A Prince's Love

Chapter 57 - The Grief Of The Rheina Princess

The residence of the Prime Minister.

"Fatimah .. is what you said true?" Asked a girl to a woman who was making the bed. The blue sheet is embroidered with gold on the spread so it doesn't get tangled. Then the pillows and bolsters are neatly arranged. The woman who was called Fatimah then answered.

"That's the gossip that spreads in the palace. I am also not so sure, because many are afraid to speak. What is certain is that right now the Palace, his condition is not good. Prince Nizam has not eaten for two days. Queen Sabrina looks annoyed and confused so her continues. people all over the palace.. How terrifying. "

Princess Rheina the girl who asked the servant sat dumbfounded on the sofa. She spread her legs out. Her back she leaned on the sofa cushions. Her face was dreaming about her own life. Since she was a baby, she has been made the future wife of the crown prince, who was only 5 years old at that time. That is why it is guarded like the most precious jewel. As the future wife of the crown prince, her future is bright. Becoming a future consort is the dream of almost all girls in her country.

Especially with the physical appearance of Prince Nizam, let alone the crown prince, as a commoner, many women are fascinated. As a child, Reina had met him several times. The tall and handsome Prince's figure and his cold but polite demeanor made him fall in love with him. She really liked to meet the prince when her father took him to visit the palace. And Prince Nizam is also very nice to her.

Secretly, the Prince often brought her chocolates or read her stories. The prince also took care of his brothers who were upset because of her cuteness. She really fell in love with her future husband. Not only because of his position but everything that is attached to Nizam.

Princess Reina's face looked a little haggard. She really did not think that the man she had been dreaming for all this time would love another woman. Every day she knits beautiful dreams so she can be side by side with the Prince. He also tried his best to learn all the knowledge a queen should have. She is also confirmed to be the holiest woman. Never been touched by any man.

Even since she had her first period, her face was never shown to any man except her father and younger brother. The amount of love for Nizam made him willing to swallow any suffering during the 20 years of his life. Being physically isolated from the outside world did not discourage him. He learned how to socialize online by disguising personal data.

Fatimah kept a glass of Apple juice in front of Princess Rheina who was thinking hard.

"So far, my Lord Putri has sacrificed a lot of her life to learn everything related to being a good wife. Being a good empress and even a good mother. Only this time it turned out that the situation was different from what we had expected so far. has fallen in love with that Indonesian girl "

"I already love him and I also always dream of the day, where I can meet soon. My father actually arranged our wedding day next year after His Majesty finished his studies. What is the power of the Prince even captivated by his college friends? Father said that we have to hurry up. quickly married. I myself don't mind at all. Just what about the prince himself? The rumors are that He only wants one wife. How could this happen? As long as our Kingdom stands, a King has never had less than four wives. himself does not mind if Nizam marries multiple wives. As long as I become the first wife "

"Of course my lord ... Only my lord is eligible to become empress. While that girl is very unlikely to be the wife of Nizam. So let alone being the empress to become a second wife is also very difficult. I am sure that my majestic Queen will never allow it. That girl became the Prince's wife. Moreover, there were many applications to become a second wife and concubine. Be it from officials, businessmen, and even kings from the kingdom's subordinate kingdom.

"That's right, that's what is happening right now. Tuanku Ratu rejected the candidate proposed by the prince, so the Prince threatens he will never eat again until the permission to marry Alena is approved. In fact, I feel my world is shattered. But education as a future queen has always taught me that to occupy the position of a queen is definitely not easy. There will be many obstacles ahead. So I will think that this current incident is the beginning of a struggle. I will try to get what should be mine. "The 20-year-old girl turned out to have emotions that were very strong.

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