A Prince's Love

Chapter 46 - I Love That Girl

Ali looked at his prince.

"You are almost 25. You have been in America for 7 years. You have also taken two degrees at once. Now is the third degree. You have finished government, management and now is Economics. Princess Reina is now 20 years old. And that's enough age for a marriage. You will see, the Queen has always wanted you to get married. She wants you to have children soon to strengthen her position in the kingdom. "

Nizam took a deep breath. His mother only has one child. The fact that she had myoma in her womb made it difficult for her to have another child after giving birth to Nizam.. Meanwhile, the wives of the king, namely his father, had many children. Even Queen Aura, the rival queen had 7 children. 5 boys and 2 girls. Then Queen Zenita has 5 children consisting of 2 boys and 3 girls and finally Queen Iklima has 3 children even though they are all female.

Having Nizam for his mother is an immeasurable gift. Nizam is the savior of her life because without Nizam. She will only be an empty empress, who can be kicked down from the position of queen mother and first lady at any time. That's why he really wanted Nizam to get married so that his position would be stronger. If Nizam marries Reina in the future, he will have the support of the prime minister as his in-house family. He will also have other children if Nizam later has children from his wives.

"I love that girl." Nizam's voice sounded desperate.

"I know it, Prince. I know how difficult it is to feel."

"Do you love your wife?"

Ali smiled bitterly. "Marriage is not about love. It is a matter of responsibility with the family. You know our culture does not require every child to marry for the sake of the family, not for love." Ali gave a cautious look. When it comes to love, the brilliance of the brain will slide down to the level of zero. Must be careful to guard his words so that his words do not end up adding to his prince's heart.

"I've never felt this way before. So far I think that Princess Reina is my future wife who I will love with all my heart. But now I realize there is no love between us."

"Your noble prince. Isn't it true that the prince has never seen Princess Reina or spoken to. How can the prince draw such a conclusion. It is unfair to him. I think my lord should meet her first."

"When can I see him. We can only meet later in the bridal chamber."

Ali was speechless. He sat and squeezed the seat cushion, confused and restless as if he was going to marry him and not Nizam.

"Prince if to make Alena empress is impossible. Couldn't the prince make her a second or third wife."

"That's what I'm thinking. But the problem is whether Alena can accept it? This is very unfair to him."

I think that if Alena loves Prince she will sacrifice her feelings for you.

Nizam sighs, Alena is a girl from Indonesia whose most of the women taboo themselves to share husbands. The equality between men and women in Indonesia is very good. They stand parallel to men. They also have rights to the same education. They can also work in any field with men. Even so, Indonesian women still maintain boundaries in their interactions and respect their husbands above all else. If he did not have to carry a big responsibility he would not think long, he would have married Alena.

"I don't know ... How much love Alena has for me may only be tested if he wants to accept another woman as his husband's wife. Even that is not easy for me. It's already imagined the Queen Mother's face if I told her about Alena. My head feels dizzy, Ali. sleep first."

Ali immediately got up from his seat to salute and walked towards the available room on the plane. He opened the door for Nizam, bowing respectfully.

"I hope the prince can solve this problem. Please rest because there is still about 10 hours of journey. We will land around 8 pm Azura time."

"Thank you Ali" Nizam said as he entered the luxurious room. He lay down then hugged the bolster, looked back at the white clouds. Soon he fell asleep as if he wanted to get rid of all his feelings.

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