my wife?" Nendri asked Alena.

"What if I refuse?"

"I will rape you, then marry you by force"

"Then I have no choice"

"But you said you wanted to die"

"That was before I thought straight.. now I'm thinking clearly..and... Uh...!! Alena kicked Nendri's crotch with all her might. Nendri who didn't expect to get a sudden attack immediately fell while screaming in pain.

Alena immediately stood up and got off the bed at the same time the door was opened from the outside. She saw Andre standing with a gun.

"Alena!! Andre shouted while spreading his hands. Alena likes a person who was drowning made the weak grass as a handle. As soon as She saw Andre, Alena immediately ran into Andre's arms and screamed hysterically.

"Oh, God... please save me! Save me!. Andre, He wants to harm me. Nendri wants to rape me"

"My dear Alena...I am here. I will save you" Andre rubbed Alena's back lovingly. Tears welled up in his eyes seeing Alena so scared. But then He became gloomy when Alena said.

"Take me to my husband, I want to meet Nizam. Nizam...Nizam... help me"

And yet Andre said. He saw Nendri get up from the bed still grimacing. He reached for the weapon in his trouser pocket and then aimed at Alena who was hugging Andre. Alena's position is right behind Nendri

"If I don't have Alena then no one will have her," Nendri said as he drew his gun and fired it with a very deafening sound.

"ANDRE!!!!" Alena screamed before falling to the ground.


Dear Reader

Maybe I will finish this novel in the near future. For those of you who want to read the sequel, you can read about it in Indonesian novels.

The Indonesian version of this novel is very long but due to the lack of PS and comments from the readers, I lost my enthusiasm to continue like the Indonesian version of the novel.

But it is possible that I will continue this novel if all of you can encourage me through PS, privilege purchases, and comments on each chapter.

Thank you for reading this novel and hopefully, we can meet in more interesting stories



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